Journey to the Wizarding World

Chapter 1350 Wang Goblin

After subduing the Goblin Lord Keno, Enzo's eyes flashed with satisfaction.

Not only because the opponent has goblin blood, but the millions of goblins under his command can also contribute a lot of labor to Enzo's Dark Blood Principality.

Maybe the Goblins are very weak in combat.

But if it is used for things like building city defenses, it is the best. As long as you give them a small amount of food, you can speed up the construction of the Dark Blood Principality.


After completing the soul contract, a trace of unwillingness flashed in Goblin Keno's eyes, but he still knelt down obediently, expressing his surrender to Enzo.

Enzo nodded.

Later, under the leadership of Kainuo, Enzo came to a huge underground palace, which was the lair of the goblins and the base camp of Kainuo.

"Sure enough!"

In the deepest area of ​​the underground palace, Enzo saw a strange-looking spaceship cabin and a large number of technological civilizations that were not goblins.

"This is what my father left me."

A trace of complexity flashed in Kainuo's eyes.

He is different from those ordinary goblins. His mother is a rare beauty in the goblin tribe, and his father is a pure-blooded goblin.

At the beginning, the goblin civilization was destroyed, and countless goblins were left homeless.

Some of them took a spaceship to the Dragon World, but here, the goblin civilization was not welcomed, so many goblins could only disguise their identities.

Kainuo's father disguised himself as a goblin.

When he came to the world of dragons, he had lost his ambition and did not want to work hard for the restoration of civilization like other pure-blood goblins.

So, Kainuo's father began to enjoy the last part of his life.

As a pure-blooded goblin, Kainuo's father has mastered technology that far exceeds that of the dragon world, so he is like a god in this goblin tribe.

The Goblin tribe at the time was still in a very loose system.

With the arrival of Kainuo's father, the goblins began to gradually gather together, and continued to develop over time, eventually forming the current scale.

After an unknown amount of time, Kainuo's father died.

But the technology he left behind allowed Kainuo to become the lord of the tribe, and through hard work, he was promoted to a third-level life form and became the king of goblins.

Looking at the technological equipment around him, a trace of thought flashed in Enzo's eyes.

Kainuo's father left behind many resources, but they were worse than Enzo imagined. This pure-blooded goblin had lost his ambition after coming to the dragon world.

Therefore, the second half of Kainuo's father's life was basically in a dawdling stage.

Enzo shook his head and did not take away these resources belonging to Kainuo. He just asked the goblins to go to the chaotic area and prepare to continue building the Dark Blood Principality.

"Yes, Master."

Knowing that Enzo was not interested in his baby, Kainuo felt relieved. He was really afraid that this black dragon would take away all the resources left by his father.

After all, Kainuo has now signed a soul contract with the black dragon.

No matter how unreasonable the request was, Kainuo could not refuse, but fortunately, it seemed that this black dragon was not smart and did not know the value of these technological equipment.

Thinking of this, Kainuo felt a sense of superiority in his heart.

After returning to the chaotic area, Enzo made calculations through the chip, and then began to issue orders. The addition of millions of goblins made the territory instantly grow.

The construction of the Dark Blood Principality is officially on the right track.

"Get to work! You lazy guys!"

Piqué was holding a whip and standing on a high place with great arrogance. For him now, he was a new man. As a close associate of the great Black Dragon Lord, his status was already different from before.

Below, countless goblins are building a city.

Above the sky, the red dragon Rias spread her wings and flew high. Now, she has become more and more familiar with this body, and can even use the dragon's magic.

Dragon Blood Warlock Karst’s eyes flashed.

When Enzo wanted to establish the Dark Blood Principality, it was just like a joke in his eyes, but now it seems that things are not as he imagined.

The black dragon's growth rate is faster than he thought.

The participation of millions of goblins has brought the construction of the Dark Blood Principality to a period of rapid development. Now in this area, since the fall of the Wind Nest Principality, there has been an undercurrent of forces from all sides.

Almost every pure-blood dragon clan wants to take a piece of this chaos.

Perhaps, this opportunity will be equally beneficial to Black Dragon.

