Journey to the Wizarding World

Chapter 1334 The dragon is coming

The chip has long been fused with Enzo's soul.

No matter how many times he is reincarnated, the chip will always come with him, and it even contains a backup of Enzo's memories over the years.

Even if he is promoted to the Endless Wizard, the chip is still his trump card.

After confirming that the chip was still there, Enzo felt a little relieved, and then felt a sense of sleepiness coming over him, and then fell asleep without much hesitation.

In the blink of an eye, three months passed.

Coming to the world of dragons as an undercover agent, Enzo became a black dragon. He was in the dragon's lair as a child. In addition to the dragon mother, he also had a younger brother and a younger sister.

This surprised Enzo.

Giant dragons have always been known for their difficulty in reproducing. Although an adult dragon can lay several eggs at a time, the probability of successful hatching is by no means 100%.

It is even said that there is a high probability that all three dragon eggs will be stillborn.

However, this giant dragon lady was very lucky. All three dragon eggs broke out of their shells, and no deformed children were born. They all recited her true name completely.

Just like that, Enzo gained a new identity.

However, since his birth, Enzo has spent most of his time sleeping, except for daily eating. This is also the normal growth experience of the dragon family.


Suddenly there was a loud sound in his ears. Enzo woke up from his sleep and looked outside, only to see the Black Dragon Lady spread her wings and fly into the cave.

Immediately afterwards, a rhinoceros-like prey was thrown over.

The young dragon cannot hunt on its own, so it is basically in a state of opening its mouth for food. Although bloodline does not have much meaning for the black dragon lineage, Tiamat, who believes in the mother of dragons, still adheres to the tradition of the dragon family and takes on the responsibility of Responsible for raising three young dragons.

Seeing the mother dragon return, the other two young dragons also woke up.

They didn't show much care for the Black Dragon Lady. The two young dragons went straight to the prey. For the Black Dragon, family affection didn't mean much.

This is something engraved in your bones.

Enzo was not polite and moved to the side of the prey. The two young dragons immediately bared their teeth and he slapped them away without hesitation.

As the first of the three young dragons to break out of his shell.

Even without using witchcraft, Enzo is still the most powerful, so he has priority in eating or anything else.

"Damn Enzo!"

On the opposite side, Dragon Girl Arya let out a low roar and said, "You have already eaten most of the food last time. You will not be allowed to snatch our share this time!"

"That's right!"

Next to him, Longdi Rona also echoed.

Enzo was too lazy to pay attention to the two young dragons, and just chewed the flesh and blood of the rhinoceros. For himself in the state of a young dragon, flesh and blood was the best supplement for his growth.

"How dare you ignore me!"

Seeing that Enzo was unmoved, Dragon Girl Arya became angry. She opened her mouth wide, as if she was trying her best to spit out the dragon's breath like the Black Dragon Lady.

As a result, it naturally ended in failure.

Arya in her young dragon state does not yet have this ability. She has to be at least a teenager before she can breathe a little, and the power will never be too strong.

In the distance, the Black Dragon Lady was lying in the cave, not caring about anything here.

Evil dragons have always been indifferent to emotions. Even if they are their own blood, they will be expelled from their territory after they have passed their infancy and left to fend for themselves.

The two young dragons were very angry, but they did not dare to approach Enzo.

Several consecutive lessons have made them understand that even if the two young dragons join forces, they cannot be the opponent of this brother.

Therefore, even if you rush forward, you will only suffer a lesson in vain.

"Damn! Wait until I grow up!"

Arya, the dragon girl, was indignant and secretly vowed that when she grew up to be a teenager, she would completely settle the hatred during this period.

Enzo devoured the rhinoceros to pieces, and then walked aside on his own.

Seeing that there were only leftover scraps of the prey, the two young dragons still did not dislike it. The dragon sister Arya rushed forward first and began to bite the bones with not much flesh left.

Next to him, Longdi Rona followed closely behind.

The two young dragons who were originally in an alliance were now fighting over this scrap, but the two young dragons were about the same size.

Before awakening their magical abilities, it would be difficult for them to tell the winner.

In this way, during the fight, the body of a rhinoceros was eaten up. Dragon sister Arya and dragon brother Rona obviously didn't have enough to eat, but the black dragon lady didn't care about it.

