Journey to the Wizarding World

Chapter 315 Evolution

Chapter 315 Evolution
"Carter, you deal with it!" Enzo ordered.

Cavalier Carter nodded, and the iron-clawed horse under his crotch connected with his master, and immediately charged. Cavalier Carter also drew his cross sword, and orange flames ignited all over his body.

"Iron Blood Cross Slash!"

Knight Carter's eyes were calm, and the cross sword slashed across the air, forming a cross like a flaming grudge, and launched an attack with the basic sword skills of the Iron Knight Academy.


There was a cracking sound from the Twisted Tree. The crocodile monster was huge in size, but its movements were very flexible. Its thick limbs crawled like a gecko, avoiding the cross cut, and at the same time pounced forward.

Stab la la!
The crocodile monster opened its bloody mouth, and Cavalier Carter immediately swung his sword to chop it off. His hard teeth rubbed against the cross sword, making a piercing sound. The crocodile monster fell to the ground, but stood up like a humanoid creature.

There was a strange sound from its abdomen, and then it opened its mouth wide, vomiting out a mass of mucus, which actually wrapped a broken standard cross sword with red spar inlaid on it.

"It's Edmund's weapon!" Carter's eyes narrowed, with a hint of anger on his face.

The weapon belonging to the companion appeared in the belly of the crocodile monster, so it was basically certain that Edmund had been killed, and even his body was eaten by the crocodile monster.

After the crocodile monster spat out the broken cross sword, under the surprised eyes of everyone, it stretched out its front claws and grabbed the hilt of the sword.

"Iron Blood Cross Slash."

A strange sound came, the crocodile monster held the cross sword like a rune knight, swung it in a decent manner, drew a cross in midair, and slashed at Carter Knight.

Cavalier Carter reacted extremely quickly. He swung his sword and slashed out a stream of sword energy, crushing the crocodile monster's cross cut.

"Three Flame Slash"

The next moment, the crocodile monster swung the cross sword again, but this time, its movements were even weirder, and raging flames ignited all over its body, turning into three streams of fire and attacking wildly away.

Cavalier Carter's pupils shrank immediately, and he tore off his shield with his backhand to block it in front of him.

Three streams of fire hit the shield, and then exploded. The scorching flame energy spread out, causing the surrounding air to glow orange. Cavalier Carter, who was hiding behind the shield, had an ugly expression on his face.

Three Flame Slash, Knight Emond's self-created skill, is also his strongest combat skill!

"Damn beast!" Cavalier Carter roared, threw away the shield in his hand, his eyes were filled with surprise and anger, and he raised the cross sword in his hand horizontally, level with his shoulders, and at the next moment he suddenly slashed out a violent sword aura.

As if the air was being torn apart, the sword was as powerful as a bamboo, cutting the crocodile monster in half.

On the spot, Cavalier Carter's chest was heaving and he was panting. Just now, the sword energy was his strongest attack method, and he used it once a day at most, and it was a great burden on his body.

The crocodile monster was cut in two, and green juice flowed from the cut.

"Is it a creature bred by the twisted tree?" Enzo stepped forward and looked at the corpse of the crocodile monster.

The form of this crocodile monster is very similar to the biological larvae found in the fruit of the twisted tree before, so there is a high probability that it is a creature bred by the twisted tree, which has entered a fully developed state.

Enzo bent down and put his hand into the belly of the crocodile monster.

The green blood was a bit viscous, like tree sap, and in the body of the crocodile monster, Enzo soon discovered an organ similar to a stomach sac, and found several broken metal fragments inside.

"It's Emond's armor." Knight Carter picked up a piece of metal, saw the blurred lines on it, and his expression became a little sad.

It is basically certain that Edmund has been eaten by the crocodile monster.

"Drag this monster back to the camp!" Enzo ordered to the two rune knights after standing up.

The Twisted Jungle may seem calm, but it is actually full of unknowns and dangers. A pioneering team had already disappeared before, so Enzo did not dare to be careless. He cautiously decided to drag the crocodile monster back to the camp before considering other matters.

Subsequently, the squad dragged the crocodile monster back to the camp.

"Why can you make a human voice?" In the largest tent, Enzo looked at the corpse of the crocodile monster on the ground, his eyes gleaming, and a trace of doubt appeared on his face.

