Journey to the Wizarding World

Chapter 1397 Snow Emperor

Chapter 1397 Snow Emperor

At the same time, outside the Tomb of the Golden Emperor.

Valley of the End.

With the opening of the golden passage, the Tomb of the Golden Emperor finally appeared. All forces came one after another, and the Dragon Kings who entered it first were no longer considered strong.

There are actually three dragon kings who are like the Red Flame Tyrant.

"The Tomb of the Golden Emperor!"

In the distance, above the sky, a majestic blue-white body, like a ghost, slowly fell into the Valley of the End. Behind her were dozens of dragon king-level beings.

Snow Emperor, Bilgilari!

The Dragon King, like the red flame tyrant Katora, is a fifth-level life form, and now he also comes for the inheritance of the Golden Emperor Bailey Baki.

However, compared to the cruel red flame tyrant Katora, the Snow Emperor is more rational and intelligent.

To compete for the inheritance of Golden Emperor Bailey Baki, she did not choose to come alone. Instead, she first summoned her Dragon Kings, although a lot of time was wasted.

But for Snow Emperor Bilgilari, this approach is safer.

"Sir Snow Emperor!"

At this time, above the Valley of the End in the distance, a white dragon flew back, landed in front of Snow Emperor Bilgilari, and turned into a handsome young man.

"Above the Valley of the End, I found this."

While speaking, the handsome young man stretched out his hand, and in his palm was a red scale, which was still emitting blazing heat, like a red gem.

"Kadora's scales?"

Snow Emperor Bilgerilla's eyes flickered, and then she twisted around and turned into a girl in red, looking at the scale with a thoughtful look on her face.

"It seems like this guy is taking the first step."

Snow Emperor Bilgerilla murmured to himself, with a bit of solemnity on his face. Seeing this red scale seemed to mean that the red flame tyrant Katora had entered the tomb of the Golden Emperor.

Thinking of this, Snow Queen Bilgerilla raised her head.

She looked at the golden passage in the sky, her eyes flashing with luster. The red flame tyrant Katora apparently left behind these scales while passing through the golden passage.

Even the Dragon Emperors must be careful about the layout left by Golden Emperor Bailey Baki.

Two of the Dragon Kings who tried to break into the Tomb of the Golden Emperor were killed on the spot. The red flame tyrant Katora also suffered damage before entering.

These scales were stained with traces of blood.

Snow Queen Bilgerilla took a deep breath, and then looked towards the golden passage. With her strength, she was 100% sure even if she forced her way into the Golden Emperor's Tomb.

However, this group of followers behind him is not necessarily the case.

After all, these giant dragons following Snow Emperor Bilgiruela are only fourth-level life forms, and it is not easy for them to forcefully pass through the golden passage.

If a few followers were lost before entering the Tomb of the Golden Emperor, it would be a loss outweighing the gain for Snow Emperor Bilgilari.

Different from the red flame tyrant Katora.

Although the Snow Emperor Bilgiralui is also a five-color dragon, he is quite friendly towards his subordinates, at least he will not let them die in vain.

It is precisely because of this that the dragons of the Palu Continent are more willing to become followers of the Snow Emperor Bilgilari compared to the red flame tyrant Katora.

"Sir Snow Emperor, please make a decision as soon as possible."

At this time, a middle-aged man came up from behind and said in a deep voice: "The Red Flame Tyrant Katora has already entered the Tomb of the Golden Emperor before us."

"If we delay further, the situation will inevitably become more and more unfavorable for us."

Snow Queen Bilgierella deeply believed in what the middle-aged man said.

After all, the red flame tyrant Katora, unlike those dragon kings, is fully capable of competing for the inheritance of the Golden Emperor. This is the reason for entering the Golden Emperor's tomb first.

"Okay! Let's go!"

Thinking of this, Snow Queen Bilgierella took a deep breath, then transformed into the form of a blue and white dragon again, then spread her wings and flew towards the golden passage.

As the Dragon King, it is not difficult for Bilgerilla to break through the golden passage.

However, that would take a long time. Snow Emperor Bilgiralui had already lost the opportunity, so she did not intend to continue to waste time.

"Boys, follow me!"

Snow Emperor Bilgilari let out a roar, then spread his wings, and his majestic body seemed to form a shield, blocking the offensive of the golden passage for the many dragon kings behind him.


Many giant dragons entered the golden passage, and the sharp blades swept in quickly like before. The terrifying offensive made people fearful.

