Journey to the Wizarding World

Chapter 1382 Devourer

Hearing Enzo's cold voice, the white dragons around him fell into great fear.

But this is not their fault. After all, the scene where Enzo devoured Sandra, the King of Ice Hearts, was too terrifying and difficult to accept.

"Damn it! Let's fight him!"

At this time, a white dragon suddenly screamed and said, "This black dragon just had a fierce battle with Master Sang Zhuo, and it definitely doesn't have much power now!"

"The opportunity is right in front of you, go for it!"

As he spoke, the white dragon took the lead in attacking, attacking like a wild beast, its wings spread out as if it wanted to devour Enzo.

On the ground, Enzo was expressionless.

Facing the white dragon's swift and fierce attack, he barely hesitated at all. He opened his mouth and let out a burst of dragon breath, which burned it to ashes.

The other party thought that Enzo must be in a weak state after a fierce battle.

But in fact, it is not the case.

Enzo had just devoured the power of Sandra, the Ice Heart King, and had reached his peak, although strictly speaking, he had not yet broken through to the level of a fourth-order life form.

But in the eyes of the outside world, Enzo's form has transformed into the Dragon King.

Seeing the white dragon turned into ashes, the surrounding dragons who were about to move suddenly calmed down, with panic on their faces.

They finally understood that the black dragon in front of them was an invincible existence.

After all, even the Ice Heart King Sandro was killed and devoured by the black dragon Enzo. What's the point of these white dragons, who are not even dragon kings, uniting together?

"Your Majesty the Black Dragon, I am willing to surrender!"

Finally, a white dragon lowered its proud head. It was not that he wanted to surrender, but the situation was stronger than others. In the current situation, the only option if he did not want to die was to surrender.

Afterwards, more giant dragons chose to surrender.

Even the descendants of Sang Zhuo, the Ice Heart King, did not choose to avenge their father under the current circumstances. After all, their own lives were obviously more important than the former.

Seeing the white dragons in front of him surrendering one after another, a trace of satisfaction flashed in Enzo's eyes.

Then, it was over.

The fall of Sang Zhuo, the Ice Heart King, completely shook the surrounding area. No one expected that the black dragon's strength was so terrifying.

So far, three dragon kings have died in Enzo's hands.

Among them, Salman, the King of Storms, needless to say. Duofang has fallen into an extremely weak state due to the battle with Yamos, the King of Swamps.

What Enzo faced back then was not the King of Storms, Yamos, in his prime.

Therefore, even if we win, there is nothing to brag about.

As for Yamos, the king of the swamp, the situation is also not quite right. Although he is extremely powerful, he relies on the power of the abyss world to improve his state.

Enzo used some tricks against him.

But now, Sang Zhuo, the King of Ice Hearts, is different. The opponent is a real Dragon King with solid strength and abundant capital. He faced off against Enzo on the battlefield, but he still ended in failure.

This situation is something that no one expected.

Soon, the news of the death of Sandro, the Ice Heart King, began to spread around. The King of the Red Castle, Thester, and the mixed-blood golden dragon of the Silver Silver Principality could hardly believe it.

In fact, both of them had some doubts about whether this was some kind of trap.

"Did these two bastards join forces to deal with me?"

In the main hall of the Red Castle Principality, West, the King of the Red Castle, had a trace of suspicion in his eyes. He did not want to believe that Sandra, the Ice Heart King, would lose to the Black Dragon Enzo.

After all, West, the King of the Red Castle, and Sandro, the Ice Heart King, both at the Dragon King level, have had many interactions with each other.

The strength between the two can be regarded as evenly matched. Neither can do anything to the other. Even in a life-and-death fight, it is difficult to tell the winner.

Now, the fall of Sandro, the Ice Heart King, makes Theaster, the King of the Red Castle, very suspicious.

"Forget it, just stay put for now!"

After a while, Theaster, the King of the Red Castle, said to himself, "No matter whether Sandra is killed by the black dragon or not, I must be vigilant in advance."

"The war in the Swamp Principality should end as soon as possible."

"Even if I can't conquer those cities and make them part of the Red Fort Principality, I still want to plunder some resources, and I must not return empty-handed!"

The King of the Red Castle, Theaster, made up his mind.

And just then.

Suddenly there was a rush of footsteps outside, and a trace of displeasure appeared on Sister's face, but he still raised his head and looked at the panicked Dragon Blood Warlock.