"Could it be that this monster gained his abilities after eating Edmond?"

Enzo narrowed his eyes, and a thought came to his mind. Based on what happened not long ago, it can be known that the crocodile monster has the ability to speak human language, and can use cross swords, and even release fighting skills.

"Chip, biological name: bionic crocodile monster!"

According to the guess about the crocodile monster, Enzo named it: bionic crocodile monster, this creature was conceived by the twisted tree, and it was preliminarily inferred that they have the ability to decipher the genes of their prey, so after eating Emond, they can master those that originally belonged to the crocodile monster. The skills and abilities of the Rune Knight.

Outside the camp, on a twisted tree in the distance.

In the darkness, a pair of eyes stared at the scene ahead. It was a bionic crocodile. The original green body now blended with the night, as if it had turned into a cloud of shadows.


The bionic crocodile's throat trembled, and a female voice came out, and the twisted trees around it shook slightly.

The entire distorted forest is like a huge net, and the information is transmitted through the meridians between the trees in a special way. Through the eyes of the bionic crocodile, in the depths of the jungle, an extremely huge distorted tree is quietly Gazing at the scene of the camp.

It was a giant twisted tree comparable to a castle.

From the appearance point of view, it is no different from other twisted trees, but its size is countless times larger. The only difference is that there is this human-like face on the surface of its thick trunk.

"After waiting for so long, is it finally here?"

On the surface of the trunk of the giant twisted tree, a strange smile floated on the human face, and he murmured, "Come here quickly, I can't wait, I want to get everything from you!"

The faint sunlight shines on the ground through the gaps in the trees.

At the camp, the Rune Knights cleaned up everything around them, and then continued to open up tasks. Enzo rode Swain's black horse and walked at the forefront of the team.

After experiencing the bionic crocodile incident at night, Enzo is full of vigilance for the Twisted Forest.

The jungle was still terrifyingly silent. Apart from a large number of twisted trees around, only a few sawgrass trees could occasionally be seen on the ground, waving their zigzag leaves to repel intruders.

"It seems that not all twisted trees can breed bionic crocodiles."

As the development team moved forward, Enzo kept his eyes on the surroundings. He found that in the depths of the twisted forest, the most plants were twisted trees, but twisted trees that could breed fruits were extremely rare.

Only when the size reaches a certain level and the branches of the twisted tree can the crocodile fruit grow.

Cut open those fruits, without exception, all of them are pregnant with bionic crocodiles that have not yet formed. Enzo is somewhat unable to judge whether these bionic crocodiles without "broken shells" are plants or animals.

"A magical world!" Enzo sighed again in his heart.

Along the way, the pioneering team found many strange and weird plants, some of which had appeared in Herbert's laboratory, but more of them were new species.

Enzo collected them one by one as new plant samples.

These unknown plant samples can be exchanged for meritorious service after they are brought back to the tower. For everyone in the expedition, there are both dangers and opportunities, and every point of meritorious service represents magic stones and resources.

"Alarm! High-energy creatures are found ahead!"

In my mind, the sound of the chip sounded, and the jungle in front of me shook slightly, like a shadowy bionic crocodile, rushed out in vain, and rushed towards Enzo ferociously.

On the ground, the shadow turned into a long whip, whipping the bionic crocodile into the air.

Shadow Whip!

One of the prerequisite abilities of solidifying witchcraft, after Enzo has thoroughly mastered the first-order wizard [Ghost Shadow], the twelve shadow-based witchcrafts seem to have become a part of his body, no matter what time, no need to cast spells at any time. can be released.

After the bionic crocodile was knocked into the air, it immediately turned into a shadow and disappeared on the spot.

"Shadow rune?" Enzo's eyes flashed, light blue floated in his eyes, and the outline of the bionic crocodile emerged. It didn't actually disappear, it just blended with the surrounding shadows.

Around, the Twisted Forest shook for a while.

The bionic crocodiles came out one by one, and Enzo could feel a trace of rune breath from their bodies. Obviously, these bionic crocodiles had eaten the corpse of the rune knight.

"Could it be that the missing wizard team was attacked by these monsters?"

Enzo frowned slightly, with a puzzled expression on his face, but then shook his head and said, "No, these bionic crocodile monsters are too weak to fight alone, and it is impossible for the Rune Knights to deal with them."