Thinking of this, Karst began to plan. As a dragon-blooded warlock loyal to Enzo, his biggest hope now is to assist Enzo in becoming the Dragon King.

After all, only if Enzo is strong can Karst's status rise.

Although Karst was also loyal to the King of Storms in the Principality of Wind Nest, he actually did not have much status. Since the failure of that plan, he was kicked out of the core of power.

Now, new opportunities lie ahead.

Although this black dragon is still very weak, the opponent's growth rate is really unimaginable. Karst will never let go of this opportunity.

Meanwhile, on the other side.

In the cave, Enzo lay on the ground. After setting up a barrier around him, he prepared to enter a dormant state. This was a unique habit of the dragon clan.

"When I wake up, it's almost time to reach level two."

Enzo murmured to himself that the growth process of a pure-blooded dragon is like this. It often does not require any training. As long as it eats and sleeps, it can reach a realm that ordinary creatures cannot reach.

However, different dragons have different sleeping times.

For the vast majority of dragons, true transformation requires long years of slumber. This process may even take decades or even hundreds of years.

Enzo didn't have that much time to waste.

Before entering the slumber state, he set the time through the chip, up to one month. If he could not complete the transformation, he would forcefully wake himself up.

Then, Enzo closed his eyes and fell into a deep sleep.

In the blink of an eye, more than ten days passed.

When Enzo opened his eyes again, the time set by the chip had not yet arrived, but he had completed his transformation and was successfully promoted to a second-level life form.


Enzo stood up and shook randomly. The gray-brown scales fell off one by one, and harder and more complete dragon scales appeared on the surface of the black dragon's body.

After completing his transformation, Enzo spread his wings.

Although he has only been sleeping for more than ten days, maybe it is time for him to examine his territory.

The next moment, Enzo flew out of the cave.

Coming outside, the black dragon flew into the sky, looking down at his territory. With millions of goblins joining him, the construction of the Darkblood Principality was in full swing.

However, in a short period of time, it has not yet formed a large scale.

After a while, Enzo came down. When the dragon-blooded warlock Karst saw the black dragon appearing, he was first a little surprised, and then hurriedly stepped forward.

"Master, please allow me to report something to you." Karst's eyes flashed and he said, "The latest news is that the armies of the Bingxin Principality and the Swamp Principality have entered the territory of the Wind Nest Principality!"

"The war has finally begun!"

As he spoke, there was a hint of excitement in Karst's tone.

As a speculator, Karst is afraid that the world will not be chaotic. Only a chaotic situation can make it easier for him to obtain profits.

In other words, only when the situation is chaotic can the Dark Blood Principality take advantage of the opportunity to develop.

"Swampland Principality, Bingxin Principality."

After hearing Karst's report, Enzo's eyes flashed with luster. It seemed that the destruction of the Wind Nest Principality had caused all forces to take action.

After all, the King of Storms is also a fourth-level Dragon King.

Even a Dragon King of the same level would feel excited about the wealth left behind after the opponent's death. Enzo did not doubt this.

The upcoming dispute is obviously an opportunity for Enzo.

However, Enzo is still not sure from which angle he should take action.

"And one more thing."

At this time, Karst spoke again, took out a piece of parchment from his arms, and said, "This is a letter sent by the third prince Morun, hoping to cooperate with the Dark Blood Principality."

"Third Prince Morun?"

Enzo raised his brows, and a trace of doubt flashed in his eyes, but then he suddenly realized that the third prince Morun mentioned by Karst should be the bloodline of the King of Storms.

At the beginning, he was one of the participants in the Battle of Kowloon.

Enzo was a little surprised that the other party sent a letter to the Dark Blood Principality, but this seemed to be just an opportunity for Enzo.


A trace of thought flashed in Enzo's eyes. The third prince Morun in the letter expressed his intention to cooperate with the Dark Blood Principality and become an ally to jointly rule the Swamp Principality.

"It seems that the third prince is in trouble." Enzo sneered.

"Yes, that's right."

Karst nodded and chuckled, "Ever since the Ice Heart King intervened in the affairs of the Wind Nest Principality, the third prince Morun has been the first to bear the brunt."

