Journey to the Wizarding World

Chapter 198 The Tower Collapses

Chapter 198 The Tower Collapses
"Essos giant spider?"

Ulysses looked around and saw giant black spiders. According to the knowledge in his mind, he recognized these giant spiders as an ancient monster called [Essos giant spider].

According to legend, the body of the Evernight Goddess is a giant spider.

It is said that she is the first Essos giant spider in the world. She ignites the fire under the sacrifice of the believers and becomes the god who holds the power of [Dark Night]. silence.

Bark!Bark! !

The venom of the Essos giant spider sprayed on the city wall, forming a large area of ​​corrosion marks. The solid rocks shattered one after another, turning into sand and stones and disintegrating into pieces. A soldier was accidentally hit and let out a scream , half of his body turned into rotten flesh.

"Strike of Thunder!"

On the wall of the south gate, a third-level apprentice of the Kendy family waved his arms, turned into thunder with magic power, fell from the sky, and hit an Essos spider closest to the gate.

Being hit by the thunder, the Essos giant spider swayed, and its huge body fell to the ground.

A hole appeared on its back, and lightning cracks spread out on its solid carapace. Although it didn't die immediately with its tenacious vitality, it temporarily lost its ability to move.

"Nice job, Mark."

Ulysses nodded slightly, and after a word of praise, he said loudly, "All apprentices obey the order and attack the Essos giant spider with all their strength. Every time you kill one, you will be rewarded with 100 magic stones!"

Under the reward, there must be a brave man.

Inspired by the magic stone, the apprentices released witchcraft one after another, and began to fight back against the survivors of Essos who attacked the city. With one after another witchcraft, those seemingly terrifying Essos spiders were killed one after another.

At the same time, the catapult driven by the natives of Essos was also destroyed by Ulysses.

The Essos giant spiders fell one by one, and the Essos natives who attacked the south gate were also killed by the arrows fired by the ballista, and the corpses were piled up under the city gate.

However, even so, those Essos natives still rushed to the city gate one after another.

"On this level? What do they want to do?"

Ulysses put his arms on his shoulders and frowned slightly. Seeing the situation being gradually controlled, he felt faintly uneasy in his heart. He couldn't understand the sudden arrival of the natives of Essos on the surface to attack Thunder City.

At the same time, Lightning City.

Lord's Tower, inside Ulysses' office.

A black vortex appeared out of thin air, like a dimensional gap, and a figure in a green robe stepped out of it. His face was expressionless, his face was stiff, and there was no luster in his amber-like green eyes.

"Is this the Wizard's Tower of Ulysses?"

Idru looked around. He came to the glass window and looked at the chaotic south and north of the city. A strange smile appeared on his stiff face, and he whispered, "It seems that those Essos natives did a good job. Ulysses."

"Since this is the case, I should hurry up and do it!"

After all, Idru turned his head and cast his eyes on the three towers. The Eye of Twilight is like a giant eyeball. A trace of greed flashed in his green eyes, and he murmured, "After waiting for so many years, I finally have a chance up"

"As long as I take away the Eye of Twilight, I can open the Temple of the Night and get the chance to be promoted to a second-level wizard!"

"If the plan is successful, it would be thanks to the idiot Idru. Without this body, I would never be able to sneak into Thunder City, let alone enter Ulysses' Lord Tower."

At this moment, the door of the office was suddenly pushed open, and a female apprentice walked in.

"Master Yiidru?" Seeing the figure in front of the window, the female apprentice was taken aback, and asked with some astonishment, "Why are you here? Master Ulysses is looking for you everywhere."

"Master Yidru?" Yidru grinned and said in a strange tone, "Unfortunately, I am not!"

As soon as he finished speaking, he raised an arm slightly, and the invisible gravity attracted the target. His slender and clean palm was like a pair of iron pliers that strangled the female apprentice's neck. Under her horrified eyes, it snapped her neck.

"Okay, it's time to get down to business!"

Under the faint moonlight, through the glass window, the struggling legs of the female apprentice hang down feebly, and the reflection strangling her neck turned out to be a pale and feminine man.

Had Ulysses been there, he would have recognized Reflection's name, Justin the Deceiver!

Throwing down the body of the female apprentice, Justin, who had occupied Idru's body, took out a mask from his arms and put it on. Then he snapped his fingers, and black flames ignited on the ground, spreading towards the entire Lord Tower .

Lightning City, South Gate.

The corpses on the edge of the city wall were piled up like a mountain, and the gleaming crossbow arrows shot from the ballista, making a burst of sharp piercing sounds.

The natives of Essos were pierced through their bodies by crossbow spears, and blood donations stained a large area of ​​land.

Ulysses's eyes were cold, and there was no emotion on his face. He didn't feel the slightest pity for those Essos natives who were not afraid of death, but felt that the scene in front of him was extremely weird.

In half an hour, the number of enemies killed by crossbow guns under the city wall exceeded two thousand.

These Essos natives, like a group of extreme martyrs, faced the ballista without the slightest fear, as if they were carrying out some sacred orders, and gave their lives fearlessly.

In the distance, under an old tree.

"Master Ye Nu, do you still want to continue to attack?" Under the night, beside a girl, a warrior in rattan armor burst into tears and knelt down in the tunnel, saying: "One-third of the tribe has already died. We won’t last long if this continues.”

"For the coming of the Goddess of the Night, all sacrifices are worth it!" The girl remained unmoved, looking at Leiguang City calmly.

"But." The rattan armor warrior opened his mouth with a painful expression on his face.

"Enough! Rex." At this time, an old man kicked his crutches and reprimanded, "Everything we do is for the Evernight Goddess. Every sacrificed clansman will not be forgotten. When the Goddess The moment they come into the world, they will become the most glorious warriors and gain eternal life in the Kingdom of God!"

At this moment, a loud noise suddenly came from Leiguang City in the distance.

"Success!" The girl's eyes lit up, and a hint of ecstasy appeared on her face.

The old man and the rattan warrior Rex also opened their eyes wide and looked forward. Under the night, there was a loud noise from Thunder City, as if a giant beast was screaming. Above the center of the city, the giant Twilight eyes, suddenly disappeared into the darkness.

And the three tall towers that symbolized the authority of the wizards also began to collapse the moment the Eye of Twilight disappeared!

(End of this chapter)

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