The Supreme Lord of the Perfect World

Chapter 57 Weird, don't be cowardly!

Chapter 57 Weird, don't be cowardly!

Chapter 057 It's weird, don't be cowardly!

Shangguanfeng glanced back at Butian Pavilion.

In this faction, there are actually some good things, but naturally Shangguanfeng will not ask for them.

He can still see the ancient holy courtyard hidden in the void. If he really wants to, he has the confidence to rush in.

There are many secrets in it, and there is also the holy art of mending the sky of the upper bound heaven.

It's just that this doesn't attract him much, so he doesn't bother to be a villain.

He left Butian Pavilion without staying.


In Butian Pavilion.

A young man was lost in thought looking at the direction Shangguan Feng left.

"Chen Si, I heard that you are also from the surrounding area. I don't know if you have seen the devil before?"

There were many young people around him, and one of them spoke.

Those who can visit Shangguan Peak are all masters of Butian Pavilion, ordinary disciples are not qualified at all.

So even though Shangguanfeng climbed to Butian Pavilion, they were unable to see Shangguanfeng's real body, and they were full of curiosity about Shangguanfeng.

Hearing this, the young man smiled and said, "I've actually seen it before!"

"If you say you are fat, you are really out of breath!"

The surrounding teenagers booed, and the scene was very joyous.

Chen Si did not refute, even though he had actually seen Shangguanfeng.

On that day, he was hunted down by Luofu Daze, and he was rescued by Shangguanfeng.

Later, when Shangguan Peak destroyed Luofu Daze, he still wanted to help, but it was a waste of time.

He followed Shangguan Feng's advice, left the frontier barren area, and was lucky enough to enter Butian Pavilion.

Chen Si has always wanted to repay Shangguan Feng, but unfortunately the gap between him and Shangguan Feng has become even bigger, and he may never have that chance in his life.


In a temporary cave.

Shangguanfeng sat cross-legged and traveled in the wilderness for a period of time, and he gained a lot.

Especially the resources of the Teng Snake tribe gave him a lot of push.

Now that he has reached the peak of the Venerable Realm, he plans to practice further.

With his condition, he can attack the Divine Fire Realm at any time and become a god.

However, he didn't intend to do that. Before that, he planned to try to cultivate immortal energy, which could increase his potential.

In the original book, Shi Hao and other celestial beings entered the small world of Immortal Ancient to fight for opportunities, and many celestials' celestial beings successfully cultivated immortal energy and became gods in one fell swoop.

The most outstanding heroes such as Shi Hao have cultivated three immortal qi, and their potential is endless.

Naturally, Shangguan Peak would not wait for the small world of Immortal Ancient to open, even if it was a great opportunity handed down from the Immortal Ancient Era.

For him, time is too precious.

The scramble for mountain treasures in the vast mountain range, a beast tide, is just an insignificant disturbance.

The turmoil in the wasteland, and even the lower realm, is about to begin.

The upper realm is about to attack the lower realm, and all creatures above the venerable will be targeted and harvested like leeks.

There is no doubt that Shangguan Peak is also the target of being harvested.

Even if Liu Shen was there, the final result would not be too bad, but Shangguan Feng was so arrogant, how could he accept asylum with peace of mind? !
The people in the upper realm regard the people in the lower realm as ants, and Shangguanfeng feels angry when he thinks about it.

Because he was also included in the list of ants, this is simply unbearable!

"Time is not enough, we must improve our strength quickly." Shangguanfeng's eyes were cold, which was also the main reason why he left Stone Village.

Shicun is too small, and he is not Willow God, who is capable of recultivation. Shangguanfeng has never cultivated at all, and it is not easy to cultivate to this level.

If you stay in Shicun, it will only restrain him.

He wants to grow up quickly, so he can only jump out.

In fact, he can indeed go one step further now.

"Immortal Qi!" Shangguan Feng closed his eyes and charged with anticipation.

Boom boom boom!
Shangguanfeng's body was glowing, extremely resplendent.

The stomach was trembling, runes were flashing one after another, and the terrifying breath was exuding.

The same is true for blood, as the runes flow, containing endless divine energy.

Eyes, heart, legs, soul.

His god-given runes are constantly flickering.

There are many ways to attack immortal energy, and Shangguanfeng directly uses these god-given treasures to attack!

Gathering immortal energy is a difficult step for the world, but Shangguanfeng pushed open the door forcefully.

He felt his body becoming hot, and his breath was rising.

What kind of bottleneck does not exist at all.

He knew that immortal energy was in sight!
At this time, mist surged from the void, revealing endless weirdness.

"Is it still here? Weird! Let me see your skills!" Shangguan Feng was not afraid, he had expected this scene a long time ago.

If you attack the immortal energy, you will be targeted by Weird.

Shangguanfeng didn't feel that he was weaker than Shi Hao of the same level. If the opponent could succeed, would he fail? !
He doesn't believe it!
Shangguanfeng was in the mist and could vaguely see several figures.

He stood up, the aura on his body was stronger than ever, with infinite fighting spirit surging, he wanted to fight a battle.

"Weird, let's fight!"

Shangguan Feng shouted loudly, the surrounding mist seemed to have dispersed a bit, and then he saw those figures clearly, and was stunned.

In his imagination, the master who has been eroded by the weirdness will launch a siege against him. He made a strong move, swept away the invincible, and finally successfully bred immortal energy.

That's right, this is the script he imagined, it's just...

He looked at the weird masters kneeling on the ground with their heads hanging down one by one, and was speechless for a moment.

"What a mess!" Shangguan Feng was not happy, but frowned deeply.

He walked into the mist, and the weird masters knelt in front of him one by one, like the most devout believers.

Shangguan Feng trampled a strange expert into scum, and the other party did not dare to resist.

"Weird! Don't be cowardly!" He shouted, but unfortunately there was no response.

These weird masters knelt on the ground one by one, as if they couldn't face the stalwart of Guanfeng directly.

"Can someone tell me what's going on?" Shangguan Feng smiled, but the smile was very cold.

No one responded, these weird masters were like puppets, motionless.

"No fun!"

Shangguan Feng flicked his sleeves and said, "Get lost!"

The mist seemed to feel Shangguanfeng's will, and it really faded away.

Shangguanfeng was silent. He stood in his temporary cave, feeling the immortal energy emerging from his body, but he was not happy.

There is so much eccentricity in this!

At this time, the immortal energy he had condensed suddenly dissipated and entered his body.

Shangguanfeng was not surprised by this, because what condensed at the beginning was Shi Qi, the one that escaped.

Although there are many things that he didn't understand, Shangguanfeng decided to let it go temporarily.

He sat cross-legged again and gathered his immortal energy again.

But this time it went smoothly, the first celestial energy appeared very quickly, and it continued to condense.

This is Shangguanfeng's real condensed first burst of immortal energy, which swims in his body, constantly nourishing his body.

He could clearly feel that his strength had improved a bit.

The venerable with immortal energy can be regarded as a true arrogance in any era!

Not to mention Shangguan Peak!
(End of this chapter)

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