Journey to the Wizarding World

Chapter 411 The God of Voodoo

Chapter 411 The God of Voodoo
"Hey! Stop!"

Just as Enzo was walking towards the outside of Netherlight City, several fallen wizards who maintained order stopped him from below the city gate.

"Under Light City is now under martial law, no one is allowed to leave without authorization!" A first-order fallen wizard said coldly.

"Martial law?" Enzo frowned.

He looked around, only then did he realize that a large number of refugees were pouring in at the gate of the city, but no one could be seen walking out of the city.

"I'm not from City of Underlight!" Enzo shook his head.

"I can't handle that."

The fallen wizard sneered, and said, "According to the order of Lord Caesar, Underlight City has been under martial law for nearly a month. Anyone who enters the city is not allowed to leave without authorization."

"Violators will be killed on the spot!"

While speaking, several fallen wizards took out their wands one after another, and surrounded Enzo, as if they were planning to strike at the slightest disagreement.

"Five first-order wizards..."

Enzo's eyes turned cold. Even before he was promoted to the third-level wizard, several first-level degenerates were vulnerable to a single blow in his eyes.

If Enzo is willing, he can kill all five fallen people within one minute and forcefully leave the City of Underlight.

However, he didn't do that.

"Since the city of Underlight is under martial law, I will not leave for the time being." Enzo said softly, turned around and left the gate of the city.

Seeing this, several fallen wizards looked at each other, but did not pursue further.

"Since you are not allowed to leave, then I want to see what you want to do?" Leaving the gate of the city, Enzo came to a remote alley with a sneer on his face.

The abnormal behavior of the lord of the Underlight City obviously means that a conspiracy is being drawn up. The other side opens the city gate to accommodate refugees, expands the witch formation that can block the city, and restricts everyone from leaving. All signs indicate that something is about to happen.

On the spot, Enzo's eyes flickered.

A shadow appeared around him, turning into countless shadow crows, and flew towards the sky. In the central area of ​​Youguang City, a steeple stood quietly.

There is Lord Caesar's wizard tower.

Enzo controlled the shadow crow to fly towards the steeple, quietly dodged the patrols of the surrounding guards, and took advantage of the characteristics of the shadow crow to sneak into the wizard tower smoothly and began to search.

This tower has seven floors, which belong to the standard wizard tower. Starting from the first floor, it includes laboratories, training rooms, living areas and other places upwards, and the topmost floor is the office of the lord Caesar.

"no one?"

Manipulating the shadow crow to search in the Wizard Tower, Enzo saw some servants and guards, but he did not find the shadow of Wizard Caesar, including the office on the top floor.

"Where will it be?"

Enzo didn't give up, and continued to search in the tower. It didn't take long before he finally found a staircase extending downward in a hidden room on the first floor, which seemed to lead to a basement.

Flutter and rinse!
A shadow crow merged with the shadow, and soon entered the basement. There was a low voice of conversation in front of it. Enzo immediately controlled the shadow crow to fly into the sky, hiding himself in the shadow.

Below, is a basement.

In the not-so-large space, there are many candlesticks, and the flickering candles illuminate the surroundings. A thin figure in a black robe is standing in the center of the basement.

In front of him is a small altar!
"Second-level wizard, Caesar!"

The shadow crow hid in a corner, watching the black-robed figure below. Through the crow's vision, Enzo saw a mark on the opponent's forehead, which was a mark of killing that symbolized divinity.

Obviously, this man in black is none other than the lord of Underlight City, the second-level wizard Caesar.

"Great voodoo god!"

Caesar knelt on the ground, prostrated himself in front of the altar, and prayed devoutly, "You humble believer, I pray for your response!"

Ahead, the altar has a dark green luster.

A shadow like a will-o'-the-wisp slowly emerged from the altar, with illusory green flames burning all over his body, making it impossible to look directly at his real body.

"Are you calling me? Caesar!"

In the altar, the ghostly green ghost spoke slowly and said in a hoarse voice.

"The great voodoo god, my lord."

