Journey to the Wizarding World

Chapter 397 Killing Mark

Chapter 397 Killing Mark

Abandoned land, on the wasteland.

A figure wrapped in a black robe was moving quickly across the wasteland, and the blood-red sharp claw fused with his right arm waved like an afterimage.

With calm eyes, Jorah smashed three skeletons with his sharp claws. Before more skeletons surrounded him, he leaped into the air like a wild beast, and shot blood-red slashes with his sharp claws.

Immediately, the surrounding skeletons were killed one by one, and the fire of the soul floated out!

After falling steadily to the ground, Jorah exhaled lightly, his eyes gleaming, and a blood-red light appeared on his neck covered by the collar, which swallowed up the surrounding soul fires like a whirlpool.

After killing hundreds of skeletons, Jorah slowly closed his eyes.

Feeling the power gained from the killing, Jorah opened his eyes after a while, and a gleam of light shot out from his eyes.

"It is indeed the place where the gods are buried."

Jorah raised his head and muttered to himself, "The imprint of the God of Slaughter can only exert its full effect here. The power accumulated through killing can quickly improve my strength."

"Keep this speed. If nothing happens, I'll be promoted to a second-tier wizard soon!"

At this time, there was a wave in the chest.

Jorah escaped from a mirror, and the figure of the devil appeared in it. When the other party saw Jorah, a strange light flashed in his eyes.

"Oh! my dear friend!"

The devil in the mirror spoke exaggeratedly, and exclaimed, "I'm really surprised that your strength has risen to such a level in just a few days!"

"It seems that the divinity in your body has completely formed a mark."

"Without further ado."

Jorah interrupted the devil in the mirror, and said in a deep voice, "I have evolved the killing divinity into a killing mark according to the method you said. Next, as long as you keep killing, you can be promoted to the second-level wizard!"

"The promise you made to me before should be fulfilled now, right?"

The devil's eyes rolled in the mirror, and a hint of cunning appeared on his face. He smiled and said, "Don't worry, my dear friend. According to the deal between us, I will fulfill my promise only if you are truly promoted to a second-level wizard."

"Not now."

Qiao La's face was slightly cold, but he didn't say much. He frowned and said, "If this is the case, why are you looking for me?"

"Oh, come on, my friend."

The devil in the mirror spread his palms and said with a light smile, "Although the real deal between us hasn't started yet, as a friend, I'm still worried about your safety, so I want to pay attention to your current situation."

Jorah had no expression on his face, his eyes were cold.

He wouldn't believe a word of what the devil in the mirror said. The world of wizards and the world of the abyss have been fighting each other for many years. I'm afraid it's impossible to count how many wizards have been killed by the devil.

Jorah will not be blindly confident in himself just because he is promoted to a wizard.

If the devil in the mirror hadn't offered a deal he couldn't refuse, Jorah would never have chosen to cooperate with the other party anyway, let alone defect from the academy and become a fallen wizard.

"There, my friend."

Afterwards, the devil in the mirror spoke again, and said softly, "Since you have transformed the killing divinity into a mark, then I will not disturb your killing journey. I wish you an early promotion to the second-level wizard."

"At that time, I will give you the next step!"

After all, the devil disappeared in the mirror.

On the barren field, Jorah stood alone, and gradually skeletons and walking corpses appeared around him, and they came to surround him.

"Promoted to the second-tier wizard."

Jorah's eyes flickered, and he murmured, "Wait, Winnie, I will definitely rescue you!"

Gro camp.

The afterglow of the setting sun gradually disappeared, and in the sky, a crescent moon slowly lifted into the sky, and the mist like blood dissipated, forming a unique red moon.

"It's the blood moon period again?"

At the entrance of the camp, Udulla frowned slightly, and beside him was a stooped, blind old man standing on the spot with a walking stick.

"Blood moons have been appearing more and more frequently recently." Udulla's face was serious.

The blood moon scene unique to the Lost Continent, according to the normal rule, will appear every five days or so, each time lasting about an hour, but recently, for some unknown reason, blood moons appear more and more frequently.

In just seven days, the blood moon has appeared three times, and each time lasted more than two hours. The undead creatures attacked the camp wildly, causing the barrier to become unstable.

