Chapter 335 It's Over


Hearing the scream of Salor, who had turned into a dryad, the other children of the forest tightened their hearts, cast their gazes, and let out exclamations one after another.


Not far away, Enzo's eyes flashed, and seeing the moment when the children of the forest were distracted, he once again induced the phantom crow to curse with his thoughts.

Among the barriers formed by the trees, the giant tree mother body opened its scarlet eyes in vain, and after letting out a deafening roar, the vines swung wildly, destroying a large tree wall around it.

"Everyone be careful!"

"Quickly open!"

In an instant, the giant tree mother body had broken free from the tree barrier and fell into a state of rage again. Its scarlet eyes were full of chaos, and its eyes locked on a child of the forest, and then waved vines one by one.

The spurting vines made a sound of piercing the air, entangled a forest child like a poisonous snake, and the sharp wooden thorns pierced the skin, sucking greedily.


Surrounded by them, the other two children of the forest exclaimed, and they turned into tree monsters one after another, with ten fingers extending into vines, trying to rescue their companions caught by the Juge tree mother.

However, the next moment.

The poisonous dragon condensed with purple venom bit it at an extremely fast speed, blocking the rescue of the two children of the forest. The strong venom corroded the vines extending from their fingers, causing large festers to appear.

"Grandma Attila! No!!"

The child of the forest, who was caught by the giant tree mother, uttered a desperate cry. The energy of nature in her body continued to flow away, making her consciousness gradually blurred, and finally a layer of green crystals appeared around her body.

"Very good, get rid of one!"

On the opposite side, the corners of Gustav's mouth were raised slightly, and a smile appeared on his face. According to the current known information, the child of the forest will only enter the crystallization state when his energy is exhausted, or when he is on the verge of death.

This is the unique self-protection ability of the children of the forest!

"Wake up, Granny Altera!"

Next to them, the other two children of the forest were extremely anxious and wanted to support their companions, but Gustav appeared in front of them, blocking their way.

"Go away! Outsiders!"

In the Dryad state, the Son of the Forest roared angrily. His tall body was like a monster, and he rushed towards Gustav, his palm turned into a sharp blade.

Gustav was expressionless, and purple venom surged under his feet, forming a highly poisonous shield.


The child of the forest wailed, and as soon as his palm touched the venom shield, it was covered with corroded flesh, and the toxin entered his arm and continued to spread.

Feeling the toxin spreading from the arm to the whole body, a trace of panic appeared in the eyes of the child of the forest. Gritting her teeth, she decisively raised the other palm and turned it into a sharp blade to slash it down.


The poisoned arm was cut off by a sharp blade, and after falling to the ground, it was corroded into ashes for a moment. The eyes of the child of the forest were full of fear, and he retreated uncontrollably under his feet.

"Anger won't make you stronger. In any battle, staying rational is the most correct choice." Gustav said indifferently, slowly.

The two children of the forest who turned into tree demons, the luster in their eyes is constantly changing, and they seem to be hesitant.

Not far away, Savoy has been completely crystallized!

The tentacle-like vines of the Juge tree mother tightly entwined her, and then from the crown of the tree at the top, a vine with a thick arm and a suction cup at the end protruded, opening a huge mouth full of sharp teeth.

The giant mouthful of vines swallowed the crystallized Sava, and then chewed it vigorously. However, the crystallization condensed around the child of the forest was extremely hard, and the giant mouth failed to crush it, but broke a few teeth instead.


Unable to crush the spar, the Jugeshu mother simply swallowed her and slowly absorbed it with its powerful digestion ability.

"Next, it's your turn!"

Gustav shook the wand in his hand, looked coldly at the two children of the forest not far away, and purple poisonous mist surged under his feet again.

"Go to hell! Damn outsider!"

At this time, a hoarse voice suddenly sounded, and on the side of Gustav, Salor, who had one eye corroded by the venom, rushed over fiercely.

Gustav was unmoved, with a mocking expression on his face.

In the previous battle, not only was Salor's eye destroyed by the venom, but the toxin had spread throughout her body.

At this time, Salor's state is extremely poor. Not only does he need to consume the natural power in his body to suppress the toxins all the time, but he is about to fall into crystallization, and his combat effectiveness is not even comparable to that of a first-order life form.

