Journey to the Wizarding World

Chapter 319 Experiment

Chapter 319 Experiment
After leaving the 99th floor of the tower, Enzo took the elevator to the 81st floor of the tower.

This place belongs to the public area of ​​the tower, and there are paid laboratories, training rooms, biological sample rooms and other areas inside. After Enzo walked out of the elevator, he went straight to the paid laboratory area.

"Rent a laboratory!"

Enzo walked outside a room and stopped, using the card in his hand to pay for a merit point. The door of the paid laboratory opened automatically, revealing the spacious interior and a series of experimental equipment.

Walking straight into the laboratory, Enzo looked around.

"Not bad!" He nodded.

"Junior laboratory/applicant user: Enzo (first-order wizard)/rental period: 10 days/rental fee: 100 merit points." At this time, the door of the laboratory closed automatically, and a mechanical sound came from the room.

The laboratory in the public area, any wizard has the right to use.

But before using it, you need to pay a certain amount of merit points according to the length of time, which is another common currency belonging to the expeditionary force in [Aiqila World] besides the magic stone, which can be obtained by performing tasks.

After completing the previous investigation mission on the Twisted Forest, Enzo gained a large amount of merit points.

"Chip, record!"

Enzo walked to the central area of ​​the laboratory, took out a branch from the space ring, put it on an experimental table, and ordered the chip to turn on the recording function.

On the experimental platform, a branch trembled slightly.

This is the branch obtained from the Twisted Dryad in the previous investigation mission. Enzo intends to use it as a sample to study the biological information about the Twisted Dryad.

"It's really powerful vitality!"

Looking at the twisted and trembling tree branch on the test bench, Enzo sighed in his heart. This branch has been cut off from the twisted dryad, but it still contains a breath of life.

According to the investigation in the Twisted Forest, Enzo has a certain understanding of the Twisted Tree.

Ordinary twisted trees are not intelligent creatures, but they have the ability to breed bionic crocodiles, and their vitality is extremely strong. It is precisely because of this that Gram chose to fuse with the giant twisted tree.

"Let's start!" Enzo muttered to himself.

On the test bench, metal chains were suspended from the top of the room, and spotlight stones were inlaid at the ends. Twelve chains and spotlight stones just surrounded the test bench below, and the light dispersed the surrounding shadows.

"Chip, set up the first experimental task, the goal: to extract the life energy of twisted branches!"

"Ding! Task created and scan job started."

As the sound of the chip sounded in his mind, Enzo took a deep breath and started the experimental work. There was a faint blue light in his eyes. The high-definition microscope was aimed at a twisted branch on the experimental table.

On the surface of the trembling twisted branches, there are meridians like blood vessels.

The breath of life continued to flow, but it was also disappearing bit by bit. This branch left the Twisted Dryad as the mother body, although it did not die immediately because it contained a strong vitality.

But as time goes on, the vitality contained in it will be lost little by little.

Enzo didn't hesitate any longer, and controlled the mechanical arm with the other hand, bringing the energy extractor on it close to the twisted branch, absorbing the life energy contained in it bit by bit.

After the life energy contained inside was extracted, the twisted branches withered at a speed visible to the naked eye, and shriveled up in a moment, making a sound as if they were about to break.

"Completed!" Enzo looked calm and stopped his movements.

The life energy of the twisted branches has been completely extracted, and the energy the size of a baby's fist is sucking on the energy extractor, like a luminous jellyfish.

"It has completely lost its life characteristics!"

Enzo stretched out his hand and pinched the withered branch with two fingers. After the life energy was drained, the branch was like dry firewood, so light that it almost had no weight.

Throwing it into the waste recycling bin at will, Enzo took out something from the space ring and threw it on the experiment table.


It was the body of a bionic crocodile monster, cut in two from the middle, and it was completely dead at this time, the corpse was stiff and cold, and green juice flowed from the cut.

"Next, let's verify my speculation!"

Enzo's eyes shone brightly, and he cast his eyes on the experimental platform. He manipulated the mechanical arm to align the two bodies of the bionic crocodile, and then injected the life energy extracted from the twisted branches into the bionic crocodile's body.

