Journey to the Wizarding World

Chapter 290 Inside the Academy

Chapter 290 Inside the Academy

"How long have you been in the academy?" Enzo asked again.

"About three months ago." Sonia thought for a while and replied, "In the past, my father and I ran a tavern in the countryside. Later, the lord issued a call-up order, asking all people under 20 years old to go to the tavern. The castle conducts a talent test to select some people with wizard talent."

" have very good wizard talent?" Enzo raised his eyebrows.

"It's okay." Sonia lowered her head and said softly, "The wizard who is in charge of testing our talents for us has found a total of twelve people with wizard talents in my hometown. Except for me, the others are only One-star talent."

"What about you?" Enzo asked curiously.

"My wizard talent is four-star!" Sonia smiled shyly, and said in a low voice, "I heard from Mr. Wizard that there are very few people with four-star talent, so he directly recommended me to Gustav. I didn't even participate in the training."

"Four-star talent, that's really good!" Enzo nodded slightly.

Of the group of apprentices who came from the overseas islands on the ghost ship back then, there were only two talents with three stars or above. The qualifications represented by four-star talents made it very likely that Sonia would be promoted to a wizard in the future.

"By the way, Teacher Gustav is out on a mission, when will he be back?" Enzo raised his head and asked.

"Sorry, Senior Enzo, I don't know about this." Sonia shook her head, and said obediently, "Before the instructor leaves, he only asked me to take care of his wizard tower. As for when he will come back, it is not certain." .”

"However, I heard from Senior Ryan and Senior Yi Hughes that the mission they followed their mentor this time seemed to be ordered by the dean himself, and it is said to have something to do with the [expedition]!"

"Another expedition?" Enzo frowned slightly.

He had heard Fitz mention this term a year ago, and it seemed that it was a plan jointly decided by the three deans after they got the coordinates, and it was very important to them.

"Forget it, go back and look up the information, and then learn about the expedition."

Enzo shook his head and said in a deep voice, "Since Mentor Gustav is not here, I won't bother you. Take good care of the wizard tower. If there is anything you can't solve, you can contact me at any time."

After finishing speaking, Enzo took out a medal and cut out a mark from it.

Sonia quickly took out her Phantom Crow Medal, and after absorbing the imprint, she could send a message to Enzo at any time. This is also one of the most basic functions of the Phantom Crow Medal issued by the academy.

Afterwards, Enzo was about to leave.

"By the way, it's the first time we meet. As your senior, I don't have anything to give you. This gadget can be regarded as a gift." Suddenly, Enzo remembered something, took out an earring from the space ring, and handed it to Sony Ya.

"Magic item!?"

Sonia took the pendant, with a hint of surprise on her face, she quickly waved her hand and said, "This is too precious, Senior Enzo, I can't accept it, please take it back."

"It's just a low-level enchanted item, take it."

Enzo waved his hand and said with a faint smile, "What is precious in your eyes is nothing to me. You have just embarked on a wizarding journey, even if you are talented, after all, you haven't grown up yet, and you don't have a piece of paper on your body." Hole cards won't work."

Sonia still wanted to shirk, but Enzo stopped her with his eyes.

"Okay then, thank you Senior Enzo!" Sonia said obediently.

After leaving Gustav's wizard tower, Enzo stood in an open space for a while.

"The dormitory building in the living area is about to be demolished. It seems that I have to find a new place as soon as possible." On the spot, Enzo stroked his chin, his eyes flashed with thought, and murmured, "The city of fog has been completed. I haven’t been there yet, so I can take advantage of the present opportunity to go and have a look.”

The dormitory building was about to be demolished, so Enzo's top priority was to find a new place to live as soon as possible.

The city of mist has been built during his year of penance. There is a vast space there. Since [Phantom of Crows] decided to absorb new blood and promulgated the policy of crow feathers, many new wizard families who joined the academy have been stationed there.

"Enzo, do you want to go to the city of fog?" At this moment, Swain, who was on his shoulder, suddenly asked.

"Do you know how to get there?" Enzo turned his head and asked.

"Of course, Bourne took me there several times!" Swain nodded, and then flew down with fluttering wings. After landing on the ground, he turned into a black horse with a bang.

"Come on, I'll let you go!" the black horse spoke out, making Swain's voice.

The Crow of Tinos, who passed through his infancy, began to master more shape changes. Now Swain can change at least a dozen different shapes.

"Let's go." After Enzo stepped on the back of the black horse, Swain started to move in one direction.

Riding a horse on the path of the college was a novel experience for Enzo. Swain carried him all the way, and soon passed through several areas and came to the entrance of the college.

After the war, the entrance to [Phantom of Crows] has been demolished.

Two huge rock monster statues, one of which looks like an orangutan with a single horn on its head, while the other has two heads, a snake and a lizard, and a pair of bat-like wings on the back.

They stand on both sides of the entrance of the college, one on the left and one on the right. They seem to have life, and they are always watching the figures coming in and out below, exuding a powerful aura.

"Witchcraft puppet!" Enzo's heart moved.

He could tell at a glance that the rock monster statues not far away were two witchcraft puppets, and they belonged to the very advanced kind. The energy fluctuations emitted from them clearly surpassed the combat effectiveness of the apprentice class.

"Chip, data simulation! Calculate my winning rate against a rock monster witchcraft puppet in my current state?"

"The simulation starts, the winning rate is 41.5%."

"Not even half of it. It seems that these two witchcraft puppets have the fighting power no less than that of a first-order wizard. No wonder they were thrown at the gate of the academy as guards!" Enzo's eyes flickered.

At this time, the two rock monsters at the entrance, as if aware of it, suddenly cast their eyes on Enzo.

"Can they feel the scan of the chip?" Enzo's heart trembled, he quickly lowered his head, pretended to be an ordinary apprentice, and rode Swain out of the academy nonchalantly.

"Uh, did you feel anything?" At the entrance, the rock unicorn scratched his head.

"I don't know, maybe it's an illusion?" The other two-headed monster also shook its head, without thinking too much, and continued to perform its duty of care.

(End of this chapter)

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