Journey to the Wizarding World

Chapter 386 Steel Fort Kingdom

Chapter 386 Steel Fort Kingdom
"So, after you were promoted to a wizard, you signed a contract with the academy, intending to continue working for [Phantom of Crows]?" Enzo then asked again.

"Of course, it's a Kendy family tradition."

Caroline replied as a matter of course, "The establishment of Phantom of Crows was originally composed of major families. As a member of the Kendy family, no matter whether I sign a contract or not, I have an inseparable connection with Phantom of Crows."

"Instead of refusing to sign a contract with the academy for the sake of so-called freedom, I still prefer the benefits of the core members of the academy, not to mention that I have the Kendi family behind me. Even if I sign a contract, I will not be suppressed by the academy, except for the annual mandatory tasks Other than that, almost nothing is required.”

Caroline's idea is also the choice of most people.

After being promoted to an official wizard, sign a soul contract with the academy, and become a core member of the Phantom of Crows in this way, you can enjoy a lot of treatment and receive key training from the academy.

And the price is to lose part of your freedom!

Behind Caroline is the Kendy family, one of the elder families of [Phantom of Crows]. After each member is promoted to an official wizard, they will choose to sign a contract to strengthen their connection with the academy.

In this way, the Kendi family can be brought closer to the academy, and the wizards of the Kendi family who sign the contract can enjoy more benefits, and even have the qualifications to compete for the dean when the leader of the academy falls unexpectedly.

"After signing the contract with the academy, do you have mandatory tasks every year?" Enzo asked again.

"of course."

Caroline nodded slightly, and said, "However, as a member of the Kendi family, every time I get a compulsory task, the difficulty is not too high, and basically there is no life-threatening."

Enzo nodded, his face thoughtful.

At this time, Caroline raised her head and said softly, "Half a month ago, the academy has already issued a mandatory task for this year. In three or five days at most, I'm afraid I have to leave the academy to carry out the task."

"Oh? What mission?" Enzo was curious.

"It's nothing serious, it's just a dispute between the secular kingdoms." Caroline shook her head and said, "I heard that it's the Steel Fort Kingdom. Because of the old king's death, some turmoil has been caused, and I need to go and suppress it."

"The kingdom is in turmoil?" Enzo frowned.

"The Kingdom of Steel Castle is located on the border of the Dark Pole Region and is famous for its rich iron ore. The original old king was an official wizard. His lifespan was exhausted and he fell. The new king failed to control the situation in time, which led to riots in several mining areas." Caroline simply explained.

Enzo nodded slightly, probably understanding the situation.

Suddenly, his heart moved, and he said, "Since you plan to go to the Kingdom of Steel Castle to perform missions, why don't you take me with you?"

"Are you going too?" Caroline was a little surprised.

"Recently I'm studying a witchcraft and need to collect some souls." Enzo said softly, "If riots really broke out in the Kingdom of Steel Fort, then war must be inevitable. I just took the opportunity to collect some souls."

The second form transformation of the Shadow Corps requires a soul to create a shadow soldier. Although Enzo can buy it in a simpler way, it will undoubtedly cost a lot of magic stones. Since there is a war in the Kingdom of Steel Fort, Enzo can just take advantage of this opportunity Collect some.

What's more, after mastering the Shadow Armor, Enzo also wanted to test it.

"Okay, yes." Caroline hesitated, then nodded and agreed. There is no limit to the number of people in this mission. Although there is no danger in solving the war in the secular kingdom, if Enzo is added, it can obviously make people Things just got easier.

At the same time, Caroline also wanted to take the opportunity of this mission to deepen the relationship between herself and Enzo. If she could win him over to the Kendy family, it would undoubtedly be a good thing for her.

"The potion genius who owns two patents is even a first-order conqueror wizard. If I can win him over, then my status in the family will definitely be further improved, and I will even have the opportunity to compete for the position of Patriarch in the future." Qualification!" Caroline's eyes sparkled, and she looked at Enzo more eagerly.

Although she didn't know that Enzo had already been promoted to a second-tier wizard, but just being a Conqueror Wizard + potion genius already made Enzo extremely valuable, and it was totally worth Caroline's great effort.

Five days later, the main gate of the city of mist.