However, since the Snow Emperor Bilgilari blocked the attacks of the dragon kings, the dragons were able to enter without any risk.

It's just that a few dragon kings were accidentally injured.

Overall, this is a very rare thing.

Snow Emperor Bilgilari turned around and saw that all his followers were safe and sound. He couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief, but then the space around him suddenly cracked.


In an instant, turbulence swept through the void. In just an instant, a red dragon had its head cut off and fell down without even a scream.


Snow Queen Bilgilari screamed, the fallen red dragon, one of her favorite followers, was now separated.

The sudden change suddenly caused the situation to become chaotic.

However, this was just the beginning. There were more and more cracks in the void around him, and even the face of Snow Emperor Bilgilari showed a somewhat dignified look.

Then, the sky completely exploded.

Countless void whirlpools emerged, and dragon kings were drawn into them. Snow Emperor Bilgilari's vision was split, but he was also helpless.


Snow Emperor Bilgilari's eyes flickered, forcing himself to calm down, and said secretly, "The situation is not right. Those dragon kings would never have been in such danger when they entered the Tomb of the Golden Emperor before."

While he was thinking, a roar suddenly came from the distance.

Immediately afterwards, Snow Emperor Bilgiralui suddenly raised his head, only to see a cloud of cold dragon breath coming towards him, hitting him like a white fireball and exploding.

"Damn it!"

Snow Emperor Bilgilari's face changed slightly, a trace of gloom flashed in his eyes, and he screamed, "It's you! Gluttonous Aura, it's you who did it!"

Follow the gaze of Snow Emperor Bilgilari.

At the end of the golden passage in the distance is a giant gray-white dragon. The opponent looks like a white dragon, but its shape looks a bit ferocious.

At the same time, the scales on the opponent's body are also gray-white.

The loss of one eye and the barbs on its head made this white dragon look particularly ferocious. Looking at Snow Emperor Bilgiralui at this moment, his posture was even more terrifying.

Glutton, Ola!

The notorious Dragon King of the Palu Continent, although he possesses the strength of a fifth-level life form, does not have his own territory, or even followers.

And the reason is very simple. Countless years ago, Aura the Gluttonous was just a somewhat deformed white dragon, and the opponent would do anything to improve its strength.

In the process of being promoted to Dragon King, Aura the Glutton not only absorbed the power of the abyss, but also successively attacked her own people.

Any dragon targeted by the gluttonous Aura will not escape the fate of being eaten. It is for this reason that Aura earned the nickname The Gluttonous.

Moreover, the opponent does not only attack dragons of the same level.

Even if it was a young dragon or even a dragon egg, he would not let it go. Over the course of hundreds of years, he ate countless giant dragons before finally becoming a fifth-level life form.

However, such behavior has violated the taboos of the dragon world.

Although in the world of dragons, it is not unacceptable for similar species to kill each other or even devour each other, the number of dragons eaten by the gluttonous Ola was really too many.

Therefore, such behavior aroused the dissatisfaction of the Lord of Palu Continent.

After several warnings to no avail, the gluttonous Ola was wanted and became a being that everyone in Palu wanted to beat up. However, the other party was cunning and powerful.

Except for the Lord of the Palu Continent, no dragon can defeat him 100%.

Therefore, although the gluttonous Ola was wanted, he was still at large, but his behavior of devouring dragons was somewhat restrained than before.

But this time, the other party appeared in the tomb of Dragon King Bailey Baki, and it seemed that he also had an agenda.

"Damn guy!"

Snow Queen Bilgilari's eyes flashed with a hint of coldness. Under normal circumstances, she believed that her strength would never be weaker than that of Gluttonous Aura.

But now, the situation is somewhat special.

Aura the Glutton has already entered the golden passage, but has not moved forward. I am afraid that it is to sneak attack on him, and the other party has already half succeeded.

In that moment, the followers of Snow Emperor Bilgilari lost a lot of money.

Now, only she and Aura the Glutton were left, fighting alone in the golden passage. Neither party acted rashly, as if they were seizing the opportunity.

"This guy... wants to eat me?"

A trace of surprise flashed in the eyes of Snow Queen Bilgilari. It was only at this moment that she finally seemed to understand the true thoughts of Aura the Gluttonous Eater.

The other party was so crazy that he wanted to eat him.

However, this kind of behavior seems to be very consistent with the setting of Aura the Gluttonous Eater. This is a being who will do anything to improve his strength.

