Journey to the Wizarding World

Chapter 369: The Canyon of the Wind

Chapter 369: The Canyon of the Wind
The blue sky stretches as far as the eye can see, like a pure sea.

Below, the caravan of the Kelitel family was advancing on a deserted road. A few birds in the bushes flew towards the sky, and there was a bloody smell in the distance.

Fianna frowned slightly, raised an arm, and signaled the family caravan to stop.

"What's going on?" In the golden carriage, Enzo also noticed the abnormality when prompted by the chip, so he walked out of the carriage and looked into the distance.

Enzo's eyes were fixed, and there was a light blue luster in his eyes.

Using the super field of vision brought by the chip, he saw a barren town not far in front of him. It was daytime, but the town was dead silent, not even a single person could be seen.

"Go and have a look." Enzo said in a deep voice.

The caravan of the Kelitel family continued to move forward, and soon came to the small town ahead. The closer it was to the small town, the stronger the smell of blood. There were corpses scattered in the corners of the small stone houses.

"Did the gang do it?" Fianna frowned.

"No! No."

Enzuo focused his eyes, shook his head, looked at the stone house wall to the side, and said in a deep voice, "Bandits usually attack villages and towns for the purpose of plundering wealth, and they rarely drive out the villagers. It should be done by other forces."

Fianna followed Enzo's gaze and looked at the side wall, drawing a pattern with blood.

The pattern is a black snake, with its mouth and tail connected to each other, forming a shape similar to a closed loop, and in the most central area, there is a single eye with vertical pupils, exuding a strange aura.

"This is the Church of the Black Snake?" Fianna seemed to recognize the Ouroboros pattern.

Enzo's eyes flashed, and information about the Black Snake Church also appeared in his mind. It was a force that appeared in the Dark Pole Region in the past 30 years. The totem believed by the church is a black snake with a tail.

"Old Snake"

Enzo muttered in his mouth, took a step forward, touched the blood pattern on the wall with his fingers, his eyes glowed with thought, and he felt a familiar atmosphere from the Ouroboros totem, recalling the memory in his mind.

That was Enzo's experience during his apprenticeship.

During the melee between the three major organizations in the Dark Pole Region, Enzo went to Leiguang City to seek refuge. During this period, he entered the mysterious realm of the Night Girl, where he met an old black snake who claimed to be sealed by the goddess.

With the awakening of the goddess of the night, the secret realm of the Kingdom of God was shaken.

In ancient times, many beings who were sealed by the Goddess of the Night took the opportunity to escape from the secret realm, and the old snake seemed to be the same, taking advantage of the shock of the secret realm to come to the world of wizards.

"It seems that [Black Snake Church] did everything that happened here." Fianna said solemnly.

Enzo stroked his chin with a thoughtful expression on his face.

According to the period of returning to the wizarding world, Enzo also has a certain understanding of [Black Snake Church]. The nature of this organization belongs to the evil church, and its teaching is to kill creatures and take souls.

According to the laws of the wizarding world, the evil church is the same as the fallen wizard, and it is the target of the parliament's severe crackdown.

However, during the 30 years of its rise, the Black Snake Church has always been known for its low-key behavior, and has never confronted wizard organizations head-on. The targets they kill have always been weak civilians, so they have not received much attention.

But in recent years, the Black Snake Church has become more and more rampant!
Although they still did not fight against the wizarding organization, they caused several massacres in the secular kingdom one after another. At least a dozen villages and towns were massacred, and the number of civilians who died almost reached more than [-].

Originally during the expedition, the three major organizations did not have much energy to deal with the affairs of the Black Snake Church.

However, now that the expedition is over, even though the Black Snake Church is only a small organization, it will be cleaned up soon. It seems that the Black Snake Church will become more and more crazy just because it senses the crisis.

"The soul has been taken away." Enzo walked to a corpse and found that the soul of the corpse had disappeared.

Obviously, the Black Snake Church massacred the town precisely to plunder the souls. Hundreds of civilians in the town were brutally killed and their souls extracted.

"Let's take a break before moving forward." Afterwards, Enzo ordered.

Fianna nodded slightly, and ordered the caravan of the Kelitel family to repair in the small town. It had just been massacred by the Black Snake Church, so it was a bit strangely quiet, but to the wizards, it was no big deal.

At the same time, the city of fog.

