Magical Studies at Hogwarts

Chapter 297 Who Is The Half-Blood Prince

Chapter 297 Who Is The Half-Blood Prince
Harry stared dumbfounded at the contents of Hermione's cauldron. He wanted to believe that it was a pot of clean water, but looking at Hermione's calm face, he thought it was just his own wishful thinking.

Moreover, Professor Slughorn's reaction also gave the answer.

"Excellent, excellent!" He took out the small bottle containing Felicia and shouted excitedly, "The undisputed winner! My God, it's unbelievable!"

"Here, take it, you deserve it!"

Hermione took the Felix Elixir, shook it, and put it in her pocket.Slughorn put away his excited expression for a while, and comforted Harry: "You have done very well, Harry, it can be seen that you have inherited your mother's talent in Potions, you just need to add some more With a little more time, you can do it too."

"Thank you, Professor."

Harry was very grateful for Professor Slughorn's praise, but what made him even happier was the four Slytherins, especially the annoyance on Malfoy's face at this moment.

Couldn't be happier than if he had won the Quidditch trophy.

"Great, did you see Malfoy's expression just now? I dare say, he must want that bottle of Felix Felicia very much!" Ron said happily as he left the classroom.

Apart from Malfoy, he didn't care who could get the bottle of Felicia, not to mention the expected winner, Hermione.

It's just that he didn't expect that Harry's potion level was so high, obviously he was similar to him before.

"Harry, how did you do it?" Thinking of it, Ron asked naturally.

"Probably luck..." Harry replied casually, he saw Malfoy standing not far away from the corner of his eye, and he couldn't tell him this secret.It wasn't until dinner, surrounded by Gryffindors, that Harry told Hermione and Ron the truth.

"Did I hear you right! You've been following the instructions in a book?" Ginny, who was also nearby, heard Harry's words, and immediately interjected, "Did you forget what Mom said, be careful no matter what it is?" ..."

"It's just an old textbook that's been scribbled on, Ginny, nothing to worry about." Harry looked dismissive, but that wasn't the case for anyone except him and Ron.

"Let's check it, Harry, just in case." Hermione persuaded, Harry thought about it, and thought it would be no harm to try.

Taking out the old textbook from the backpack and putting it on the table, Hermione directly took out her wand and pointed it at it, whispering: "The prototype appears!"

A soft white light fell on the textbook, but nothing happened.

"No problem." Hermione directly came to a conclusion, and the others had no objection, they believed in Hermione's level of magic.

"Let me just say, it's just an old textbook." Harry happily put the textbook back into his backpack, and even patted it.

For the next few potions classes this week, Harry has been brewing potions according to the steps in the old textbook, and he has been appreciated by Professor Slughorn every time.However, Hermione was, as always, a little better than him, which made her a "favorite" student of Slughorn.

Harry wasn't jealous, it seemed to him that Hermione was better than him for granted.But at the same time, he also discovered a very strange thing - Hermione's steps in handling potions were exactly the same as his!
Hermione hadn't read the book since she took it out for Hermione's test that day. Harry showed the textbook to Ron, but he couldn't make out the writing on it very well. I paid it back.

However, Harry also knew the owner of the textbook, and he found a small line on the back cover: This book belongs to the Half-Blood Prince.

"Half-Blood Prince? Never heard of it."

On Saturday night, Harry told Hermione and Ron about this, hoping to get an answer from the two...mainly Hermione, but Hermione thought about it for a long time, and she didn't think of any Potions Master's nickname It's the Half-Blood Prince.

"The original owner of this textbook must have been an outstanding potionist," Ron interjected.

"Of course I know, he has improved the potion brewing process!" Harry said, but his eyes kept falling on Hermione.

After hesitating for a long time in my heart, I asked softly: "Hermione, there is one thing I am very puzzled about, you..."

"You want to ask, why I brew the potion exactly the same as yours, right?" Hermione put down the quill in her hand, looked up at Harry, and then looked down again.

"You don't want to know, Harry."

"Why?" Harry asked.

Hermione didn't stop, she was still doing her homework seriously, but she couldn't stand Harry's constant questioning and Ron's encouragement.

Finally, he was a little annoyed by the question, and replied: "Ike's notes are here, and those steps are all on it."

"Stryder?!" Harry was startled, but Ron preempted him when he was about to say something.

"How do you have his stuff? And, why the same way as this 'Half-Blood Prince'?"

"Could he be the Half-Blood Prince? That's impossible!"

"Of course he isn't," said Hermione. "Harry's textbook is clearly from decades ago, how is that possible!"

"That's right." Harry subconsciously nodded and responded, but then he realized, "But Hermione, why are their steps so similar?"

"I don't know, maybe outstanding people are the same in some respects."

Harry was silent, he really wanted to refute Hermione's words, for example, that traitor Stryde couldn't do it to this level, but he didn't say it.

Everyone has to admit that Strider is the best of their class, and maybe the best in recent years.

He didn't make a sound, but Ron did.Since what happened on the first day of school, Ron's feelings towards Ike have changed from hostility to hatred, even a little pathological, and he is extremely opposed to everything that is good about Ike.

In this regard, Hermione chose to ignore it, and went back to the dormitory with her homework in her arms.Anyway, now Ron's temper comes and goes quickly, and he forgets it in a few days.

The juggling toys confiscated by Hermione played a crucial role in this matter.

"Okay, Ron." Harry grabbed Ron who was about to say something, and stuffed back the trick toy he had just dropped on the ground, "It's almost eight o'clock, I have to go, Ron , Dumbledore's going to be late."

"Okay, everything is going well." Ron froze for a moment, and then sent Harry his blessing with a smile on his face.

"Well, wait for my good news!" Harry packed up his things, and slipped into the portrait hole with his backpack on his back.Looking back before leaving, Ron was completely immersed in the toy.

(End of this chapter)

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