Moreover, devouring the same kind is also the path to advancement for the gluttonous Aura.

"Then give it a try!"

A trace of murderous intent flashed in the eyes of Snow Emperor Bilgilari. Now that she understood the thoughts of Gluttonous Aura, she was not afraid at all.

The two sides fought with all their strength, and Snow Emperor Bilgilari thought he had a better chance of winning.

She even said that she was at least 70% sure that she could defeat the gluttonous Aura. Although the opponent was also a fifth-level Dragon King, he was attacked by the Lord of the Palu Continent in his early years because of his behavior of devouring his own kind.

The Heavenly Eye Dragon Emperor, Tornok.

Perhaps it was also considering that it was not easy for the gluttonous Aura to become the Dragon King. The Lord of the Palu Continent, the Sky-Eyed Dragon Emperor Tornok, took action but did not completely kill him.

It just took away one of the eyes of the gluttonous Aura.

But even so, the gluttonous Aura lost a large part of his power, and his current state was still far behind the average Dragon King.

For Tornok, the Sky-Eyed Dragon Emperor.

Taking away one of the gluttonous Aura's eyes was just a small punishment, but he didn't expect that the other party would be so unrepentant.

It even got worse.

Therefore, the Sky-Eyed Dragon Emperor Tornok, who couldn't bear it anymore, decided to issue a wanted order for the gluttonous Aura, making him a being that everyone wanted to beat in the Palu continent.

"Come on! You disgusting one-eyed dragon!"

In the golden passage, Snow Emperor Bilgilari roared angrily, spread his wings, and prepared to fight Aura the Gluttonous Eater, but there was a strange expression on the opponent's face.

The next moment, Gluttonous Ola suddenly flew in one direction.

Immediately afterwards, a void vortex appeared there, and Aura the Glutton disappeared into it, apparently having entered the tomb of Golden Emperor Belibaki.

Seeing this scene, Snow Emperor Bilgilari felt a trace of anger in his heart.

It seemed that the gluttonous Aura did not intend to fight to the death with him in the golden passage, and his behavior just now seemed to be just a joke.

This made Snow Emperor Bilgilari extremely angry.

But at the same time, there was nothing he could do about the other party. After forcing himself to calm down, Snow Emperor Bilgiralui shook his head, and then walked towards the void whirlpool next to him.

No matter what, let’s enter the Tomb of the Golden Emperor first.

Subsequently, the figure of Snow Emperor Birgilari also disappeared, and the three-headed Dragon Emperor entered the Tomb of the Golden Emperor one after another, and the competition for the golden apples really began.

At the same time, in a dimensional space.

Enzo devoured the dragon not far away, and then looked at the golden apple in front of him, a glint of thought flashing in his eyes.

"I see!"

After passing through one dimension after another, Enzo finally learned more about the golden apples. It seemed that the golden apples he ate in the first place were not completely fake.

In other words, there are no real golden apples in the entire Golden Emperor's Tomb.

Each golden apple carries the power of the golden apple of the ancestral tree. Only by bringing these powers together can it become a true golden apple.

The Golden Emperor Bailey Baki divided the power of the Golden Apple in this way just to cause disputes.

The other party obviously planned to use the golden apple as bait to provoke disputes among the evil dragons, and eventually let more evil dragons die in the Tomb of the Golden Emperor.

"He is quite a vicious character."

Enzo shook his head, thoughts flashing in his mind.

All his knowledge about Golden Emperor Bailey Bucky comes from the chip database. In addition to some life stories, there is also the strength of Golden Emperor Bailey Bucky.

Although they both belong to the Dragon King level, their perceptions are very different.

For example, the Golden Emperor Bailey Baki was the most powerful being among fifth-level life forms. If the other party wanted to fight against an evil dragon of the same level, he would have almost no opponent.

Enzo pondered for a moment and looked towards the portal.

After such a long period of fighting, he has obtained seven golden apples. Although they are only part of the power, it is quite rare to gather them together.

"Ancestral tree!"

The luster in Enzo's eyes flashed. For him, who was once an endless wizard, although the golden apple was valuable, it was not something that must be fought for.

What really matters to Enzo is the ancestral tree of the dragon world.

That thing can be said to be the foundation of the dragon world and one of the three pillars of the entire dragon clan. The golden apple is just a manifestation of the power that differentiated from the ancestral tree.

(End of this chapter)

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