Journey to the Wizarding World

Chapter 359 Tier 2 Wizard

Chapter 359
After awakening self-awareness, the tree of Aiqila created everything in the world in only 1000 years, and gave birth to the children of the forest.

With the birth of all things, this world has become more vibrant. As the race bred by the Tree of Akira, the Children of the Forest should become the rulers of the world.

However, behind the thriving scene, there is still a haze hidden.

Perhaps it was the creation of all things in the world that consumed too much natural energy. One day after a thousand years, the Tree of Ekira suddenly fell ill.

Through the vision of the giant tree matrix, Enzo looked at the scene in front of him.

A strange black mist gushed out from the tree of Aiqila. As time passed, the mist full of dark atmosphere twisted and grew continuously on the crown of the giant tree, gradually forming a huge tumor.

Immediately afterwards, the huge cancerous tumor burst, and a pitch-black scorpion emerged from it, exuding an aura of destruction and darkness.

"The Beast, Ochino!"

Looking at the black scorpion that came out of the cancerous tumor, Enzo's eyes flashed with a gleam of enlightenment, and he murmured in his heart, "It turns out that the Calamity Beast is also a life conceived from the tree of Akira."

After witnessing the birth of the giant scorpion, Enzo gradually understood its essence!
The tree of Aiqila is the life form conceived at the beginning of the world. It absorbs the power of chaos in the world, and thus creates everything in the world.

However, the power of chaos in the world is not all natural force. Just like when there is light in the world, there must be darkness. While the tree of Aiqila absorbs the power of chaos, it also absorbs the power represented in it. dark energy.

This dark energy continued to grow in the tree of Aiqila, and finally gave birth to the beast Ochino, which represented the opposite force of natural life, full of the breath of destruction and destruction.

After the birth of the Calamity Beast Ochino, this world full of nature and life finally ushered in a touch of darkness.

"We should destroy it!"

Among the children of the forest, the first generation of the children of the forest suggested to the tree of Akira.

But it is a pity that the Tree of Aiqila rejected the contact of the first forest king.

The Tree of Ekira believes that since the Calamity Beast Ochino is also the life it conceived, it should enjoy the same treatment as the Children of the Forest.

It regards the Calamity Beast Ochino as a child, and keeps it by its side, and relies on the natural power in its body to constantly infect the Calamity Beast's breath, trying to transform its attributes.

However, the Tree of Akira failed!

The destructive power contained in the Calamity Beast is an irreversible energy. Under the negligence of the Tree of Aiqila one day, the breath in Ochino's body exploded completely.

Under the infection of that dark breath, a large number of children of the forest were infected and irreversibly became the Fallen Spirit Race.

Disputes appeared in this world for the first time. The Fallen Spirits, infected by the aura of the Calamity Beast, greedily desire everything, constantly destroying the forest, and using the aura of the Calamity Beast to infect more children of the forest!

In the end, before the situation got out of control, the Tree of Ekira made a move. It planned to solve everything from the root, but found that the Calamity Beast Ochino could not be eliminated at all.

In desperation, the Tree of Aiqila could only choose to seal it up.

After that, the fallen spirits also fell into silence, and the world returned to the control of the children of the forest. It was not until thousands of years later that the wizard civilization discovered this world
The memory of the Jugeshu parent body came to an abrupt end here.

The picture in front of Enzo's eyes changed in an instant, and then reappeared in the spiritual world of the Sanizo Tree in human form. The small green tree in front had disappeared and turned into a ball of green light.

On the other side, a cloud of dark light emerged.

"The Tree of Sanizo" Enzo murmured to himself, through the aura emanating from the dark light, he could see that it was the original consciousness belonging to the Tree of Sanizo, a soul-like existence.

The next moment, the two rays of light began to intertwine and merge!
After 30 years of blending, the torsos of the Sanizo tree and the Juge tree mother have been fully integrated, but the remaining will belonging to the Juge tree mother has not disappeared.

With the drastic changes in the rules of the world, the Tree of Sanizo finally ushered in the opportunity to evolve!
Next, as long as the green light group merges with the dark light, the Sanizo tree will also fully evolve into a third-order life form, and a new tree spirit will be born.

Enzo stood where he was, his eyes were full of calm and luster.

