Journey to the Wizarding World

Chapter 373 The auction is over

Chapter 373 The auction is over
"You only have one chance, don't miss it!"

The eyes of the old man with vertical pupils flashed, and a cold expression appeared on his face. He shook the golden bell vigorously, and raised the price of the Sword of Syndra by three thousand magic stones.

At this time, the price of the Sword of Syndra has reached [-] magic stones!
"One hundred thousand!"

Another box, the sound of the bell shaking again, a second-tier wizard family belonging to [Eye of the Hurricane] launched an auction for the sword of Syndra.

The price of the auction item exceeded [-], and a trace of excitement appeared on Wizard Colin's face.


The old man with vertical pupils looked indifferent, and directly increased the price by [-] magic stones, which caused an uproar in the hall and surprised other competitors.

The price of 120,000 magic stones is almost beyond everyone's affordability.

The wizard families who originally coveted the Sword of Syndra shook their heads and chose to give up. Although the magic weapon is extremely precious, if the price exceeds one hundred thousand magic stones, then it needs to be considered.

The corners of the old man's lips were raised, and a smile appeared on his face.

If the other competitors give up, it means that the sword of Syndra will fall into his hands, and only by obtaining this special magic tool can the plan of the old man with vertical pupils continue.

"120,000 magic stones once!"

"120,000 magic stones twice!"

"120,000 magic stones three times!"

"Deal! Congratulations to bidder No. 172 for winning the magic weapon, the Sword of Syndra!"

"All the items in this auction have been sold. Next, all auctioneers, please pay and take away your auction items. This year's Nausicaa Auction will officially end!"

With Wizard Colin's resounding voice, the auction was declared over. Enzo and Fianna went to the backstage and successfully took away the auction item after payment.

"The flower of the void..."

Fianna carefully put away the flower of the void. After receiving the guarantee when she was promoted to a wizard, she seemed to be relieved for a long time.

"It fits me nicely."

Enzo also took away his own auction items. Among them, the shadow magic model and the dragon heart were directly thrown into the space ring, and the blood robe was worn on his body.

The blood-red robe exudes a strange aura, giving Enzo a vague aura of a vampire. The magic item has not yet produced a spirit, but the blood robe, which is a top-level demonized item, reveals a desire for the blood of living beings.

The auction was over, and there was no point in continuing to stay in the Valley of the Wind. After a brief rest, the Kelitel family embarked on a journey back to the City of Mists the next day.


At the same time, outside the Canyon of the Wind.

On the endless plain, a black carriage was slowly driving. The surface of the carriage was painted with a black ouroboros pattern, and there was a single eye with vertical pupils in the center.

In front, four cavalrymen in black were walking in front of the carriage to scout the way.

In vain, the mount under the crotch of the black-clothed cavalry seemed to have sensed the danger, and let out a sharp hiss in horror. A ball of fiery red surged in the air, quickly forming a huge lava palm, and violently grabbed a black-clothed cavalry.

"My lord, help..."

Before the black-clothed cavalry finished speaking, it turned into a burst of painful wailing. Under the grasp of the huge lava palm, the black-clothed cavalry, together with the mount, was swallowed into ashes by the scorching flames.


The remaining three cavalrymen in black drew out the cross swords at their waists one after another, their eyes flickered and turned into vertical pupils, and fine black snake scales appeared on their skin.

"Hmph! The trash from the Black Snake Church dares to participate in the Nausicaa auction, how courageous it is!"

Not far away, a bald wizard appeared, with a bare chest emitting billowing heat, and his eyes seemed to be burning with flames.

"kill him!"

Three cavalrymen in black charged forward, and the human head gradually changed into a snake's head, and the slender neck quickly bit the bald wizard.


The bald wizard snorted coldly, with a smirk on his face, his flaming arms grabbed the head of the attacking snake, and the flames spread over, instantly burning the black cavalry to ashes.

In just one round of confrontation, all three black knights were killed by the bald wizard!
A mortal who is empowered by the snake old man is as powerful as an extraordinary knight, but he is still vulnerable under the hands of the bald wizard, so the strength of the bald wizard becomes very obvious.

Tier [-] wizard!

Only a wizard who has reached the second level can kill the four black snake knights so easily. After the bald wizard cleaned up the four minions, he looked at the carriage ahead.

"Get out, Old Snake!"

