Journey to the Wizarding World

Chapter 203 Black Moon

Chapter 203 Black Moon
"If that's the case, there seems to be a slight possibility."

Enzo narrowed his eyes, a thought flashed through his mind, and he thought to himself, "Perhaps, the cooperative relationship between the remnants of Essos and Justin has come to an end when the latter gets the [Eye of Twilight]."

"Justin, who has the Eye of Twilight, wants to monopolize the Night Labyrinth!"

"In order to check and balance him, the remnants of Essos can only spread the news of the opening of the Night Labyrinth, disrupting the situation as much as possible, so as to destroy Justin's plan."

As Enzo analyzed the possibility of the hypothesis, a trace of solemnity appeared in his eyes.

"If this inference is true, then the news from the underground ruins is likely to be true!" He took a deep breath, feeling a little throbbing in his heart, "After three days, the Labyrinth of Night will open."

Afterwards, Enzo raised his head.

"Thank you very much for the news you brought. It is very important to me. However, I think you are here today not just for this matter, right?"

"Hee hee, of course." Luna's eyes flickered, and she said, "I want to ask you something."

"What's the matter?" Enzo asked.

"Three days later, take me into the underground ruins." Luna said.

"You want me to take you into the underground ruins, why?" Enzo raised his eyebrows, feeling a little surprised, and asked, "The underground ruins are located under the dark forest. There are many passages connecting with the outside world. Even if you want to enter it, you should It's not difficult, is it?"

"It was not difficult to enter the underground ruins before, but it's not the same now."

Luna shook her head and sighed, "Since the news about the Night Labyrinth came out seven days ago, Wizard Ulysses went to the Dark Forest in person and destroyed almost all the entrances that could enter the underground ruins, leaving only Seven passages, and sent a large number of knights to guard."

"Moreover, he also announced that within the next three months, no wandering apprentices or outsiders are allowed to enter the Dark Forest, otherwise they will all be regarded as the enemy of Thunder City!"

Enzo frowned slightly, a little surprised in his heart.

Ulysses' aggressive attitude seemed to prove the authenticity of the news about the Night Labyrinth, and his purpose of destroying the entrance to the underground ruins was to cut off other people's desire to covet the Night Labyrinth.

However, this method can only stop some weak wandering apprentices.

Even if there is only a little bit of news about a god's palace, it is enough to make countless strong people flock to it, and Ulysses alone cannot stop everyone at all.

At least so far, several foreign wizards have appeared near the dark forest.

"I can take you into the underground ruins in three days." After a while, Enzo raised his head and said in a cautious tone, "However, once the Night Labyrinth really appears there, the underground ruins will become the most dangerous place. With your strength , I am afraid it will be difficult to get any benefits from it!"

The Labyrinth of Night is the palace of the gods, and there are countless treasures in it.

For everyone, this will be a feast, but while obtaining huge benefits, it is bound to be accompanied by huge risks. A wandering apprentice like Luna may lose his life inadvertently.

From Enzo's point of view, if he wanted to get a share of this feast, he had to be a third-level apprentice at the lowest level!
"Don't worry, you just need to take me into the underground ruins." Luna took a deep breath and said with a light smile, "Although the risk is a bit high, I don't want to miss this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity."

"For a wandering apprentice like me, if there is no accident, I will never be able to be promoted to a full-time wizard in my life. It is rare to get a chance. Even if I may die, I will never give up!"

Hearing Luna's answer, Enzo no longer tried to dissuade her, but shook his head slightly in his heart.

Three days passed in a flash.

As the news of the Dark Night Labyrinth continued to ferment, Leiguang City and the surrounding area seemed to be undercurrents. It was unknown how many foreign forces were heading to the Dark Forest area.

In the distant sky, the last ray of sunlight disappeared.

As night fell, a black moon quietly lifted into the sky.

On the ground, in the middle of the forest, a figure walked out quickly from a black tent. He looked up at the sky, and his pupils shrank suddenly.

Next to him, another gray-robed youth came over.

"A black moon appeared in the sky. It's the same as the scene described on the mural!" A look of shock appeared in Eska's eyes, and he couldn't help opening his mouth.

"The news turned out to be true, the Night Labyrinth will be opened tonight!"

Ulysses felt a little throbbing in his heart. He looked at the black moon covered by clouds in the sky, with a trace of enthusiasm in his eyes, and said, "Inform everyone, prepare to enter the underground ruins."

"Yes, Uncle Ulysses."

Isaac nodded quickly, but then he hesitated, and said, "But Lord Sloat hasn't come back yet, do you need someone to take care of him?"

"No, it's too late."

Ulysses shook his head, and said decisively, "The night labyrinth is about to open, and all forces hidden in the dark forest will take action. We must seize the opportunity."

"I have ordered someone to leave a hidden passage. After Sloter returns, he can directly enter the underground ruins from there."

After finishing speaking, Ulysses waved his hand, and a thunderbolt fell from the sky.

In the dark forest, the forces belonging to Leiguang City rushed into the underground ruins from various entrances after receiving the signal, and in the remote and dark corners of the forest, some foreign forces also showed their figures one after another.

"Let's go too."

Outside a grotto, Enzo and Luna stood there. This was an entrance leading to an underground ruin, surrounded by rune traps and guarded by a team of knights.

"Stop! No one is allowed to enter the underground ruins."

As soon as they entered the grotto, the team of knights raised their spears and pointed them at the two. They were ordered by Ulysses to prevent outsiders from entering the underground ruins as much as possible.

"Look clearly, you know this?"

Enzo took out a medal from his arms, with a pattern of crows circling on it, the leader of the knights recognized the badge of identity, and quickly stepped aside.

However, at this moment.

A man as strong as a bull suddenly appeared from the woods, stepped on the ground, and rushed fiercely towards the entrance of the underground ruins not far away.

brush!A knife cut through the night.

The leader of the knights blocked the man's way, a blue rune flashed on his chest, tattoo-like lines spread towards his body, and a gust of white energy gushed out.

"Go away! I want to enter the underground ruins."

The strong man roared, his fist shone like a rock, and slammed into the knight leader. The two fought quickly, and experienced several rounds of confrontation in a short while.

call out!call out!call out!
The fighting power of the two is almost the same, but the knight leader's swordsmanship is more superb, and he quickly cut a wound on the strong man. Hedgehog.

(End of this chapter)

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