Journey to the Wizarding World

Chapter 259 Battle of the Puppets

Chapter 259 Battle of the Puppets

Enzo's face remained unchanged, and the dark shield automatically appeared in front of him.

When the stone spear hit it, it only had a 2-degree attack, and it couldn't break through the shield's defense at all.

"The mask on his face is a high-level enchanted item!"

Not far away, the puppet master of the rock frowned slightly, and murmured, "Could it be that the apprentices of Phantom Crows are all this rich?"

"Forget it, anyway, as long as I kill him, the high-level magic items and witch puppets are mine."

The Puppeteer of the Rock shook his head, and hit the ground hard with his wand.

The ground trembled.

On Enzo's left and right sides, a wall of rock rose up, and then quickly closed towards the center.

Amidst the loud and dull sound, the two stone walls slammed into each other, and dust and gravel flew all around.

The puppeteer of the rock narrowed his eyes.

In the sky, a figure floated, and the two wings of shadow behind him vibrated. Enzo held the magic wand of soul bone, and a black flame ignited.

"Dark Fireball!"

He let out a low growl, and after accumulating the dark extinguishing fireball, the energy reached over 15 degrees, and it smashed forward like a meteorite.

The puppeteer of the rock's eyes flashed.

The high-level enchanted item-grade chest mirror on the chest burst out a golden light, forming a golden shield.

The dark extinguishing fireball collided with the golden shield, and a strong energy fluctuation erupted. A fine crack appeared on the golden shield, and then it shattered violently.

Behind, the puppet master of the rock's eyes turned cold.

He jumped backward in an instant, but he still felt the lingering power of extinguishing the fireball, and his robe was slightly yellowed by the heat.

"The energy of the Taoist technique just now must have reached more than 15 degrees!"

The puppeteer of the rock looked solemn, and said in a deep voice, "This level of witchcraft, even that bastard Kai Jin can hardly release it."

"A powerhouse of this level shouldn't be unknown. Why haven't I heard of it before? Is it the phantom of the crows?"

For a moment, the thoughts in the mind of the puppeteer of the rock changed rapidly.

Meanwhile, on the other side.

The battle between the witchcraft puppets has also entered a fierce stage. Although the lava giant is trapped in a deep pit, it still has extremely powerful combat effectiveness.

He strangled a giant rock python forcefully, crushed its body, and then opened his mouth, spraying hot flames towards the two giant stone guards.


The flames burned the air red, and the surrounding area was like a sea of ​​flames. The body of a giant rock python was overwhelmed and made a sound.

The rock python that appeared first stopped moving like a statue, and then a large area of ​​cracks appeared on its body, turning into pieces of rock and collapsing.

The Puppeteer of the Rock gritted his teeth, feeling a pain in his heart.

Among the witchcraft puppets in his hands, the most valuable ones were the boulder guard and the rock python. The cost of these two witchcraft puppets was more than 1500 magic stones, and that didn't count the design drawings and manpower.

"As long as I kill this guy, all my losses will be compensated!" The Puppeteer of the Rock comforted himself in his heart.

At this time, the lava giant has crawled out of the deep pit.

"Fix this witchcraft puppet first, and then find a way to deal with him!" The rock puppet master took a deep breath and ordered all the witchcraft puppets to besiege the lava giant.

"The kinetic energy of the witchcraft puppet is strictly limited. This lava monster is huge, so every movement consumes a lot of energy."

The Puppeteer of the Rock waved his wand.

The surrounding witchcraft puppets all gathered around the giant lava monster, and did not launch a too strong onslaught, but trapped it there.

"See how long your witchcraft puppet can last!"

The rock puppeteer's plan is very simple, that is, to trap the lava monster first, and when its energy is exhausted and unable to move, then control its witchcraft puppets to deal with Enzo with all its strength.

"Want to defeat the lava monster and me one by one?"

On the opposite side, Enzo saw through the plan of the puppet master of the rock, and a sneer appeared on his face.

"The central hub of the lava giant is the core of the leylines. As long as its feet stand on the ground, it can continuously obtain power!"

The most powerful thing about the giant lava puppet in Enzo's hands is the core of the leylines, which is the real priceless treasure. It can provide wireless energy for the giant lava monster, keeping the witch puppet in a state of battle forever.

Since the opponent wanted to fight a protracted war, Enzo would naturally not refuse.

In this way, the two sides stood facing each other far away.

Their respective witchcraft puppets fought in an area, and their huge movements made the ground tremble, forming an extremely terrifying power.

"Monster! Definitely two monsters!"

On a tree in the distance, a third-level apprentice hid in the canopy and shivered, looking at the battlefield in front of him, and said tremblingly, "These two monsters must be quasi-witches, it's really terrifying!"

"No, I have to leave as soon as possible, otherwise their battle is over, no matter who wins, they will crush me like a bug..."

The apprentice jumped down from the tree, spread his legs and ran in one direction, desperately staying away from the battlefield between the two monsters.

"Run away? Count him smart!"

Enzo raised his eyebrows. As soon as the third-level apprentice approached this area, he had already noticed it, but he was fighting with the puppet master of the rock, so he had no time to take care of other things.

Since the other party has already fled, there is no need to pay attention to it.

On the opposite side, the puppet master of the rock looked more and more gloomy.

The battle between the witchcraft puppets has lasted for half an hour, but the lava giant is still fighting, and there is no sign of exhaustion of energy.

The lava giant raised its huge foot again, and after falling down violently, it crushed a stone armor. After the witchcraft puppet was destroyed, a shattered spar was left in place.

"Damn, how could this be?"

The face under the mask of the Puppeteer of the Rock was extremely ugly, and the situation in front of him was completely beyond his expectations.

The energy of the lava giant has not been exhausted, but the witchcraft puppet in his hand has begun to fall into a state where he can no longer fight.

A giant stone guard flashed yellow light all over his body, and then turned into a spar and flew back to the hand of the puppeteer of the rock.

"I can't go on!" He gritted his teeth.

The wand in his hand flicked hard, and the puppet master of the rock suddenly controlled his puppet army to disperse, and then attacked Enzo at the same time.

"As long as the manipulator is solved, the witchcraft puppet will be destroyed by itself!"

The puppet master of the rock made a decision, but he didn't know that Enzo, who was opposite him, had exactly the same thoughts as him.

"Lava monster, kill him!"

Enzo took a deep breath, and ordered the lava monster not to return to help him, but to directly attack the rock puppet master not far away.

As for himself, his eyes were fixed, and a wave of magic power surged around him, facing the witchcraft puppets attacking in front with all his strength.

(End of this chapter)

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