Chapter 327 Plan
"It seems that Gustav's guess is correct. After the Jugeshu mother was injured, he really chose to cultivate in the sixth tower area." Enzo's eyes flickered, and he lowered his head slightly.

All the Green Goblin hunters put down the prey they caught in the Noel Forest, and then they all made the sound of 'Hull'.

Enzo was startled, because he couldn't understand the meaning of the phrase 'Hel', so he could only pretend to speak like the other Green Goblins, but luckily he didn't attract attention.

Following the shouts of the green goblins, the giant tree mother body seemed to have a sign of waking up from a deep sleep, and the vines around it trembled, but the closed eyes on the main face still did not open.

At this time, on the top of the Juge Tree mother body, a thick and weird vine swayed like a green snake, hanging down on the corpse of the worm bear below, with sucker-like organs extending from the end, and sharp-edged vines grew around it. Teeth, bit the body of the bimega bear fiercely, and sucked it with a big mouthful.

In a moment, a hundred-eyed insect bear the size of a wild boar was completely devoured.

After eating, the giant tree mother seemed very happy, and a vine hung down from the huge body again, extruding a ball of green slime the size of a lead ball, which seemed to be a reward for the green goblins hunting the worm bear.

The Green Goblin creature below quickly caught the green slime.

Immediately afterwards, the giant tree mother continued to eat, and rewards were given to the Green Goblin hunters after each prey was devoured, and all the Green Goblin teams that offered their prey got a ball of green slime.

When all the prey were devoured, the giant tree mother fell into a deep sleep again.

Enzo's eyes flickered, and his thoughts changed.

Through everything he saw just now, he has obtained a lot of useful information.

First of all, the Jugeshu mother body was indeed seriously injured in the previous battle, to the extent that it had to be relieved by sleeping.

Secondly, the reason why the Green Goblins went to Noel Forest to hunt is also obvious, it is to provide nutrition for the giant tree mother to heal its injuries.

And after offering the prey, the green slime that the Juge tree mother gave back to the Green Goblins should be the 'food' of the Green Goblins, representing the energy they need for survival and activities.

"With the power of the Juge Tree parent, under normal circumstances, it should be able to hunt by itself!"

Enzo lowered his head, thinking in his eyes, and said in his heart: "It seems that the previous battle caused a lot of damage to the giant tree mother body, so that now it can't even hunt, and can only rely on the Green Goblins." support."

"If so, then I seem to be able to take advantage of this..."

Enzo's thoughts changed in his heart, his eyes sparkled, and a bold plan gradually took shape in his mind.

At this time, another group of Green Demons came out from a distance, and they all carried all kinds of strange prey on wooden sticks.


On the spot, a Green Goblin team leader made a voice, expressing his intention to retreat, and those Green Goblins who had provided prey for the giant tree mother slowly left with their green slime.

Enzo mingled with the Green Goblins and returned to the previous area according to the route he had come from.

The sixth tallest tower, not far away.

In an open space with many trees, a large number of Green Goblins were resting in place. Seeing the same kind bring back a bunch of green slime, the Green Goblins were very excited and surrounded them in a mess.


Balls of green slime were thrown on the ground, and the green goblins formed a circle, pounced on it and sucked it up. After a while, a lot of green slime was eaten.

"Hull! Hull!"

At this time, a team leader of the Green Goblins screamed a few times, and the Green Goblins who were sucking up a ball of green mucus not far away immediately dispersed.

"Privilege of the leader?"

Enzo's eyes flashed, he thought that Captain Green Goblin would enjoy the green slime alone, but that was not the case.

After the Green Goblins dispersed, only one-third of the green slime remained on the ground. At this time, a Green Goblin with only half of its body left stumbled over with the support of the Green Goblin squad leader.

Enzo stared.

This seriously injured Green Goblin was caused by hunting a worm bear before. At this moment, it lay dying on the green mucus, and started to suck it.

In a short while, at a speed visible to the naked eye, the Green Goblin, who had only half of its body left, began to recover, and the green flesh twisted and swelled at the wound corroded by the acid.

"So it's like this..." Enzo murmured.

