Journey to the Wizarding World

Chapter 39 Death Awakens

Chapter 39 Death Awakens
Time flies, and two months passed in a blink of an eye.

Outside Kaiyuan City, a mass grave in the wilderness.

The gray sky is covered with dark clouds, and the snow on the ice field has gradually melted after the end of winter. Near the mass grave that used to be a battlefield, Enzo in a black robe walks slowly on the muddy land .

As he walked forward, he looked around, and finally stopped in front of several raised mounds.

"Almost, right here."

Enzo talked to himself, looking not far away, there were several corpses buried in several mounds, and they had not died for a long time. Because it was a cold winter before, they had not completely rotted, which just met Enzo's needs. .

After two months of practice, Enzo has mastered the witchcraft Death Awakening.

However, it will take many attempts to convert the learned spells into real combat power. After learning [Shadow Stealth] and [Shadow Spear] before, Enzo has tested them in the underground training ground in the castle. , but [Death Awakening], which can enslave the dead to fight, cannot be used there.

So, he came to this mass grave.

Taking a deep breath and clearing his mind, Enzo slowly raised his hand, concentrating his mental power, constructing the runes needed for death awakening in his mind, and at the same time releasing the magic power in his body, covering the surrounding area.

"Death wakes up!"

As Enzo chanted a spell, black mist began to emerge from the surrounding ground, and the mounds where the dead were buried loosened for a while, and withered arms broke through the ground, and then crawled out of it. A lifeless ghoul.

"1, 2, 3, 426."

Enzo looked around and glanced at the ghouls he had summoned. There were 26 of them in total. Driven by witchcraft, these already stiff corpses stood up again and acted completely according to Enzo's will.

"Next, let's see how powerful these ghouls are."

Enzo's eyes flickered, and with a thought, he controlled the ghoul to leave the mass grave.

Heading north all the way, after walking for a full two hours, Enzo found his goal.

A snow bear!

This area already belongs to the extreme north of the Icy Plain. It is not surprising that there are snowman bears. After discovering this lonely snowman bear, Enzo directly ordered the ghouls to rush forward and rush towards it.

"Kill it!" Enzo ordered in his heart.

The snowman bear who was sleeping next to the rock, also woke up after hearing the sound of the ghoul running, shook its huge head, let out a roar, and then raised its huge palm and smashed it at the front corpse. ghost.

The huge fleshy paw hit the ghoul's body, directly smashing it into the ground, and both legs were snapped off. At this time, the other 15 ghouls had already approached the snowman bear and pounced on its body .

Roar!Snow Man Bear roared angrily, shook his body desperately, and threw the ghouls off.

However, this doesn't make much sense. The ghoul that fell from the Snowman Bear will jump on it in the next second without fear of death. Even if its head is smashed, it doesn't care. After entering the ground, the ghoul with two broken legs also crawled out, relying on two arms to move forward.

It didn't take long for Xueman Xiong to feel exhausted.

Half of the ghouls are still hanging on its body and biting, while the other half have become shattered under the violent attack of the snowman bear. Most of them have lost their ability to move, and the worst one even has only one fragment left. head and upper body.

The battle was still going on, and Enzo stood not far away with his hands behind his back.

"The combat power of a single ghoul is very weak. If you consider the combat skills, it may not be as good as an ordinary knight." Enzo looked not far away, thinking with his eyes, "But they don't feel pain, they are not afraid of death, and they are absolutely obedient Command, if there are enough of them, the great knights may be besieged to death!"

"Almost, it should be over."

Enzo whispered to himself, in his mind he ordered the ghouls to launch the final attack.

Boom!The huge corpse crashed down, causing the ground to tremble slightly.

The Snowman bear finally died under the siege of the ghouls. Its body was dripping with blood and covered with countless small wounds, and almost all the ghouls belonging to Enzo were wiped out. The body is very difficult.

With a thought, Enzo lifted the witchcraft.

The ghouls who had lost their magic control turned into stiff corpses again, and Enzo also finished the test, turned around and left, and walked quickly towards Kaiyuan City.

Half an hour later, Enzo appeared at the gate of Kaiyuan City.

The guards on the city wall knew Enzo, and quickly opened the city gate to welcome him in.

"Is father back?" Enzo casually asked the soldiers beside him after entering the city gate.

"No, Master Enzo." The soldier shook his head and replied respectfully, "Since Mr. O'Quinn led his army to the battlefield half a month ago, he hasn't come back. Crow City has just experienced a battle, and the two sides should have a little self-cultivation."

"That's it." Enzo nodded slightly, his eyes thinking.

Two months ago, although the alliance between Kai Yuan and the Golden City had won a battle, the pace of war did not stop. Andrew, the lord of Iron Horn City, proposed peace talks, but O'Quinn directly stuck Anthony's head in the Iron rods on the walls of Kaiyuan in response.

Andrew was filled with grief and anger, wishing he could attack Kaiyuan City immediately!

But he also knew very well in his heart that O'Quinn, who had recovered his strength, was invincible on the battlefield, so in desperation, Iron Horn City could only send an alliance request to Black Crow City, the last force in the cold plain.

Black Crow City is the oldest city in the ice field. It was also the most powerful force many years ago. It is said that in its heyday, there were 12 great knights. middle.

However, it was such a powerful force that failed in its vain attempt to establish a kingdom and fell.

Afterwards, Black Crow City fell into silence. It has been keeping a low profile for many years. No one knows how many great knights they have. All they know is that this city still has a strength that cannot be underestimated.

Not knowing what price Andrew paid, Black Crow City finally agreed to form an alliance.

As a result, the original five major forces on the ice sheet became two forces, each occupying half of the land and fighting against each other.

This war officially started half a month ago, and it originated from Giant Wolf City!
After Enzo killed Anthony, Andrew and Angel defended Iron Horn City in order to prevent Kaiyuan City from aggressively attacking. However, Giant Wolf City only sent a large number of troops because of its towering walls, which were easy to defend and difficult to attack. Several veteran knights are guarding.

Since Giant Wolf City originally belonged to the Direwolf family, after being occupied by the Iron Scythe family, there are still many knights from the Direwolf family in the city.

And these former direwolf knights, because they were surrenderers, were naturally inferior to the Iron Scythe knights in status. They were quite discriminated against in various matters, and even some old ordinary Iron Scythe soldiers dared to point fingers at them.

Among the direwolf knights was a knight named Ronald Snowwolf.

He is a veteran knight, and he is still distantly related to the direwolf family. After surrendering to the Iron Scythe family, he has been excluded by the Iron Scythe knights due to his status, and he is often ordered to perform some very humiliating tasks.

(End of this chapter)

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