The light green life energy merged with the corpse of the bionic crocodile.

This is an experiment conducted by Enzo based on the characteristics of the twisted dryad and the bionic crocodile. Since the injured bionic crocodile in the previous battle can recover by drilling into the twisted dryad, it may mean that , twisting the life energy of the Dryad can heal the Bionic Crocodile.

The bionic crocodile on the test bench was already dead, but after absorbing the life energy of the twisted branches, the muscles in its head twitched slightly.

"Has it worked?" Enzo's eyes lit up.

Life energy has been injected, and the head muscles of the bionic crocodile tremble almost invisible to the naked eye. But since the bionic crocodile can absorb the life energy of twisted branches, it means that Enzo's speculation is feasible.

"It seems that more life energy is needed."

Enzo stroked his chin, and took out some twisted branches from the space ring, and through the energy extractor, extracted all the life energy inside, and injected it into the body of the bionic crocodile.

At a speed almost visible to the naked eye, the incision in the bionic crocodile's abdomen grew out like granulation implanted in rhizomes, intertwined and fused together.

On the test bench, the bionic crocodile moved its hind legs, made a sound from its jaw and throat, and its green eyes gradually glowed. After absorbing enough life energy, it seemed that it was about to be 'resurrected'.

"Is there still a connection between the bionic crocodile resurrected in this way and the twisted dryad?"

Enzo's eyes flashed with thought, and then he nodded in his heart. As the mother, the Twisted Dryad has a special connection with the birth of life. Once the bionic crocodile is revived, the Twisted Dryad will definitely feel it.

"In this case, let's leave a backhand!"

Enzo's eyes flickered, and with a thought in his heart, a phantom crow suddenly emerged from his chest and flew into the body of the bionic crocodile, forming a phantom crow brand.

In the green eyes of the bionic crocodile monster, a trace of darkness appeared, and the reflection of a crow flashed faintly. The phantom crow imprint is also one of the derived abilities of the advanced meditation method.

Leaving the imaginary crow imprint, Enzo established a special connection with this bionic crocodile.

"The life energy contained in the twisted branches can heal the bionic crocodile!"

"Since this inference is true, can a twisted tree be bred based on a twisted branch?" Enzo's eyes sparkled, he grabbed the bionic crocodile by its tail, and locked it in a Only an iron cage.


Not long after being imprisoned in the iron cage, the bionic crocodile was finally fully revived. It hit the iron cage a little maniacally, but following Enzo's thought, the imaginary crow brand engraved in its eyes flickered, and the bionic crocodile immediately calmed down. .

Afterwards, Enzo got up and went back to the experimental bench.

"The second experimental task, the goal: to cultivate a twisted tree based on the twisted branches! Chip, create a task file, and conduct simulations to calculate the experimental plan and feasibility!"

"Experimental simulation in task establishment"

"Ding! Task name: Cultivate Twisted Tree/Suggested plan: Step one, put a twisted branch into the cultivation tank. Step two, absorb energy based on the twisted branch. Step three, observe the reaction of the twisted branch, and further experiment."

According to the instructions of the chip simulation experiment, Enzo came to the corner of the laboratory.

In front was a transparent cover filled with nutrient solution. Enzo opened the opening above, took out the largest twisted branch, and threw it directly into the nutrient solution.

After the twisted branch was thrown into the nutrient solution, it seemed to have a living body, spit out bubbles, and tiny roots extended from the cut of the branch, twisting like a wireworm.

"Have you started to absorb the nutrient solution?" Enzo lay on the transparent cover, looking at the scene inside.

After the twisted branch was put into the nutrient solution, it had a strong reaction to the outside world, but this process only lasted a few seconds, and then it began to tremble, and the roots extending outward from the cut also all shrank back.

"What's going on?" Enzo frowned.

The nutrient solution in the transparent cover contains very pure energy, which is all extracted from magic stones, but the twisted branches seem to be unable to absorb this energy, and they seem extremely resistant.

"Could it be this twisted branch that repels the energy in the nutrient solution?"

Enzo stroked his chin, thoughts flickered in his mind, and he thought to himself, "In this case, why not try using the energy extracted from [Aiqila World]'s native life to feed the twisted branches!"