The green slime given to the Green Goblins by the giant tree mother is not only the food they need for survival, but also has healing energy. The injured Green Goblins can recover as long as they suck the green slime.

"How about, what did you find?"

At this time, two green goblin creatures came over and said in an almost inaudible voice.

"I found the giant tree matrix!"

With a flash in Enzo's eyes, he recognized the two Green Goblins, Coron and Evil Worm, so he said in a low voice, "The mother body of Jugeshu was seriously injured and is now in a deep sleep state. Hunting in Noel Forest is to provide it with energy and nutrition."

"Is the giant tree mother sleeping?"

Keren narrowed his eyes and said, "This is important information. The foreign race lacks a high-end combat power at the level of a third-order life body. It is a good thing for us to regain the sixth tower!"

"The Juge Tree mother body is just falling into a deep sleep, but it is not dead!"

Enzo shook his head and said, "And its deep sleep is only temporary. If it encounters a strong stimulus from the outside world, it will definitely wake up completely."

"So what?" Klein frowned.

"Although the college has decided to regain the sixth tower this time, it may not be able to allocate too much power because it still needs to ensure its dominance over the bases of other towers."

Enzo's eyes flickered, and he said in a deep voice, "If we still need to face the giant tree matrix when we regain the sixth tallest tower, we will definitely be under a lot of pressure."

"I have a plan to further weaken and even kill the Juge Tree parent body!"

"Kill the Juge Tree Mother!?"

On the side, when they heard Enzo's words, Kelunen and Xie Chong were both taken aback.

"That's right!"

The corners of Enzo's lips raised, and he said calmly, "As far as I know, after the Jugeshu mother body is injured and falls asleep, the daily energy and nutrition it needs come from the prey caught by the Green Demons."

"So, we can use this to deal with the giant tree matrix!"

"You poison?" Kelunn frowned, shook his head and said, "No, it's useless. The giant tree matrix is ​​a third-order life form, and it has a very strong physique. Poison is very harmful to it." Hard to work."

"It's useless if you poison it."

Enzo's eyes flickered, and he said slowly, "So... what about the curse?"

"Curse?" Kelunn frowned.

"Before I was promoted to a full-time wizard, I had practiced the advanced meditation method of "Thousand Crows"!" Enzo said slowly, "One of the derivative abilities of Thousand Crows is to launch curses through the magic crows, so that Influence and even manipulate the cursed."

"Illusory Crow Thousand Spirits?"

Kelunen's pupils shrank, a trace of surprise appeared on his face, and he said, "You actually practiced advanced meditation?"

Enzo smiled lightly, undeniable.

"If the Juge Tree mother body was in its heyday, with my strength as a first-order wizard, even if I mastered the idea of ​​the Phantom Raven and Thousand Spirits Meditation, it would be impossible to cast a curse on it."

Immediately afterwards, Enzo said again, "However, the current giant tree mother has fallen into a deep sleep due to serious injuries. Even eating every day requires the Green Goblins to catch prey. As long as we make good use of this, we may not be unable to succeed!"

Ke Lun's eyes flickered, and his face changed.

"Jie Jie!" At this time, the evil insect on the side let out a strange laugh, with a strange gleam in his eyes, and said in a low tone, "As a first-level wizard, curse a third-level living body? Today's young wizards are really serious. Crazy enough!"

"However, I like it!!"

"Give it a try, Kelunen! This is a rare opportunity. If we can kill the giant tree matrix, everyone in the seventh tower will cheer for us!"

The evil insect's voice was low and bewitching, like an abyss devil. As a former wandering wizard, Brian had a crazy personality, and he was more excited about the more challenging things.

"This...can it be successful?" Kelunn gritted his teeth. Even the genius conqueror wizard of the Kendi family was hesitant at the moment.

"What if it fails?"

Xie Chong spread his palms, smiled paranoidly and said, "The worst outcome is nothing more than death! Now that we've embarked on an expedition, what's the point of taking some risks?"

"Could it be...are you afraid?"

The evil insect's eyes were full of extreme luster, and his tone was full of madness and provocation, but Kelunen was unmoved and snorted coldly.

