Journey to the Wizarding World

Chapter 329 Important Information

Chapter 329 Important Information
It was precisely because of this special situation that Enzo was given an opportunity.

The curse power formed by [-] phantom crows has silently remained on the sleeping Jugeshu mother body, and now Enzo can activate it at any time as long as he has a thought.

On the spot, Enzo closed his eyes.

A gloomy ray of light appeared around him, and an invisible force was triggered accordingly. In the area of ​​the sixth tallest tower far away from Noel Forest, the curse of the phantom crow was quietly activated on the body of the huge giant tree mother with a body as large as a mountain.

As the power of the curse was launched, there was not much movement. The Jugeshu mother body didn't even wake up from a deep sleep, but the main body frowned slightly on the face with closed eyes, as if falling into a nightmare.

"The curse has been activated?" the evil insect asked hoarsely in the Noel forest.

"The curse left on the body of the giant tree has been activated, but whether it can affect it is not certain." Enzo's face was slightly pale, but his eyes were shining brightly.

At this time, there was a slight sound not far away.

A short Green Goblin creature came slowly, and the two people who were hiding under the tree looked at each other. Enzo's eyes turned cold, and a shadow under his feet struck like a poisonous snake.

"It's me, Coron!"

Seeing the shadows on the ground approaching, the little green goblin raised his head, and a burst of light appeared around him. His body twisted and grew, transforming into the form of a human wizard. It was Kelunen who had been separated from them for several days.

"You're back, any news?" Enzo asked with a sigh of relief.

Ten days ago, Kelunen separated from the two and went to the Sixth Tower to inquire about Lakasha and Amos, while Enzo and the other two continued to carry out the curse plan in Noel Forest.

"I have been lurking near the sixth tower for ten days!"

Kelunen's face was ugly, and he said in a deep voice, "It is now confirmed that Lakasha and Amos were discovered by the children of the forest and imprisoned in the tower."

"Caught?" Enzo frowned.

"That's true." Kelunen nodded, and said, "The two of them should have accidentally exposed their aura when they went to the sixth tower to inquire about news, so they were discovered by the children of the forest!"

"However, I just received a message from Amos just now. He has found a chance to escape from the sixth tower, and he just needs our support!"

"Jie Jie Jie! Being imprisoned by the Son of the Forest and being able to send news to the outside world, don't you think it's too ridiculous?" Next to him, the evil insect laughed strangely.

Coron frowned, with a gloomy look on his face.

"Are you sure it's the news from Amos?" Enzo asked, "Blake is right. Although the children of the forest are only indigenous creatures in [Akira World], they are second-order life forms after all. It may have some special ability that we don't understand."

"For example, mind manipulation or something!"

"You mean...Amos has been controlled by the children of the forest?" Kelunn frowned, hesitantly said: "I have considered this situation, but Amos is our teammate after all, should we just give up like this?" he?"

"Jie Jie! Otherwise?"

Xie Chong sneered and said, "Do you want to die with him? Don't forget, we still have investigation missions, and the information from the Sixth Tower must be sent back to the Seventh Tower as soon as possible!"

Coron frowned, with hesitation on his face.

"What's the specific meaning of the news from Amos?" At this moment, Enzo suddenly asked.

"About three hours ago, Amos used a one-time communication rune to give an intermittent message." Kelunn raised his head and said in a deep voice: "It probably means that he and Lakasha are in the sixth When I was looking for an important piece of information inside the tower, I was discovered and caught by the children of the forest, and I am now imprisoned in a prison."

"But Amos still has a hole card in his hand, which can help him escape from the prison by himself. We need to meet him at the border of Noel Forest five hours later!"

"Looking for important information?"

Enzo's eyes flashed, and he keenly heard the key words in Kelunen's words, and asked, "Amos mentioned the important information he and Lakasha inquired about. What is it about?"

"No." Kelunen shook his head, and said, "Amos only said that the information he possessed is very important, and it seems to involve the fourth-order life forms in [Akira World]!"

"Fourth-order life form!?" Enzo's pupils shrank.

