Magical Studies at Hogwarts

Chapter 130 Full Moon Night

Chapter 130 Full Moon Night

"...So, to a certain extent, Snape is right about me, I am indeed a weak person." Professor Lupine quietly told the story of the past, nothing changed during that period, The four of them studied and lived at Hogwarts.

"Snape? What does this have to do with Snape?" Sirius snapped.

Lupine said heavily: "We have done too many things, Sirius..."

"He deserves it! He's been sneaking around all day, trying to get us all fired!"

"I don't blame him. I know something. We... did something very wrong." Lupine took a deep look at Sirius, and Sirius seemed to suddenly realize what it was, and closed his mouth.

"I'm in the same grade, and I don't have a good friendship..."

"...Sirius lied to him that..."

"...Dumbledore didn't allow him to tell others, but he saw it after all, and he knew I was..."

"Werewolves! Is that why Snape doesn't like you? He thinks you're involved?" Harry asked.

"That's right!" A taunt came from behind Lupin, Snape took off the invisibility cloak and pointed his wand at Lupin.

Snape's eyes were red, and his body trembled slightly, as if trying to suppress his emotions.

"You didn't come to me to get the medicine, I kindly went to give you a cup, and then..." Snape's wand moved, "Look who I found? A wanted criminal."

"And...a werewolf accomplice!"

"There are two more people in Azkaban... No, no, there is one more, and one of them will directly enjoy the dementor's kiss!"

"Severus, are you really going to send an innocent person to Azkaban because of your school days?" Lupine said.

"No, no, no, there are no innocent people here." With a flick of Snape's wand, Lupine was trapped by a rope that suddenly appeared, and one end of the rope gagged his mouth.

"I've changed my mind!" Pressing his wand firmly against Sirius' head, "Give me a reason, Sirius...give me a reason..."

For a moment, the whisper was a little weak and confused.

"Professor..." Hermione mustered up her courage, as clever as she already had an idea in her head, "maybe we should listen to them..."

"Miss Granger!" Snape looked at Hermione coldly, and snapped, "Shut up! You are already facing suspension!"

"Severus, you were wrong this time," said Sirius, "You should have listened, it's not like you..."

"Shut up! You mean, dirty, ugly traitor!"

"I can't wait! I can't wait..."

"Kill you!"

There were crackling sparks from the tip of the stick, and Sirius closed his eyes in despair, as if quietly waiting for the coming of death.

Hermione watched the scene nervously, clutching her wand tightly.Finally, she decided to follow her heart...

"Except your weapons!"

Hermione, who burst out suddenly, hit directly, and accurately knocked Snape's wand out.Before he could speak, another disarming spell hit Snape hard, throwing his body high, hitting the wall directly, and rolling to the side.

On the head, a touch of bright red is very conspicuous.

"You should have left him with me," Sirius said, panting.

Hermione suppressed the fear in her heart and tremblingly untied the rope that was trapped on Lupin's body.

"Now, tell us what the truth is." Hermione said, her tone was calm, but trembling could be heard clearly.

"I'll prove it to you." Lupine bared Scabbers. "Moonface, Wormtail, Padfoot, Prongs..."

"Sirius, are we together?"

"Of course! I've been waiting a long time!" Sirius picked up Snape's wand and pointed at Scabbers with Lupine.




Two streaks of blue light entangled Scabbers, and then his body writhed wildly. With a burst of flashes, a wrinkled, short man with a bald spot on the top of his head appeared.

"Long time no see, Sirius, and you, Remus, my friends..." There was timidity in the man's voice.

"Long time no see, Peter." Lupine's tone was gentle, but Sirius was different, there was deep hatred in his words.

" you long I've been waiting!"

With that said, he rushed over with his wand in hand.

Lupine hurriedly stopped him and shouted, "Calm down! Sirius! Calm down!"

After comforting him for a long time, Sirius finally stopped, walked to the side irritably, mumbling something in his mouth, his voice was very low.

"Okay, Peter, you heard, we were telling a story just now. But there are some details in it, I need you to add..."

Next, Lupine began to tell the part he said he knew, and Peter quibbled in a trembling voice, but it aroused Sirius' anger again.

Sirius spoke the whole truth loudly, looking at Peter with murderous intent in his eyes.And with the narration of Sirius, everyone knows.

A story about low self-esteem and fear, a person who was mistaken for his cleverness, a trial that was 14 years late...

Harry's face was full of tears, and the veins in the hand holding his wand were showing.

"What do you want to do, child?" asked Sirius. "It's not just my revenge."

Taking a deep breath, Harry suddenly let go of his wand.

"He should stand trial!"

"I'm glad you did, Harry." Lupine smiled, pointed his wand, and handcuffed himself and Peter. "Come on, it's time for the truth to come out."

Lupine used magic to make Snape float up, and led the submissive Peter out first, followed by Sirius, Harry and others, walking slowly.

The atmosphere was inexplicably relaxed, Harry and Sirius whispered to each other, and Ron limped behind.Hermione frowned, she always felt something was wrong.

Quietly, Lupine, who was walking in the front, stopped, trembling violently.Unknowingly, the dark clouds dispersed, and a bright full moon hung high in the sky.

"Run!" Hermione yelled, holding Ron and Harry with her left and right hands, and Sirius gave Harry a push from behind.The three of them ran away for a long time with their heads sullen, and then looked back.

I saw a strong werewolf fighting fiercely with a thin black dog. They frantically created wounds on each other's body, and blood spattered everywhere.

Not far away, Peter was shrinking into a ball timidly, covering his head and trembling.

Snape fell on the other side, still motionless and unconscious.



Wild roars sounded, and several times, the black dog was thrown aside by the werewolf and fell to the ground hard.But every time, it got scared and pounced on it again as if it had no fear.

Harry stared blankly at this scene, and suddenly felt a somewhat familiar chill.He raised his head, only to see countless dementors floating in the air towards the bloody battlefield.


Holding his wand, Harry ran back without hesitation despite Hermione and Ron's dissuasion behind him.

"Call the gods... call the guards!"

(End of this chapter)

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