"As far as I know, half of the territory now belonging to the third prince Morun has been captured by the dragons under the command of King Ice Heart."

"If we don't do something, the third prince Morun may be kicked out of the Wind Nest Principality."

Hearing Karst's words, thoughts flashed in Enzo's mind.

The third prince, Morun, is one of the nine most powerful bloodlines of the King of Storms. He is an adult dragon, a third-level life form, and has a high probability of being promoted to the fourth level.

But no matter what, the current third prince Morun has not really grown up.

With the opponent's strength, he is definitely no match for the King of the Swamp. According to the news brought by Karst, the third prince Morun was besieged by three adult dragons not long ago.

In that battle, the third prince Morun suffered a disastrous defeat.

After that, the territory that belonged to him was plundered in large numbers. As a last resort, Morun had no choice but to follow the advice of his dragon blood warlock to seek allies.

However, the previous Battle of Kowloon made Morun enemies on all sides.

Even the brothers and sisters from the same mother were unwilling to help, and each of them was in trouble, so Morun could only turn to forces outside the Marshland Principality for help.

In today's Paro Continent, most of the forces are unaware of the existence of the Dark Blood Principality.

The third prince, Morun, also accidentally heard the name of the Dark Blood Principality. He fundamentally dismissed the power established by a young dragon.

But given the current situation, Molun had to put down his attitude.

He plans to find all allies he can, as long as they are willing to help him, they can cooperate, although in Morun's eyes, the Dark Blood Principality is like a joke.

But no matter what, there is still an adult dragon in the Darkblood Principality.

That is the red dragon Rias!

The ally that Morun really wants to win over is the red dragon Rias, not the black dragon Enzo. After all, in Morun's eyes, Enzo is just a young dragon that has not grown up.

"What do you think? Karst?" After a while, Enzo asked.

"I think we can consider cooperating with the third prince Morun."

Karst pondered for a moment, nodded and said, "According to my understanding, the third prince Morun, although his strength is good, his character is reckless and stupid."

"He cooperated with us just to use the Dark Blood Principality to deal with the enemies from the Bingxin Principality."

"However, this is also an opportunity for us."

As he spoke, Karst's eyes flickered and he said faintly, "No matter what, if the Dark Blood Principality wants to develop and grow, it will definitely not be possible to rely on goblins alone."

"The Principality of Wind Nest fell apart, and now many dragon tribes are displaced."

"Just like Thor and the others."

"As long as we take advantage of this opportunity and recruit as many dragon people as possible, I believe it won't be long before the Dark Blood Principality can truly grow!"

Karst nodded slightly, with a hint of fanaticism in his tone.

For him, since he is loyal to Enzo, the development of the Dark Blood Principality is related to himself, and he naturally needs to work hard to grow.

"okay, I get it."

Enzo nodded. After listening to Karst's suggestion, he also had his own ideas. Then he asked the other party to step back and began to plan the next plan.

Today's Dark Blood Principality is still in its early stages of founding.

In the entire principality, except for a million goblins, there are less than 200,000 true dragon people. This number obviously cannot be regarded as a principality in the true sense.

According to the Dragon Clan World, the Dragon Clan is at the top of the world.

And because the world is too vast, it is impossible for pure-blooded dragons to handle matters of governance, so those dragon people become the best labor force.

Therefore, there are often not too many dragons in a principality.

Just like the former Principality of Wind Nest.

In the entire principality, there are only a few hundred true pure-blood dragons, but the number of dragon tribes exceeds tens of millions. They are the real foundation of the principality.

The same is true for the Marshland Principality and the Bingxin Principality.

Since Enzo plans to establish the Dark Blood Principality, all development models must also consider the situation of other principalities. Only with enough dragon people can the principality get on the right track.

And now is the best opportunity.

The Principality of Wind Nest fell apart, and countless dragon tribes lost their homes as a result. What they hoped for most now was to be relied upon.

Enzo happened to be developing the Dark Blood Principality.

Both sides have what they need. As long as they plan properly and allow a large number of dragon people to enter the territory of the Dark Blood Principality, Enzo's next plan will definitely be beneficial and harmless. (End of chapter)

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