Journey to the Wizarding World

Chapter 16 Return to Kaiyuan

Chapter 16 Return to Kaiyuan

Holding onto a tree trunk, Enzo panted heavily.

"Chip, detect the state of the body."

"During the test, the host is in a weak state, with multiple injuries to his body, and he is losing a large amount of blood. He is expected to fall into a coma in 45 minutes. It is recommended to evacuate to a safe area as soon as possible and receive comprehensive treatment."

The sound of the mechanical chip sounded in his head, Enzo's face was pale, and after a short rest, he gritted his teeth and stood firm.

At this moment, a beast roar suddenly came from the distant forest.

The sound waves spread like ripples, startled countless birds screaming, fluttering their wings and darting towards the sky.

"It's the giant snow-toothed beast!" Enzo's expression changed dramatically.

The roar of the giant snow-toothed beast came from the border of the forest, but it was not too far from this area. If it attacked in this direction, with Enzo's current state, he would be unable to fight against it, and he would not even be able to escape.

Enzo's eyes flashed solemnly, and he immediately started to run towards Kaiyuan City.

The wound on his shoulder continued to ooze blood. Enzo ran with all his strength, but his face became paler and paler. Gradually, his body began to shake and his consciousness gradually became blurred.

"Hold on, I'll leave the Forest of Punishment Immediately." Enzo clenched his teeth and insisted, trying his best to stay awake.

Suddenly there was a loud noise in the distance, and the fire was flickering in the dim forest. Enzo vaguely heard someone calling his name. He responded loudly with all his strength, but his body could no longer hold on and fell to the ground. .

"Alarm, the host has lost too much blood and is about to fall into a coma!"

His consciousness began to blur a little bit. Before he completely fell into a coma, Enzo saw in a trance among the trees in the distance, many cavalrymen running towards him with torches. The man who charged at the front was wearing a pitch-black armor. But the expression full of anxiety made him feel a little familiar.

"Father." Enzo whispered with trembling lips.

The next moment, darkness flooded in like a tide, and Enzo completely lost consciousness.

After an unknown amount of time, Enzo regained consciousness and slowly opened his eyes.

The sight he entered was a familiar room. Enzo raised his hand to lift off the quilt covering his body, sat up from the bed with difficulty, and looked at the window. There was a gray mist outside, and a ray of light rose from the distant sky, as if It's early morning.

"Chip, how long have I been in a coma?" Enzo asked with a frown.

"Host coma time: 14 hours and 22 minutes."

"Is it already the second day?" Enzo rubbed his head and shouted towards the door, "Is anyone there?"

Creaking, the door was pushed open.

"Master, you're finally awake." Daisy, the maid, walked in quickly, and when she saw that Enzo had woken up, she immediately felt relieved, and then she came to the bed and helped Enzo from the bed. stand up.

The wound on his body was covered with bandages, but Enzo was still a little weak due to the excessive blood loss.

"Did my father rescue me?" Enzo asked with a pale face.

"Yes, master." Daisy replied respectfully.

"Yesterday...what happened?" Enzo couldn't help but continue to ask, remembering the two people he met in the Frozen Punishment Forest.

"It was the army of the Iron Scythe family that attacked Kaiyuan City!" Daisy seemed to be terrified, raising her head slightly and said: "Yesterday afternoon, the army of the Iron Scythe family gathered outside Kaiyuan City, and a great knight with a giant ax smashed the city gate. , Many cavalry from the Iron Scythe family rushed in."

Daisy said, a trace of fear flashed in her eyes.

"After those cavalry entered the city gate, they began to kill civilians crazily and plunder everything. Under the leadership of that great knight, the guard knights in the city could not resist at all. Appeared and took control of the situation."

"The giant ax knight was injured by Lord Tyrone, and the army of the Iron Scythe family also withdrew from Kaiyuan City."

"I don't know what happened after that."

After listening to Daisy's narration, Enzo roughly understood what happened yesterday. All of this was the plan of the Iron Scythe family. They first used the snow-tooth monster to lure Enzo and others to the Forest of Punishment Frost. However, even if O'Quinn and Tai Lun appeared, they would take control of the situation.

After that, O'Quinn found that his only son was missing, so he immediately went to the Frost Punishment Forest to look for it, and just happened to save Enzo who had been seriously injured.

"Where is father? I'm going to see him." Enzo said suddenly.

"Master O'Quinn is in the living room, and he also ordered you to meet him in the study after you wake up."

Enzo nodded and recovered some strength at this time, then left the room with Daisy's support and walked towards the living room.

Not long after, Enzo came to the door of the study.

Pushing open the door, Enzo walked in. There was no change in the furnishings in the study, but the temperature in the room was warmer than before. In front of the office desk, O'Quinn sat majestically on a chair, with an expressionless face and cold eyes. There are pieces of parchment full of information on the desk.

A smile appeared on O'Quinn's face when he saw Enzo coming in.

"Father." Enzo greeted softly.

"You're here, take a seat." O'Quinn pointed to a chair, motioned for Enzo to sit down, and asked gently, "How are you doing? Are you feeling better?"

"The wound is treated very well and will recover within a few days."

The doctor in the castle treated Enzo's wound in a timely manner when he was in a coma. Although he was still weak due to excessive blood loss, relying on the physique of the knight, he can fully recover after a few days of rest without leaving any sequelae. .

"That's good." O'Quinn nodded slightly, and said, "I ordered someone to prepare breakfast, let's eat together."

After finishing speaking, O'Quinn yelled towards the door, and immediately a servant came in pushing a dining cart, quickly bringing breakfast to the table.

"I happen to be a little hungry." Enzo touched his stomach, but he was not polite, picked up a bowl of sweet porridge and drank it.

Seeing that Enzo had a good appetite, O'Quinn also brought a plate of steak with a smile on his face. The father and son did not speak, enjoying a hearty breakfast quietly.
It was quiet in the study, only the sound of tableware colliding.

Enzo was hungry, so he drank three bowls of sweet porridge in a row. While filling his stomach, he also recovered some energy. However, O'Quinn ate very slowly. He only ate half of a steak in half a day. The swallowing movements are also very awkward, as if they are not hungry but are forced to eat.

Suddenly, O'Quinn's hands that were cutting the steak stopped, and his face flushed unnaturally.

"Puff, cough, cough!"

A mouthful of blood was sprayed on the table, and O'Quinn's face instantly became ferocious, and he pressed his palms hard on his chest. There was a violent ups and downs, and after a deep collapse, it bulged up quickly, as if it was about to explode, which looked extremely terrifying.

(End of this chapter)

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