Journey to the Wizarding World

Chapter 110 Snowshoe City

Chapter 110 Snowshoe City

"It's like some kind of curse!" Enzo looked at him, his eyes flashed with thought.

In his mind, the chip quickly searched for information about the runes on the ground. Through comparison, Enzo knew that everything in front of him was indeed similar to some ancient curse and witchcraft.

"Someone manipulated this body to attack me by cursing witchcraft!"

"And after failure, destroy everything immediately."

Enzo stroked his chin, his eyes flickered slightly.

"If the troubles I encountered before were all accidents, then tonight's attack may have been deliberately targeted at me."

"It's only one day away from Snowshoe City, and this incident happens right now."

"It seems that this task is not as simple as imagined!" Enzo sighed in his heart, his face became more serious.

On the border of the Silver Deer Kingdom, Snowshoe City.

In the early morning, the sky in the distance was white, and the sun was slowly rising, and the light golden light sprinkled on the earth, leaving a touch of golden yellow on the ground paved with stone bricks.

Hundreds of guards, dressed in silver armor and armed with spears, stood neatly in a line.

In front of them, there were several nobles in fine clothes, and the one standing in the front was a thin young man with a handsome face, but his face was a little pale.

Not far away, a carriage slowly appeared on the road ahead.

"Here we come." The handsome young man's eyes lit up, and he straightened his collar quickly.

Dias drove the carriage and slowly came to the city gate.

"Excuse me, are you the master wizard from [Phantom of Crows]?" Seeing the carriage stop, the handsome young man hurriedly stepped forward and asked respectfully.

Enzo pushed open the car door and walked out.

He first shook his wrinkled gray robe, looked at the handsome young man, and said softly, "It's me."

"I have met the wizard." The handsome young man bowed and introduced himself, "I am Enos, the lord of Snowshoe City. I came here to greet you specially under the order of the wizard of Orlandon."

"Olanton? The academy's expatriates stationed in Snowshoe City?" Enzo nodded slightly and said, "Let's lead the way."

Enos smiled and waved, and the nobles and guards behind him quickly made way for Enzo's carriage to enter the city gate.

Entering Snowshoe City, Enzo sat on the carriage and looked around.

The economy here seems to be relatively prosperous, even the common people are ruddy, but out of fear of the noble class, wherever the carriage goes, the crowd kneels one after another.

After crossing a main road, Enzo came to a castle.

"Lord Orlandon specially prepared a banquet for you, please come with me." Enos stood respectfully beside the carriage, stretched out an arm, and motioned for Enzo to enter the castle.

"You are welcome, my friend."

Following Enos into the castle, Enzo saw a figure approaching in front of him.

"I'm Orlandon, the Academy's expatriate wizard apprentice stationed in Snowshoe City."

Olanton smiled and introduced himself. He was wearing a white robe, and his figure was a bit bloated, but he exuded a wave of magic power that belonged to a third-level wizard apprentice.

"Hello, Senior Orlandon." Enzo bowed slightly.

The status of wizard apprentices is equal. Although there is still a level gap between Enzo and Oranton, the former is still very young and has infinite possibilities in the future, while the latter maintains a middle-aged appearance, but his actual age is very small. It is close to a hundred years old.

"Have you lost the possibility of being promoted to a full-fledged wizard, so you were sent to the secular world by the academy?"

Enzo shook his head secretly in his heart. From Orlandon, he could feel a decaying aura, and the magic fluctuations that belonged to third-level apprentices were not very strong.

"I prepared a banquet for you, come with me." Orlandon patted Enzo's shoulder, showing his friendliness.

Enzo followed Orlandon all the way and came to the center of the castle.

In the resplendent and resplendent hall, a huge crystal lamp hangs upside down on the top, and on the long table covered with red cloth, there are all kinds of delicacies on silver plates, and the mellow aroma of red wine permeates the air.

"Come, sit here." Orlandon sat on the main seat, and arranged Enzo beside him with enthusiasm.

After the two wizard apprentices were seated, the nobles in the hall pulled out their seats. Enos clapped their hands, and the surrounding bards immediately plucked their harps, making melodious music, and the banquet officially began.

"How long has Senior Oranton been stationed in Snowshoe City?" Enzo asked casually while pushing glasses.

"Heh, twenty years are fleeting." Orlandon took a sip of the red wine in his glass and sighed, "It's been so long since I've been away from [Phantom of Crows], and now I think back to my school experience, I still feel a little nostalgic! "

"Twenty years? Having been stationed in Snowshoe City for so long, the senior must have experienced more than one lord." Enzo asked curiously.

Olanton suddenly paused, his face flashed a little unnaturally, and then he returned to normal, and said with a light smile, "I have experienced three city lords since I first garrisoned Snowhoof City."

"Seeing how young Enos is, how long has it been since he took over as the lord?" Enzo asked with a twinkle in his eyes.

"To be honest, Mr. Enzo, I have only taken over the position of lord for three months." Enos replied quickly, with a trace of bitterness on his face, and sighed, "Father was in his prime, but he died unexpectedly, and it can only be done by me." Take over the position of lord."

"Oh? The old city lord just passed away?" Enzo frowned, and said, "You don't have a brother or sister?"

"Actually, I have an older brother, but" Enos seemed to recall some bad memories, his face turned ugly, and he was about to continue talking, but was interrupted by Oranton.

"Don't mention the messy things again!" Orlandon warned with eyes, and scolded, "I hate the intrigue among you mortals the most, it's disgusting!"

"Yes, my lord." Enos was taken aback and quickly closed his mouth.

"Oh, don't mind, Enzo." Orlandon turned his head and said gently, "It's all mortal calculations, and they are dirty in order to fight for power and profit. Don't pay attention to them."

Enzo's heart moved, but his face remained calm.

"In this case, let's change the subject." He smiled and did not continue to ask.

"Haha, okay, let's talk about the college." Orlandon laughed loudly and began to talk about some interesting stories about his school days. Enzo nodded frequently and added a sentence or two from time to time.

Amidst the laughter, the banquet gradually came to an end.

Orlandon and Enzo drank a lot of red wine. Since neither of them resisted with magic power, they both seemed a little drunk. Orlandon left with the help of the maid, and Enos quickly arranged a place for Enzo.

(End of this chapter)

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