"Hmph! Brian, you don't have to provoke me. Even a guy like you is not afraid of death. What do I have to be afraid of?"

Kelun En's face was indifferent, and he said in a deep voice, "Since you are sure, then do it. I also want to see how powerful the advanced meditation is!"

After a brief communication between the three of them, a crazy plan has been decided.

"By the way, what about Lakasha and Amos?"

At this time, Enzo suddenly remembered the other two members of the investigation team, so he asked.

"Those two vampires have gone to the inside of the Sixth Tower to inquire about information." Ke Lun glanced at the broken tower in the distance, and said, "After the Sixth Tower was breached by alien races, apart from the Green Demons, there are also Some children of the forest are active in an area, and they should all be active inside the tower now."

The ruler of the world of Aiqila is the son of the forest, and the Green Goblins can only be regarded as soldiers. After the fall of the sixth tower, it was occupied by alien races.

In order to prevent outsiders from counterattacking, in addition to leaving a large number of green goblins here, there are also some children of the forest stationed here as rulers.

In order to obtain more information, Lakasha and Amos have sneaked into the tower by using the vampire's ability to transform into a bat.

"Don't bother with the two of them, let's continue discussing the plan of the curse!" Keren said again.

"That's good, anyway, the plan doesn't need them."

Enzo thought for a while, nodded and said, "According to the known information so far, the daily food of the giant tree mother is hunted by the Green Goblins from the Noel Forest."

"My plan is very simple. First of all, I need Wizard Black's ability to control flying insects to find prey in the Noel Forest, and then I will cast the phantom raven curse on the prey!"

"After the giant tree mother eats the cursed prey, the power of the phantom crow's curse will be integrated into its body, and it will continue to accumulate!"

"Although a small amount of curse power can't affect the third-order life form, as long as it reaches a certain level, it can make the giant tree mother body truly fall into a cursed state!"

"At that time, we can use the curse to severely injure or even kill the giant tree mother body!"

With a calm tone, Enzo calmly told the other two about his plan.

Ke Lun's eyes flickered, and a strange smile appeared on Xie Chong's face.

"Okay, that's it!"

Kelunen nodded and said, "Since the plan has been decided, let's execute it as soon as possible. The duration of this investigation mission is only one month. After one month, no matter whether the curse is successful or not, we must return to the first place." Seven Towers."

The three of them looked at each other, and while the surrounding Green Goblins were not paying attention, they quietly left the area near the sixth tower, the Noel Forest in front.


In the silent Noel Forest, in a shadowy area, three Green Goblins appeared quietly.

"It's really uncomfortable to pretend to be a Green Goblin creature for so long." Kronen complained as soon as he came to Noel Forest, and a burst of light appeared around him, and the disguise of the [Green Goblin Potion] was lifted.

Seeing this, the other two also changed back to their original human wizard forms.

The curse plan for the giant tree matrix has been formulated, and the next step is the implementation stage.

"Go, little ones!"

The evil insects laughed strangely, opened their mouths, and black beetles flew out of their mouths. The insects offered by their bodies connected with Brian's mind, so they quickly followed his orders and flew around, looking for everything that might be hunted by the Green Goblins. monster.

"Wait patiently, after my worm finds the target, it will send me a message soon!" the evil worm said.

Enzo and Kelunen nodded, and the three waited quietly in place.

After a while, a black beetle flew back from a distance.

"I found the target, it's a vermeg bear, over there." The black beetle flew into the ear of the evil insect, his eyes flashed, and he pointed in one direction.

The three of them set off immediately, and according to the information given by the black beetle, they found a bimega bear eating vegetation in a forest glade.

"How? Before launching the curse, what else do we need to do?" Coron asked.

"No need, just don't let it escape." Enzo shook his head and said.

At this time, the Baimu Xiong who was not far away seemed to notice something, and raised his head vigilantly. After seeing the three of them, he immediately ran towards the distance.

Ke Lun was expressionless, and threw a lightning javelin casually, breaking the hind legs of the worm bear, causing it to fall to the ground screaming.

(End of this chapter)

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