Journey to the Wizarding World

Chapter 194 Information

Chapter 194 Information
"If you want to use this kind of nonsense to deceive us, it will only prove that you are too stupid." Hearing Pamela's words, Lafite shook his head in disdain and laughed.

"I'm sorry, ma'am." Isaac also sneered, and asked, "Why should we trust you?"

Caroline narrowed her eyes with a smile, and there was a trace of coldness in her eyes again. She stroked Pamela's face with her white palm, and said softly, "You liar, you have to swallow a thousand needles."

After saying that, a blush appeared in Caroline's eyes.

Pamela's face changed drastically, a trace of fear flashed in her eyes, and a burning pain came from her abdomen. She knelt on the ground with a vomit, and spit out a blood clot covered with mucus, which was mixed with steel needles.

"No I'm not lying!"

Pamela looked painful, put her hands on her abdomen, and screamed hysterically, "Stop it! Everything I said is true. Justin is definitely alive, and I can prove it to you."

"Why don't you listen to what she has to say first." Suddenly, Enzo said.

Just now, when the female fallen person was talking, the chip had been scanning. According to the feedback from the chip, although the female fallen person’s heartbeat was accelerating and her breathing was short of breath, it was just a normal reaction under the fear of death. From the perspective of emotional fluctuations, there was no Spot the signs of lying.

Caroline frowned, shrugged, and the redness in her eyes faded.

This is a kind of curse-like witchcraft with harsh casting conditions, and it is only useful for people who are extremely weak. If Enzo didn't stop it, Pamela might spit out her internal organs in a short while.

"Tell me carefully why you think Justin is still alive." Enzo asked quietly.

"Ahem!" Feeling the curse dissipate, Pamela's face was as pale as paper.

Her body couldn't help trembling, looking at Caroline, as if facing an abyssal demon, after hearing Enzo's question, suppressing the fear in her heart, she tremblingly said: "In the battle against the underground ruins, Everyone can see that Master Justin led Wizard Idru into Nightfall City, and then activated the rune trap. Wizard Idru was seriously injured as a result, but he still had enough energy to kill Justin, thus obtaining The victory of the war."

"But in fact, these are just the events known to the outside world. For those of us who are fallen, this incident is full of weirdness from the very beginning!"

Pamela paused, took a deep breath and said.

"First of all, from the first day Wizard Idru stepped into the underground ruins, Nightfall City had already noticed it, but Justin didn't respond, and the other side was even pressing towards Nightfall City. We Still haven't received any orders."

"It wasn't until the surface wizards arrived near Nightfall that Justin ordered us to start a counterattack!"

"But this order was issued in a hurry, and only a part of the peripheral fallen people received it. From the beginning to the end of the battle, even Justin was beheaded, and none of the fallen people who were core members in Nightfall City showed up. "

Isaac narrowed his eyes, and suddenly seemed to think of something, stroked his chin and said.

"You mean, in the Battle of the Underground Ruins, those fallen who belonged to the core members of Fallen Night City, Justin's confidantes, never appeared from the beginning?"

"I'm afraid. That's the case." Pamela swallowed a mouthful of saliva.

Isaac looked pensive, his eyes flickered and said: "If you say that, I remembered something. Before I followed the Idru wizard to crusade against Nightfall City, and the fallen people I faced in the battle did not appear strong. , the resisters seem to be a bunch of cannon fodder."

"Oh?" Enzo's eyes flashed, and a thoughtful expression appeared on his face.

"It's clearly a life-and-death battle, but none of the core members of Nightfall City showed up, plus Justin's abnormal behavior before." Pamela's face was pale, biting her lips and said: "So, I suspect that all of this It's a conspiracy!"

"Justin didn't die at all, he just used this method to conceal his real purpose. Although Nightfall City was destroyed, as long as the core members are still there, he can still rebuild a city of fallen people in a more hidden place." city."

"As for those of us who received the order to resist, perhaps we have been abandoned by Justin from the very beginning, and have become victims used to confuse the wizards on the surface."

Isaac's eyes flickered, recalling the battle in the underground ruins, his thoughts kept changing.

"Lie!" At this moment, Lafite suddenly said, "Do you think people will believe you when you fabricate such a lie? Don't forget that when Wizard Idru returned to Lightning City, he brought Justin with him." head!"

Hearing this sentence, everyone remembered in vain that the fraudster had already been beheaded.

"That's right! I saw with my own eyes that when Wizard Idru walked out of the ruins of Nightfall City, he held Justin's head in his hand." Isaac frowned, and looked at Pamela with cold eyes: "This, How to explain it?"

Pamela trembled, opened her mouth but couldn't speak.

"Senior Isaac, did you see Wizard Idru kill Justin with your own eyes?" Enzo asked beside him.

"That's not true. After the collapse of Nightfall City, the underground ruins were in chaos. I and others were busy dealing with the fallen. We only knew that two wizards were fighting." Isaac hesitated, shook his head and said, "No one knows. During the battle, everyone only saw that in the end Wizard Idru walked out of the ruins, holding Justin's head in his hand."

Enzo's eyes flickered, and thoughts flashed across his face.

"What if it wasn't Wizard Idru who walked out of the ruins of Nightfall City at that time?" After a while, he raised his head and said in a low tone, "You know, Justin's title is 'Fraudster' !"

Everyone was startled, and they all felt chills down their spines for this guess.

"Impossible!" Isaac was the first to shake his head, and said decisively, "The Idru wizard is far stronger than Justin. Even if the fraudster uses tricks, he is by no means his opponent. What's more, Idru returns. Uncle Ulysses had already checked that head in Leiguang City, and it indeed belonged to Justin."

Seeing Isaac's firm attitude, Enzo fell into deep thought again.

After a while, he shook his head and said, "Forget it, there is too little information to deduce the truth of the matter, why not take her back to Leiguang City first, and leave everything to Master Ulysses to decide."

After that, Enzo looked at Pamela.

"In this case, let you live for a while." Caroline stroked Pamela's face and asked with a smile, "By the way, do you like kittens or puppies?"

Pamela was taken aback for a moment, and tentatively said: "Little kitten?"

Caroline blinked and spit out a few obscure syllables. A green light immediately enveloped Pamela, causing her body to twist and shrink like strange magic.

With a cry of horror, in the blink of an eye, under the gaze of everyone, Pamela turned into a white kitten.

 Something happened today, the update is late, please forgive me!

(End of this chapter)

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