Chapter 250 Dwight

"Get down on your knees, you stupid monster!"

Before the blood corpse monster approached Crowley, Catherine suddenly spoke, her voice was extremely cold, and the aura from the upper vampire spread instantly.

"Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo mother..."

The blood corpse monster froze for a moment, then knelt down on the ground, trembling and whimpering, as if a cub had encountered a mother beast, "I'm in so much pain..."

"Don't worry, kid."

Crowley leaned down and said softly, "Father can feel your pain, drinking this will make you feel better."

Go ahead, Crowley took a red potion from his bosom.

The blood corpse monster's nose moved, as if a shark smelled something delicious, it took the test tube from Crowley's hand like a beast, crushed it vigorously, and threw the red liquid mixed with glass fragments into its mouth.

Throwing the red potion into his mouth, the madness in the eyes of the blood corpse monster faded away, and a trace of sobriety appeared.

"Father, Mother, you are finally here." The voice of the blood corpse monster was a little weak, trembling.

Catherine turned her head away, a look of disgust flashed in her eyes.

Crowley stretched out his hand, hugged the blood corpse monster tenderly, and said softly, "My poor child, the fate is unfair, and you have suffered too much, but all this will end soon."

"Father, have you found a way to lift the curse of blood?" A trace of excitement flashed in the eyes of the blood corpse monster.

"Yes, child." Crowley said with a smile on his face, "The opportunity is right in front of you. As long as you can accomplish one thing, you can return to the embrace of [Fanged Blood Shadow]."

As he spoke, Crowley moved closer to the ear of the blood corpse monster and whispered something.

"Coordinate battle? What does that mean?" The blood corpse monster was a little dazed, shaking his head and said, "Do you want me to continue killing people? I don't want to do this anymore, my lord father."

"Son, I don't want you to suffer the pain of killing either."

A trace of coldness flashed in Crowley's eyes, and he said patiently, "But this is the only chance. Only by winning the world coordinates can your mother and I be promoted to the fourth level, and we can remove the curse of blood on you!"

There was a trace of struggle on the face of the blood corpse monster, hesitatingly said: "Okay, my lord father."

"Very good, this is an obedient child." Crowley said with the corners of his lips raised, "Before the start of the coordinate battle, I prepared some potions for you. Use one every day to relieve your pain."

After that, Crowley took out three red potions from his arms.

"Thank you, Father." There was a trace of excitement in the eyes of the blood corpse monster. These red potions can relieve the pain caused by the curse on him.

Phantom of Crows, inside the academy.

The living area belongs to the building where apprentices live, in an ordinary dormitory.

"Finally finished!"

A smile bloomed on Enzo's face, holding a black magic wand in his hand, with an amethyst inlaid on the top of the main body.

A dark and icy atmosphere continuously emanated from the wand, and the two different energies merged in the process of interweaving, forming a strange balance.

"Dark Fireball!"

Enzo held the wand in his hand, and lightly hit the ground, a flame instantly burned, forming a black fireball.


Enzo's eyes flickered, and he dissipated the magic power condensed on the tip of the wand. He murmured, "After inlaid with the Soul-eating crystal, the quality of the Soulbone wand has improved, and the effect of using it is even stronger than before."

Since the auction ended, there were only three days left before the battle for the coordinates. Enzo devoted all his energy to repairing the magic wand of the soul bone. Finally, on the night before the bloody battle, he inlaid the soul-devouring crystal in the soul bone. The surface of the bone wand.

The death mark and the soul-eating crystal balance each other, making the soul bone wand, which was on the verge of destruction, become a high-level magical item again.

Even, compared with before, its quality and effect have been further improved. The only regret is that because of the Soul Eater crystal inlaid, the enchantment on the wand is affected and loses its effect.

"It doesn't matter, anyway, I don't need that enchanting witchcraft." Enzo shook his head, looking at version 2.0 of the Soul Bone Wand, feeling very satisfied.

"Bone of Soul Wand, False Face of Darkness, Giant Lava, and that defensive talisman that can block a blow from a second-tier wizard!"

"With so many hole cards, I am afraid that even if I face an ordinary official wizard, I have the power to fight."

"Next, let's recharge our spirits and wait for tomorrow's bloody battle!" Enzo's eyes flickered.


On the gray plain, the sky was covered with dark clouds, and the light rain continued to fall. On a flat open space, a middle-aged man with black wizard robes and silver hair stood with his hands behind his back.

The middle-aged man in the black robe stood where he was. The rain fell from the sky, but he couldn't get wet. The surrounding area was clean, as if it were an independent world.

At this time, in the distant sky, a huge black shadow whizzed over, with a cold wind blowing up its hideous pale wings.

The huge body of the purgatory bone dragon fell to the ground, and from its back, Klosnow, the master of the skeleton castle, jumped to the ground.

Immediately afterwards, the Purgatory Bone Dragon stretched out one side of its bone wings, forming an inclined ladder, and thousands of apprentices from Skeleton Castle walked down one by one.

"Mr. Dwight." Klosnow, who once attacked the Phantom Academy of Crows alone, walked quickly to the middle-aged man in black robe, and said respectfully.

Dwight nodded slightly, his face calm.

At this time, from the other side of the plain, countless bats flew over like shadows and landed in midair as human figures.

"I've seen Mr. Senator."

Crowley walked side by side with Catherine, at the forefront.

Behind the two were a group of vampire apprentices. Among the crowd, four tall and burly third-level apprentices jointly carried a cage, which contained a blood corpse monster with crazy eyes.

"This monster is also a participant in the coordinate battle?" Dwight frowned slightly.

"Yes, my lord." Crowley said calmly, "According to the rules you made, as long as you are an apprentice-level member, you can participate in the coordinate battle."

On the side, Klosno stared at him, with a sneer on his face, and said, "Can such a monster be called a wizard apprentice? The blood curse on him should be on the verge of breaking out, and now he is completely irrational." Beast!"

"The rules of the coordinate battle were formulated by Congressman Dwight. Do you have any dissatisfaction?" Crowley was expressionless, with a cold look in his eyes, ": Closnow?"

"Hmph!" Klosnow snorted coldly.

At this moment, a huge floating ark appeared in the sky. Following a burst of air waves, the floating ark slowly landed on the ground, and a woman wearing a fiery red robe and full of aura came out.

(End of this chapter)

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