Journey to the Wizarding World

Chapter 32 Wolf Head Town

Chapter 32 Wolf Head Town

The cold wind was still howling, and the cavalry regiment approached Langtou Town step by step.

Looking from a distance, the town in the wind and snow seems to be filled with a tense atmosphere. On the city wall, many archers are waiting in battle, bowing their bows and setting arrows facing forward.

"Go any further, and you'll be within the range of the archers." Clarence pulled the reins, came to Enzo's side, and said softly.

Enzo nodded slightly and raised his arms.

Seeing the signal, the cavalry behind them stopped and waited in line.

"Clarence, order the cavalry carrying kerosene to prepare to charge!" Enzo looked ahead at the closed iron-wooden gate at the entrance of Langtou Town, and said in a deep voice, "The others rest in place and wait for the iron-wooden gate to be fired. Once the oil boils, start attacking."

"Yes, Master Enzo." Clarence nodded.

Afterwards, he turned around on horseback and said a few words to the cavalry in formation, and immediately more than [-] cavalry stood up.

These cavalrymen wore light armor and did not carry any weapons, but they all carried clay pots on their backs, exuding a pungent smell.

"Jack, you lead them to charge." Clarence said to a cavalryman with a solemn expression, "When you get close to the city gate, immediately smash the fire oil tank over!"

"As you order, Lord Clarence."

Jack nodded in a deep voice, then waved his hand, commanding the cavalry beside him to charge and gallop towards Langtou Town.

"Fire the arrow! Fire the arrow!"

On the city wall of Langya Town, the guarding knights saw the cavalry charging and immediately ordered the archers to shoot arrows as if they were facing a big enemy.

call out!call out!call out!
A round of arrow rain hit in an instant, Jack and other cavalry dodged one after another, and accelerated their charge. After dropping two corpses, they rushed to Langtou Town.

"Throw!" Jack yelled.

The cavalry threw out the kerosene cans behind them one after another, and the cans of kerosene smashed on the iron and wooden gate and exploded, emitting a strong pungent smell immediately.

Not far away, Clarence saw that Jack and the others had completed their mission, and after retreating one after another, he took an ox horn bow from his back.

He concentrated his eyes, and slowly pulled the bowstring, and the crimson fighting spirit erupted from his body, causing the arrows on the horn bow to ignite a ball of flames.

The flaming arrow broke through the air and flew towards Langtou Town at an extremely fast speed, igniting the iron-wooden gate almost instantly.

The fire was raging, and thick smoke billowed into the sky!

The pungent smell pervaded the city wall, and the soldiers on the city wall seemed to be a little confused. The guarding knight shouted a few words, and immediately some soldiers left the city wall to fetch water to put out the fire.

"The fire isn't big enough, keep throwing kerosene!" Enzo said in a deep voice, looking in the direction of Langtou Town.

Clarence nodded and ordered the cavalry carrying kerosene to continue charging. This time, as the thick smoke blocked the view of the archers on the city wall, the cavalry did not suffer any casualties, and easily smashed more kerosene tanks onto the city wall.

With the howling wind, the fire intensified, almost connecting the city walls of Langtou Town into a sea of ​​flames, and the iron and wooden gates at the entrance of the town were almost burned to ashes by the flames.

"Order the cavalry, prepare to attack!"

Enzo counted the time silently, and seeing the chaos on the city wall, he said to Clarence beside him.

Clarence gave the order to charge, and the cavalry behind him immediately started running wildly. Amidst the sound of thundering hooves, after a few breaths, the cavalry regiment had already rushed under the city wall of Langtou Town.

At the entrance of the town gate, the iron and wooden gate had long been burned by the flames, and it was immediately shattered under the charge of the cavalry's iron hooves.

He rushed into Langtou Town first, and Enzuo was surrounded by billowing smoke.

"The knight-level life form is approaching, please pay attention to the subject!"

As soon as the chip's alarm sounded, Enzo saw an iron sickle knight with a long sword rushing towards him.

"Cross cut!" The iron sickle knight swung his long sword, drew a flaming cross in midair, and slashed fiercely.

Enzo jumped off his horse, pulled out his black teeth, and smashed the cross of flames in the air with a single stroke. He moved forward like a ghost, and rushed to the opposite knight in two steps.

brush!Cut it off sharply.

The Iron Scythe Knight's face changed wildly, and he felt that Enzo was as fast as an afterimage. He tried his best to retreat, but it was too late.

"Ah!!" With a scream, the armor on the Iron Scythe Knight's chest was cut, and a lot of blood gushed out.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Enzo stepped forward and stabbed out!

"Uh..." The heart was pierced by a dagger, and the iron sickle knight's face was ashen, his eyes gradually dimmed, and finally lost their luster completely.

"Chip, turn on the scanning mode, and lock the strange knight-level life forms around you!" Enzo ordered in his heart after easily solving a knight.

"Scanning... target found."

The chip quickly gave the location of another knight in Langtou Town, not far from the gate of the city.

Enzo immediately ran in that direction. According to intelligence, there are two knights guarding Langtou Town. As long as they are all eliminated, the remaining ordinary soldiers are nothing to fear.

Not long after, Enzo saw another Iron Scythe Knight guarding Langtou Town.

There are many soldiers gathered around this knight, it seems that he is the guarding knight on the city wall before.

At this moment, he was sending out signal flares towards the sky. He seemed to know that Langtou Town could not stop Kai Yuan's cavalry regiment, and he was going to ask Giant Wolf City for support.

After allowing the guarding knights to send out the signal flares, Enzo directly killed them.

At this time, the soldiers guarding the knight also spotted Enzo and rushed over.

Ordinary soldiers couldn't stop Enzo's footsteps at all. Every time he slashed, he could end the life of a soldier, and within a few breaths, he eliminated all the soldiers around the guarding knight.

"Damn it, how could it be so strong!?"

The guarding knight was stunned, he couldn't believe his eyes, and an incredible thought came to his mind.

"Is he a great knight?"

Before he had time to think too much, the guarding knight turned around and ran away decisively, but before he could take a few steps, he suddenly felt a shadow flashing by beside him.

The next moment, Enzo appeared in front of him.

"Ahhh." The guardian knight opened his eyes wide in horror, and before he had time to react, he felt a flash in front of his eyes, and a sharp pain like tearing came from his throat.

He lowered his head with difficulty, only to find blood spurting out. He opened his mouth, but he couldn't make any sound, and his body fell heavily to the ground.

"It's really easy!"

"With my current strength, it's easy to deal with knights."

Looking at the corpse on the ground, Enzo muttered to himself.

"The analysis function of the chip, coupled with the power of witchcraft, my current combat effectiveness is completely comparable to that of the great knight, or even stronger."

"If I meet Angel in his prime again, my winning percentage will be at least [-]%!"

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(End of this chapter)

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