Chapter 36 Victory
Anthony died in battle, causing an uproar among the Iron Scythe family's army.

However, the Kaiyuan Cavalry, which was at an absolute disadvantage, was greatly encouraged. Under Clarence's roaring call, they launched a jedi counterattack, which made several knights belonging to the Iron Scythe family a little at a loss on the battlefield. .

"Next, it's time to end this battle!" Enzo looked away from Anthony's cold body and calmly looked at the battlefield.

In this world, it is often high-end combat power that can determine the direction of the battle. After Anthony died in battle, no one in Iron Scythe's army could pose a threat to Enzo, so when he cast his gaze, several Iron Scythe knights All felt trembling.

The next moment, Enzo turned into a shadow and disappeared in place.

"Ah! Help." An iron sickle knight in the center of the battlefield suddenly let out a scream. Without warning, a short black blade suddenly appeared and cut his throat like a ghost, causing the corpse to fall from the battlefield. Immediately fall down.

"Watch out, Morgan!"

"Get out of the way, he's heading for you!"

After the knight's body fell from the horse, the shadow hit the next target again, and the surrounding Iron Scythe knights suddenly exclaimed, but it was too late, before the knight named Morgan made any reaction , a short blade has pierced his chest from behind.

Puchi!Blood spurted out, Morgan opened his mouth with difficulty, but his body was crumbling on the horseback.

For a time, the iron sickle knight was in danger.

"Run! Withdraw to Giant Wolf City!"

"Everyone disperse! Everyone disperse!"

In a short moment, two companions had already died. The remaining Iron Scythe knights shouted anxiously and fled in different directions. The army of the Iron Scythe family also fell into chaos at this moment, and gradually began to flee in the direction of Giant Wolf City. .

Then, a strange scene appeared on the vast ice field.

Countless troops of the Iron Scythe family fled frantically, while the Cayman City Cavalry Regiment, less than 500 left, chased after them on horseback. Clarence, holding the black dragon flag with his own hands, bravely rushed to the last place. In the front, the cavalry regiment that was originally crushed became a unilateral massacre in Kaiyuan City after Enzo killed Anthony!

The battle lasted for three full hours.

Iron Scythe's army fled all the way, and after dropping nearly 5000 corpses, they finally fled back to Giant Wolf City in embarrassment.

The original snow-capped ice field has been stained with a layer of scarlet, and the smell of blood permeates the wilderness. The corpses have attracted a large number of monsters to eat, ghost claw wolves, and bristle rats can be seen everywhere.

"It's almost there, prepare to retreat." Enzo said in a deep voice, looking at the Giant Wolf City in the distance.

"As you wish, Master Enzo!" Clarence straightened his back and hammered his chest hard with his fist.

Afterwards, Clarence gathered the remaining troops in Kaiyuan City, ordered the cavalry to clean up the battlefield, and personally found the body of the great knight Anthony, and chopped off his head as the most precious spoils of war.

When Enzo led the army back to Kaiyuan City, it was almost night.

Tai Lun ordered people to open the city gate, and personally welcomed Enzo into Kaiyuan City. He sighed slightly when he saw that there were only 300 cavalry regiments left, but when Clarence took Anthony's head off the horse, Taylor was shocked from ear to ear.

"You can kill him!?" Looking at Anthony's head with a stiff expression, Tai Lun looked complicated.

"It's just a fluke." Enzo said softly, with the corners of his lips raised.

Tai Lun took a deep look at Enzo and said nothing. Others may not understand the strength of Ghost Saber Anthony, but he knows very well that the two had fought against each other three years ago, and there was no winner for more than ten rounds. , which means that Enzo already has a combat power beyond that of ordinary great knights.

In the evening, O'Quinn, who supported the Golden City, also returned with his army.

When O'Quinn entered Kaiyuan City in high spirits, Enzo also knew that he had won the war without asking. Ever since he suppressed the curse, this man has been eager to show his strength to the outside world, and now, he finally got his wish .

On the Golden City battlefield, O'Quinn led 5000 troops to face the Iron Scythe family head-on.

Andrew, the lord of Iron Horn City, personally confronted O'Quinn. He was defeated and fell off his horse after 27 rounds. Fifteen Iron Scythe Knights desperately rescued him, and then hurriedly ordered the army to retreat. corner city.

"Moore, order me down, I'm going to prepare a banquet to celebrate!"

After defeating Andrew on the battlefield, O'Quinn was in high spirits. After learning from Tyron that Enzo had killed Anthony, he was even more emotional. He directly ordered the castle to prepare a banquet to celebrate the victory of the war.

"Follow your order, master." Old Moore, the castle steward, bowed and saluted.

The banquet soon began in the castle, and all officers above the centurion were eligible to participate.

The spacious hall was brightly lit, and there were two long tables on the left and right sides. Many maids shuttled among them, serving barbecue, wine and other things. Those who could participate in the banquet had already been seated one by one, and O'Quinn sat at the end. In the front position, Enzo and Tai Lun were next to him.

The celebration banquet was not too particular. After O'Quinn encouraged the knights who performed well in the war, he announced the start.

However, not long after the banquet started, Enzo left the hall with a glass of wine in his hand. He didn't like the atmosphere.

Passing through the promenade, Enzo came to the courtyard of the castle. Feeling the cold evening wind, he took a sip of the red wine in the glass, and the mellow aroma flowed down his mouth into his throat. His eyes shone brightly and the corners of his lips lifted.

"How about it, the specialty ice wine from the northern Silvermoon Kingdom, does it suit your taste?"

A hearty voice suddenly sounded in his ear, and Enzo couldn't help looking. A handsome young man with blond hair was walking slowly not far away. A friendly smile.

"It's a very good wine, mellow and refreshing, but it's not as sweet as ordinary red wine." Enzo smiled slightly, and raised his glass to the blond young man who was walking towards him.

The blond young man is named Rocaxi, and he is the eldest son of Roblai, the lord of the Golden City. After forming an alliance with Kaiyuan City and defeating the Iron Scythe family this time, Roblai attached great importance to O'Quinn as an ally, and specially sent his eldest son to Kaiyuan City. Yuancheng expressed his sincerity.

"As long as you like it, I will prepare more for you when the brigade goes to the Silver Moon Kingdom next time."

"Thank you very much." Enzo nodded slightly, and asked casually, "Does Mr. Rocassi often go to the Silver Moon Kingdom?"

"It's not too often." Luo Kaxi rubbed his nose and said with a light smile, "I have traveled with the tour group these years, and I have been to many places. There are several trade exchanges with the Silver Moon Kingdom in the north every year. "

(End of this chapter)

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