Journey to the Wizarding World

Chapter 235 Expulsion

Chapter 235 Expulsion

"In the name of my Lucilles, control the kingdom of God!"

Lucilles' body floated into the air, the long black hair behind her back shone with silver light, and her eyes glowed like the moon, illuminating the entire world of the kingdom of God.

For a moment, all wizards raised their heads and looked towards the sky.

"Goddess of the Night!"

In the depths of the black forest, several third-level apprentices looked at the sky, felt the majesty and power of the gods, and couldn't help but knelt down on the ground.

"The goddess of the night has recovered!"

In the double labyrinth, Ulysses had a look of horror in his eyes. The space around him was disintegrating, cracks in the void appeared continuously, and the turbulent currents were raging wildly.

"I have to leave." Ulysses' face was determined, the last magic power in his body exploded, and thunder surged around him, rushing into the void crack beside him.

At the same time, such scenes kept happening.

The wizards who entered the world of the kingdom of God, after feeling the aura emitted by the goddess of the night, prepared to escape from the world of the kingdom of God, and no one wanted to face the wrath of a god.

In just half an hour, most wizards entered the void crack.

But not everyone was able to successfully leave the Kingdom of God. The raging turbulence in those cracks in the void smashed the bodies of some people who entered, and the bloody scene made people feel frightened.

"Damn, what about this?"

The grey-robed apprentice's face was pale, and there was a crack in the void in front of him, but there was a large amount of blood on the ground, as well as half a head and a broken arm.

When his companion entered the rift in the void, he encountered a turbulent current and was torn to pieces.

However, just as he was hesitating, silver moonlight suddenly fell from the sky.

Lucy Lais, the goddess of the night, has already floated to the top of the world of the kingdom of God. Her strength has been rising steadily, and she has gradually begun to control the whole world of the kingdom of God.

Everything is going well, because this is the country she created!

"In my name, banish!" Lucilles said in a deep voice.

The cold and empty voice resounded throughout the entire world of the Kingdom of God, and the gray-robed apprentice suddenly felt an inexplicable feeling, as if a hand on his chest was pinching his heart.

"Ah!!" The gray-robed apprentice fell to his knees, two lines of blood and tears flowing from his eyes.

After the Kingdom of God world was regained control by Lucy Lace, the power of the rules began to repel outsiders, and all outsiders were signaled to be expelled.

Formal wizards rely on the crystallization of magic power in their bodies, and can temporarily resist the power of the rules of the Kingdom of God.

But those apprentices had a strong reaction, and various abnormalities appeared in their bodies uncontrollably. They had no choice but to grit their teeth and rush into the void crack.

"Fight." The gray-robed apprentice wiped away the blood and tears from his eyes, and rushed forward with a sinking heart.

Fortunately, the turbulence did not reappear, and the gray-robed apprentice successfully escaped from the world of the Kingdom of God. He appeared in a field, and there were human beings living in the nearby villages.

Appearing from mid-air, Enzo fell into a lake.

"Chip, scan!"

Getting out of the water and climbing ashore, Enzo immediately ordered the chip to be scanned. After learning that he had left the world of the Kingdom of God, he was completely relieved.

"This is where?"

Enzo looked around and saw a stone tablet, "Qinyin Lake? Near Leiguang City! It seems that I landed in this area randomly after leaving the void crack."

Qinyin Lake is a natural lake in the south of Leiguang City.

The environment here is beautiful, because there is a Yuqin town nearby, and the residents in the town like the sound of the piano, so it was named Qinyin Lake.

At this time, there was another sound of falling into the water behind him, and Enzo turned his head to look at it, but saw a large amount of blood spreading in the lake, and a familiar figure stuck his head out, his face as pale as paper.

"Senior Isaac." Enzo hurried forward and fished him out of the lake.

"Cough cough. Help me!" After climbing ashore with difficulty, Isaac breathed weakly. His abdomen and shoulders were dripping with blood, and there were large tear-like wounds.

Enzo quickly took out a few potions and gave Isaac to drink them.

After a long while, Isaac's face recovered a trace of blood, and the expression of the rest of his life floated on his face, and he said gratefully, "It's a good thing I met you here, thank you, Enzo!"

"Senior encountered spatial turbulence?" Looking at Isaac's injuries, Enzo speculated.

"That's right, it's really scary." A trace of fear flashed in Isaac's eyes, and he said in a trembling voice, "After the Evernight Goddess recovered, a void crack appeared around me, and as soon as I stepped into it, I encountered spatial turbulence! "

Enzo nodded silently, feeling a little grateful in his heart.

Space turbulence is a natural phenomenon. Before any world is hit hard or is about to collapse, a large number of void cracks will appear on the surface of the world, and then space turbulence will follow.

Once in the class of Phantom of Crows, Enzo learned some knowledge about void cracks.

It is said that in the war between gods and abyssal demons in ancient times, the world of the gods at that time was severely damaged, so a large number of void cracks appeared all over the world.

After the War of the Ancients ended, the gods and wizards had a more intense civil war due to the issue of authority. The already weak world almost collapsed because of this, and even the order and rules became chaotic.

Fortunately, the ancestor of the wizard at that time used his own power to transform into the will of the wizard, recasting new rules and order!

Since then, the world of gods has become the world of wizards!
Dark forest, deep.

On the spot, a crack in the void appeared in vain, and Ulysses, who was surrounded by lightning, rushed out quickly and landed on the ground.

"Huh—" Looking at the familiar forest around him, Ulysses let out a long breath. A series of experiences in the Kingdom of God made his heartstrings tense.

"The goddess of the night in ancient times has just recovered like this!"

Ulysses' eyes flickered, his tone was solemn, and he murmured, "That's a fourth-order life form equivalent to the level of [World Master]. Such news must be reported to [Northern Council] as soon as possible!"

At this time, a figure suddenly appeared in the nearby woods.

"Justin!" Ulysses' pupils shrank.

The figure that appeared from the woods, with ragged robes and an empty right shoulder, was Justin who lost an arm in the battle with the Dream Weaver in the Kingdom of God.


At this moment, Justin's face was gloomy, and he looked up at Ulysses, with a icy gleam in his eyes, and said, "It seems that you also walked out of the kingdom of God alive."

"I'm not in a good mood right now, please don't mess with me!"

Ulysses raised the corners of his lips, and a wand appeared in his hand. He said with a sneer, "Although I don't know what you've been through, it shouldn't feel like losing an arm."

"I planned to kill you in the kingdom of God, but unfortunately I never had the chance."

"However, since we met here, the grievances between us should be resolved once and for all!"

(End of this chapter)

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