In the same place, Caroline was wearing a white robe and stood there quietly. Beside her was a two-meter-tall reindeer covered with silver-white hair. The luggage was hung on the huge antlers. saddle.

"Sorry, I'm late."

Not far away, Enzo walked slowly. Wearing a blood-red robe, Swain in the form of a crow on his shoulder was combing his feathers and looking around.

"The appointed time was just right, I came early."

Caroline shook her head, looked at Enzo, and said with a light smile, "There is a long distance between the Misty City and the Kingdom of Steel Fort. Are you planning to walk there with your feet?"

"Of course not." Enzo shrugged.

Swain flew up at the right time, turned into a magic horse and appeared on the spot, and bent down for Enzo to ride on it.

"Almost forgot, you have a Tinos crow."

A look of amazement appeared on Caroline's face, and then stepped on the iron stirrups, climbed onto the silver-white reindeer beside her, and sat firmly on the saddle.

"Is this a silver deer?" Enzo raised his eyebrows.

"Hee hee, how is it? It's not bad!" Caroline smiled and nodded, with a smug expression on her face, "Bertha is my baby. She has been raised for ten years since she was a child to grow up to this big, but she is still far away from adulthood." a period of time."

Enzo nodded slightly.

Silver deer is a relatively rare monster. This kind of creature has a gentle personality, but it has special abilities. After reaching adulthood, it can automatically activate the healing aura, so that those who are injured or fall into an abnormal state can quickly recover.

In the ancient times long ago, such legends have been circulating among human tribes.

According to legend, the silver deer is the darling of the mother god of the earth, the incarnation of the goddess of life. Anyone who is sick can be cured as long as they ride the silver deer. Therefore, in ancient times, many tribes were keen to find the silver deer.

However, in fact this is just a legend!
The reason why the silver deer can heal patients is because of its natural supernatural ability, not the incarnation of a god. What's more, the healing halo of the silver deer itself has great limitations, and it cannot be as magical as the legend.

As Caroline mounted the silver stag, the two also set off.

The Kingdom of Steel Fort is located on the border of the Dark Pole Region, and originally belonged to a chaotic zone where no one cares. However, two hundred years ago, a wandering wizard named Budina appeared in the Kingdom of Steel Castle.

Budina was originally born as a commoner, but was promoted to a wizard after being inherited by accident. After gaining great power, he quickly ended the chaos in the Kingdom of Steel Fort and became the king.

Then, in order to stabilize his rule, Budina first contacted the Phantom of Crows as a wizard, and after paying a certain price, obtained the qualifications of the peripheral members of the academy, and at the same time included the Kingdom of Steel Castle into the Phantom of Crows.


The golden sun hangs in the sky, radiating light and heat to its heart's content. There is a trace of sultry heat in the air, and the originally barren land looks even more dry and cracked.

In the distance, the silver reindeer moved forward slowly.

"Two hundred years ago, the area of ​​the Kingdom of Steel Castle was in a state of chaos." Caroline sat on the back of the silver reindeer, and said softly, "Because it is on the border of the Dark Pole Region and lacks resources, the three major organizations are not in a state of chaos." Too much attention, so it gave the Budina wizard a chance to rise."

"But that guy is lucky!"

"As soon as the chaotic situation was over, a mining area was discovered in the kingdom, so it won the support of the academy, and the Kingdom of Steel Fort was named after that."

Walking on the deserted road, Caroline narrated the history of the Kingdom of Steel Fort. It had been two months since they set off from Misty City, and the two of them were getting closer and closer to the Kingdom of Steel Fort.

Beside, Enzo nodded slightly.

The black magic horse under him hangs its head, its tongue sticks out of its mouth, panting like a dog, it seems that it is extremely tired due to the weather.

"Hold on, Swain."

Enzo stroked the hair of the black magic horse, and softly comforted Swain because of the hot weather.

At this time, there was a sound from the front.

Enzo and Caroline looked up, and a puff of black smoke was rising from a distance. There seemed to be a village and town, and there were faint sounds of fighting and shouting.

"That area should be the border town of Steel Fort Kingdom, let's go and have a look." Caroline suggested softly.

Enzo didn't object and speeded up the march.

Not long after, the two came to a small village, and what they saw was a chaotic scene. A group of thugs who looked like gangsters were burning, killing and looting in the small village.

