Journey to the Wizarding World

Chapter 178 Promotion to Level 3

Chapter 178 Promotion to Third Level
"Chip, suspend meditation and forcibly wake up the subject!"

With the last trace of consciousness remaining in his mind, Enzo decisively issued an order, and as the chip forcibly stopped his meditation, the surrounding sea water sank like an ebb tide, and he suddenly opened his eyes.

"Huh—why is this happening?"

His chest heaved violently, Enzo's face was pale, cold sweat rolled down his forehead, and his body trembled uncontrollably, as if he had collapsed after experiencing a strenuous exercise.

He is in an extremely bad state at the moment, not only the magic power in his body is exhausted, but even his breath is like a candle in the wind.

"Ding! After the subject takes [Azure Potion], the mental power is stimulated, the soul enters a state of metamorphosis, and the magic power stored in the body is quickly exhausted, eventually causing the subject to fall into weakness!"

The sound of the chip came from the ear, and Enzuo's eyes flashed with enlightenment.

"The soul needs to consume a lot of energy in the process of transformation. As a result, the magic power in my body was exhausted unconsciously, but the effect of [Azure Potion] did not end, so it began to consume my life energy."

"If a person's vitality is exhausted, he will surely die!"

"Fortunately, I was reminded by the chip that I exited the meditation state in time, so I was not hollowed out." After a short rest, Enzo felt a bit of strength recovered, and he quickly took out three magic potions and drank them.

A warm feeling rises from the abdomen, and the gradually restored magic power spreads to the whole body.

After a long while, Enzo's face finally became rosy. He let out a long breath and sighed, "Although the new potion has been analyzed by the chip, it still has unpredictable effects when it is used rashly for the first time."

After testing it himself, Enzo has a deeper understanding of the effect of [Azure Potion].

First of all, after taking this potion, the spirit will be stimulated and enter a state of rapid improvement, but at the same time, the energy in the body will also be consumed rapidly, using this as 'fuel' to maintain the effect of [Azure Potion].

"It seems that the next time you use [Azure Potion], you must prepare some [Magic Potion] in advance!"

Enzo was thoughtful, and then said: "Chip, call up my status."

"Target: Enzo/Strength: 4.8/Physique: 4.7/Spirit: 6.1/Level: Level [-] Apprentice/Status: Weak."

The spirit finally broke through 6 points, which means that Enzo has been promoted to the third-level apprentice, and his state has fallen into weakness, but that is only the price of the magic power being drained. After taking the [magic potion], he can recover after a period of rest.

"Physique has been reduced from 4.9 to 4.7."

Enzo stroked his chin and sighed, "It seems that under the effect of [Azure Potion], after the magic power in my body is exhausted, some vitality is also lost, which leads to a decline in physical fitness."

"But it doesn't matter, it will recover after a while."

Successfully promoted to a third-level apprentice, Enzo was delighted, but he was in a weak state at this time, and he just wanted to take a good rest, so he leaned back and fell on the bed, feeling relaxed, and fell into a deep sleep after a while.

After an unknown amount of time, Enzo's eyelids trembled on the wooden bed.

"Chip, how long have I been asleep?" He opened his eyes, the exhausted magic power in his body has recovered, his weak state has also improved, his breath is stable, and he is full of energy.

"Subject sleep time: 25 hours and 7 minutes."

"Has it been a day and a night?" Enzo rubbed his head, jumped off the wooden bed, his body trembled, and his bones made a 'crackling' sound, like frying beans.

Then, he got up and left the secret room.

In the hall of the manor, Enzo ordered the servants to prepare some food, then went to the bathroom, took off his gray robe, and soaked his filthy body in the hot pool.

"Huh!" Feeling the warmth around him, Enzo breathed out comfortably.

At this time, the servant brought a tray full of food.

"Just put it there." Enzo opened his eyelids and said lightly.

"Yes, master." The servant put down the tray and exited the bathroom.

"Spiritual strength broke through 6 points, and after I was promoted to a third-level apprentice, my soul became stronger through transformation!" After soaking in the pool for a while, Enzo suddenly opened his eyes, and a thought flashed in his mind.

Not far away by the pool, a silver tray floated up.

The next moment, pulled by an invisible force, the tray and the food inside floated in front of Enzo, floating quietly on the water surface of the bath.

"When the strength of the soul reaches a certain level, you can rely on the power of thought to drive some things."

Stretching out his hand to grab the bread on the tray, Enzo took a bite and said, "But in general, if you want to rely on thought power to drive objects, your soul strength must reach the level of an official wizard."

"However, I have a soul cultivation method!"

"So the soul is inherently tougher than ordinary third-level apprentices. After undergoing a transformation, it has reached the level where it can drive items, but it is definitely not as good as a formal wizard."

After a while, Enzo ate up all the food in the tray, and Enzo also stood up from the sink.

Afterwards, he put on a clean gray robe and walked out of the bathroom.

"[Azure Potion] has been successfully developed, so next, we should apply for the patent right to the Potion Association as soon as possible." When he came to the laboratory, Enzo checked the remaining materials.

"Well, it should be enough to configure three [blue potions]."

After confirming that the materials were enough for three rounds of potion preparation, Enzo began to refine [Azure Potion] according to the method he remembered. After two hours of work, two sea blue potions appeared in his hand.

"Three materials, two successes!"

"Even if I have chip support, the success rate is only 65%. It seems that the refining of [Cerulean Potion] is very difficult, but it is normal, after all, it is a potion that can improve spiritual power."

After collecting the two [Azure Potion], Enzo turned and walked out of the laboratory.

He explained to Dias who was on patrol, and then left the manor, stopped a carriage on the street, threw a gold coin to the driver, and told the location.

Half an hour later, the carriage arrived outside a building.

"Potions Association!" Looking at the building in front of him that resembled a municipal building, Enzo walked in. This is a branch of the Potions Association in Leiguang City, which can provide some services for potions masters.

The spacious hall was silent, and there was hardly a single person in sight.

"Welcome." At the counter not far away, there was a white-haired old man with glasses. He was reading a book with his head down. When he noticed someone coming in, he said without raising his head, "What do you need?"

"Want to learn about pharmacy? Or buy potions?"

"Neither." Enzo shook his head, walked forward, put a [blue potion] on the counter, and said, "This is a potion I newly developed, and I want to apply for a patent right!"

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(End of this chapter)

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