The bald wizard crossed his arms, with a bloodthirsty expression on his face, and shouted rudely to the carriage.

"Ha ha."

In the compartment painted with the Ouroboros pattern, there was a deep laughter, and as the door was slowly pushed open, the old snake with a pair of vertical pupils came out.

"Master Wizard blocked the way and killed my church members. Can you give me a reason?"

The old snake walked out of the carriage, with a gentle smile on his face, and whispered to the bald wizard.

"Reason? How ridiculous!"

The bald wizard showed disdain, and said with a sneer, "The Black Snake Church has been rampant in the Dark Pole Region, causing massacres one after another. [Northern Council] has long regarded you as an evil church, but they just haven't had time to deal with it."

"I killed some evil believers to clean up the cancer in the Dark Pole Domain, do I still need a reason?"

Old Snake looked calm, shook his head with a smile.

"Master Wizard is here to intercept me. Is he really just planning to eradicate the cult for the Dark Pole Realm?" The Old Snake asked with a half-smile.

"Hmph! Stop talking nonsense."

The bald wizard frowned, and said coldly, "Hand over the sword of Syndra as soon as possible, maybe I can give you a chance to survive!"

"Sure enough, it's for the magic weapon."

Old Snake seemed to have expected it, without any surprise on his face, he shook his head and sighed, "It seems that as a heretic, even if [Eye of the Hurricane] allows me to participate in the auction, he will not keep my information secret!"

After finishing speaking, Old Snake raised his head, flicked his wide cuffs, and an old long sword appeared in his hand.

The magic wizard tool, the sword of Syndra!

The bald wizard's heart was burning, and a greedy luster appeared in his eyes.

"Give me the sword of Syndra, and you can leave." There was a hint of eagerness in the bald wizard's voice, as if he was eager to get the sword of Syndra.

"Leave? Heh! Is the wizard really going to let me go?"

Old Snake showed a sneer, shook his head, and said quietly, "In this case, why did you set up a rune trap in front, and let your companions lie in ambush there?"

Hearing what the old snake said, the bald wizard was startled.

Afterwards, he narrowed his eyes and said in a deep voice, "So you discovered it from the beginning?"

In an area in front of the plain, a cloud of blood mist condensed into a human figure, with long blood-red hair hanging over his shoulders, and his bewitching eyes shone with a crimson luster.

"The leader of the [Black Snake Church] has been rumored to the outside world. He is an incredible guy. I didn't take you seriously at first, but since I can see through my concealment, it seems that I really have some strength!"

The red-haired wizard had a slender voice, which made it difficult to tell the difference between male and female, but judging from his aura, he was obviously a wizard with vampire blood, most likely coming from the blood shadow with fangs.

The second-order wizard, Norama!

The second-tier wizard with vampire blood and the bald wizard were not companions at first, but they both coveted the sword of Syndra of the old snake, so they decided to join forces to ambush the old snake.

Anyway, the Black Snake Church is an evil church, even if he is killed openly, it will not violate the law, but will be rewarded by the council!
According to the information circulated by the outside world, the true strength of the leader of the Black Snake Church has never been clear, so the bald wizard recruited the wizard Norama just to be on the safe side.

The plan to let Norama set a rune trap and prepare to ambush the old man was also proposed by the bald wizard. Obviously, the recklessness he displayed on the surface was just an illusion.

"I'll be the main attacker, you'll be the assistant!"

This time, the bald wizard locked his eyes on the old man snake, and said in a deep voice, "We should try our best to make a quick decision, first take the sword of Syndra."

"No problem!" Norama replied.

Faced with the siege of the two second-tier wizards, the old snake didn't panic at all. With his palm covered with fine scales, he gently stroked the sword of Syndra, and murmured in a low voice, "I want to rely on the power of this sword , to find the lost map of the gods, you must sacrifice a strong enough soul!"

"I was still thinking about the target, but since the two of you have appeared, let's become the sacrifice of the sword of Syndra..."

The strange light in the old snake's eyes flickered, his body began to change gradually, and black scales continued to spread, covering his whole body.

In a moment, the old snake had turned into a black python, with a dragon-claw-like arm extending from the left side of Seven Inch, holding the sword of Syndra tightly.

"Come on! Let you all experience my true strength before you die!"

Strong energy fluctuations erupted across the endless plain, and the confrontation between the two second-tier wizards and the old snake formed a terrifying force.


