Journey to the Wizarding World

Chapter 1426 The Road to Journey

Chapter 1426 The Road to Journey


As the dark fireballs fell quickly like raindrops, the energy barrier formed by the Sky Eye Dragon Emperor Tornok with his own power was somewhat unable to withstand it.

"Damn, what's going on?"

A trace of doubt flashed in the eyes of the Heavenly Eye Dragon Emperor Tornok, as if he couldn't imagine that the black dragon that he had suppressed before would explode with such strength at this moment.

Faced with Enzo's successive attacks, Tornok, the Sky-Eyed Dragon Emperor, didn't even have time to react.


Suddenly, Tornok, the Heavenly Eye Dragon Emperor, burst out with a roar, and an eyeball appeared in the sky, as if it had turned into a strange moon.

The silver-white moon looks particularly bright.

However, what was supposed to be a beautiful scenery, but the aura exuding at this moment was so strange, as if it was polluted by the abyss and the power of evil.

The moonlight falls on the earth, forming an invisible suppressive force.

Enzo narrowed his eyes slightly, and in just a moment, he understood the method of Tornok, the Sky-Eyed Dragon Emperor, but he did not panic because of it.

"The authority of the moon?"

Enzo chuckled and murmured, "In that case, you should try this too!"

While speaking, Enzo waved his hand, and saw a blood-red moon slowly emerging in the sky, echoing the silver moon.

The scarlet blood moon exudes an ominous and strange aura.

"This is……"

After seeing the blood moon, Tornok, the Heavenly Eye Dragon Emperor, couldn't help but a surprised light flashed in his pupils, and he cried out.

"Moon Goddess?"

As a Dragon Emperor who has had many dealings with the abyss world, Sky Eye Dragon Emperor Tornok is no stranger to Ms. Yue.

Even among sixth-level life forms, the other party belongs to the top level.

At that time, he was very ambitious and wanted to reach the seventh level, but he was killed by the fallen wizard Bushula, and disappeared completely. It was not until many years later that news came again.

Now, Enzo actually displays the power of the Moon Goddess in his hands.

This shocked the Sky-Eyed Dragon Emperor Tornok, and at the same time he immediately began to make assumptions. He looked at Enzo sharply, with a hint of unkindness in his tone.


According to the original guess of Tornok, the Sky-Eyed Dragon Emperor, this black dragon should be Hamlet, the God of Good Dragons, a chess piece to seize the Palu continent.

But now it seems that this is not the case.

The blood moon summoned by the black dragon Enzo obviously represents the power of the abyss, and the aura it emits makes Tornok, the Sky-Eyed Dragon Emperor, think of many things.

"how is this possible?"

Thoughts flickered in the mind of the Sky-Eyed Dragon Emperor Tornok, and he secretly thought, "Tiamat, the mother of evil dragons, has obviously signed a contract with the abyss world. Why does she appear in the Palu continent?"

"Could it be that Tiamat, the Mother of Dragons, deceived me?"

"It's possible..."

"However, just a blood moon is not enough to prove that this black dragon does come from the abyss. It is just a possibility."

While he was thinking about it, Enzo had already taken action again.

His identity is not the key to determining this confrontation. As time goes by, the field isolation created by Enzo is gradually dissipating.

Therefore, Enzo must seize the time to get rid of Tornok, the Sky-Eyed Dragon Emperor.

"Thunder Chain!"

In mid-air, Enzo whispered syllables in his mouth, and with a wave of his hand, thunder turned into chains, and was already attacking Tornok, the Sky-Eyed Dragon Emperor.


As the sound of thunderous dancing sounded, Tornok, the Sky-Eyed Dragon Emperor who was thinking, was already controlled in place by the thunderbolts.

In mid-air, Enzo's eyes flickered.

Ever since he began to use the power of his soul, the situation in this confrontation had quietly begun to change.

Even with the home field advantage, Tornok, the Sky Eye Dragon Emperor, was still suppressed.

However, for Enzo, this is not enough.

"The power of dark water!"

Enzo whispered the syllables in his mouth, and with a wave of his hand, the black dark water had surged away, swallowing up Tornok, the Sky-Eyed Dragon Emperor, as if it had turned into an invisible wave.

"Damn it!"

On the spot, Tornok, the Heavenly Eye Dragon Emperor, was suppressed by the dark water and seemed temporarily unable to move, but the opponent was still a sixth-level life form anyway.

Therefore, it is impossible for nature to be manipulated by others.

"White fire!"

