Journey to the Wizarding World

Chapter 418 God's War

Chapter 418 God's War
In the blink of an eye, another five days passed.

In the morning light, the brilliance of dawn sprinkled on the earth, and on the endless plain, a figure in a blood-red robe was walking alone.

This is already the scope of the Essos Plain.

After walking a certain distance, you will be able to enter the territory of the Kingdom of the Night. Not long ago, Enzo rejected Katrina's request to continue traveling and chose to part with the Red Snake Brigade at the end of the forest.

Afterwards, the Red Snake Brigade went to a border city in the Kingdom of Night for trade, while Enzo came to the plain of Essos alone.

On the spot, Enzo frowned.

The mark of voodoo on the chest has been blurred to the point where it is almost invisible, which means that nine tenths of the voodoo in Enzo's body has been eliminated, but the last trace of voodoo remains like a gangrene down.

"It's really troublesome..." Enzo muttered to himself.

There was a deviation from the original plan. The voodoo mark left by the voodoo god was not as easy to get rid of as imagined. Enzo had tried many methods to completely remove the last voodoo left in his body.

"It seems that I still underestimated the power of a god, even if that guy is just the lowest god of the world..." Enzo muttered to himself, his eyes sparkling with thought.

The seal of voodoo has not been completely removed. For Enzo, it is a hidden danger that may explode at any moment. No one knows when the god of voodoo will come to him!

"Next, let's try our best to get rid of the voodoo mark in the body!" Enzo made up his mind.

At this time, a shadow crow flew over in the distance.

Enzo raised an arm, and the shadow crow landed on it, conveying some information to him through the link between the spirits.

"Is there a town in the area five kilometers ahead?"

Enzo narrowed his eyes, nodded and said, "Very well, let's settle down there first!"

It takes time to get rid of the voodoo mark in the body, so finding a place to stay temporarily is an essential condition.

Under the guidance of the shadow crow, Enzo moved forward.

After a while, a town appeared in front of us.

It was a somewhat dilapidated town, surrounded by low stone walls on the outside, and most of the internal buildings were low stone houses. The only thing worth noting was a metal lighthouse more than ten meters high.

"Lighthouse Town!" Enzo looked over.

During the few days of traveling with the Red Snake Brigade, Enzo obtained a lot of useful information through conversations with Katrina, including the distribution of towns and territory of the Kingdom of the Night.

Strictly speaking, the entire Essos Plain is the area ruled by the Goddess of the Night, but because the Kingdom of the Night appeared for too short a time, many towns existed like camps before.

Before the Evernight Goddess ruled the Essos Plain, Lighthouse Town had already existed as a human stronghold. Most of the people living here were wilderness hunters and some indigenous mortals. The people here also began to accept the Evernight Goddess as their guardian.

There was no guard at the entrance to Lighthouse Town, so Enzo walked right in.


As soon as he entered Lighthouse Town, a resident who looked like a scavenger noticed Enzo and asked in surprise.

"who are you?"

At this time, an old man came out from the nearby stone house with a cane and asked with a vigilant expression.

"Hello, old sir."

Enzo looked calm and said with a smile, "I am a believer of the Goddess of the Night. I just spread my faith in the Red Snake Kingdom not long ago, and now I plan to stay in Lighthouse Town for a few days."

"A follower of the goddess?" The old man looked suspicious.

Enzo raised his arm, and a shadow entangled like a black snake. Seeing this scene, the old man and the scavengers beside him showed panic expressions at the same time, and knelt down on the ground.

"Huan... welcome to Dengta Town, respected priest..." the old man trembled.

"Get up." Enzo said lightly.

In the territory controlled by the Goddess of the Night, for Enzo, who is good at shadow-based witchcraft, it is extremely easy to pretend to be a follower of the Goddess of the Night. The identity of the priest is in the Kingdom of the Night, which is completely similar to the existence of the noble class.

After Enzo performed shadow witchcraft and disguised himself as the goddess of the night, the old man's attitude became extremely respectful, and he eagerly brought Enzo to the most luxurious building in the town.

"My dear priest, please stay here for the time being."

The old man took a step forward, pushed open the door of the stone house for Enzo, and said softly, "Lengta Town is just a border town, but if you have any needs, please feel free to ask."

"How long has the old gentleman lived in Lighthouse Town?"

Enzo walked into the stone house, looked at the surrounding environment, and asked a question casually.

"About... fifty years?"

The old man hesitated for a moment and thought to himself, "Anyway, I have been living in Lighthouse Town since I was born, so I can be regarded as the mayor of this town."

"Oh? You are the mayor of Lighthouse Town?" Enzo was a little surprised.

"Everything is favored by the goddess!"

The old man smiled and said piously, "Before the Evernight Goddess established her kingdom, the Essos plain was in chaos, and countless dark creatures ravaged the land. People could only survive in the cracks."

"But it was all right later, the great Evernight Goddess came to the world!"

"She cleaned up the entire plain with supreme power and established a new order. Beacon Town is fortunate to be part of the Kingdom of the Night."

The old man looked pious when he spoke, and he was obviously a loyal believer of the goddess of the night. In this lost continent with chaotic rules, if there is no guardian, the survival of mortals must be extremely difficult.