"What's more, in the wizard team, there is also a guardian wizard Graham!"

Seeing a group of bionic crocodile monsters surround the development team, Carter and the three rune knight leaders all drew their cross swords, while the rest of the rune knights also formed a defensive formation.

At this time, a bionic crocodile opened its mouth and ejected a ball of fire.

Knight Carter swung his cross sword and shattered the fireball. At the same time, the surrounding twisted forest suddenly began to shake, and vines attacked everyone like poisonous snakes.

The rune knights in the defensive formation slashed their swords one after another, cutting off the vines attacking around them, while Enzo, who was in the center of the team, calmly took out a burst potion and threw it forward.

In the sound of the explosion, a twisted tree was torn apart, but this did not stop the invasion of the tree vines. The bionic crocodiles also began to approach slowly, standing up like humanoid creatures.

"Shadow Spear!"

Enzo calmly looked at a bionic crocodile, and shadow spears condensed in front of him. After using the chip to calculate the angle and trajectory, they all shot away.

call out!shhhhh!

The speed of the Shadow Spear was extremely fast, and the body of the bionic crocodile was pierced instantly, and a strange sound came out from its throat, like the roar of a wild beast before it died.

And at this moment, a chip alarm sounded in Enzo's mind.

"Alert! There are high-energy creatures ahead, please keep the subject away as soon as possible!"

The surrounding jungle shook for a while, as if the ground was trembling, and a huge figure appeared in front of him, as tall as a castle, waving thick branches.

"Kane is dead! You actually killed my Kahn!"

The ear-shattering sound was like the roar of a gigantic beast. Under everyone's amazed eyes, a twisted tree monster with a terrifying figure slowly appeared, covering the front like a shadow.

Enzo's pupils shrank, and there was a shock in his heart.

It was a huge tree like a castle, with a thick trunk over 30 meters in diameter, with eyes and a mouth on the surface, resembling a human face, and whip-like vines hanging down, forming a huge crown.
And in the center of the lush tree umbrella, there are balls of green slime.

Each group of mucus is wrapped with a group of human brains. The blood vessels and branches are connected, and they have long been integrated into one. It looks disgusting and weird.

"You are. Enzo?"

After the Twisted Dryad appeared, he said slowly, "I recognize you, Gustav's disciple, the third-level apprentice who won the coordinates for the academy in the secret blood fight, has he been promoted to a wizard now?"

Hearing the words of the Twisted Dryad, Enzo was shocked.

"Why do you know these things?" His eyes were stern, and suddenly a thought flashed through him. Looking at the twisted dryad's face, he gasped, and said in surprise, "Could it be that you are the Gram wizard!?"

Before carrying out the task of exploring the twisted forest, Enzo had obtained information about the missing team, and the face on the surface of the twisted dryad's trunk was very similar to the wizard and guardian Gram of the missing team.

"Gram? That's right, that's my name!"

The Twisted Dryad seemed to be thinking. After a while, a branch pointed to the crown of the tree, and said slowly, "I have too many memories, and they are all stored in my brain. Maybe I was a wizard once, but I am obviously not now."

Inexplicable words uttered from the mouth of the Twisted Dryad.

Enzo felt his scalp go numb, and some speculations flashed in his mind. The chill couldn't help but rise from his spine. He sucked in a breath of cold air, and looked at the canopy above the Twisted Dryad's head.

Among the lush branches and leaves, brains are wrapped in mucus.

"Could it be that those are the brains of the members of the missing development team?" Suddenly, Enzo had this thought in his mind. The Twisted Tree, which was originally unconscious, evolved into an intelligent creature because of the human brain.

"You killed Wizard Gram!" Enzo said solemnly.

"Kill? No, I have never killed anyone." The Twisted Dryad spoke slowly, denying Enzo's statement, saying, "This is just a fusion, a way to evolve towards a higher level of life!"

"Young man, we are different."

The vines around the Twisted Dryad swayed, and the surrounding bionic crocodile monsters, like chicks returning to their nests, all returned to its shelter, and then said quietly, "You are still very young. There are countless possibilities.”

"But I'm different!"

"As a 300-year-old human being, even as a formal wizard, my life is about to come to an end, and I don't see the slightest possibility of being promoted to a second-level wizard."

"If I want to survive, now is my only chance!"

(End of this chapter)

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