As long as these bloodlines are alive, she has fulfilled the orders of Tiamat, the Mother of Dragons.

The Black Dragon Lady shook her head, and then prepared to have a good sleep.

However, at this moment.

Suddenly there was a horn sound outside, and the Black Dragon Lady suddenly raised her head and became furious, because the horn sound represented an invasion of her territory.

"A dragon is coming?"

Enzo's heart moved. In the three months since he came to the dragon world, although he had been staying in the cave and relied on some witchcraft methods, he had also gained some understanding of the surroundings.

First of all, the continent he is on is called Wind Nest Continent.

This is one of the many continents in the Dragon Clan World. It is mainly the territory of the Green Dragon Clan, but there are also dragons from other races living and breeding.

The Black Dragon Lady's territory is located in the Senye Valley.

There used to be a green dragon neighbor nearby, but it was defeated by the Black Dragon Lady many years ago. Therefore, the Senye Valley is now dominated by the Black Dragon Lady's family.

Except for the bronze-armored dragon further away, the Black Dragon Lady had almost no opponents.

Although the Black Dragon Lady and the Bronze Armored Dragon have a hostile relationship, due to the Bronze Armored Dragon's calm personality, they generally do not initiate wars.

Every time there is a conflict between the two sides, it is basically the provocation from the Black Dragon Lady.

But now, when the clarion call of war came, the Black Dragon Lady's first reaction was that the bronze-armored dragon was invading, which made her very angry because it was the first time that the bronze-armored dragon had attacked her territory.

In the Black Dragon Lady's understanding, although she is not as powerful as the Bronze Armored Dragon, the war must be started by herself.


The Black Dragon Lady let out a roar, and then flew out of the cave. Dragon sister Arya and dragon brother Rona suddenly became interested and wanted to follow them and have a look.

However, their wings have not yet grown and flying is very difficult.

In the cave, Enzo's eyes flashed.

He did not intend to fly out of the cave and participate in this dangerous war, but he could not be indifferent to it, so he used witchcraft to find out what was going on outside.

In the sky, a bird flew by.

Through the bird's vision, Enzo could see everything happening below. As the war horn sounded, the dependent races in the Black Dragon Lady's territory also appeared in the valley one after another.

Burrowmen, gnolls, trolls...

Dozens of dependent races appeared in the valley. The jackal warriors blew their horns and struggled to make the Black Dragon Lady a little annoyed.

You know, your territory has not been invaded for a long time.

"Aoun! Do you want to break the peace?" The Black Dragon Lady flew into the air and let out a low roar. In her opinion, if she did not invade the Bronze Armored Dragon's territory, then the two sides should maintain peace as a matter of course.


At this time, there was a burst of laughter in the distance, and a huge creature poked its head out of the clouds, with a hint of ridicule in its tone.

"Lisanna, you are still as stupid as before!"

The Black Dragon Lady's expression changed. She was very familiar with this voice. It was not the bronze armored dragon, but the green dragon LeBlanc who had been defeated and expelled by her.

"Damn it!"

The Black Dragon Lady roared angrily and said, "LeBlanc, how dare you come back? Isn't the lesson learned last time enough to make you remember?"

Hearing the words of Black Dragon Lady Lisanna, green dragon LeBlanc's eyes flashed with hatred.


The green dragon LeBlanc gritted his teeth, with strong hatred in his tone, and said faintly: "Of course I will not forget, what did you do to me?"

"This time, I will take back what belongs to me!"

While speaking, the green dragon LeBlanc let out a dragon roar.

But in the distant valley, millions of troops appeared. The steps of these dependent races were uniform, and they were more than ten times larger than the army under the Black Dragon Lady.

However, when she saw the races of those troops, the Black Dragon Lady let out a burst of wanton laughter.


A trace of ridicule flashed in the eyes of Black Dragon Lady Lisanna, and she said faintly: "LeBlanc, you are still as stupid as before. Do you want to deal with me just by relying on these low-level creatures?"

In the sky, a glimmer of light flashed in the birds' eyes.


In the cave, a trace of thought appeared on Enzo's face. It's no wonder that Lisanna, the black dragon goddess, laughed so hard. The army of the dependent race under the green dragon LeBlanc was actually composed of goblins.

In the multiverse, no matter which world, goblins are inferior creatures.