"The flames of killing are blooming, and chaos is about to usher in the abandoned land!"

The blind old man Puli opened his mouth slowly, a gloomy luster faintly flashed in those cloudy eyes, and two drops of blood and tears flowed down.

"The flames of killing bloom?"

Udulla's complexion changed, he looked at the red blood moon in the sky, and said in a deep voice, "You mean, you mean, the recent frequent blood moon scenes are related to the God of Slaughter?"

"The power of my lord will eventually return, and the mark of killing has appeared!"

The blind old man Puli looked calm, and said slowly, "When the time is right, the Temple of Slaughter will open again, and when the flame of God is ignited again, the power of our Lord will come back to the world with the mark of Slaughter."

Udulla narrowed his eyes slightly, thoughts flickering in his heart.

One of the slave gods ruled by darkness, the sixth-order life form, the god of slaughter, was personally beheaded by the ancestor of the wizard in the battle of the end of the ancient times.

Strictly speaking, in this case, the God of Slaughter has fallen!
But as a sixth-order living body second only to the king of gods, the God of Slaughter left behind before he died, hiding his divine fire in the Temple of Slaughter, and his divinity was also scattered to different places.

Time passes, years change.

Today's world has been controlled by wizard civilization, and the gods have become legendary existences, but the flame of the God of Slaughter is still hidden in the temple, and can only be ignited by the divinity, so that the God of Slaughter can return to the world.

At this time, the blood moon was already high in the sky!
Outside the Gero camp, a large number of necromantic creatures are gathering here. In the wasteland of the abandoned land, the breath of life is as bright as a lighthouse under the night to the dark creatures.

"Open the barrier!" Udulla ordered in a deep voice.

On the towers around the camp, four wizards released their magic power at the same time. A silver barrier appeared on the edge of the camp, blocking the footsteps of undead creatures. Skeletons and walking corpses followed one after another, almost forming a hill.

At the same time, on the wasteland.

Beside the huge rock, Jorah was hiding in the shadows. As the blood moon fell, the undead creatures on the wasteland fell into madness, and the countless skeletons around them almost flooded the area.

But what really made Jorah wary were not those low-level skeletons.

In the distance, there was a golden light, and the golden skeleton was riding on a bone horse, holding a long spear ready to go, and seemed to be ready to charge in the next moment.

"Second-order creature, golden skeleton!"

Jorah took a deep breath, and a dignified light appeared in his eyes. The golden skeleton that appeared in the distance not only had a second-level life level, but what was even more troublesome was the faint divine aura on it.

"Unexpectedly, I encountered a divine creature under such circumstances."

There was a wry smile on Jorah's face, and the mark of killing on his neck was slightly hot. This was one of the methods left by the God of Slaughter before his fall. When the divinity found the host, it would gradually form a mark of killing.

The life with the mark of killing is also called the son of killing!
Every Son of Slaughter can improve his own strength and life level through killing, but at the same time, when two Sons of Slaughter meet, they must also plunder the other's killing divinity as much as possible.

"Fortunately, the divinity on it has not yet formed a mark"

Jorah muttered to himself, with a thoughtful expression on his face. The golden skeleton opposite had reached the level of a second-order life form, but because the divinity in his body was too weak, it hadn't yet formed a killing mark.

"In this case, we can only fight once!"

Jorah took a deep breath, the luster in his eyes became firm, and he said in a deep voice, "As long as I can kill this golden skull and seize its killing divinity, I will have the opportunity to directly advance to the second rank."

"Winnie, wait for me"

Gro camp.

"It's finally over." Looking at the blood moon in the sky gradually returning to normal, Udulla breathed a sigh of relief, but his face was a bit ugly.

On the edge of the camp, a large number of skeleton remains were scattered.

Under the attack of the undead creatures, the silver barrier has already shown signs of damage. Several wizards are trying to repair it there, but due to material reasons, it is difficult to restore the barrier to its original state.

"Damn, are these dark creatures crazy?" Cory's face was gloomy.

When the blood moon came just now, dark creatures attacked the Gro camp. The situation can be described as crazy. For some reason, there were a lot of skeletons and walking corpses this time.

There were even three silver skeletons in the skeleton army.