As the Sky-Eyed Dragon Emperor Tornok roared, silver-white flames appeared around him, blocking the dark water that swallowed him.

"Tree and vine strangulation!"

When Enzo saw this scene, he didn't panic at all. As he uttered the syllables in his mouth, the vines turned into poisonous snakes and attacked.

In just an instant, Tornok, the Sky-Eyed Dragon Emperor, had been restrained, and spikes were rapidly growing on the vines, as if they were going to pierce into the opponent's scales and flesh.

Stab la la!

Tornok, the Heavenly Eye Dragon Emperor, felt threatened and immediately used his own power to make his scales glow with a silvery white luster.

However, even so, the spikes of the vines seemed to be pervasive.

In just a short time, Tornok, the Heavenly Eye Dragon Emperor, was already scarred.

This confrontation has only lasted a few minutes, and Tornok, the Sky-Eyed Dragon Emperor, has already fallen into a disadvantage without even reacting.


At this time, Tornok, the Heavenly Eye Dragon Emperor, suddenly seemed to understand something, and a complex luster flashed in his eyes.

"You are not from Hamlet, the Good Dragon God!"

"Not a strong man from the abyss either!"

"You are... a wizard!"

There was a hint of hoarseness in the voice of the Heavenly Eye Dragon Emperor Tornok, and it seemed that he finally understood it until this moment.

"It are not too stupid!"

Enzo's eyes flashed with a hint of ridicule, and he stared at Tornok, the Sky-Eyed Dragon Emperor, and said faintly, "But it's too late to know now, isn't it?"

As he spoke, a dark luster flashed in Enzo's eyes.

"The power of death!"

In mid-air, Enzo waved his arms, and the power of the soul in his body seemed to turn into flames and burned fiercely. The power representing the end and death attacked Tornok, the Sky-Eyed Dragon Emperor at this moment.

"Do not!!!"

Looking at the extremely terrifying aura that contained the power of death, Tornok, the Heavenly Eye Dragon Emperor, finally lost his previous calmness.

Death was like a shadow, completely shrouding the head of the Sky-Eyed Dragon Emperor Tornok. That fatal threat made the Sky-Eyed Dragon Emperor fearful.

The next moment, the fire of death was burning. A trace of paleness appeared on Enzo's face. He looked at Tornok, the Sky-Eyed Dragon Emperor in the distance, and thoughts flashed in his mind.

Even for him, the power of death is not a power that can be used easily, not to mention that it is still in this state.

However, based on the situation just now, it is simply impossible for Enzo to achieve a quick victory without using the power of death.


The flames containing the power of death swallowed up the Sky-Eyed Dragon Emperor Tornok in an instant. Even if the opponent had scale armor, it was still melting like a melting candle at this moment.


Under the crisis of life and death, Tornok, the Sky-Eyed Dragon Emperor, roared furiously, and golden light burst out from his vertical pupils, as if he wanted to use this to ward off the terrible damage caused by the power of death.

However, Enzo on the opposite side sneered.

"not enough!"

In mid-air, Enzo shook his head. The power of death authority is the top power in the multiverse. Therefore, even if Tornok, the Sky-Eyed Dragon Emperor, burns the source of life, he still cannot resist the fire of death.

"Wizard! Don't even think about killing me!"

On the ground, Tornok, the Sky-Eyed Dragon Emperor, burst out with a roar, his eyes fixed on Enzo in mid-air, as if he had made some decision.

The next moment, Tornok, the Heavenly Eye Dragon Emperor, suddenly opened his fangs and bloody mouth.

But he saw a black dragon egg spit out by him alive. It was covered with strange marks and exuded a throbbing luster.

"This is?"

Looking at the black dragon egg floating in mid-air, Enzo's eyes flashed with throbbing, and he felt an extremely terrifying aura from it.

"Chip, scan!"

Enzo did not dare to act rashly. He stared at the dragon egg and used the chip's scanning function. A large amount of data immediately emerged in his mind.

"Mother of Dragons, Tiamat!"

Feeling the information in his mind, Enzo's eyes flashed with luster. If he guessed correctly, the dragon eggs spit out by Tornok, the Sky-Eyed Dragon Emperor, definitely had some relationship with Tiamat, the mother of evil dragons.

After realizing this, Enzo felt very vigilant in his heart.

Tiamat, the Mother of Dragons!

The opponents are the two most powerful men at the top of the entire Dragon Clan World. Their strength is so terrifying that even the Supremes of the Wizarding World must be careful to face it.