This group of creatures with low intelligence and poor growth potential are like bugs in the multiverse, and they can be found in most worlds.

However, goblins rarely become the masters of a world.

It is said that this creature belongs to a subspecies of goblins, but pure-blooded goblins will never admit this, and the world of goblins cursed by the wizard civilization has long lost the ability to dominate the universe.

"Keep laughing, Lisanna!"

The green dragon LeBlanc did not show any dissatisfaction in the face of the black dragon lady's ridicule. Instead, she said with a hint of joking, "You won't be able to laugh anymore in a while!"

While speaking, a desolate horn sound came.

However, at the rear of the goblin army, sub-dragon species appeared one after another. The largest of them, the two-headed dragon, was bound by dark chains but still could not suppress its ferocious momentum.

The Black Dragon Lady's laughter suddenly stopped.

It was not because of the two-headed dragon, but because behind the goblin army, there was a flag with the image of a ferocious green dragon painted on it.

King of the Swamps, Amos!

It was a terrifying existence that even the black dragoness Lisanna could not fight against. The ruler of the Swamp Kingdom, an old dragon that had reached the king level.

According to the Dragon Clan World, king level means fourth level life form.

"LeBlanc, you..."

A trace of hesitation flashed in the eyes of Black Dragon Lady Lisanna, as if she understood something, and a hint of fear could not help but appear in her eyes.

"That's right!"

A trace of pride flashed in the eyes of the green dragon LeBlanc, and she said faintly: "I am already the princess of His Majesty Amos, the King of the Swamp, and now represent the will of the Principality of the Swamp!"

"Just surrender and capture me, Lisanna!"

"For the sake of us being good neighbors, as long as you kneel down and surrender, maybe I can consider not killing you, and maybe let you become my slave!"

Hearing LeBlanc's mocking words, Lisanna's eyes flashed with anger.

"Don't even think about it!"

Lisanna, the Black Dragon Lady, roared angrily and immediately spread her wings. Although Yamos, the king of the swamp, was a powerful dragon king.

However, this place does not belong to the Swamp Kingdom.

Therefore, although Lisanna, the Black Dragon Lady, is afraid of Yamos, the king of the swamp, she will not give up her territory easily.

Immediately, with the roar of Black Dragon Lady Lisanna, the war began.

Although the army of dependents belonging to the black dragon's side is not as numerous as the goblins, their combat effectiveness is also very fierce, and they have an absolute home field advantage.

However, the green dragon LeBlanc is equally menacing.

After becoming the princess of Yamos, the king of the swamp, she gained more power, and this time, she also brought the two-headed dragon to help.

LeBlanc, Lisanna, the two-headed dragon.

All three are adult dragons of the third level. LeBlanc once lost to Lisanna in a duel, but this time it was a two-on-one situation.

Moreover, LeBlanc is stronger than before.

"Come on, Lisanna!"

The green dragon LeBlanc flew towards the sky, opened his bloody mouth, and spit out a ball of green flames, loudly saying: "The hatred last time should be put to an end!"

Lisanna, the Black Dragon Lady, was also not to be outdone, and opened her fangs and opened her mouth to fight back.

"No matter how many times you try, the result will never change!"

Lisanna, the Black Dragon Lady, roared angrily and said, "You, the defeated general, are destined to surrender at my feet. Even the King of the Swamp, Yamos, cannot change this!"

While talking, the two giant dragons started fighting.

The two-headed monster dragon also became restless, shaking its body constantly, as if it couldn't wait to join the battle.

However, the Goblin Archmage responsible for controlling him did not dare to let the two-headed dragon easily join the battle.

This two-headed monster dragon is the bloodline of Yamos, the king of the swamp. It was born with a deformity and should have been killed directly, but it survived by accident.

He does not have the intelligence of a normal dragon, but he is more ferocious than a normal dragon.

Moreover, the two heads make him more powerful in combat, but once he enters a fighting state, he will be very crazy, and he will not dare to ignore even the orders of Yamos, the king of the swamp.

Therefore, Yamos, the king of the swamp, placed a seal on the two-headed dragon.

Moreover, the seal that controls the two-headed dragon was given to the Goblin Archmage, allowing him to control the two-headed dragon as a war puppet.

At the same time, in the cave.

"Is it time to leave?"

Enzo's eyes flickered slightly, and a thoughtful expression appeared on his face.

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