Chapter 123 Mentor
In front of it was a pitch-black metal fence with many runes engraved on it.

In the back room similar to a dungeon, there was a two-meter-tall humanoid monster, exuding a chaotic atmosphere, roaring furiously, and bound by twelve metal rune chains.

"This is." Enzo couldn't help taking half a step back.

Even though it was imprisoned in the Rune Dungeon, the humanoid monster still exuded a wave of terrifying energy, and the chaotic and evil atmosphere made the scalp tingle.

"This is my only child, Gumondo."

There was a trace of sadness in Gustav's eyes, and he sighed, "Because he practiced the forbidden technique [evil ghost haunting], his soul was split and his body was also occupied by evil spirits."

"Forbidden technique?" Enzo's heart skipped a beat.

The so-called forbidden spells are spells that are recognized by the wizarding world and are not suitable for wizards to practice due to certain flaws.

Such spells are often powerful, but not easy to control. If there is a slight mistake in the process of cultivation, it may cause serious injury to the practitioner, and even lead to death.

"Many years ago, in an ancient ruins, senior Gumondo got the witchcraft model of the forbidden technique [ghost haunting]!"

On the side, Byron spoke slowly and narrated.

"At that time, Senior Gumondo had just been promoted to a third-level apprentice. Out of confidence in himself, he began to practice [Evil Ghost Haunting]. According to the method on the witchcraft model, he incorporated many evil spirits into his body, originally intending to form evil spirits Mark, but because of some mistakes, the soul fell apart, and the body was also occupied by evil spirits!"

"Is it the end of practicing the forbidden technique?" Enzo felt a little vigilant in his heart.

Wizards practice forbidden techniques in order to gain strength. Once they fail, they often end up falling. Even those who survived by chance must pay a huge price. Just like Gumondo, his body was swallowed by evil spirits and imprisoned like a monster.

"After Gumondo failed to practice the forbidden technique, I locked him here." Gustav said slowly, ": Since then, I have tried many methods to solve the sequelae of [Evil Ghost Haunting], But it has never been successful.”

"Until thirty years ago, in an ancient book, I discovered an ancient potion."

"Ancient medicine?" Enzo was a little puzzled.

"That's right! Potions that existed in the second era!" Gustav nodded slightly, and said in a deep voice, "In that era, the wizard clan had just defeated the gods and became the masters of the world, and potion science also ushered in its heyday. An ancient wizard developed a potion called [Tears of the Holy Spirit], which is said to have the effect of purifying all evil."

Enzo secretly nodded in his heart.

Gumondo's soul split was mainly due to the evil spirits in his body. If the evil spirits could be purified, he would naturally be able to return to normal.

"Since you already know [Tears of the Holy Spirit], why don't you give it to senior Gumundo?" Enzo asked hesitantly.

"Things are not that simple." On the side, Byron shook his head slightly, and said solemnly, "There were potion formulas in ancient times, but today it is difficult to refine them. After countless years, many materials have even disappeared!"

"So that's how it is." Enzo suddenly understood.

As Byron said, from ancient times to the present, the world has experienced countless years, and many materials have disappeared in the long river of history. It is almost impossible to prepare an ancient potion.

"However, although some materials are extinct, it is not hopeless to configure [Tears of the Holy Spirit]." Byron said slowly.

"You mean to use some substitutes?" Enzo's eyes moved.

The configuration of potions is not uniform, and sometimes it is often due to a flash of inspiration. When he was in the overseas islands, Enzo used the formula of [Moon Spirit Secret Medicine] to refine [Purple Ding Pharmacy].

Although that kind of potion can't even reach the low-level sequence, it can only be regarded as an ordinary mortal potion.

Ancient potions are difficult to complete due to the lack of materials, but some potion masters will choose to use substitutes, based on the formula of ancient potions, and develop new potions through a lot of experiments.

Even so, the probability of success is very low, and most of the new potions developed are not as good as ancient potions, but as long as one-tenth of the effect can be retained, it is worth trying, and the Potion Association also supports this. Encouraging attitude.

"Yes, you are very smart!"

Gustav clapped his hands, a flash of appreciation flashed in his eyes, and said, "After thirty years of research, most of the extinct ingredients in the [Tears of the Holy Spirit] formula have found substitutes, and only There is no substitute for the next fraction of the material."

"It's not easy to reproduce an ancient potion."

Byron shook his head slowly and sighed, "If I were given another twenty years, I might have the opportunity to configure a brand new [Tear of the Holy Spirit], but unfortunately, I don't have twenty years of time."

Enzo was startled and raised his head abruptly.

"As a third-level apprentice, I have lived for 100 years." Byron said calmly, spreading his palms and said: "If I can't be promoted to a full-time wizard, I have at most 5-10 years of life. Complete [Tears of the Holy Spirit]."

"Senior Byron, you're already 100 years old?" Enzo opened his mouth wide in surprise.

"Hehe, don't be surprised." Byron shook his head and said softly, "I started my journey as a wizard 80 years ago. Because I only have one-star talent, it took me 50 years to become a third-level apprentice."

"So that's the case." Enzo nodded slightly.

"Forget it, let's get down to business." Byron took a deep breath and said solemnly, "[Tears of the Holy Spirit] is the only way to solve the sequelae of the ban, and I have been preparing to be promoted to an official wizard recently. If I succeed Now, everything is easy to talk about, but if it fails, someone must replace me to complete it!"

"So, what the senior said before, is to let me take over from you and complete [Tears of the Holy Spirit]?" Enzo's eyes flickered.

"Yes, that's the matter." Byron nodded, and said in a deep voice, "With your potion talent, you are the most suitable candidate for this matter. The wizarding world has always believed in the principle of equivalent exchange. If you agree to this matter, Not only can you take away the patent right of [Burning Potion], but you can also become an official disciple of Gustav's tutor!"

"The specific matter is like this." Byron spread his palms and looked at Enzo.

"Have you completed [Tears of the Holy Spirit]?" Enzo narrowed his eyes slightly, and after thinking for a moment, he said in a deep voice, "I am willing to become Gustav's disciple and try my best to complete the potion of [Tears of the Holy Spirit]!"

"Very good, the right choice." Gustav clapped his hands and smiled lightly.

(End of this chapter)

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