The Kelitel family manor is a tower belonging to Wizard Morgan. In a room on the top floor, Wizard Morgan is wearing a soft and loose robe, standing by the window, looking into the distance.

"Fianna and the others have already set off?" Wizard Morgan whispered.

"Yes, Master." In the room, there was a shadow hidden in the corner, as imperceptible as a ghost. Hearing Wizard Morgan's inquiry, the shadow made a hoarse voice.

"From the City of Mists to the Canyon of the Wind, it takes about a month to go back and forth."

Wizard Morgan muttered to himself, and said in a low voice, "After the Nausicaa auction is over, it will only take one month for Fiana to return to the city of mist. She was stuck in the third-level apprenticeship stage for a year, and it's time to make an impact." Officially a wizard."

"The batch of [Rainbow Potion] that the family prepared recently can just be used when Fiana is promoted!"

"Master intends to promote Miss Fiana to be an official wizard?" Shadow asked hesitantly.

"That's right, it's about time." Wizard Morgan nodded, and said in a deep voice, "Fianna has perfect talent. If she is promoted to a full-time wizard with the guardian path, the probability of success is about 50%. The potion resources given by the upper family, as well as advanced meditation methods, can at least increase the success rate to over 80%."

"There is not much time left for me, Fiana's growth must be accelerated!"

Wizard Morgan has a serious expression on his face, and he has an unquestionable determination for Fianna to be promoted to a wizard.

"By the way, is there any movement from Freeman's side?" Immediately afterwards, Wizard Morgan asked again.

"Since the master publicly stated last time that Fiana was being cultivated as the successor, Freeman has been in contact with the outside world more and more frequently." Shadow paused, and said hoarsely: "He seems to have made up his mind. Miss Fianna is on her way to the Canyon of the Wind, completely eliminate the threat!"

"Oh? Have you finally made up your mind?" Wizard Morgan frowned.

"It looks like that."

The shadow opened the mouth and said, "A dozen years ago, Freeman secretly colluded with the fallen wizard, and the target seems to be the [fraudster] Justin who was offered a huge bounty by the Kendi family."

"Justin is a second-tier wizard who has been promoted in the past hundred years. In order to stabilize his realm, he needs a lot of potions and resources."

"Freeman secretly colluded with Justin to steal the family's [Ice Heart Potion] for the latter in exchange for the other party's allegiance. This time, Miss Fiana is likely to face Justin in the Valley of the Wind this time!"

"You are quite courageous, you dare to collude with the fallen wizard!"

Wizard Morgan snorted coldly, and said expressionlessly, "Freeman thinks that no one knows about his little actions, but in fact he is so stupid and pitiful. He thinks that with some potions, he can control a second-order wizard?"

"Hmph! How ridiculous!"

Shadow was silent for a moment, and said hoarsely, "But what should we do if Justin really takes action against Miss Fiana? Although the other party is a fallen person, she is also a second-order wizard after all."

"You don't have to do anything, just wait quietly."

Wizard Morgan's face was calm, and he said quietly: "The chicks will never be able to face the vast sky unless they leave the eagle's nest. If Fianna really meets that Justin on the way to the Valley of the Wind, it will be treated as a one-off." The test is over."

"It's not so easy to become the heir of the Kelittle family!"

"Master, do you mean to ignore this matter?"

Shadow was slightly surprised, and quickly said: "But Miss Fiana is not even an official wizard, and she has no chance of winning against a second-order wizard. Even if you want to test her, you can't use this method, right?"

"Hmph! What are you in a hurry for?"

Wizard Morgan turned his head, glanced at the corner, and said, "Fianna has a space scroll on her body, which can be used in times of crisis, and can be directly teleported to a safe area. What's more, isn't there a second-order wizard in the convoy?"

"You mean Lord Enzo?"

Shadow hesitated for a moment, and said, "Although Master Enzo is also a second-level wizard, he has just been promoted to the second level after all, and he has not even mastered the second-level witchcraft. I am afraid he may not be Justin's opponent?"

"As I said, this is a test."

Wizard Morgan's face was calm, and he said slowly, "Nothing is risk-free. I just took this opportunity to test Enzo's strength and see if he can become the guardian of the Kelitel family!"

Shadow fell silent, seemingly pondering Morgan's words.

"I understand the meaning of the master." After a while, the shadow spoke again, hoarsely said: "You intend to use this opportunity to test Miss Fiana and Lord Enzo at the same time. If they pass the test, the former can become Kelittle The heir of the family, and the latter has proved his strength, is qualified to become the guardian of the family, and enjoys the resources of the Kelittle family!"