Under the butcher's knives of those thugs, the villagers fled in all directions, wailing constantly. An old man leaned on a cane and was beheaded by the thugs before he could escape. Two young girls were cornered by the thugs, like a village surrounded by wolves. Helpless as a lamb.

Enzo's face was slightly cold, and a killing intent flashed in his eyes.

Caroline was expressionless.

At this moment, several thugs seemed to have noticed the two of them, and when they saw Caroline's appearance clearly, they surrounded them excitedly.

"Catch this woman!" The gangsters laughed wantonly, with no concealment of desire in their eyes.

The corners of Caroline's lips rose, a half-smile.

En Zuo frowned, and the shadows under his feet began to spread, turning into tentacles, strangling the gangsters instantly.

"Witch... Wizard!!"

Seeing such a scene, the rest of the gangsters were frightened out of their wits and fled towards the rear desperately, but they were all dragged back by the Touch of Shadow.

Only two bandits managed to escape.

Caroline looked at Enzo in surprise, but didn't speak. She raised her hand to condense a wind blade, and was about to harvest the lives of the two gangsters.

"Let me come."

Enzo raised his hand and stopped Caroline. The two thieves escaped on purpose. He planned to test his new spell ability.

After saying that, a shadow appeared on Enzo's arm.

The first form change of the Shadow Corps, after the Shadow Armor mode is activated, is like a shadow of black mist, twisting and turning into a longbow.

Immediately afterwards, Enzo made another arrow.

call out!
As the shadow longbow locks on to the target, black mist-like arrows shoot out, piercing a gangster's back chest almost instantly.

Then, the shadow arrow didn't stop, as if it had life, it turned into a black thread again and pierced another bandit.

The two bandits fell to the ground and died one after another.

"What kind of witchcraft is this?" Caroline's face was a little surprised. The arrow made by the shadow can still turn after being shot, as if it has life.

"It's just a trick."

Enzo shook his head and didn't say much. Everything made by the Shadow Armor seemed to be a part of the body. Even if the arrows had been shot, Enzo could still control them.

After easily disposing of a group of bandits, Enzo looked at a villager, intending to inquire, but at this moment, there was another sound of horseshoes in the distance.

"It's the King's Cavalry!"

"finally come!"

"Great, it's saved now!"

As the sound of horseshoes approached, the surviving villagers cheered, and then, a cavalry team in steel armor appeared.

"It looks like they are cavalry from the Kingdom of Steel Castle."

Caroline looked at a cavalryman. On the chest of the opponent's steel armor, there was an iron cross sword logo, which was the national glory of the Kingdom of Steel Castle.

"Who is the village head here?"

After the cavalry squad of the Steel Castle Kingdom appeared, the leader was a gray-eyed middle-aged man who asked loudly.

"My... my lord, I am the village head here."

Among the survivors, a thin old man walked out tremblingly, and said, "Those rebels are burning, killing and looting the village, please be the master for us!"

The gray-eyed middle-aged man ignored the village chief and looked around. After seeing the rebel corpses all over the place, a surprised expression appeared on his face.

"These rebels were all killed by you?"

The thin old man didn't dare to lie, he quickly shook his head and looked in the direction of Enzo and Caroline.

The gray-eyed middle-aged man followed his gaze, and when he saw the two riding the silver deer and the magic horse, he was startled and quickly jumped off his mount.

"Dylan, the knight commander of the Kingdom of Steel Castle, has seen two master wizards!" The gray-eyed middle-aged man knelt down and said.

Caroline nodded slightly. Unlike the villagers in the small village, the gray-eyed middle-aged man, as the knight commander of the Kingdom of Steel Castle, was obviously more knowledgeable, so she could tell their identities from the wizard robes on their bodies.

"I am very grateful to the two wizards for their help. King Bukai has been waiting in the capital for a long time. Please come with me."

Afterwards, Knight Dylan waved his hand. Ever since the rebellion in the mining area exceeded the kingdom's control, the new king Bukai asked the academy for help, waiting for the academy's support like the stars and the moon.

And now, Caroline and Enzo finally arrived.

Beside, Enzo ignored the Dylan knights. After killing a group of rebels, their souls had gradually drifted out.

With a thought in Enzo's mind, shadows appeared around his body and turned into tentacles, entangled souls one by one, and then swallowed them separately.

(End of this chapter)

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