Journey to the Wizarding World

Chapter 1344 Red Dragon Servant

The red dragon spread its wings and flew high, its huge body covering the sky and the sun.

In the forest below, a hint of complexity flashed in the eyes of the kobold priest Tammy, and the shock brought by an adult red dragon was unimaginable.

Involuntarily, the kobold priest looked aside.

The fighting power of the adult red dragon was not comparable to that of the young black dragon. Tammy felt a little worried in her heart. What would happen to Enzo if the red dragon in the sky expressed malice towards him?

However, Enzo remained calm.

Not long after, the red dragon flying in the sky stumbled down, as if the magic power in its body was exhausted, making it lose the ability to continue flying.


The red dragon fell on the ground, creating a huge deep pit around it, and among the billowing dust and smoke, what appeared in front of everyone was a naked woman.


Enzo raised his eyebrows, and after a second of surprise, he quickly understood.

It seems that this red dragon was a female during her lifetime and had the ability to transform into a human. The blood bird also gained this transformation ability after merging with the opponent's body.

However, Blood Bird is not too familiar with the control of the red dragon's body.

As a result, she accidentally transformed into a woman and didn't know how to change back.

The woman climbed out of the pit, still naked, but to the kobolds and jackals around her, this did not seem to be too tempting.

Only the goblins' eyes flashed with excitement.

But the woman just looked around slowly, and the goblins were immediately frightened and backed away. The pressure of the adult red dragon made them suppress their inner desires.

The woman walked up to Enzo and looked directly at him.

Enzo didn't speak either, a glimmer of light flashed in his vertical pupils. He was not worried that the other party would betray him at all, because he had already made all preparations before the soul transformation.

"Thank you for bringing me back to life, Master!"

The next moment, the woman suddenly knelt down on one knee and said solemnly: "Red Dragon Rias, I would like to express my sincere gratitude to you. I am willing to offer you my unreserved loyalty."

"very good!"

Enzo nodded without any emotion on his face.

In the distance, a trace of jealousy flashed in the eyes of Dragon Girl Arya, as if she did not expect that Enzo, who had not yet grown up, could get an adult red dragon as a slave so easily.

You must know that in the concept of the dragon world, every pure-blood dragon is an extremely proud existence.

Even if the golden dragon clan is at the same level, it is difficult for other dragon clans to surrender, but Enzo has gained the allegiance of the adult red dragon.

Moreover, this was still before he reached adulthood.

Although the soul of this red dragon is not a real dragon.


Dragon Girl Arya gritted her teeth and felt a sense of powerlessness in her heart. Maybe she would never be able to surpass Enzo in front of her in this life.

Thinking of this, she couldn't help but feel a little desperate.

In the blink of an eye, another half month passed.

After subduing the kobold tribe and the jackal tribe one after another, Enzo's forces have begun to take shape, and they have made their own reputation in the surrounding area.

Soon, many beings came here.

This day, in the forest.

"You want to take refuge in me?"

Looking at the group of ragged humans in front of him, Enzo's eyes flashed with surprise. He didn't expect that someone from the tribe would take the initiative to follow him so soon.

However, the condition of the group of humans in front of them did not look very good.

They should belong to the Dragon Tribe, but their bloodline is defective and they don't have the unique scales of the Dragon Tribe, so they all look extremely thin.

"Yes, respected Lord Black Dragon."

After hearing Enzo's words, an elder stepped forward tremblingly, knelt down humbly on the ground, and said in a trembling voice: "We are the exiles of the Swamp Principality, and now we have no way out."

"If Lord Black Dragon is willing, we will devote all our loyalty!"

"Please, sir, give us a chance."

A trace of thought appeared on Enzo's face. He was no stranger to the Swamp Principality. It was the territory of the Swamp King Yamos and had huge power.

These humans in front of them call themselves exiles.

It seems that these people are all dragons, but due to genetic defects, they are discriminated against by the orthodox dragons, so they become wanderers like beggars.

"How many of you are there in total?"