Wizard Morgan didn't speak, but the corners of his lips were slightly raised, and a scheming smile appeared on his face.

The golden sun hangs above the sky like a melting pot, emitting scorching light.

It seemed that the air was filled with heat waves, the barren land was red, and the soil was dry and cracked like wrinkled bark. Not far away, a convoy was slowly approaching, moving forward.

It has been fifteen days since we left the City of Mists, and today is the deadline to arrive at the Canyon of the Wind.

The journey along the way was very peaceful, except for the initial encounter with a group of gangsters and the small town slaughtered by the Black Snake Church, there were no accidents. The caravan of the Kelittle family was about to arrive at the Canyon of the Wind smoothly.

Fianna was riding on the white magic horse, her face was very calm, but her eyes were full of vigilance.

Although it is less than an hour away from the base camp of [Eye of the Hurricane], as a representative of the Kelitel family, Fianna is still very cautious and prevents any accidents from happening.

Not long after, the convoy arrived at its destination.

Ahead, the endless plains are full of natural ditches, and the mountains on both sides look like dragon spines, which look extremely steep. The entrance to the Canyon of Wind is extremely spacious, and the cold wind howls continuously.

Fianna raised her hand, signaling the convoy to stop.

Enzo walked out of the golden carriage, feeling a gust of cool wind blowing, the hot feeling was swept away immediately, he looked at the canyon ahead, and habitually turned on the chip scanning function.

"Unknown energy interference, scan failed!"

The voice of the chip machine came from his mind, and the expression on Enzo's face remained unchanged. As the base camp of [Eye of the Hurricane], the Valley of the Winds, it is normal to set up a large witch array, so it can isolate the prying eyes of the outside world.

"Lord Enzo, the Valley of the Wind is ahead, let's go in." Fianna said softly.

Enzo nodded slightly, and had no opinion on this. The convoy immediately entered the entrance of the canyon, but before it went deep, a gust of wind suddenly blew up on both sides of the canyon, and a huge figure appeared in the sky above.

"Wind Djinn?" Enzo stared.

That huge figure, the body is composed of blue air currents, the lower body is like a whirlwind, and the upper body is extremely burly, with gusts of wind sweeping through the whole body, making a silent roar.

"Outsiders are forbidden to trespass in the Valley of the Wind!" the djinn roared.

"Hello, respected spirit of nature." Fianna looked at the djinn in front of her, her face turned pale, but she still mustered up the courage to step forward, took out a cyan medal from her arms, and said: "We It is the Kelitel family from [Phantom of Crows], who was invited by [Eye of the Hurricane] to participate in the Nausicaa auction."

The wind djinn looked at the token that Fianna took out, and the gust of wind around him suddenly weakened a bit.

"Friends of [Eye of the Hurricane] are friends of the Djinn clan, you can enter the Canyon of the Wind!" The Djinn made a dull voice, and made way for a caravan to pass through.

"Thank you, respected spirit of nature." Fianna put away the token and said politely.

Afterwards, the caravan of the Kelitel family entered the Canyon of the Wind. Enzo looked at the djinn that disappeared from the sky, and his eyes flashed with thought.

Wind Djinn, a violent elemental creature!
This is a special creature formed naturally, belonging to the aborigines of the Valley of the Wind. Later, after the [Eye of the Hurricane] ruled the Valley of the Wind, they somehow gained the friendship of the Wind Djinn family.

Since then, the djinn have become the guardians of [Eye of the Hurricane].

They obey the orders of [Eye of the Hurricane]. If outsiders do not have tokens and force their way in, they will be attacked by the entire dwarf family, and even second-order wizards will feel headaches.

"It seems that the leader of [Eye of the Hurricane] is not a simple person who can subdue the djinn family."

As the convoy moved toward the depths of the canyon, Enzo's expression flickered. Elemental creatures have always been known for their extreme personalities, and [Eye of the Hurricane] was able to gain the friendship of the djinn family, which was obviously the means of that mysterious leader.

Just as Enzo was thinking, the scene ahead suddenly became clear.

In the depths of the Canyon of Wind, a huge city appeared in front of the eyes. The city located in the depths of the canyon looked very special, full of fantasy style, and the blue towers were like giant trees.

(End of this chapter)

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