With the power of destiny, Enzo was reincarnated into the dragon world in a special way. The biggest threat he faced was the two dragon gods.

Therefore, on Enzo's list, Tiamat, the mother of dragons, is the most dangerous being.

Even if he had to choose, Enzo would rather face Hamlet, the god of good dragons, than Tiamat, the mother of evil dragons.

After all, although the former is stronger, he still has principles and his behavior is not as careless as Tiamat, the mother of dragons.

"No matter what he wants to do, it's absolutely not okay!"

Looking at the dragon egg in mid-air, Enzo's eyes flashed with a dignified light. Although he didn't know what Tornok, the Sky-Eyed Dragon Emperor, wanted to do, he knew that he could never let him act.

"Dragon Breath Flame Explosion!"

Thinking of this, a resolute expression appeared on Enzo's face, and then he opened his fangs and bloody mouth, and fiercely spit out the dragon's breath and explosive attack.

In an instant, the blazing fireball roared away.

However, Enzo's target was not Tornok, the Sky-Eyed Dragon Emperor, but he planned to use the Dragon Breath Flame Explosion to destroy the dragon egg.

"Wizard! Do you think I will let you destroy it?"

On the ground, the face of Tornok, the Sky-Eyed Dragon Emperor, had become extremely ferocious. In order to protect the dragon egg, he actually spread his wings and withstood the terrifying offensive of the dragon's breath fire blast.


The extremely hot flames are constantly sweeping, and the heat is enough to melt steel and rocks. Even Tornok, the Sky-Eyed Dragon Emperor at this moment, cannot completely withstand it.

The already injured wings became even more ferocious and terrifying.

However, even so, the attitude of Tornok, the Heavenly Eye Dragon Emperor, remained extremely firm, guarding the dragon egg and refusing to retreat.


Enzo's eyes flashed with solemnity. In his mind, the chip was counting the time. He knew that he had to resolve the battle as soon as possible, so he decisively used the power of his soul.

The power of death turned into a spear and attacked.

However, just before the death spear was about to penetrate the body of the Sky Eye Dragon Emperor Tornok, the opponent poured all his power into the dragon egg.


In an instant, fine cracks appeared on the dragon egg, and a palm-sized baby dragon crawled out, but the terrifying aura it exuded made even Enzo feel throbbing.


The young dragon made a childish voice, but it was a bit ancient and strange, and said quietly, "As an ally, why do you appear in the dragon world?"

"Perhaps, the Supreme Council should give me an explanation!"

While speaking, the baby dragon spread its wings, and the colorful light burst out in the next moment, and then the baby dragon continued to change at a speed visible to the naked eye.

In just a moment, the other party had transformed into an adult dragon form.

Moreover, unlike ordinary dragons, the dragon in front of you has an elegant shape, and every scale on its body contains a different special aura.

The mother of dragons, Tiamat!

Enzo had heard about this legendary existence for a long time, and he could naturally understand that Tiamat, the mother of dragons, who appeared here at this moment, was not her true body.

But even though the power just came, Enzo still felt a lot of pressure.

"Have you finally...come this far?"

Enzo sighed in his heart, and a hint of helplessness flashed in his eyes. The plan to go to the dragon world was decided by the supreme wizards of the Supreme Council.

Originally, Enzo planned to keep a low profile as much as possible.

In order not to attract the attention of the two dragon gods, he did not even dare to use the power of the soul too much, but now, the eyes of Tiamat, the mother of evil dragons, still fell on the continent of Palu.

Therefore, the identity of Wizard Enzo has been completely exposed.

"The matter has come to this, there is nothing we can do!"

Enzo sighed in his heart. With the appearance of Tiamat, the mother of evil dragons, his plan to go to the world of dragons would probably end in failure.

However, Enzo would not accept his fate until it was completely over.

"What about Tiamat, the Mother of Dragons?"

Enzo raised his head, stared at the other person, and said faintly: "You are just a force coming now. Are you planning to turn the situation around!"

As he spoke, Enzo raised his arms.

Originating from the foundation of the endless wizard, the power of hundreds of worlds under his command all descended on Enzo as if in an instant.

Suddenly, Enzo's aura increased steadily.

"Oh? That's interesting!"

Opposite, Tiamat, the mother of evil dragons, felt the changes in the black dragon, and a glint of interest flashed in her eyes.

Next to him, Tornok, the Heavenly Eye Dragon Emperor, had a resentful expression on his face.

He has been eroded by the power of death and is now in an extremely dangerous state. If he cannot reverse everything, he may really die here today.

(End of this chapter)

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