After Enzo pondered for a moment, he asked. Naturally, he had no reason to refuse these humans who took the initiative to seek refuge with him.

However, Enzo wanted to know more about how many inferior dragon people there were.

"There are... only about three hundred people here."

The elder hesitated for a moment, then gritted his teeth and said, "However, there are still some tribesmen in the forest on the border of the Swamp Principality. If Lord Black Dragon is willing, you can come over at any time."

"About, 20,000 people!"

A trace of surprise flashed in Enzo's eyes, but he didn't expect that there were so many of these exiles. If they could join his own force, they would definitely become a major force.

Thinking of this, Enzo no longer hesitated.

"Okay! I accept your surrender!"

Enzo stared at the old man and said, "In the name of the black dragon, I order you to move all the people to my territory as quickly as possible."

"You will be my people!"

"Obtain legal status in the Black Blood Principality!"

The old man raised his head suddenly, a trace of surprise flashed in his eyes.

Unexpectedly, the Black Dragon, who is still underage, has such ambitions and plans to establish a principality now. This is not an ordinary thing in the world of dragons.

According to the potential rules of the dragon world.

Under normal circumstances, adult pure-blood dragons are all third-level life forms. They can establish a force, but they are not qualified to become kings.

Only fourth-level life forms can be called Dragon Kings.

On the other hand, Enzo now is, strictly speaking, only a first-level life form. Although relying on his trump cards and secret techniques, he can fight against second-level and even third-level life forms.

But there are always some irregularities in establishing a country.

If the Black Blood Principality is established and some other Dragon Kings find out about it, they may send people over as soon as possible to destroy this ridiculous principality.

"As you wish, Master."

The old man did not dare to laugh at the black dragon. For a group of exiles, it was very rare to join the black dragon and get its protection.

Afterwards, the old man returned to the border of Marshland Principality.

This time, he brought tens of thousands of exiles like himself back to the forest, and under Enzo's order, began to construct the surrounding area.

As Enzo said before, he wanted to create a principality.

The Black Blood Principality. "Owner!"

A trace of worry appeared on the face of the kobold priest Tammy, and he said, "With all due respect, with our current strength, isn't it a little too early to establish a country?"

Next to him, the jackal Graia also had a solemn expression on his face.

Although in the history of the dragon world, not all countries were founded by fourth-level dragon kings, but only a handful of third-level dragons established countries.

And this seems to be the bottom line.

There used to be second-level dragons who eagerly established a country when they were still under adulthood, but the end result was that they were quickly destroyed.

The country was destroyed, and the dragon as its founder also fell.

The kobold tribe and the gnoll tribe are now dependent on Enzo, so from their perspective, they certainly don't want Enzo to die because of this.

"no need to worry."

Enzo looked calm, looked towards the sky, and said calmly, "Even if there is a Dragon King who wants to deal with us, isn't there Rias?"

Above the sky, the red dragon Rias is soaring to her heart's content.

After finally obtaining the identity of a dragon, the red dragon Rias has been letting herself go recently, enjoying the power brought by her identity as much as possible.

Strictly speaking, this body did not belong to Rias.

As the soul of a deformed red dragon, if Rias was forcibly integrated into a red dragon corpse, she would most likely fall into a state of chaos due to rejection.

Or the physical body gradually withers away, and eventually loses its life completely.

However, the reason why Rias's fusion was so smooth was mainly because Enzo was under the dual arrangement of dragon magic and witchcraft.

Only then did Rias' soul merge perfectly with the red dragon's body.

This is the method of the endless wizard.

Enzo was very convinced that if it weren't for him, even the sixth-level powerhouse in the Dragon World might not be able to help Rias achieve perfect integration.


The red dragon Rias, who gradually became familiar with this body, flew down on a huge rock, her slender body spreading its wings like a dazzling flame.

Red dragons belong to the fire attribute and have a natural affinity for flames.


The next moment, the red dragon's body twisted, and then turned into the figure of a woman in a red dress, walking straight towards Enzo.


