Chapter 175 Ulysses
"Master Ulysses wants to see me?"

Hearing the summons, Enzo hurriedly said, "Okay, Senior Isaac, I'll go right away!"

Afterwards, he put away the Phantom Raven Medal on the table, and after giving orders to Dias who was on patrol, he left the manor and went to the street to stop a carriage.

"Go to the Lord's Tower." Enzo threw a gold coin to the coachman.

There are three wizards in Thunder City, but there is only one lord, that is Ulysses. The coachman put away the gold coins with a look of surprise, pulled the reins and headed towards the lord's tower.

Walking along the street all the way, passing a bustling commercial area on the way, and crossing a river-crossing bridge, three tall towers and the giant Twilight Eye suspended in the air finally appeared in front of them.

"Here we are, sir." The coachman parked the carriage on the side of the road.

Enzo walked down from the top and went straight to the Lord's Tower ahead, but just as he was about to enter the entrance of the Lord's Tower, the Eye of Twilight floating in the sky suddenly projected a ray of light.

A strange feeling spread throughout his body, as if Enzo had been scanned.

"Eye of Twilight can distinguish the identity of the target, so as to prevent fallen wizards from sneaking into Thunder City." Enzo understood in his heart, but then shook his head and said, "But relying too much on magic items may not be a good thing, Twilight There must be some kind of loophole in the judgment of the Eye of Light, otherwise Sean would not have been able to hide his identity in Thunder City for so long."

"Excuse me, do you have anything to do?" At this moment, a tower guard came up to greet him. He saw Enzo's gray robe representing the wizard apprentice, so his attitude was very respectful.

"I am Enzo, summoned by Wizard Ulysses." Enzo said.

"Okay, please follow me." The guard walked ahead, leading Enzo into the tower, walking along the revolving stairs, and soon came to a room.

"I can only bring you here." The guard then left.

Enzo took a step forward and knocked on the door. After hearing a low voice, he pushed open the door and walked straight in.

This is a spacious office, with two bookshelves full of books by the wall, a large desk in the center, and a bearskin chair behind it, on which a man with a calm temperament sits.

His face was stern and calm, and his gray eyes were deep and deep.

On the side, Isaac stood quietly and nodded slightly when he saw Enzo coming in, which was regarded as a greeting.

"Lord Ulysses." Enzo stroked his chest and saluted. From the similar appearance of the man and Isaac, it was not difficult to guess his identity. He was the lord of Thunder City and the Ulysses wizard of the Kendi family.

"Tell me about everything you experienced in the Dark Forest." Ulysses cut to the chase.

Afterwards, he added: "Especially about the fallen wizard apprentice Sean, please be more detailed and don't miss anything."

Enzo was taken aback for a moment, but soon recovered, and told about his experience in the dark forest.

According to Ulysses' request, he described in detail the fragments related to Sean, but deliberately concealed things about the black long sword and the prophecy of the Evernight Goddess.

"It turns out that Justin's heir has been hiding in Leiguang City?"

After listening to Enzo's narration, Ulysses' face was gloomy, and suddenly he punched the desk, and said in a cold tone, "Damn fraudster, you are hiding in the dark forest with a group of mice. I didn't want to pay attention to you, but You dare to take the initiative to provoke, then don't blame me for destroying your Falling Night City!"

"Uncle is going to crusade against Falling Night City?" Isaac's eyes lit up beside him.

"Hmph! Since the mice in the gutter are looking for their own death, let's help them." Ulysses snorted coldly, but then frowned, sighed, and said, "Actually, Leiguang City has been in the city for many years. We wiped out the fallen wizards, but due to the complex environment near the Gloomy Forest, we have not been able to find the exact location of Nightfall City."

"Fallen wizards are like a group of mice. Every time they are attacked, they hide in underground caves!"

"When the limelight passes, they will reappear. If their lair is not completely destroyed, those remaining fallen wizards can still revive as long as they use Nightfall City as their foundation."

After finishing speaking, Ulysses leaned against the bearskin chair behind him, folded his hands on his chest, and his eyes flashed with thought.

"If you want to completely eliminate the fallen wizards, you must find Fallen Night City!"

"It's a pity that the dark forest is too vast. Even if everyone in Leiguang City is sent, it is impossible to complete the blanket search within a year. What's more, if that happens, the task of collecting fluorescent mushrooms will inevitably be delayed, and it will not be possible to hand over to the academy."

"Uncle, what if we send some ravens to look for it?"

On the side, Isaac suggested, "Use witchcraft to control some ravens and let them search in the dark forest. Once you find traces of fallen wizards or Nightfall City, send people to crusade immediately!"

"It's no use, Isaac, you're oversimplifying things."

Ulysses shook his head and said, "Fallen wizards are not so easy to deal with. They have been entrenched in the dark forest for many years, and they have set up rune traps in some places to prevent ravens from searching. "

"Lord Ulysses, if you want to attack Fallen Night City, maybe I can help you." Enzo suddenly said at the desk.

"You? Is there any way, tell me." Ulysses frowned.

Enzo did not speak, but took out a piece of parchment, went to the desk and presented it to Ulysses directly.

"This is." Ulysses shrank his pupils and said in surprise, "The map of Nightfall City! Where did you get it?"

"I found this map from Xiao En." Enzo replied honestly, "Since he claims to be the heir of a fraudster, then this map should have a certain degree of authenticity."

Ulysses' eyes flickered, and his thoughts changed.

"It seems that you have made a great achievement!" After a while, Ulysses smiled and said, "I will send someone to confirm the authenticity of this map. If it is true, I must give it to you." You reward."

"Tell me, Enzo, what request do you have?"

The map found on Sean was very authentic. Ulysses felt happy when he thought of finding the lair of the fallen wizard, so he asked.

Enzo was also overjoyed, and quickly took off the Ring of Holy Light from his fingertips.

"I've heard that Master Ulysses is highly skilled in alchemy. If possible, I hope you can help me restore this enchanted item."

Putting the Ring of Holy Light on the table, Enzo returned to the original place respectfully.

"Another high-level magical item?" Ulysses picked up the Ring of Holy Light, looked at it in his palm, and immediately found that the energy array inside the magical item was severely damaged and could no longer be used.

(End of this chapter)

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