Suddenly, Theaster, the King of the Red Castle, felt his heart sink.

"what happened?"

Seeing the appearance of the dragon-blooded warlock, Theaster, the king of the Red Castle, immediately understood that something was wrong, and a somewhat cold expression appeared on his face.

"Your Majesty, all our troops have been wiped out!"

Opposite, the dragon-blood warlock lowered his head, somewhat afraid to confront West, the king of the Red Castle, and said in a trembling voice: "The army of the Dark Blood Principality and the black dragon have entered the Swamp Principality in large numbers."

"The cities we captured before are now occupied by the Dark Blood Principality!"

"The troops sent to the Marshland Principality were also killed by the black dragon!"

Upon hearing the Dragon Blood Warlock's report, West, the King of the Red Castle, had a flash of astonishment in his eyes.

Immediately afterwards, a trace of anger arose in his heart.

"Damn black dragon!"

The King of the Red Castle, Thester, roared, and his whole body seemed to be burning with blazing flames. The extremely angry emotion made him almost lose his mind.

"How dare you insult me ​​like this!"

"War! I want war!"

"That damn black dragon must pay the price!"

As he spoke, Theaster, the King of the Red Castle, kept roaring. Feeling the anger emanating from the other party, the dragon blood warlock not far away was trembling.

After learning that his army had been wiped out by the Dark Blood Principality, Theaster, the King of the Red Castle, immediately thought of revenge.

But soon, he calmed down.


On the same spot, Theaster, the King of the Red Castle, flashed a glimmer of light in his vertical pupils, and said faintly, "That may not be the case, maybe it is the plan of the black dragon and Sandra."

"Hmph! I won't be fooled."

The King of the Red Castle, Thester, calmed down and began to analyze.

He suspected that the Dark Blood Principality's strong behavior was just the plan of the black dragon and Ice Heart King Sang Zhuo. If he acted rashly at this moment, he would probably fall into the siege of the two.

Thinking of this, Theaster, the King of the Red Castle, suppressed his anger.

As an old fox that has survived for thousands of years, Theaster, the King of the Red Castle, may not be strong, but his opponent's scheming and methods are definitely not weak. It is precisely because of his cautious character that Theaster, the King of the Red Fort, can make the Red Fort Principality develop and grow.

After realizing that everything that happened now might be a trap, Theaster, the King of the Red Castle, decided to swallow his anger after weighing the pros and cons.

Anyway, this loss is still within the acceptance range of Theaster, the King of the Red Castle.

In the blink of an eye, another month passed.

Since the deaths of Sandro, the Ice Heart King, and Yamos, the Marsh King, the development of the Dark Blood Principality has entered a stage of rapid growth.

Without other forces to target him, Enzo quickly took over the Marshland Principality.

Then, he set his sights on the Bingxin Principality, which once belonged to the King of Bingxin, Sang Zhuo, but is now owned by Enzo.

As long as the Bingxin Principality can be captured, the Dark Blood Principality's power will expand again.

Enzo's plan is simple. After being reincarnated into the dragon world, his only goal is to continuously improve his strength and expand his power.

Perhaps it won't be long before the Dark Blood Principality grows to the level of a kingdom.

After completely incorporating the Marshland Principality into the territory, Enzo's eyes turned towards the Ice Heart Principality. Without the protection of the Ice Heart King Sandra, the principality could not stop the Dark Blood Principality's attack.

However, at this time.

Another thing happened that disrupted Enzo's plan and also attracted the attention of all the dragon kings in the western region of the Palu continent.

"The Tomb of the Golden Emperor?"

In Castle Black, Enzo's eyes flickered, and Karst across from him looked fanatical, with an extremely excited expression on his face.

"Yes! Your Majesty."

Karst couldn't help but said, "According to reliable news, someone discovered the outline of the Golden Emperor's Tomb in the Valley of the End area. Now all forces will definitely take action!"

"That's the Tomb of the Golden Emperor!"

"We should act as soon as possible!"

After hearing Karst's suggestion, Enzo did not speak, but first used the chip to search. A large amount of information about the Tomb of the Golden Emperor soon emerged.

In the world of dragons, the hierarchy of dragons is very simple.

The dragons in the young dragon stage are sub-ordinary beings. Even if they have the blood of the dragons, they cannot exert much power.

Only when you enter adolescence can you be called a first-order life form.

Then, the young dragon clan is equivalent to the second level.