It was a dark creature equivalent to a first-order life body, with a strong destructive ability. The three silver skeletons all had wisdom, and they attacked an area together, and finally successfully broke through the barrier defense.

Fortunately, Udulla led the two wizards to kill the three silver skeletons in time. Otherwise, once the barrier completely collapsed, what would be brought to the Gero camp would be a catastrophe.

Maybe the wizards could survive, but not the native humans.

"No, the barrier is too damaged to be repaired at all." At this moment, Cecil shook his head and said in a deep voice, "Unless we have enough materials, there may be a chance to repair the damaged area of ​​the barrier."

"Materials? What do you need?" Udulla asked.

In the Gro camp, the only person who is good at repairing the enchantment is Wizard Cecil, but if he does not have enough materials, he cannot repair the enchantment.

"Magic energy ore, witchcraft crystallization"

Cecil mentioned several materials in a row, all of which are needed to repair the enchantment of the wizard formation. If these materials are very common in the wizard world, they are very rare in the Lost Continent.

"If witchcraft is crystallized, there are still some stored in the camp."

Udulla pondered for a moment, and said, "However, other materials may only be found in Underlight City. It seems that we need to go to Underlight City."

The only city in the abandoned land, Underlight City!
There are a large number of fallen wizards gathered there, belonging to the largest human stronghold in this land. It is said that the leader has the level of a second-order wizard, and the camps in the wilderness will go there if they want to exchange resources.

"By the way, where's that Enzo?"

Suddenly, Corey frowned, and said displeasedly, "He has joined the camp for a week, even if he hasn't fully passed the adaptation period, his strength should recover a little bit, why didn't you see him make a move to deal with the three silver skeletons just now?" ?”

On the side, Cecil was also expressionless.

At the beginning, Udula lured Enzo to stay in the camp because he valued his strength, but when the camp was attacked just now, he didn't help, which immediately aroused the dissatisfaction of other wizards.

"I'll talk to him in a moment."

Seeing everyone's reaction, Udulla nodded slightly, and said in a deep voice, "The most important thing now is to repair the barrier of the camp. Before that, we must strengthen our defenses!"

"Although the blood moon has just ended, the camp should not be attacked by undead creatures in a short period of time, but in this abandoned land, we need to guard against more than just dark creatures."

Hearing Udulla's words, several wizards around were suddenly vigilant.

Although the Abandoned Land is a wasteland, its area is very vast. There is not only one human stronghold in the Gero Camp here, but there are many wizard camps besides the Underlight City.

Usually, everyone may live in peace, and even exchange some resources.

However, now that the enchantment of the Gero camp has been destroyed, there is no guarantee that other camps will not take advantage of it. You must know that the wizards who wandered to the Lost Continent are basically all fallen people, and they don't have so many moral constraints.

As the blood moon ended, the sky gradually darkened.

As night fell, Udura ordered the natives in the camp to step up patrolling around, and at the same time found Enzo himself, had a conversation, and expressed his hope that Enzo would take responsibility.

"sure, no problem."

Enzo has no objection to this. This is something that has been agreed before. Joining the camp requires some sacrifices. What's more, after a week of recuperation, his strength has recovered a lot.

"Tonight, I will be in charge of guarding the camp." Enzo said.

"If that's the case, then it's all the better."

A smile appeared on Udulla's face, and he warned, "The enchantment of the camp has just been destroyed by dark creatures. If the wizards in the surrounding camps know about it, they will probably take advantage of it and loot it, so please be vigilant, Your Excellency Enzo."

"I understand." Enzo said calmly.

Afterwards, Udulla didn't say anything more, and Enzo also came to the tower at the entrance of the camp. After handing over to the wizard who was in charge of the night watch, he started tonight's night watch.

"Remember, no matter what happens, just pull the alarm bell!"

Before the person in charge of the tower left, he explained, "After the tower alarm rings, all the wizards in the camp can hear it, and they will provide support at the first moment. Don't leave here."

Enzo nodded slightly, expressing his understanding.

Immediately afterwards, the wizard in charge of the tower turned and left. Enzo also turned his eyes outside the camp, looking at the destroyed barrier, he slowly closed his eyes, and shadows appeared around him and turned into crows.

(End of this chapter)

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