Journey to the Wizarding World

Chapter 14 Counterattack

Chapter 14 Counterattack
"Damn it, dodged again!" Argel cursed in a low voice.

"Be serious, Alger!"

Barlow frowned slightly, a little dissatisfied with Alger's two shots in the air. He raised the long sword in his hand suddenly, and then slammed his body against Enzo. At the moment the fighting spirit in his body was released, he shouted and slashed at him with all his might.

Enzo blocked with a horizontal knife, and the force from the long sword made him feel a shock all over his body, and a trace of solemnity could not help but appear on his face.

"The combat analysis mode is on, cut sideways."

The sound of the mechanical chip sounded in his mind, and Enzo didn't hesitate in his heart. He immediately turned his body sideways, and then raised the short black blade in his hand, and slashed horizontally towards Barlow's neck. The movement was as fast as lightning. , it was too late to react.

Barlow's expression changed, but his body reacted instantly.

He quickly leaned back while raising his arms to protect his neck. The short black blade slashed across the silver-white metal arm guard, making a sound of metal rubbing.

"It's dangerous!" Barlow broke out in a cold sweat, looking at Enzo more cautiously.

call out!call out!call out!
Between the shadows on the canopy, Alger shot three arrows in rapid succession.

Enzo's eyes froze, and he had no choice but to step back. After dodging the attacks of two arrows, he waved his short blade, cut off the third arrow that struck in the air, and then quickly dodged to a thick tree trunk back.

"It's hard for me to win against two knights at the same time!"

"One must be solved first!"

Enzo's expression was solemn, and he paid attention to Barlow's movements from the corner of his eye.

Not far away, Barlow looked serious, staring at the tree trunk where Enzo was hiding, holding the knight's long sword with both hands at the same time, his legs slightly bent forward, his bulging muscles tensed, like a cavalry about to charge on the battlefield .

"Alger, cover me!" Barlow shouted in a deep voice.

Fighting energy broke out in his body, and Barlow suddenly ran wildly, with a strong aura on his body, his heavy footsteps made the ground tremble slightly, as if a war drum was beating, he approached Enzo's direction step by step.

"Hoo!!" Barlow roared angrily, and slashed down the knight's long sword with all his strength.

The thick tree trunk seemed to have been hit hard, and under the long sword full of fighting spirit, it split open like an explosion. Enzo, who was hiding behind, wanted to make a surprise attack, but suddenly saw a cold light coming, so he could only roll sideways, quickly Pounce into the distance.

call out!Another arrow came.

Having lost his cover, Enzo had nowhere to hide, so he could only dodge sideways quickly under the prompt of the chip.

But on the other side, Barlow took the opportunity to charge up again, thrusting the long sword tightly in both hands, forcing Enzo to retreat suddenly, but at the next moment, he swung it again and slashed across without mercy.

brush!The sharp long sword slashed across Enzo's cheek, leaving a bloodstain.

Enzuo's expression remained unchanged, but he was startled in his heart. He stepped back quickly, and suddenly slashed at the tree trunk beside him.


The tree trunk collapsed and a cloud of dust and smoke was stirred up. Enzo turned around decisively and ran wildly.

"It's not that easy to run!" Barlow growled, and quickly chased after him. Seeing this, Alger on the treetop jumped down quickly, and rushed towards the direction where Enzo was running after.

"Chip, calculate the best escape route."

Enzo shuttled between the forests, running and jumping nimbly. Under the calculation of the chip, every movement was very appropriate to the forest. He was not blocked by any vines or dead branches, and his movements were as flexible as a cheetah.

"Damn it, so fast!" Alger gritted his teeth, and the distance between him and Enzo grew further and further.

"It can't go on like this." Barlow frowned, and said in a deep voice, "You continue to chase, and I will go around and intercept from the side!"

Argel had no doubts, and nodded with a gloomy face. Barlow immediately stopped, and inserted the long sword back into the scabbard, and found that Enzo was no longer in sight, and immediately ran to the side.

Taking a deep breath, Argel also continued to chase forward.

In the depths of the ice punishment forest, Barlow ran fast.

"Going forward, there should be a lake." Barlow kept walking, thinking, "At that Enzo's speed, this time should be in the central area of ​​the Frost Punishment Forest. As long as I go around the lake, I should be able to Stop him."

"Delay for about fifteen minutes, and Alger can finish him off when he arrives!"

Barlow changed his mind and was counting the time when he suddenly felt a strong palpitation. His body subconsciously wanted to dodge, but it was too late. On the thick tree trunk not far away, a black shadow suddenly jumped down and struck like lightning. !
"How is it possible!?" Barlow's eyes widened in disbelief.

The short black blade slashed across Barlow's shoulder, leaving a scar with deep bone visible, and a large amount of blood gushed out and stained his armor red.

"How could your speed be so fast?"

Barlow's face was pale, and he pressed his palms hard on the bleeding wound. His body trembled slightly and he backed away, as if he still couldn't understand why Enzo, who had originally fled towards the lake, appeared here.

"What do you think?" Enzo said softly, with the corners of his lips raised.

In fact, it wasn't that Enzo's speed was fast enough, but that the scanning function of the chip fully grasped Barlow's movements. Therefore, after walking a certain distance, Enzo decisively detoured to this area and hid in the canopy of trees to wait for an opportunity. Fight back!

But the facts proved that Enzo's choice was correct.
Unprepared, Barlow was seriously injured by the sharp blade on his shoulder. For a knight using a long sword, he lost at least half of his combat effectiveness.

"Take care of you here first, and then deal with that Alger!" Enzo raised the corner of his lips and raised the black short blade in his hand.

Barlow's face was gloomy, and he suddenly charged forward, swinging the knight's long sword and slashing at Enzo.

Raising the knife to block, the short blade and the long sword collided and made a sound. Enzo was already on guard against Barlow and blocked the attack easily, but his body suddenly twisted quickly, and then swung the black short blade, flashing across Barlow's waist like lightning .

"Ah!!" Barlow growled, and suddenly punched out.

Enzo immediately raised his arms to protect his chest. The force of gravity caused his body to shake slightly, and then he took a few steps back.

"I can't go on like this, I have to leave as soon as possible!"

A sense of crisis rose in Barlow's heart, and he stepped back slightly.

The wound on his shoulder continued to bleed, making his aura gradually weak. When facing Enzo's attack, he was obviously already a little powerless, so he immediately decided to retreat and make plans after reuniting with Alger.

"You want to escape?" Enzo's eyes moved slightly, noticing Barlow's movements.

Barlow didn't say a word, but suddenly kicked a rock towards Enzo with force, and then turned around and ran wildly.

(End of this chapter)

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