Adult dragons are often third-level life forms. This is also the limit that a giant dragon can reach under normal circumstances. If you want to advance to the realm of Dragon King, you need to work hard on your own.

The fourth-level dragon is called the Dragon King.

And if you can break through again, you can step into the fifth level and be called the Dragon King.

The tomb of the Golden Emperor that Karst mentioned was the tomb left by a fifth-level Dragon Emperor, who was the ruler of the Holy Golden Kingdom in its heyday.

But later, the Golden Emperor Bailey Baki participated in the Battle of the Abyss.

It was a war between the Dragon Clan and the Abyss World. Both sides invested a lot of troops. Even the Golden Emperor Bailey Bucky was not considered a ruler.

That battle lasted for a long time.

Countless dragons and demon lords have fallen. If it had not been for the intervention and help of the wizard civilization later, I am afraid that the dragons would have failed as a result.

After the Battle of the Abyss, Golden Emperor Bailey Baki returned to the dragon world.

It takes time to recover from the injuries sustained on the battlefield. Beliba basically thought that as a war hero, he could be admired by his descendants.

However, he was wrong.

Not only was Belibaki not respected, but he was plotted by several dragon kings, and he eventually fell. The once glorious Shengjin Kingdom also collapsed.

"It's really... a tragedy!"

A strange look appeared on Enzo's face. According to the information searched by the chip, this Golden Emperor Bailey Bucky was a heroic figure in the world of dragons.

However, his results were disappointing.

There is no doubt about the strength of Golden Emperor Bailey Bucky. On the abyss battlefield, he faced three fifth-level demons at the same time, but none of them fell below, and they even became evenly matched.

It's a pity that such a person was plotted against by his own people.

Several dragon kings took advantage of Golden Emperor Bailey Baki's weakness and launched a usurpation war against him. Although Golden Emperor Bailey Baki resisted, he also killed several dragon kings.

But he himself could not escape the end of his death in the end.

Afterwards, Belibaki left the Tomb of the Golden Emperor.

What makes Enzo a little bit sad is that after the fall of the Golden Emperor Bailey Bucky and the disintegration of the Holy Golden Kingdom, the top leaders of the Dragon World did not even say anything.

The same goes for Tiamat, the mother of evil dragons, and Hamlet, the god of good dragons.

It was as if the two of them didn't know about this at all, and had no idea of ​​revenge for Bailey Baki. Even now, several Dragon Kings who participated in the Battle of the Snatchers are still alive and well.

This made Enzo somewhat incomprehensible.

After all, in his opinion, the Golden Emperor Bailey Bucky was injured in the battle of the abyss, which led to his death in a sneak attack. The other party should be a heroic existence in the dragon world.

If Enzo were Hamlet, the Good Dragon God.

After learning that Golden Emperor Bailey Bucky had been attacked, he would immediately take action to make those who captured the treasure pay a heavy price, and help Golden Emperor Bailey Bucky as much as possible.

Because, only in this way can we be worthy of the contribution of Golden Emperor Bailey Bucky.

Otherwise, when the dragons of the Great Dragon World learn that the hero has suffered this fate, will they still choose to step onto the battlefield when the battle of the abyss is launched again?

If the betrayer is not punished, it means that this behavior is condoned.

"How ridiculous!"

In place, Enzo sighed in his heart. No wonder the development of the Dragon World is not as good as that of the wizard civilization. Under the restrictions of such rules and situations, it is impossible for the Dragon World to grow.

However, Enzo didn't know.

The dragon world also has its own problems. Hamlet, the good dragon god, cannot completely control the entire dragon world.

Just like the matter of Golden Emperor Bailey Bucky.

Although Hamlet, the God of Good Dragons, immediately wanted to punish those who took the treasure after learning about this, Tiamat, the mother of evil dragons, did not agree.

After all, those who attacked the Golden King Hamlet were all descendants of Tiamat, the mother of evil dragons.

In the wizarding world, the five supreme beings are almost of the same mind, and everyone works hard for the development of wizarding civilization, but this is not the case in the dragon world.

As far as Enzo knows, Hamlet, the god of good dragons, and Tiamat, the mother of evil dragons, have always been in tit-for-tat opposition.

Even when facing the great world of the abyss, the two seventh-level dragon gods did not speak unanimously to the outside world.

Throughout the endless years, Tiamat, the mother of evil dragons, never stopped thinking about wresting the power of Hamlet, the god of good dragons. (End of chapter)

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