According to the laws in the multiverse, in the early days of any world, some primordial beings with life levels up to the fourth level will often be bred.

These primitive beings carry a trace of the original power of the world, and the relationship with the rules of the world is like fish and water, and they also have the ability to manipulate the rules. Therefore, in many worlds, primitive beings are also called "gods". !
"That's what the message from Amos means." Kelunn hesitated.

"Jie Jie! This guy is not stupid!"

On the side, Xie Chong's eyes sparkled, and he sneered, "I'm afraid we will give up on him, so I hold an important piece of information in my hand but don't disclose it, and use it as a threat!"

On the spot, Enzo's eyes flashed with thought.

"If Amos does hold information about the fourth-order life forms in [Aiqila World], then we really cannot give up on him easily!"

After a while, Enzo spoke slowly and said, "But, what kind of hole card does he have that he can escape from the children of the forest? Those native creatures all have the power of a second-order life form!"

"I know a little bit about this."

Kelunen hesitated, and said: "Before the investigation mission started, I investigated the information of the team members. Amos is a bloodline wizard, and the bloodline on his body comes from the Vile Spirit Snake!"

"That is a very rare creature. It has been extinct as early as the end of the second era. Their combat ability is not outstanding, but they have a trace of space talent, and they can master an ability similar to a portal!"

"Void Spirit Snake?"

Enzo's eyes flashed, and he searched for information about the Vulture Snake in his mind. This creature has been extinct for many years, and he only saw a few fragments in an ancient book in the college library.

As Kronen said, the Vile Spirit Snake has the ability to break through space, the effect is similar to that of a portal, but it requires a great price to use.

"If Amos possesses the blood of the Vor Spirit Snake, there is indeed a chance to escape from the prison of the Son of the Forest!" Enzo's eyes flickered, and he said, "In this case, why don't we wait at the border of the Nor Forest? If Amos can Get out and meet him."

"But if we find any abnormalities, we will leave Noel Forest immediately and return to the Seventh Tower!"

"That's... that's fine!" Kelunn hesitated, and finally nodded.

"Jie Jie Jie! Since you have already decided, I have no objection!" Xie Chong licked his lips and said with a strange smile.

Afterwards, the three of them discussed the details of the response plan, and then took a [Green Goblin Potion], disguised as a Green Goblin creature, and quietly went to the border of Noel Forest.


At the same time, the sixth tallest tower area.

Outside the dilapidated tower, on a piece of open space, a crack suddenly appeared in midair, as if a mass of blood burst, and a figure crawled out of it with difficulty.

"Cough cough!"

On the spot, Amos stood up tremblingly, and tried his best to push a magic wand on the ground. The robe he was wearing was torn, and the flesh on his skin was dripping with blood like a knife.

"Finally escaped..."

Amos' face was pale, his eyes were flickering with horror, and there was a trace of gratitude for the rest of his life in his heart.

"The price of using the natural ability of the Void Spirit Snake's bloodline is too serious, but fortunately, I have this hole card!"

He was wheezing in the chest, and the serious injury of the flesh and blood on his body was not the punishment of the children of the forest, but the price of using the blood talent.

The bloodline talent of the Void Snake endowed Amos with the ability to teleport like a flash, but not only did it require a lot of magic power to support it, but it also had to bear the damage of the void turbulence.

Fortunately, Amos carried it over!
"The children of the forest will find that I have escaped from the cage in an hour at most." Amos stepped forward and pulled the wound, making him frowned, and murmured, "I must leave here as soon as possible and join Kelunen and the others." Row!"

After all, Amos moved forward.

The dilapidated tower behind, a certain floor.

The two children of the forest were condescending, looking calmly at the scene below, and they seemed to have expected Amos's escape.

"How is it? Are you chasing now?" Sapa, the Son of the Forest, asked.

"No, wait!" Sai shook his head, and said, "The outsider wizard is injured, and the speed will not be too fast. Let's wait for him to enter the Noel Forest before chasing him, so as not to be noticed by him."


Knoll forest border.