"Come out! Tree of Sanizo!"

Not far away, Enzo's eyes flashed, and with a slight thought, he summoned the Tree of Sanizo and ordered it to block Salor, the son of the forest.

Gustav frowned, smiled and shook his head.

Judging from the current situation, the Seventh Expeditionary Force has almost gained the upper hand in this war. It only takes some time to take down the sixth tower area.

As for the second-order life forms, the children of the forest are rare resources. Whether they are used as experimental subjects or sold to other wizards, they can get great benefits.

Enzo summoned the Tree of Sanizo at this moment in order to capture the seriously injured Salor, the son of the forest, and Gustav, as his mentor, had no objection to this.

The tree of Sanizo emerged from the ground, blocking Salor's way. Although its huge body was not comparable to the mother body of the giant tree, it was still comparable to a small castle.

"Get out of here!"

Salor roared, the natural force in his body vibrated, trying to rely on the innate ability of the children of the forest to control the trees and plants in front of him, but failed without accident.

The Tree of Sanizo waved its vines and attacked Salor. At the same time, the top of the tree shook, and alligator-toothed beasts flew out with vibrating wings.

Also belonging to the second-order life form, the tree of Sanizo and the children of the forest launched a fierce battle!
On the other side, after devouring Sava, the son of the forest, the giant tree mother body continued to attack frantically, waving vines around it to restrain the green goblins, and then using the spikes to continuously absorb energy.

"Jie Jie Jie! It seems that everything will end soon!" In the camp of the Seventh Expeditionary Army, the evil insects laughed strangely.

The war has developed to the present, and the situation has basically been settled. The number of Green Goblins occupying the sixth tallest tower area is constantly decreasing.

And the five children of the forest have already been solved by Gustav alone. As long as the giant tree matrix in the berserk state does not break free from the curse, everything will end soon.


A flash of lightning flashed across the sky, and the heavy rain did not become more intense, but began to patter. The battlefield below was already a mess, and the corpses of the little green goblins were piled up like a mountain.


The poisonous dragon condensed with purple liquid bit the shoulder of the child of the forest. Amidst a burst of painful wailing, the white mist continued to rise, and the green pus flowed down.


Gustav held a wand and stood quietly on the spot. In front of him, one of the children of the forest had fallen into a crystallized state, while the other was also seriously injured, and the pupils in his eyes were slackened due to the poison.

The next moment, the son of the forest who was severely injured by the poisonous dragon also fell down slowly.

Green light emerged from her body, gradually condensed and crystallized, and after a while, she was completely wrapped in green spar.

On the other hand, the battle between Salor, the Son of the Forest, and the Tree of Sanizo is also coming to an end.

On the surrounding ground, there are a large number of crocodont corpses. On the body of the Sanizo tree, vines are broken, and green branch sap is flowing.

On the opposite side, Salor had already lifted the tree demon's form change.

The natural power in her body was about to be exhausted, the toxin spread uncontrollably, an abnormal purple color appeared on her face, and her pupils were a little dizzy.

"Expel... outsiders..."

Sticking to her final belief, Salor insisted not to fall down, but with the green light emerging around her, she finally fell into a crystallized state.

"very good!"

Not far away, the corners of Enzo's lips rose, and then he gave instructions from the bottom of his heart. The tree of Sanizo swung its vines to roll up the green spar, then stuffed it into the canopy at the top, and wrapped it with layers of branches.

"Order the extraordinary knights to prepare to charge and finish off the remaining Green Goblins on the battlefield. This war should also be over!"

After finishing all the children of the forest, Gustav returned to the rear and gave an order to the brown-robed wizard beside him.

"Yes, Lord Gustav!"

The brown-robed wizard gave orders, and the extraordinary knights of the Seventh Expeditionary Army then began to charge to clean up the remaining Green Goblins on the battlefield.

"We failed..."

On the battlefield, Sai, the son of the forest parasitic on the mother of the giant tree, exhausted all his strength, but still couldn't awaken Grandma Attila's will, and a trace of sadness appeared in her heart.

"No! Even if it fails, I will make these outsiders pay the price!"

Seeing the massacre of the Green Goblins below, a sliver of anger welled up in Say's heart. She tried her best to drive the giant tree mother as much as possible to move in the direction of the sixth tower.

