Became a god from the blood baron

Chapter 104 The First Battle

Chapter 104 That Battle

Central Main Mountain.

In the golden castle.

Anders' face was very ugly.

He was not surprised by Weiss' defeat.

Apart from the five Tier [-] one-time attacking blood equipment, Weiss has no means to fight against the powerful top earl.

After all, it is only a basic type of blood energy puppet.

But he never thought that Weiss would lose so quickly and so simply.

Even if Weiss had a precious disposable protective blood set, he was powerless to resist, and was easily dealt with by Meng Yan.

"Two high-level secret techniques..."

There was a strong look of shock in his eyes.

Beforehand, he could never have imagined that Meng Yan had mastered two high-level secret techniques.

For a normal blood count, even if he has a fourth-order level of mental power, it will take a lot of time to practice fourth-order ordinary magic.

If you practice high-level secret arts, even the simplest fourth-order ordinary secret arts, the time spent will be calculated in units of hundreds of years, and there is a high probability of failure in cultivation and damage to your own foundation.

Even if it is barely completed, there is a certain possibility that it will suffer from a large number of side effects.

It can be seen that the difficulty of stepping up to practice secret arts is obvious.

And Meng Yan, in just over twenty years, was promoted from a top viscount to an earl, and then reached the level of a top earl, and he even mastered two high-level secret arts.

What kind of talent is this?
Anders suddenly trembled.

He thought of Hughes.

Hughes is a genius who practiced high-level mystic arts, and he has cultivated a large number of high-level mystic arts beyond common sense, including some fourth-order top-level mystic arts.

So far, Anders has only completed one top-level fourth-order secret technique, and this is the result of abandoning the practice of ordinary fourth-level secret techniques and concentrating on one.

Could it be that Meng Yan is another Hughes?
An inexplicable trace of fear rose in Anders' heart...

He inevitably thought of the battle more than thirty years ago again.

At that time, his fourth-level top-level secret technique had not been fully cultivated, it was just in an incomplete form.

But his strength is not considered weak, leaving the other first-order clansmen far behind, occupying the main mountain for hundreds of years, no one can shake his position.

His spiritual power has reached the top level of Tier [-], and he also consecrated a Tier [-] attack blood equipment and a Tier [-] protective blood equipment.

The fourth-order ordinary magic can be cast at will, and even mastered two fourth-order top-level magic as trump cards.

The ordinary first-rank earls didn't even have the courage to make a move in front of him.

As a result, in the battle with Hughes.

Whether Anders used Tier [-] attack blood equipment, or cast Tier [-] ordinary magic or even Tier [-] top-level magic, he couldn't break through a protective secret technique that Hughes casually cast.

He mobilized more than a dozen one-time attacking blood tools that sealed the fourth-level top magic, and finally broke the protective secret technique, but under the protective secret technique, there is also a protective secret technique...

On Hughes, there were as many as eight types of protection secrets superimposed, and more than a dozen top-level fourth-order disposable blood tools exploded at the same time, and only three protection secrets were broken.

The outside world said that he lasted three minutes under Hughes.

In fact, most of the time, he was the one who launched the attack, and Hughes just stood there, which made him helpless.

When Hughes made a move, only a secret attack technique fell, and Anders urged his own fourth-order protective blood equipment, and then consumed nearly ten pieces of disposable protective blood equipment before he was able to use the secret attack technique offset most of the power.

Such a terrifying gap completely crushed Anders' pride as a child of the sequence.

He lost without a doubt.

During the last ten years Hughes was in the Sequence Land, he didn't even dare to step out of the central main mountain...

"Will not……"

Anders murmured:

"How could there be a second pervert like Hughes..."

He thought carefully about the two secret techniques that Meng Yan displayed, and slowly calmed down.

Those are just two fourth-order ordinary secret techniques.

Meng Yan's spiritual power is only at the fourth-order ordinary level, and he can't cultivate the fourth-order top-level secret arts at all. Those two fourth-order ordinary secret arts should be all his trump cards.

Even if the worst happens...

Like Hughes, Meng Yan's talent is so unreasonable that he can master one or two fourth-order common secret arts at most, which is the limit.

In Anders' cognition, it is absolutely impossible to cultivate a top-level fourth-level secret technique without the top-level mental power of the fourth level.

But even so, Meng Yan's current strength is already terrifying.

You know, more than [-] years ago, Meng Yan was only a second-rank Viscount.

"I absolutely cannot let you go back alive..."

In Anders' eyes, the strong murderous intent almost overflowed.

Give this Meng Yan some time to grow, and when Meng Yan's spiritual power reaches the top level of the fourth level, it is really possible to become the next Hughes...

The next marquis blood core might miss him again.

He has been in the sequence land long enough.

If he couldn't get the next marquis blood core, he was ready to directly try to be promoted to marquis.

However, even if Anders' talent is outstanding among the vampires, without the marquis blood core to increase the success rate, the probability of success in promotion is less than [-]%.

This is also the reason why, when most blood races are promoted to a certain level, even if they don't have the shackles of blood cores, they still have to seek high-level blood cores.

Without the assistance of the blood core, the promotion success rate is too low, and once the first promotion fails, the difficulty of the next promotion will increase significantly, and it will be more difficult every time in the future, until there is no more chance.

thought here.

Instead, Anders' mood slowly calmed down.

What he could do has been done.

Weiss also fulfilled his duty and found out some details about Meng Yan for him.

Next, he will play by himself.

A look of arrogance slowly appeared on Anders' face.

As long as Hughes is not in the place of sequence, he, the son of sequence, is truly the strongest.

"Meng Yan, I want you to know.

How big is the gap between the fourth-order ordinary secret art and the fourth-order top secret art.

Just mastering some common fourth-order secret techniques, you dare to come to my main mountain alone.

This will be the worst decision you will ever make. "

Dazzling blood-colored light burst out suddenly, and a majestic blood-colored light rose from the golden castle to the sky.

After a minute.

In the mid-air not far from the central main mountain.

The two blood rays approached each other from opposite directions.

In the end, there was still a distance of hundreds of meters.

The two bloody lights stopped at the same time as if they had a tacit understanding.

One of the bloody lights dissipated.

The figure of a blond boy was revealed, standing proudly in mid-air.

Wisps of sunlight fell down, making his blond hair even more dazzling.

Another ray of blood dissipated.

The figure of a blond young man was revealed, hanging in the air indifferently.

Under the golden sunlight, his face was carved with distinct features, angular yet extremely handsome.

 Thanks to book friend Mo Luochang for a monthly pass, and book friend Beifeng Dadi for a monthly pass.

(End of this chapter)

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