Caesar was prostrate on the ground, as if he didn't dare to look up at the ghost, and said in awe, "According to your order, Youguang City has begun to build a sealing witch array. As long as the time is right, your plan can start!"

"Has the sealing witch array started to be built?"

Ghost seemed very satisfied, and said, "You've done a good job, Caesar, speed up the construction of the sealing witch array, this is a vital part of our plan!"

"Obey, Lord Voodoo God."

Caesar hesitated, and then said, "I have carried out your order, so according to the agreement, should you also remove the voodoo curse on me..."

"Don't worry too much, Caesar."

Ghost interrupted Caesar's words, and said displeasedly, "It's your honor to serve the gods, don't always think about bargaining, besides, our plan hasn't succeeded yet, it's too early to say anything now."

Caesar said nothing, his face darkened.

"Okay, let's continue to follow the plan!"

Ghost ignored Caesar's dissatisfaction, and said in a deep voice, "When the sealing witch array in Gloom City is completed, you can release the source of voodoo. At that time, all life in this city will be for the great voodoo God gave his life!"

"At the same time, as the son of killing, you will also gain a lot of killing power, and even become a demigod-level life."

As he said that, Youhun's tone was milder.

"As long as you dedicate your loyalty to me, I will not treat my believers badly. When the divinity in your body grows enough to ignite the divine fire, maybe I can bestow you with the status of a god."

"Do it well..."

As the ghost's voice gradually weakened, the altar fell into silence. Caesar stood up from the ground without saying a word, his face as gloomy as water.

"Give me the status of being a god?"

"Hmph! You really are an overconfident guy. Even though he has only just become a god, he is not even comparable to a fourth-order wizard, but he still dares to speak out!"

"Damn it, if I hadn't been cursed with voodoo by you, I would have obeyed you?"

In the silent basement, Caesar couldn't help the resentment in his heart, and kept cursing in a low voice, venting his anger at the so-called voodoo god.

In the corner, the Crow of Shadow turned into a shadow and disappeared.


"The voodoo god?"

In the alley, Enzo's eyes flickered, recalling the information obtained by using the Shadow Crow, a pensive expression appeared on his face.

It seems that this voodoo god is behind all the anomalies that happened in Underlight City, and the lord Caesar has obviously been reduced to a puppet.

The goal on the other side is very clear, and that is to use something called the source of voodoo to kill everyone in Underlight City.

"Is it to harvest souls?"

Enzo's eyes flickered, then he shook his head and said, "No, if it's just to harvest some souls, as a god, the other party should not be so aggressive."

"The real intention of the voodoo god should be to support the killing mark in Caesar's body, and what can attract one god is only left over from another god!

All kinds of information were constantly intertwined in his mind, and Enzo began to deduce the whole story, and soon he had a clear idea.

Underlight City has been controlled by the God of Voodoo. Everything that happened here was ordered by the other party. Even the plague that broke out in the Abandoned Land was most likely created by the God of Voodoo.

His purpose is to gather everyone to Underlight City, and at the right time, kill them all in one wave!
"Chip, search for information about the voodoo god." On the spot, Enzo ordered in his heart.

"The database has not received any information related to the voodoo god..." The voice of the chip came from his mind.

Enzo couldn't help frowning slightly, and then with a thoughtful expression on his face, he couldn't help but nodded slightly.

The large database of the chip contains information about almost all the gods in the first era and the second era of the gods, but there is no voodoo god among them. After contacting the words of Caesar in the basement, it seems that it has been confirmed that this so-called The god of voodoo is a new god who has just been conferred as a god.

Under normal circumstances, the life level of newborn gods is at the fourth level, and the opponent uses voodoo as their god name, and their abilities should also be related to poison.

"In this case……"

After inferring the rank of the voodoo god, Enzo had a pensive expression on his face, and the idea of ​​leaving the City of Underlight gradually disappeared, replaced by a new plan.

"If a killing mark absorbs all the life in the entire Underlight City, then the killing power accumulated by this mark is undoubtedly extremely strong!"

"Using the ability of the Slaughtering Crow, I have been promoted to a third-tier wizard. If I absorb the power of killing again, I will probably lose my will and become a killing puppet."