Rias knelt down on one knee. Even now, after obtaining the body of an adult red dragon, she has a fighting power that is no less than that of a third-level life form.

But when facing the black dragon in front of him, he still showed great respect.

Enzo was also very satisfied with this.

Although he has countless ways to control Rias, if the other party is loyal to him, then the previous layout does not seem to make much sense.

"What's the matter?" Enzo asked quietly.

"It has been half a month since I merged with this body."

Rias spoke calmly and said, "I have gradually become familiar with the power of the red dragon, but I found a problem. The original power of this body does not seem to be sufficient."

"Therefore, I would like to ask the master to allow me to go to the Marshland Principality."

"There is a volcano on the border of the Swamp Principality. There, I can absorb the power of magma to replenish the missing original power in my body."

Hearing Rias's words, a trace of thought appeared on Enzo's face.

As a red dragon with a fire attribute, it should indeed live in a volcanic area, but there is no such environment in Enzo's current territory.

As for Rias's idea of ​​going to the Swamp Principality, Enzo was naturally unlikely to agree.

The reason is very simple. The Marshland Principality is the territory of the green dragon Yamos, and the opponent is not someone to be trifled with. At least now Enzo does not intend to become an enemy of the opponent.

Rias' current identity is that of an adult red dragon.

If you enter the territory of the Swamp Principality, Yamos will definitely know about it, and the other party will probably send his men to capture Rias and bring her back to the royal capital.

In that case, Enzo would lose more than he gained.

"Not for now."

Enzo shook his head and said calmly: "In the short term, I do not intend to become an enemy of Yamos, so there is no need to offend him."

"Okay." Rias was a little disappointed.

Then, the opponent turned into a red dragon again and flew towards the distance. It took some time for the body to adapt, although Rias could now exert the fighting power of a third-level life form.

But if you want to fully master the power of the red dragon, it will obviously take at least two years of adaptation.

In the distance, a team of jackals ran over.


The Jackal team leader knelt down on one knee and said, "According to your order, we have gone to the territory of the demonized manticores and found that the demonized manticores seem to be preparing to migrate."

Enzo's heart moved.

The surrounding area had basically been swept away by me, but the group of demonized manticores had not been dealt with, so I originally planned to wait.

But now it seems that he needs to hurry up.

The Demonized Manticore already knew about the rise of the black dragon, so after some consideration, he did not seek refuge with Enzo, but planned to move away from this area.

Enzo would not agree with this.

Today, he has tens of thousands of dragon tribesmen under his command. Although they are all inferior tribesmen, there are also some with potential among them.

If this group of demonized manticores can be subdued, Enzo can create an order of manticore knights.

Thinking of this, Enzo let out a dragon roar.

This was an order to summon his subordinates. Not long after, the dragon tribe from the Marshland Principality arrived around Enzo.

These dragon people are all a group of exiles.

Originally, they lived a precarious life, but now, with the help of Black Dragon Enzo, although this situation has been slightly alleviated, it has not really improved.

After all, Enzo's principality is still under construction.

If you want the country to develop rapidly, you will naturally need to make some sacrifices. These dragon tribes who have taken refuge in you are the best labor force.

Within half a month, Enzo was carrying out extensive construction in the territory.

At the same time, although he ordered the wolves and jackals to hunt as much as possible in search of food, it was not easy to satisfy all the creatures in the territory.

For this group of dragon people, the current situation is very simple.

Taking refuge in the black dragon gave them temporary safety, but if they wanted to survive in the other party's territory, work was indispensable, but even if they worked hard, whether they could fill their stomachs was still a problem.

After summoning all the dragon tribesmen, Enzo looked around.

There are more than 30,000 dragon people, but the vast majority of them are old, weak, sick and disabled. The number of real adult dragon people is probably less than 5,000.

"Chip, scan!"

Enzo gave an order in his mind to use the scanning function of the chip to select a hundred of the most elite beings from among the many dragon people. (End of chapter)

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