Chapter 27
Enzo's face was ugly, and he pressed his palms hard on his chest.

In the brief battle just now, neither side was able to take advantage of it. Although Angel hit Enzo's chest with his knee, his throat was also scratched by the short blade, which was almost fatal.

After a round of confrontation, neither of them made another shot.

Angel pressed his body against the edge of the wall, fixed his gaze on Enzo, and stroked his throat with lingering fear. He still underestimated the weirdness of witchcraft, and almost died just now.

On the other side, Enzo also didn't dare to make a move.

His magic power is about to be exhausted, and he needs to support the shadow stealth for at most one more time. Once he makes a move but fails to deal with Angel, he may be in a dangerous situation.

"Chip, analyze his defensive angle, and calculate the probability of hitting a vital part if you use shadow stealth!" Enzo looked at Angel intently, ordering in his heart.

"In the analysis... According to the big data calculation equation, the main body uses witchcraft [Shadow Stealth] to advance, the success rate of attacking the target's heart is 22%, the success rate of attacking the target's eye socket to the brain is 25%, and the success rate of attacking the target's throat is 19%... ...the overall success rate is 20%!"

"Is there only a 20% success rate?" Enzo's expression turned ugly.

The chip provided data with a big data algorithm, and simulated the attack plan in Enzo's mind, but Angel leaned against the wall at this moment, concentrating on maintaining a defensive posture. Even if he used the shadow to sneak and attack, the success rate of hitting the vital point was still very low.

In Kaiyuan City, the chaos continued.

More and more soldiers of the Iron Scythe family poured into the city, and the defenders of the Ye Fu family were obviously powerless to resist.

"Angel must be dealt with as soon as possible!" Enzo's eyes flickered, and he thought to himself.

In the current situation, only by solving Angel can the Iron Scythe family be forced to retreat. Otherwise, once Kaiyuan City is completely occupied, what awaits Enzo and O'Quinn will be the siege of the army.

"Enzo, I'll contain him, you look for a suitable opportunity to use witchcraft to attack!" O'Quinn suddenly said in a deep voice.

Enzo glanced at him, hesitated, and finally nodded slightly.

Apparently, O'Quinn also saw the situation clearly, and knew that if the stalemate continued, it would be unfavorable for the two of them, so even if he was seriously injured, he planned to cooperate with Enzo.

"Demon Flame Slash!" Seeing Enzo nodding, O'Quinn didn't talk nonsense, and rushed forward with a low growl.

"Damn lunatic." Angel cursed secretly, seeing the seriously injured O'Quinn brandishing a huge sword and rushing towards him, but he didn't dare to fight back rashly to reveal his flaws, so he could only jump sideways to dodge.

The giant sword burning with black flames slashed against the wall, and a burst of dust and smoke suddenly exploded. Enzo locked his eyes on Angel, and released the shadow stealth with a thought.

Angel was always paying attention to the movement around him. When he found that Enzo had disappeared into a shadow, he immediately became extremely vigilant. After he stood firmly on the ruined wall, he immediately looked around quickly.

In vain, a cloud of black mist protruded under his feet.

"Drink!" Angel roared, raised the tomahawk with one hand, and slashed at it.

The ax blade cut through the black mist, but the next moment it turned into a shadow again, and Angel retreated decisively upon seeing this.

"Lock the attack direction: the target's left eye."

"Using shadow stealth to transform the entity, the short blade pierces into the target's eyeball and then penetrates into its brain, and then spins rapidly to crush the nerves in its brain!"

The chip gave the best attack plan. When Enzo's magic power in his body was about to be exhausted, he appeared and rushed towards Angel in an instant, and the black blade in his right hand slammed into his left eye.

"Die to me!" Enzo growled.

Seeing the sharp blade attacking in an instant, Angel had no time to dodge. He gritted his teeth, stopped suddenly, and raised his palm to cover his left eye.

Puchi!The sharp blade pierced Angel's palm!

But just when Enzo exerted his strength and wanted to stab the sharp blade into his head, he found that Angel suddenly tightened his muscles, and the pierced palm was as hard as a rock, firmly clamping the sharp blade, and could no longer penetrate into it. half point.

The next moment, Angel let out a roar, and then swung the battle ax with the other arm and swept towards Enzo.

At this time, the magic power in Enzo's body was no longer enough to use the shadow stealth again. Seeing the giant ax attacking him, he had no choice but to give up the short blade and backed up one after another.

"Ah! Ah! Ah!!!"

After forcing Enzo back, Angel let out a roar. He put down the palm pierced by the sharp blade, revealing half of his face dripping with blood.

His left eyeball had been pierced by a sharp knife, and white juice flowed out. With the blood flowing from the eye socket, it looked extremely ferocious.

"You have to die today!!"

Feeling the completely useless left eye, Angel gritted his teeth, and the only remaining right eye burst out with a venomous light.

Enzo's face was pale and his expression was serious.

The magic power has been exhausted, but the attack just now only crippled Angel's left eye. At this time, the fighting power he still maintains is enough to deal with Enzo and the seriously injured O'Quinn.

"We can only give up Kaiyuan City."

Enzo sighed in his heart and had to make a decision.

"Chip, scan the surrounding environment, and calculate the best escape route!" Enzo took a half step back, giving O'Quinn a wink as he ordered in his heart.

The chip immediately scanned the surrounding terrain, and the world in Enzo's eyes glowed with a light blue light, covering the entire field of vision in the form of a fine grid.

The buildings in Kaiyuan City had a panoramic view, and information flooded into his mind one after another. In a short moment, the chip gave more than ten escape routes.

"Father, follow me closely!" Enzo said in a deep voice.

According to the chip prompt, he quickly chose a route map leaving Kaiyuan City to Wildfire Town, and turned and ran north. This direction is the closest to the city gate, and the road may encounter the least obstacles.

O'Quinn understood and followed immediately.

"Want to run? It's not that easy!" Seeing this, Angel grinned and ran wildly, quickly catching up with Enzo, leaping into the air with both legs, and directly slashing with the tomahawk.

"Be careful!" O'Quinn yelled anxiously.

There were no eyes behind him, but Enzo had already spotted Angel chasing him through the chip, felt the voice behind him, and rushed to the right decisively.

Boom!The tomahawk hit the ground, creating a deep hole.

After Enzo dodged the attack, he immediately rolled over and stood up, but before he could stabilize his figure, he saw that Angel had raised his battle ax again and rushed towards him.

The tall shadow fell under the moonlight, and Angel held the handle of the ax with both hands, and smashed Enzo's head with a grin.

"Get out of the way!" O'Quinn roared, and rushed to Enzo almost instantly, raised his giant sword to block Angel's attack.

The heavy force hit the giant sword, and O'Quinn's figure suddenly became shorter, and the wound on his abdomen overflowed with blood again, making his face pale.

(End of this chapter)

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