Journey to the Wizarding World

Chapter 2 Restarting the War

Chapter 2 Restarting the War
The conversation between the two ended, and the door of the study was pushed open at this moment, and Enzo walked in.

"Father, Brother Xavier." He greeted O'Quinn and Xavier with a smile, and then Enzo looked at the third person in the corner of the room who was like an iron tower without saying a word, and saluted, ": Uncle Taryn."

The burly Tai Lun nodded slightly with a blank expression on his face.

"You're here, Enzo." O'Quinn with a stern expression saw his only son, a rare smile appeared on his face.

"are you better?"

"The medicine prepared by the doctors is very effective, and I feel that I have fully recovered." Enzo replied with a natural expression.

After traveling through another world for more than ten days, Enzo has completely grasped the memories left by the previous owner of his body. He naturally behaved calmly when facing O'Quinn, but Enzo still believes in words and deeds to avoid revealing flaws.

"That's good, let's sit first." O'Quinn said with a satisfied expression, pointing to a chair.

Enzo nodded and sat down as promised.

"Winter is coming, and the grievances with the direwolf family must be settled before the first heavy snow." O'Quinn turned his attention to Xavier again, and began to discuss the war against the Giant Wolf City. "Starting tomorrow, the frozen war Restart, I will lead the army to attack Wolf Claw and Wolf Head Town, and at the same time intercept the cavalry in Wolf Heart Town, and your task is to contain Giant Wolf City, and at the same time be responsible for guarding the movements of the Iron Scythe Family and the Gold Family, you must ensure that.”

The strategy of the war has been decided, and O'Quinn and Xavier mainly agreed on the details.

Tai Lun standing next to him was like a sculpture, while Enzo sitting on the chair just listened quietly without saying a word.

Not long after, the discussion between the two ended.

"The general problem is this. If an accident occurs on the battlefield, you can adapt to the situation." After O'Quinn said the last sentence to Xavier, he turned his eyes to Enzo and said with a slightly serious expression: "This time the war still depends on I will lead, but for your safety, Tyron will stay in Kaiyuan City to sit in charge."

"Okay, I understand." Enzo nodded, and said with a wry smile, "I will definitely stay in Kaiyuan City this time and never cause trouble for you."

O'Quinn smiled in satisfaction, then turned around and walked to the cabinet in the corner of the study, opened the cabinet door and took out a jar of silver liquid.

"This is the blood of the silver wolf that I captured from the Battle of Giant Wolf City. Taking it during the process of cultivating battle qi, it can speed up blood circulation and increase the probability of breaking through knights." O'Quinn held the jar of silver liquid, Walking up to Enzo, he said, "During the war, I hope you can strengthen your training and become a real knight as soon as possible!"

Seeing the blood of the silver wolf, Xavier couldn't help but shrink his pupils, but immediately lowered his head.

"Thank you, father." Enzo took the blood of the silver wolf and said solemnly, "I will work hard to cultivate, and I will never disappoint your expectations."

"That's good, it's getting late, let's go to rest." O'Quinn looked relieved, faintly feeling that his son seemed to have grown a lot after the assassination.

Enzo bowed slightly to salute, and then exited the study.

The next day, early morning.

The sky in the distance is slightly white, and the sun shines through the clouds to the earth, bringing a little warmth to the cold winter.

Enzo was standing in front of the window in a black shirt, looking towards the north of the castle. Thousands of soldiers were lined up in a square formation in an orderly manner, ready to go. A majestic black horse was giving a pre-departure lecture in front of the soldiers at the moment. After Xavier led the last batch of cavalry to meet up, he announced his departure.

The war between the "Night Fury" family of Kaiyuan City and the "Direwolf" family of Giant Wolf City has restarted since then!
The army set off to the north in a mighty manner, gradually drifting away, and disappeared from Enzo's sight not long after.

"Master Enzo, it's already seven o'clock, do you want to have breakfast?" A maid's weak voice came from behind. Enzo turned around and found that the other party was the maid who sent the message yesterday. Seems to be called Daisy.

"Bring it up." Enzo said.

Daisy hurriedly left the room, and when she reappeared a moment later, she was holding a tray full of food in her hands.

The staple food for breakfast is soft butter bread, several kinds of fruits mixed with salad as a side dish, and the drink is warm goat's milk. A few simple things are worth a week's living expenses of the poor.

After quickly finishing his breakfast, Enzo took the napkin from Daisy, wiped his mouth indiscriminately, and threw it on the table.

"Go for a walk and get some air." Enzo got up and walked out the door.

It has been more than ten days since he came to this world, but Enzo has been trapped in the castle recuperating from his injuries. Now that his body has recovered, he has long wanted to go outside. After saying hello to Tai Lun, who is guarding the castle, he walked out with a group of guards the castle gate.

The Ye Fu family's castle is located in the center of Kaiyuan City. It is a busy commercial street within a short walk from the gate. The road paved with granite is very lively with people coming and going.

Although the weather is getting colder, the vendors are still shouting hard, attracting pedestrians to stop and watch.

Being surrounded by the stars of the guards, Enzo walked all the way, and the civilians gave way one after another, cast humble eyes and bowed slightly. In this chaotic world, O'Quinn, the lord of Kaiyuan City, holds the power of life and death for the people. No one dared to offend the son of the city lord.

The air was slightly cool but exceptionally fresh, and Enzo was in a good mood. All his impressions of this world came from the memories left by the previous owner of his body, and now everything he saw with his own eyes felt novel.

"what is that?"

Not far away, a group of civilians gathered together, and the sound of whips hitting the ground could be heard from time to time, Enzo couldn't help but look away.

"It should be selling slaves." The captain of the guard, Parist, grinned and said, "Winter is approaching. I heard that the town on the other side of the Blood Wasteland was attacked by monsters. The slave hunting team in the Golden City fished in troubled waters and caught Lots of slaves."

While the two were talking, the poor people in a circle had already seen Enzo, and hurried out of the way.

Enzo approached, and only then did he see the scene inside clearly.

(End of this chapter)

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