"Destroy the tower of the outsider!"

A strong thought grew in Say's heart. Driven by this force, the giant tree matrix, which had fallen into a frenzy due to the curse, began to slowly move towards the sixth tallest tower not far away.

"Do you want to destroy the tower and do one last gamble?"

In the same place, Enzo muttered to himself, shook his head, and said, "Unfortunately, you can't succeed!"

On the land full of ditches and potholes, the soil kept churning, and the roots buried deep in the ground by the giant tree mother moved slowly like tentacles.

"Corrosive poisonous fog!"

Gustav was expressionless, and waved the amethyst wand in his hand, summoning a cloud of poisonous mist, which enveloped the mother body of the giant tree.


The ear-piercing sound of corrosion continued to sound, and large areas of festering appeared on the huge body of the giant tree mother body, and the smelly green juice flowed out, falling on the ground and rising into a trace of smoke.


In the mother body of the giant tree, the parasitic forest child Sai's heart trembled. The poison caused the natural power in her body to be consumed more quickly, and a green light appeared all over her body.

"Mother, please save us..."

There is still a long distance from the sixth tallest tower, but the Jugeshu matrix stopped moving, and despair spread in his heart. Sai closed his eyes unwillingly, and gradually fell into a crystallized state.

As Say lost consciousness, Enzo also suppressed the power of the Phantom Crow's curse, and the berserk giant tree mother fell into a calm state, the vines waving around her drooped down, and the scarlet eyes slowly closed.

On the battlefield, the remnants of the Green Goblins are still resisting.

This small creature lacks pain perception, and its emotional perception ability is not strong. Even if a large number of its companions are slaughtered, it still cannot make them fear.

However, after losing the command and control of the Children of the Forest, the Green Demons appeared extremely weak, and their individual strength was even worse than that of ordinary humans, so they were quickly slaughtered by extraordinary knights.

Looking from a distance, the earth is green.

Countless dwarf green goblin corpses can be seen almost everywhere, and the forest environment created by the children of the forest in the battle has also been destroyed into a mess.

"it is finally over!"

Enzo's eyes flickered, and he sighed in his heart. The war to regain the sixth tower area ended with the victory of the Seventh Expeditionary Army.

Above the sky, the dark clouds slowly dispersed.

With the end of the war, the heavy rain stopped. Gustav ordered the extraordinary knights to clean up the battlefield, and he took some wizards to the dilapidated tower not far away.

"Enzo, you stay!"

Gustav turned his head and ordered, "Always pay attention to the status of the giant tree mother body, and notify me immediately if there is any abnormality."

"Understood, mentor!" Enzo said.

Although the Juge Tree mother body fell into silence at the moment, no one can be sure whether its will will wake up from its deep sleep, so it needs constant attention.

Afterwards, Gustav led some wizards into the dilapidated sixth tower.

On a messy battlefield, the extraordinary knights were divided into small teams to clean up the few remaining Green Goblins.

In situ, Enzo looked around.

Immediately afterwards, with a thought in his mind, the huge Sanizo tree not far away waved its branches again, rolling up the corpses of the Green Goblins on the surrounding ground.

The slender vines pierced the corpses of the green goblins one by one, and then sucked them up, devouring the corpses of the green goblins in almost a second.

"If you want to evolve towards a higher level of life, you need more energy!" Enzo muttered to himself, and the tree of Sanizo moved slowly on the battlefield, constantly using the slender vines to devour the corpse of the green goblin.

Soon, a large number of green goblin corpses were swallowed by the Sanizo tree, and after getting enough energy, the Sanizo tree stopped.

"Have you reached the limit?"

On the spot, Enzo's eyes flashed. He had a soul connection with the tree of Sanizo, so he clearly felt the message from the tree of Sanizo.

It's full!

After devouring enough energy, the Tree of Sanizo planted its roots into the soil, and then fell into a dormant state, digesting energy through deep sleep.

Enzo shook his head and ignored the tree of Sanizo. It would take a long time for the second-order life form to continue to evolve.

The Tree of Sanizo is Enzo's main experimental project in [Aiqila World], and it has the characteristics of devouring evolution. Although it is still unknown whether it can evolve into a third-order life form in the end, Enzo still gives it Great expectations.

(End of this chapter)

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