Journey to the Wizarding World

Chapter 112 Investigation

Chapter 112 Investigation
"Let's check inside first, maybe we can find some clues." After a while, Enzo said.

Subsequently, the convoy entered Giethoorn Village.

The small village that had been burned by the fire was now covered with scorched earth. Among the collapsed ruins, the broken bones of some villagers could be vaguely seen.

"Three months ago, Giethoorn Village experienced a death incident." While walking forward, Orlandon recounted, "More than 3000 people in the whole village died quietly in their sleep, and no scars were found on their bodies. "

"At that time, I received the news that when I rushed here, I could clearly feel the residual energy fluctuations around me!"

"Energy fluctuation?" Enzo frowned and asked, "Have you found the source?"

"Unfortunately, not." Orlandon shook his head and sighed, "The energy fluctuations at that time were very strong, and I didn't dare to act rashly. In the following time, the energy fluctuations became weaker and weaker, so I couldn't Looking for the root cause."

"Chip, scan the surrounding area." Enzo calmly ordered in his heart.

"Ding! During the scan, it was detected that there is light radiation energy around." A mechanical voice sounded, and the chip gave an answer, but Enzo frowned slightly.

"Could it be that some kind of energy really erupted in Giethoorn Village, causing all the villagers to die?" Enzuo's eyes flashed with thought, and he asked in his heart, "The chip, what is the strength of the energy detected by the analysis, and what consequences will the human body bear? "

"Analyzing the radiant energy contained in the air, ordinary people will gradually become weak after long-term exposure, and may eventually lead to death. However, the host has magic power in the body and can automatically produce resistance."

"Wizards can resist, but ordinary people can't bear it." Enzo stroked his chin, thinking, "What could it be?"

"Since we want to investigate here, why don't we split up?" Arriving at the central area of ​​Giethoorn Village, Oranton suggested, "This way we can go faster."

"Okay, yes." Enzo thought for a while and nodded.

Afterwards, everyone in the convoy separated, and Orlandon ordered the cavalry to go to the north to investigate, while he went to the west, while Enzo and Dias also walked to the east and south respectively.

Separated from Oranton, Enzo can act more freely.

"Radiation energy can kill ordinary people, but it often takes a long process." Enzo walked forward, looked around the scene, thinking, "The death incident in Giethoorn Village happened overnight, so it is not radiation. energy."

Walking into a collapsed house, Enzo squatted down beside a charred corpse.

"The body has been burned by flames, and we can't find any clues." He reached out and grabbed a bunch of ashes, muttering, "The timing of this fire is too coincidental, it can't be an accident at all."

"What is Oranton hiding?" Enzo's eyes flickered.

Standing up, he continued to check the surrounding houses, trying to detect some useful information with the chip, but due to the fire, all traces related to the strange event had been completely erased.

A whole morning passed, and Enzo found nothing.

"Ding! 100 meters ahead, we found traces of soul energy." The mechanical voice suddenly sounded, Enzo raised his head, and saw a rock tower not far ahead.

It was the tallest building in Giethoorn Village, but it survived the fire without collapsing.

"Traces of soul energy? A place where the undead haunted?" Enzo's eyes flashed, and he planned to step forward to check.

And at this moment, a shout suddenly came from the north side of Giethoorn Village.

Enzo's expression froze, and he rushed over immediately.

Walking quickly to the place where the shout was heard, Orlandon had arrived ahead of time. Surrounded by a crowd of cavalry, there was a big tree. Its crown had long since withered, but its gray trunk was extremely thick.

"My lord, we discovered this place during our investigation just now."

A cavalryman bowed and said to Olanton, "The fire spread to Giethoorn, everything was burned, but this tree is safe and sound. It's really strange."

"Well, something is indeed wrong." Orlandon nodded slightly, and glanced at Enzo from the corner of his eye.

"Chip, test!" Enzo stepped forward and cast his gaze on the big tree.

"Ding! Energy radiation is found ahead."

"You guys, dig up this tree." Before Enzo could speak, Oranton had already ordered the cavalry to do it, found tools and started digging under the tree.

A large amount of soil was dug up, exposing the roots that took root under the tree.

"My lord, I found a piece of ore!" Half an hour later, as the cavalry dug, a cold atmosphere gradually emanated from around the big tree, and a piece of blue ore the size of a skull was dug out.

"This is tungsten energy stone!" Orlandon exclaimed.

Enzo's eyes moved, and he searched for information about tungsten energy stone in his mind.

According to the data recorded by the chip, tungstenite is a radioactive mineral. Under certain special circumstances, it will release its own energy to the surroundings, resulting in certain energy fluctuations.

"The deaths in Giethoorn are all because of this tungsten stone?" Enzo muttered to himself.

"It seems that it's because of this thing!" Orlandon took the wolframite from the knight and said with a wry smile, "This kind of ore is not common in ordinary people, and it is usually used by wizards for experiments."

Enzo bowed his head and said nothing, but a thoughtful glint flashed in his eyes.

"It's really lucky. I discovered this on the first day of the investigation." After a while, he raised his head and said with a chuckle, "Can Senior Oranton give me the tungsten energy stone as a proof for this mission."

"Of course no problem." Orlandon nodded quickly, and said with a smile, "The junior was ordered by the academy to investigate the death incident in Giethoorn Village. Now that the cause has been found out, it is natural to submit the task certificate!"

"Then thank you senior." Enzo nodded his thanks.

A gleam of joy flashed in Orlanton's eyes, heaved a sigh of relief, handed the tungsten stone in his hand to Enzo, and then ordered the cavalry to return to Snowshoe City.

After a morning's investigation, the tungstenite was successfully found.

The cause of the death incident in Giethoorn seems to have been found out in this way. Orlandon and Enzo returned to Snowhoof Castle. After Enzo proposed to write an investigation report, he returned to his room.

"Tungsten? Huh!" In the room, Enzo played with the blue ore in his hand, and said with a sneer, "Alanton really took a lot of effort to fool me."

"If I don't have a chip, I'm afraid I might have believed his nonsense!"

According to the information recorded on the chip, tungstenite is indeed a radioactive mineral, but the energy it can produce can kill some poultry like chickens and ducks at most, and it is impossible to cause the mass death of 3000 people in Giethoorn Village.

"Misleading me through tungsten stone, so as to cover up the true intention of the matter?"

Enzo narrowed his eyes, and a smile appeared on the corner of his lips.

"What kind of secret is a third-level apprentice who has been dispatched by the academy for twenty years and has no hope of becoming a formal wizard in this life?"

(End of this chapter)

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