The sky was dark, lightning streaked across the sky, and heavy raindrops fell, splashing countless water splashes on the ground.


The white magic horse moved forward steadily, and the beautiful girl sitting on it had a calm face, relying on magic power to form a transparent light shield, blocking the invasion of rain.

In the rear was a golden carriage. Huge wheels rolled over the muddy ground, leaving two long ruts, like ditches.

"Miss Fiana, it's getting late, do you want the team to rest first?"

Beside him, another taciturn, almost invisible white-robed wizard suddenly proposed to Fianna.

"Through this area, you can reach the territory of Roca Kingdom, let's rest there, Uncle Ifat!" Fianna said.

The wizard in white robe beside him was the only first-order wizard in the caravan of the Kelitel family. As the person sent by Wizard Morgan to assist Fianna, Ifat had a taciturn personality and rarely expressed his emotions and opinions.

"Alright." Wizard Ifat nodded.

The Kelittle family team continued to move forward. At this time, three days had passed since the Nausicaa auction. After everything was over, the team was returning to the city of fog.

Suddenly, there was a sound in front of him.

Fianna's eyes froze, and she immediately raised her arm, signaling the convoy to stop.

"Help! Who will save me!"

In the forest not far away, a woman with a baby in her arms ran out staggeringly, surrounded by several injured guards.

"Don't run away, little fat sheep!"

"Haha, grab that woman!"

There was a burst of arrogant laughter from behind, and men dressed as gangsters rushed out on horseback, surrounding the woman and her guards.


Fianna frowned slightly, with a hint of disgust on her face. The scene ahead seemed to be a group of gangsters robbing the brigade, and the woman with the baby in her arms was their target.

The woman with the baby in her arms fell helplessly on the ground, the guards beside her raised their weapons tremblingly, while the gangsters rode horses and formed a circle.

As if there was a kind of interest in catching mice, the gangsters were not in a hurry to attack, but kept making strange laughter to bring fear to their prey.

"Help me! Who will help me!"

The woman hugged the baby in her arms tightly and cried out in despair. Fianna's face turned cold, and she waved to the convoy behind her, as if she was going to take action to get rid of those gangsters.

"Wait a minute, Fianna."

At this time, a voice came from inside the golden carriage, and Enzo pushed open the door and came out, saying indifferently, "The Kingdom of Karan belongs to the territory of the Karan family, and the security problem has always been good. There shouldn't be gangsters appearing."

When there was movement in the forest just now, Enzo noticed the abnormality. At the same time, the chip in his mind also issued an alarm, detecting that there was an existence whose life level was not lower than the second level, and was hiding nearby.

Ahead, the gang has launched an attack.

After only one round of charge, several guards were all killed by the bandits, but the woman with the baby survived by accident and even broke out of the bandits' encirclement.

Under the threat of death, the woman seemed to explode with a strong will. She ran forward desperately, looked up and saw the Kelittle family motorcade, and a gleam of hope suddenly appeared in her eyes.

"Help! Please save my child!"

The woman screamed for help, but at this moment, the bandits on horseback had already caught up, raising their butcher knives as if they would fall down in the next moment.

Fianna bit her lip and couldn't help wanting to make a move.

"Don't meddle in your own business." Enzo said indifferently.

"But..." Fianna looked hesitant. The woman who was being chased by the bandits was less than 20 meters away from her, and fell to the ground staggeringly.

"Die with your little bastard!"

Behind them, the gangsters laughed ferociously, and the woman's eyes were full of despair. Seeing that the sharp scimitar was about to fall, Fianna finally couldn't help it, and rushed over with the magic horse.

"Wind Blade Strike!"

Fianna waved her hand and released a witchcraft, and more than a dozen wind blades flew out immediately, knocking down the horse-riding bandit to the ground in an instant.

"Thank you! Thank you!"

The woman who brushed past the god of death, with the joy of being alive after the catastrophe appeared on her face, hurriedly kowtowed to Fianna to thank her, and at the same time lifted the baby in her arms, as if she was planning to give it to Fianna to take care of.

Rescuing the mother and child from the bandit's scimitar, Fianna also had a smile on her face, but when she was about to take the baby, her expression suddenly changed.

"go to hell!"

The face of the woman kneeling on the ground turned ferocious in vain, and the baby she lifted let out a shrill scream, and rushed towards Fianna fiercely.

(End of this chapter)

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