Using the powerful analog calculation function of the chip, the following results have been concluded. The remaining will of the Juge Tree parent body has been cursed by the power of the Phantom Crow. After 30 years of wear and tear, it is impossible to resist the Sanizo Tree devoured.

Time keeps passing, as if 100 years have passed, and it seems that there is only a moment.

The light clusters representing the tree of Sanizo and the mother body of the Juge tree respectively finally merged together completely, and the surrounding dark world was instantly filled with dazzling dark green light.

The next moment, the world before Enzo's eyes exploded in vain, and his consciousness returned to the real world.

"Did it work?" Enzo muttered to himself.

In front of it, the huge body of the Tree of Sanizo exudes bright green light, and countless light spots emerge around it, converging and merging in one direction at the same time, finally forming an emerald tree with green light all over its body. crow.

After the Emerald Crow was born, an aura that belonged exclusively to the third-order life form immediately emanated from it. With the vibration of the pair of green wings, the Emerald Crow swooped towards Enzo like a falcon.

In an instant, the Emerald Crow turned into light and charged into Enzo's chest!
The majestic and mighty natural energy continuously diffuses to the whole body. After the tree of Sanizo completely devours the mother body of the Juge tree and evolves into a third-order life form, the remaining energy gradually feeds back to Enzo as the owner.


Stimulated by the energy feedback, the expression on Enzo's face became ferocious, dazzling green light burst out from his body, two strong green lights shot out from his eyes, and even his skin became tender green like a plant.

Not far away, Gustav and a group of wizards surrounded him.

"Your Excellency Enzo, you're being promoted to a second-tier wizard!?" The Ural wizard couldn't help swallowing, and an unbelievable gleam appeared in his eyes.

Gustav didn't speak, and a dignified luster appeared in his eyes.

He had known for a long time that Enzo, as the owner, would benefit greatly after the tree of Sanizo awakened, and even get the chance to be promoted to a second-level wizard, but according to his calculations, it would take at least 100 years.

As a second-order creature, the Sanizo Tree needs at least 100 years to completely devour the giant tree matrix!

However, the drastic changes in the world led to accidents. Under a special opportunity, the remaining will of the giant tree mother lost the ability to continue to exist, causing the tree of Sanizo to wake up early.

Therefore, the scene in front of me appeared!
As the owner, Enzo received the energy feedback from the evolution of the Sanizo tree, his whole body was shrouded in green light, his spiritual power increased rapidly, and his soul was transformed again.

"If this continues, can his body still bear it?" Seeing Enzo's changes, Gustav was a little worried.

However, it didn't take long before the green light around Enzo began to weaken. From his chest, the Emerald Crow flew out, flapping its wings and hovering in mid-air.

On the spot, Enzo slowly opened his eyes.

A light green light flashed in his eyes, revealing a faint aura, like an ancient existence that has gone through vicissitudes and thousands of changes in the world.

"Second-level wizard, I have already broken through!"

Enzo muttered to himself with an unusually calm face. He raised his head and looked into the air. He suddenly raised a hand, and the Emerald Crow landed on his palm immediately.

"From now on, I'll call you [Sani]!" Enzo said.

The emerald crow falling on the palm is a new consciousness born from the fusion of the will of the tree of Sanizo and the mother body of the Juge tree. It belongs to the spirit of the tree of Sanizo and is connected with the soul of Enzo.

Emerald Crow, Sani!
"Go, go back to your body." After naming the Emerald Crow, Enzo slightly raised his hand, signaling Sani to return to the giant tree's body, but Sani had his own ideas.

The Emerald Crow tilted its head, seemed to hesitate for a moment, and then turned into green light again and penetrated into Enzo's chest.

Compared to returning to the body of the giant tree, Sani seems to prefer the owner. As a will to live born of Enzo's power, the attitude of the Emerald Crow towards Enzo is naturally dependent.

Enzo frowned, then shook his head.

The Emerald Crow's dependence on the owner was completely expected. After all, part of Enzo's soul was integrated into the will of the Sanizo Tree.

Although Enzo could also issue a mandatory order for the Emerald Crow to return to the body of the giant tree, but he did not do so.

Anyway, when the power of the Tree of Sanizo is not used, even if the tree spirit leaves the body for a long time, it will not have any impact. The emerald crow staying in Enzo's body can also strengthen his tacit understanding with Sani.