This borders on the area of ​​the sixth tallest tower. Standing on the open ground, one can almost see the broken tower in the distance.

In situ, three Green Goblins were under the tree.

The appointed time was getting closer and closer, but Amos did not appear for a long time. The evil insect frowned slightly, and opened its mouth to fly out a few flying insects.


Using the eyes of the flying insects, the evil insects saw a figure appearing in the distance. Amos was dripping with blood and his wizard robes were in tatters. He walked forward with difficulty like a wanderer.

"Cough cough!"

Not long after, Amos walked into the forest and saw the three Green Goblins under the tree. There was a hint of vigilance in his eyes, but then disappeared.

In situ, the three of them lifted their disguise and resumed their human wizard form.

"What's going on? What happened?" Kelun asked with a frown.

"When Lakasha and I sneaked into the tower, we found some information about the fourth-order life forms!" Amos supported his body with his wand, and said with difficulty, "But in the process, they were discovered by the children of the forest, and they caught them."

"The children of the forest will find out that I have escaped within an hour at most, so let's hurry up and return to the seventh tower first!"

"No need, they've already found out!" Enzo said coldly, with no expression on his face.

Amos was startled and turned around quickly.

Not far away, the ground suddenly bulged, and two plants broke through the ground, and then twisted and turned into the form of a human girl. It was the child of the forest who followed Amos to find here.

"Jie Jie Jie!"

The evil insect laughed strangely, looked at Amos, and said: "It seems that our guess is indeed correct, even if you have the blood of the Vulture snake, it is impossible to escape from the hands of the second-order life so easily !"

Amos' face was cloudy and uncertain, and there was a glint of sternness in his eyes.

"Let's recover first!" Enzo didn't accuse Amos, but threw a few potions over.

Amos took the potion without any nonsense and poured it all into his mouth. As the effect of the potion took effect, his state also recovered a little.

"Give up resistance, wizard!"

Sai took a step forward and said, "Aiqila belongs to our world, and you will never be allowed to occupy it wantonly!"

"A second-order life form! This is the first time I've faced it!" The evil insect licked his lips, unmoved by the words of the child of the forest.

On the ground ahead, a bulge suddenly broke open.

A large number of scorpions drilled out of it, and then rushed towards Sai's direction. From their ferocious tails, poisonous stings shot out one by one.

Sai didn't move, and a ray of green light appeared around him, blocking the attacking scorpions and poisonous needles, and at the same time rushed towards the insect pack in front of him.

It was as if the insect pack in a small crater burst, and the scorpions died one after another. The evil insects not far away groaned, as if they had been traumatized.

Immediately afterwards, Sapa on the side also raised his head.

Green light appeared all over his body, and in a moment, Sapa had transformed into a dryad, waving his vine-like arms and rushing forward.

"It's now!" Enzo's eyes flashed.

Kelunen saw the timing and activated the rune traps around him. A strong flame shot up into the sky, and thunder and lightning formed a chain, all of which bombarded the body of Sapa, the son of the forest.


Not far away, Sai frowned, his face darkened. His companion accidentally stepped into the outsider's trap and was already swallowed by the intense flames.

Although it is impossible to kill a second-order life form with this level of offensive, it can also cause the children of the forest to suffer some damage.

A gust of cold wind blew past, and the billowing smoke dispersed. The few wizards who were not far away had long since disappeared, and a large hole appeared on the ground, like a cave left by a snake-like creature.

"Cunning outsider!" Sai's expression was not good.

At this time, Sapa, another child of the forest, once again had a dark green light all over her body, and all the burning flames were extinguished, and she also canceled the change of the tree demon form.

"Sister Sai, what should I do next?" Sapa's injury was not serious, but his face was a little pale, and he asked.

"They can't run away, catch up!"

Sai thought for a while, and said with hatred, "When the outsider was imprisoned, I had already left a seed on his body. No matter where he escaped, I could feel it."

After a brief conversation, the two children of the forest chased towards the depths of the Noel forest. According to the seeds left in Amos' body, they could clearly feel the area where the target was located.

(End of this chapter)

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