Chapter 132 Plan
"Hurry up and recover your magic power as well."

While talking, Enzo took out three magic potions from his pocket and threw them to the other members of the apprentice team respectively. The three of Hans took the test tubes with surprise on their faces.

This reaction was normal. After all, for apprentices, potions were expensive, and each potion could be used as a trump card. If it was not a last resort, they would never use it lightly, let alone give it to them like Enzo.

"I have a good talent in potions, so I occasionally prepare some potions." Seeing the strange expressions of the three, Enzo took the initiative to explain.

"Are you a potion master?" Toby couldn't help asking.

"Basically." Enzo nodded, and said softly, "I used to be Senior Byron's assistant, so I have some knowledge about potions."

"Senior Byron!" Boniss opened her eyes wide and said in surprise, "Could it be that you are Enzo? The potion genius who developed [Burning Potion]?"

Enzo smiled slightly, undeniable.

Ever since he entered Gustav's name, Enzo had obtained the patent right of [Burning Potion], and the title of potion genius had spread like wildfire because of this, and it was widely circulated among newcomers in the academy.

"I'm so lucky to meet you here." Boniss' eyes were pleasantly surprised, and a trace of charm floated on her face.

On the side, Kalano's face suddenly became a little gloomy, he turned his head and said nothing.

"Thank you very much." Hans thanked in a deep voice, then raised his head and drank the [magic potion].

Ahead, a group of baby monsters with slender umbilical cords were still attacking fiercely, but they were unable to break through the twisted barrier for a long time. The murderous dryad became more and more manic, and violently waved the blood-colored vines, slapping the ground and causing gravel to splash.

"What do we do next?" Toby couldn't help asking.

Although the murderous dryad was unable to move due to environmental constraints, it blocked the only way to return to the academy. If the apprentice team wanted to leave the peeling forest, they had to solve the immediate troubles.

"Let's fight again!" Hans gritted his teeth, and said in a deep voice, "I have the [rock monster] blood. After using the talent witch, I can turn my body into rock, and I am not afraid of ordinary physical attacks."

"Kalanno will open the distortion barrier in a while, I will try my best to attract attacks, and you take the opportunity to break through."

As the captain, Hans drew up a battle plan, but Enzo frowned slightly, shook his head and said, "I'm afraid it doesn't make sense to do this. As far as I know, the fighting power of a murderous dryad is comparable to that of a third-level apprentice. Even if you can attract those baby monsters Without our concentration, it would be difficult for the few of us to break through the roads blocked by vines."

"In my opinion, if we want to leave the Peeling Forest, we must first weaken the influence of the Killer Dryad on the forest!"

Hans raised his head and looked at the middle of the road ahead. The murderous tree demon that occupied a large area of ​​land couldn't help but frowned and fell silent.

"Then do you have any good ideas?" Bonnie asked cautiously.

Enzo's eyes flickered, he pondered for a moment, and said: "Since everyone is trapped here, we must work together if we want to break through. If you don't mind, you can each introduce yourself, and maybe you can find a way to deal with the tree demon."

Hans was silent for a moment, and took the lead in saying, "No problem, I'll come first!"

"Hans, a second-level apprentice, has the blood of [Rock Monster], masters witchcraft: petrified skin, rock and earth spikes."

"Bonis, a second-level apprentice, masters witchcraft: wind blade cutting, wild wind dancing." After Hans finished speaking, Bonis also introduced herself generously.

"Kalanno, a second-level apprentice, masters witchcraft: twisting the barrier, splashing acid." Kalano said while maintaining the twisting barrier.

"Toby, a first-level apprentice, has only mastered one witchcraft at present: the Burning Sword, but I have received knight training before entering the Wizard Academy, and I have the physical fitness of a great knight." Toby said hastily.

The four members of the apprentice team introduced themselves respectively, but it is unknown whether they have any hole cards.

After all, for a team formed temporarily, no one would be so stupid as to expose everything about himself, and a brief introduction of the situation would already be enough to make his companions understand their own strength.

"Enzo, a second-level apprentice, is good at refining basic potions, mastering witchcraft: the curse of exploding flames, and extinguishing fireballs." Enzo stroked his chin, did not reveal too much information, and simply introduced himself.

"You actually mastered the dark fireball!?" Kalano exclaimed.

Toby looked puzzled and asked, "What kind of witchcraft is that, is it difficult to master?"

"Unexpectedly, besides being a potion genius, you are also so good in the field of witchcraft!" Boniss covered her small mouth lightly, her eyes shone with admiration.

Enzo touched his nose, smiled and said nothing.

As an additional reward for the last survey mission, Enzo chose the [Dark Fireball] witchcraft model.

This is an explosive witchcraft that combines fire and dark elements, and its destructive power is astonishing, enough to seriously injure a third-level apprentice.

This witchcraft is powerful, but apart from being difficult to master, it also has obvious disadvantages, that is, it needs preparation time before casting the spell, and it needs to be stored for at least ten minutes to exert the best effect.

Perhaps for ordinary people, ten minutes is fleeting, but in the battle between wizards, every second counts. Even a momentary difference may determine life and death. In a real battle, no one will give the opponent ten minutes to prepare .

It is precisely because of this that the witchcraft model of the [Dark Fireball] has been ignored for a long time.

Hans took a deep look at Enzo, and said in a deep voice, "It turns out that you have mastered the dark fireball. If you use this witchcraft, you can indeed severely injure the murderous tree demon."

"That's the plan!"

Enzo nodded and said, "It takes ten minutes to cast the dark fireball. During this time, I need you to help me resist all attacks and help me get as close to the killing tree demon as possible."

"Okay, leave it to us." Hans nodded solemnly, then looked at everyone in the apprentice team, and said, "After Kalano opened the twisted barrier, Boniss will be responsible for clearing the road ahead, and I will block the baby monster's attack. Than solve those fish that slipped through the net!"

"Understood, Captain." X3.

The initial battle plan was drawn up, Hans activated the blood of the rock monster, and Kalano was also preparing to open the distortion barrier.

Enzo narrowed his eyes slightly, raised one arm, and a black flame rose from his palm, burning in constant rotation, and the strong energy factor burst out a terrifying aura.

"Chip, lock the target!" Enzo ordered in his heart with calm eyes.

The apprentice team thought that they were only fighting against the murderous dryad, but Enzo knew very well that the unknown creature hidden among the treetops was the real enemy.

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(End of this chapter)

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