"Congratulations, Enzo."

At this time, Gustav and a group of wizards came up, and said with a light smile, "It's been less than a hundred years since I embarked on the journey of wizards, and I have already been promoted to a second-level wizard. With such a growth rate, it is difficult for even those with perfect talents." do it!"

"You are too much, mentor!" Enzo still smiled modestly.

The surrounding wizards, such as Ural, stepped forward to express their congratulations. Everyone's faces were full of envy. As Enzo was promoted to a second-level wizard, their attitudes became respectful.

This is the change in strength, and it can be regarded as one of the potential rules of the wizarding world.

At this moment, another violent noise came from the sky, interrupting many wizards. Gustav raised his head, his eyes were solemn, and after taking a deep breath, he gave orders to the wizards around him.

"Everyone, divide into three groups, and take turns guarding the defense shield of the witch array!"

"We cannot intervene in the consequences of the drastic changes in the world, but since the deans have decided to launch the final attack, they must be sure, and everyone just needs to wait quietly."

Gustav looked around at the crowd, and then settled on Enzo.

"Enzo doesn't need to participate in guarding the defensive cover of the wizard formation. You have just broken through and been promoted to a second-level wizard. Next, take a good rest and stabilize your state."

Hearing Gustav's arrangement, none of the wizards had any objections.

Having just been promoted to a second-level wizard, Enzo also felt a little tired. After saying goodbye to his mentor, he went straight back to his wizard tower, entered the bedroom and locked the door behind him.


Enzo breathed a sigh of relief. The process of being promoted to the second level this time can be said to be very smooth, even easier than when he hit the official wizard. However, after absorbing the energy feedback from the tree of Sanizo, it still made him tired. Unbearable.

"Chip, call up my body data!" Sitting on the edge of the bed, Enzo ordered.

"Enzo/Strength: 16.5/Physique: 15/Spirit: 20.1/Level: Tier [-] Wizard/Status: The spirit is extremely weak, it is recommended to cultivate through long-term sleep."

"Extremely weak?" Enzo frowned slightly.

After the process of being promoted to the second-level wizard was over, he was indeed extremely tired, but he didn't feel that his body was unable to support him. However, according to the information obtained from the chip's body scan, it showed that his spirit was extremely weak, even on the verge of collapse.

Just when Enzo was having some doubts, the next moment, a strong sense of weakness flooded in like a tide.

"Damn it, what's going on?" Enzo's face paled for a moment, and he fell on the bed uncontrollably, as if he had lost all his strength and couldn't even move his fingers.

"It seems that being promoted to the second-level wizard has indeed made me extremely mentally exhausted."

Enzo's consciousness was a little slack in his mind. He remembered the suggestion given by the chip just now, and without hesitation, he immediately closed his eyes and let himself fall into a deep sleep.

boom! boom! boom!
After an unknown amount of time, Enzo woke up from his sleep with a strong impact sound. He opened his eyes with some difficulty, and turned his head to look in the direction of the bedroom door, where the sound came from.

"How long have I slept?"

Enzo muttered to himself, just about to get up, but found that he had no strength at all, "I'm still very tired, my body seems to be hollowed out."

Struggling on the bed, but unable to get up, Enzo simply gave up.

He turned his eyes to the door, and narrowed his eyes slightly. With the control of his mental power, the locked door was twisted open, and Sa Ling, the butler of the wizard tower, slammed in.

"You are finally awake, Master!"

Sa Ling, who rushed into the bedroom, fell to the ground, and when she saw Enzo who opened her eyes on the bed, a hint of surprise appeared on her face, she quickly stood up and walked over quickly.

"How long have I been asleep?" Enzo asked softly.

"Today, seven full natural days!"

While Sa Ling replied, she helped Enzo up from the bed, quickly took out a few potions from the cabinet next to her, and fed Enzo to drink them.

"It's been seven days?" Enzo frowned slightly, with a hint of surprise in his heart.

As several potions entered his stomach, the warm feeling spread to his limbs. Enzo felt that his physical strength seemed to have recovered, but his face was still pale, and he asked softly, "During the time I fell into a coma, How is the situation outside now?"

(End of this chapter)

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