Became a god from the blood baron

Chapter 102 Anders' Thoughts

Chapter 102 Anders' Thoughts
The top of the central mountain.

The depths of the golden castle.

Inside a quiet secret room.

Inside the silver-white coffin, a blond boy lay quietly.

In mid-air, thousands of top-level energy crystals floated, and streams of energy flowed out from the top-level energy crystals, and then poured into the silver-white coffin, which was absorbed by the blond boy.

a moment.

The blond boy suddenly opened his eyes.

In his spiritual induction, there was a ray of blood flying straight towards the main mountain in the center without any concealment.

Soon, that bloody light will come to the sky above the central main mountain.

"That's...Meng Yan?"

A trace of doubt appeared on Anders' face, and he murmured:
"He is already a top earl, just over twenty years..."

In more than twenty years, not only was he promoted from viscount to earl, but he also reached the top earl level.

If there is no extraordinary talent, no precious top-level energy spar, there is no chance to do it.

"It seems that I underestimated you a little bit."

The silver-white coffin panel opened.

Anders got up slowly and said to himself:
"Hehe, it just so happens that my secret technique has not been refined, so I will try it with you."

Two years ago, he had completely mastered that high-level secret technique.

However, there are still some side effects that have not been eliminated.

So during this period of time, he was absorbing the energy of the top energy spar, flushing his body, trying to get rid of the side effects as soon as possible.

In about a few months, he will be fully back to normal.

Anders originally planned, according to the original plan, to let the two First Sequencers of Xiying Principality test Meng Yan and Jack first when the earl's blood core was released.

Then he made another move to decide the world in one fell swoop.

But I didn't expect that Meng Yan would come to the door by himself.

"No matter what strength you have, it is useless in the face of absolute strength."

Anders opened the door and walked out unhurriedly.

The high-level secret art he refined, even among all the recorded fourth-order blood family secret arts, is also in the forefront.

If it wasn't for practicing this powerful secret technique with all his heart, Anders would have already mastered three or four ordinary high-level secret techniques.

However, although it took Anders a lot of time to practice this high-level secret technique, it also brought him a lot of side effects.

However, Anders felt it was worth it.

Now, with this secret technique, he can completely become the most powerful group of people among the third-tier blood clans in the blood abyss world.

Even in the face of Hughes back then, he... can retreat completely.


Anders paused.

His brow furrowed slightly.


Just now, his mental power was fully released, with a range of nearly [-] meters of mental power sensing, he easily found where Meng Yan's blood shined.

And when he glanced at Meng Yan with his mental power, he clearly "saw" that the corner of Meng Yan's mouth curled up amidst the blood, and then his mental power erupted, directly blocking his mental power scan.

"This level of spiritual power...

It should be at the level of a fourth-order normal, and there seems to be some strange properties contained in the mental power.

Is this your credence? "

Anders chuckled.

His spiritual power has already reached the top level of the fourth level. Even with the accumulation of the third level of blood energy, it is easy to release the fourth level of ordinary magic.

Even if the mental power of the mere fourth-order ordinary level has some peculiarities, how can it be his opponent?
What's more, he is a genius in the sky, and he has refined that powerful fourth-order top-level secret technique.

"It's the fearless of the ignorant."

Anders sighed with emotion, and a red light glowed on his body, ready to turn into blood, to teach that little guy an unforgettable lesson.

However soon.

The red light on his body slowly subsided again.

"Forget it...Let Weiss test his strength first."

Anders thought so.

He has always planned before acting, even if he encounters the weakest enemy, he will not rush to fight the enemy without knowing it.

At the beginning, he forced the two first ranks of Xiying Principality to test the strength of Meng Yan and Jack, which was his consistent style.

Now, he has cultivated a high-level secret technique, and under the ups and downs of his heart, he almost behaved differently from the past.

Fortunately, he stopped in time...

"Weiss, use all your strength to force Meng Yan to use all means possible."

Anders said to a shadow under the window sill.

"Yes, my lord."

A voice without thoughts fluttered.

In that shadow, a bloody flash shot out, flew out of the castle from the window, and flew straight in one direction.

Through the window, watching the bloody flash disappear into the sky.

Anders thought to himself:

"Don't underestimate any enemy, investigate first, and then do it.

Once you make a move, you must use all your strength.

In this way, there will be no major mistakes, and the enemy will have a chance to stand up..."

This is also his consistent code of conduct.

Anders continued to spread his mental power, and was ready to watch the battle carefully to see what kind of confidence Meng Yan had, and dared to come to the central main mountain alone.

Although Weiss is only a blood puppet, in terms of strength, it can be considered to be at the third-order level.

In addition, Weiss felt no pain, was fearless of death, and carried a lot of disposable blood on his body.

That Meng Yan, even if he can solve Weiss, will definitely show some of his cards.


The central main mountain is not far away.

In the blood light of the extremely fast flight.

The curvature of Meng Yan's mouth is still there.

Now the entire Sequence Land has been temporarily cut off by Jack using special means to communicate remotely.

So when he was flying, he didn't hide himself with mutated mental power. It's not surprising that Anders could detect his arrival.

The mental power that glanced over seemed to want to explore the inside of his body, but was blocked by Meng Yan's mutated mental power.

Now, Meng Yan can still feel that there is a spiritual force not far away, watching him silently.

Meng Yan didn't care. No matter what Anders thought, he just needed to follow his own rhythm and rely on his strong strength to press down on it with dignity.

"That is……"

Suddenly, Meng Yan saw a bloody light in front of him, flying towards him in an unbiased manner.

"Anders' blood puppet?"

Under the scanning of the mutant mental power, Meng Yan quickly detected the figure of a strong old man in the blood light.

"This Anders is really cautious."

Meng Yan stopped the blood, suspended in the air, and shook his head.

He thought that Anders would come by himself, but he just sent a blood puppet over.

"It looks like you want to test my strength."

Meng Yan looked at the blood light that was approaching constantly, with an inexplicable smile on his face.

"In this case, let you take a look, it's okay..."

 Thanks to book friend 20211227145904202614431 for two monthly passes.

(End of this chapter)

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