"Therefore, even a killing mark that absorbs the life of a city is of no use to me!"

"However, it's different for Hirsch!"

In the same place, Enzo stroked his chin, with flickering thoughts in his heart, and murmured, "The Slaughtering Crow has a special nature. It is a creature that relies on the combination of divinity and magic power. Because it carries part of the memory of the Slaughtering God, in a certain sense In fact, it can even be used as the prototype of the God of Slaughter!"

"As long as he keeps absorbing the power of killing, Hirsch will become stronger and stronger. At some point in the future, he will even ignite the divine fire and become the real god of killing!"

"If that's the case, should I help it compete for the killing divinity in Caesar's body?"

Enzo looked hesitant, with a trace of confusion appearing on his face.

When all the life in Underlight City is killed by the source of voodoo, the killing mark in Caesar's body will definitely absorb the terrifying killing power.

If at that time, Enzo could snatch the killing mark from Caesar's body and feed it to Hirsch, the killing crow would even have a chance to ignite the divine fire!

But if the Killing Crow is a god, will it still be controlled by Enzo?
"If I'm still a second-level wizard, I don't need to think about this plan at all!" Enzo shook his head with a serious face, and said, "But now, I have been promoted to a third-level wizard. The magical power of the phantom crow left in its body, even if the opponent ignites the magic fire, it cannot escape my control..."


Enzo was also a little uncertain about whether he could control the Raven of Slaughter after igniting the divine fire, so he seemed very entangled in the plan in his mind.

Now that the plan of the voodoo god and Caesar has been discovered, the current situation is a very rare opportunity for Enzo.

If he could really capture the imprint full of killing power in Caesar's body and swallow it up for Hirsch, then Enzo would most likely gain the combat power of a fourth-order life form.

However, fourth-order life forms are also called gods!
The Raven of Slaughter originally carried part of the memory of the God of Slaughter. If it was allowed to ignite the divine fire, would Enzo still be able to control it?
"Forget it, let's take a step and see!"

After thinking for a while, Enzo shook his head. He still hadn't made a complete decision, but he no longer planned to leave City of Underlight.

"Whether I can control the Raven of Slaughter after igniting the divine fire, let's talk about it after getting the mark on Caesar's body."

Enzo took a deep breath and looked forward.

Since he no longer planned to leave the City of Underlight, some backhands must be arranged in advance. Enzo turned back to the second floor of the hotel and locked the door.

"Shadow Raven."

In the room, Enzo whispered to himself, and shadow crows flew out of his body and scattered around the City of Underlight.

In a moment, the entire Underlight City was covered by Enzo's vision.

"It's here!"

Using the shadow crow, Enzo looked down. This was the northern area of ​​the city. Energy pillars had been buried underground, but the incantations on them hadn't been drawn yet, and several fallen wizards around them were doing the work.

In the hotel room, Enzo's soul left his body.

After being promoted to a third-tier wizard, Enzo's soul was already strong to a certain extent. He went directly to the north of the city and locked his eyes on a first-tier wizard.

"You are the one!"

Enzo made up his mind, controlled the spirit body to rush towards the first-order wizard, and successfully seized control of this body, his body froze slightly.

"What's wrong? Bodo?"

At this time, the companion next to him noticed the abnormality and asked in surprise.

"It's nothing." Enzo shook his head, and his companion didn't speak any more. The two continued to carve spells on the energy column.

A moment later, Enzo left his own magic power on the three energy pillars, which can be detonated at any moment with a thought.

Then, he left Bodo's body.

The first-order wizard shook his head in a daze, but when he recalled just now, he couldn't remember what happened.

On the second floor of the hotel, in the room.

The first backhand has been arranged. No matter when the City of Underlight launches the sealing witch formation, Enzo can easily leave, thus ensuring his safety in this incident.

"Next, just wait for the opportunity!"

Enzo's eyes flickered slightly. The martial law period in Underlight City is only one month, which means that within this period of time, Caesar will definitely take action. What Enzo needs to do is to imprint the opponent's body to absorb enough killing When imprinting, pick the peaches in one fell swoop.

(End of this chapter)

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