The twisted branches couldn't absorb the nutrient solution, most likely they were resisting the energy of the magic stone.

After all, these two things belong to different worlds. Twisted branches cannot absorb energy from another world, but if it is the energy extracted from the native life in [Aiqila World], it is not necessarily the case.

Afterwards, Enzo left the laboratory and returned with two Green Goblins in his hands.

These two Green Goblins have been dead for a long time, and they are both high towers as biological samples for experiments, which can be obtained only by paying some contributions.

"The blood of the Green Goblins should contain the energy needed to twist the branches!"

Enzo carried the two green goblin corpses, walked to the transparent cover, and threw them directly into the nutrient solution. The twisted branches felt the smell of the green goblin's flesh and blood, and the reaction became intense in an instant.


The slender roots extending from the twisted branches immediately entangled towards a green goblin corpse, piercing the green goblin corpse like tentacles, and sucking greedily.

In a moment, the two green goblins were completely swallowed by the twisted branches.

"It really works!" Enzo's eyes lit up.

After the twisted branches devoured the two green goblin corpses, their vitality seemed to be stronger. The tentacles at the roots trembled in the nutrient solution, and seemed to no longer resist the energy of the nutrient solution, and slowly absorbed it.

"So it's like this!" Enzo stroked his chin, his eyes sparkling with thought.

"The twisted branch resists the energy of the nutrient solution mainly because it is not strong enough to absorb and digest this energy. After devouring the two green goblins, its vitality gradually became tenacious, so the energy of the nutrient solution is also It has become open to all comers.”

According to the different reactions before and after twisting the branches, Enzo came to some conclusions.

"However, although the current twisted branches no longer resist the nutrient solution, they still cannot quickly absorb and digest this kind of energy. Therefore, if you want to speed up the cultivation of the twisted tree, you should feed it the green goblin corpse!"

Enzo nodded slightly, then left the laboratory, spending meritorious service to buy a large number of green goblin corpses.

Throwing ten green goblin corpses into the transparent cover, the twisted branches quickly devoured them all, and then stopped absorbing other energy, as if entering a dormant state, all the roots curled up.

"It seems that there is a limit to the amount of energy that twisted branches can absorb within a day."

Enzo saw that the twisted branches in the breeding tank had reached the limit state, so he stopped feeding the green goblin corpses, and turned to look at the bionic crocodile in the cage.

"If you put it in the outside world, will it be accepted by the Twisted Dryad?"

Enzo pondered for a moment, and then decided to make an attempt. He dragged the cage holding the bionic crocodile, left the tower, and came to the [Lital area] enclosure wall and the metal gate to the outside world.

"Open the door." Enzo said solemnly to the extraordinary knight guarding the metal door.

"My lord, Wizard Gustav has issued an order that the external development mission has been suspended, and no one is allowed to leave the tower now." The extraordinary knight commander replied respectfully.

"I don't want to leave, I just conduct an experiment, open the door." Enzo frowned.

"...Yes, my lord!" The extraordinary knight commander hesitated, and finally ordered his subordinates to pull the iron chain that opened the metal door.

With a dull sound, the metal door under the wall was pulled up, revealing an external passage. Enzo opened the cage and let the bionic crocodile out.

"Go, find your mother body!"

Enzo muttered to himself, a flash of black flashed in the eyes of the bionic crocodile, then stood on both feet, and ran towards the outside world. Relying on the connection with the mother, it could find the Twisted Dryad soon.

"Okay, close the door." Afterwards, Enzo turned around and ordered to the gatekeeper knight.

Back on the 81st floor of the tower, Enzo continued his experiments. Since the pioneering mission had been suspended, he could only spend the next period of time in biological research.

"The next main task is to cultivate a twisted tree."

"However, the artificially cultivated twisted tree cannot be the same as the ordinary twisted tree. Except for the bionic crocodile, it must become a mother that can breed higher life!"

"Moreover, the artificially cultivated twisted tree must be able to obey my instructions!"

"Since this is the case, let's just imprint the Twisted Tree before it takes shape to build a connection between us"

(End of this chapter)

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