The appearance of the Goddess of the Night is undoubtedly a good thing for the natives on the plains of Essos. Although after becoming the subjects of the gods, they must contribute their faith to her, but compared to their previous lives threatened by dark creatures, , which is now clearly more acceptable.

After arranging a place for Enzo, the mayor of Lighthouse Town left.

Enzo looked around.

This stone house should be the most complete building in the entire Lighthouse Town. It is a place similar to a church. Although it looks a bit dilapidated, it is not a problem as a temporary place to live.

What's more, Enzo didn't have too many requirements for the place of residence. Even though he slept in the wilderness back then, he didn't feel uncomfortable at all.

"Shadow Crow!"

Afterwards, Enzo habitually released the Shadow Crow to set up vision around Lighthouse Town. After a brief inspection, he found nothing abnormal.


Kingdom of Night, Labyrinth City.

As the core city of the entire kingdom, the main body of the Labyrinth City is built of black rock, and it is still in an unfinished state. A large number of indigenous humans are constantly beating on the towering city walls.

Inside the black city wall, a palace is located in the most central position.

In the gorgeous black palace, in a cold hall, on the throne at the very front, a figure in a black veil has no expression on his face.

"It's really unexpected that with your personality, you would be so enthusiastic about building a kingdom!"

Suddenly, a sudden sound resounded, and in the silent hall, a red snake appeared from nowhere, twisting its body into a human form.

It was a woman with a face that turned all sentient beings upside down, wearing a bewitching red long dress, her beautiful face was full of charm, and her eyes were like rubies.


According to legend, the red snake goddess who charms the son of the earth mother and steals the golden apples is also the guardian of the red snake kingdom and one of the three beautiful gods, the weeping goddess.

"What are you doing here? Helaya!"

At the front of the hall, on the icy throne, the Evernight Goddess spoke indifferently, her pure black eyes stared at the Weeping Goddess, exuding a menacing aura.

"Just to see an old friend."

Helaya raised her hand to cover her mouth lightly, and said with a smile, "Why? Don't you welcome me?"

Lucy Lais, the goddess of the night, was expressionless.

"Forget it, it's really boring."

Seeing this, Helaya seemed a little disappointed, shrugged and said, "Let's talk business with you!"

"Not long ago, Moran should have looked for you, right?"

"You mean...the so-called voodoo god?" Lucy Laisi thought for a while, nodded and said, "He broke into my kingdom without authorization, and I have already made him pay enough!"

"A war of gods happened between you?" Helaya's eyes flashed.

Lucilles nodded.

"So it is."

Helaya looked suddenly enlightened, and said, "No wonder that guy is looking for helpers everywhere, and even said he wants to seek revenge from you!"

"Why are you fighting?"

"As I said just now, the god of voodoo broke into my kingdom without permission, and he paid the price for it." Lucy Lais' face was calm.

"Just because of this?"

Helaya raised her voice a little bit, covered her forehead helplessly, and said, "If it's just because of such a trivial matter, you don't seem to need to provoke a war of gods, right? After all, the other party is just like you, a god of the world!"

"My kingdom does not welcome any strange gods to enter without authorization!" Lucy Lais said coldly.

"Oh my god! Two epochs have passed, why are you still in this temper?" Helaya rolled her eyes and said helplessly, "The era when the gods ruled the world is long gone. Now we, in a sense, only They are just some stronger lives!"

"It's a very lucky thing to be able to continue to survive in the Lost Continent and spread the faith to maintain the rule. Isn't God's War too boring?"

"What exactly do you want to say?" Lucilles frowned, seeming a little displeased.

"It's nothing, I just came to remind you." Helaya shook her head and said in a deep voice, "The news that the voodoo god was seriously injured by you has spread in the Lost Continent. Based on what I know about that guy, He is an existence that must be punished!"

"As far as I know, not long ago, the God of Voodoo had sent word that he planned to find some helpers to seek revenge on you."

"However, fortunately, that guy's reputation is not good, he doesn't have a good relationship with the gods, and he hasn't established a kingdom to spread the faith, but that's exactly the case, you have to be careful of his actions against your believers!"

"What do you mean?" Lucilles frowned.

"The voodoo god's best method is to spread voodoo. The voodoo he releases is useless to gods, but it can spread quickly among mortals."

"At the same time, mortals infected with voodoo will also become puppets of the voodoo god, and become existences similar to ghouls!"

"That guy knows that he is not your opponent, and he will probably choose to spread voodoo to destroy the kingdom you built."

Hearing Helaya's words, Lucilles' face suddenly became gloomy.

Different from the Goddess of the Night's indifferent attitude towards believers in the first era, now that she has experienced the world of wizards and was besieged by three wizards of all spirits, Lucy Lais is eager to absorb the power of faith and come to a higher level of the gods. God shock.

For the gods, the easiest way to evolve to a higher level is to spread faith to harvest the power of faith from mortals.

"The god of voodoo..."

Lucille's eyes flickered, and a cold expression appeared on her face, as if she had made some decision.

"What are your plans?" Helaya asked curiously.

"The bad things haven't happened yet. It doesn't make sense for me to think about anything now!" Lucy Lais shook her head and said in a deep voice, "My kingdom is still under construction. During this period, I don't welcome If any strange god enters, whether it is the god of voodoo or other gods, if I find out by approaching without permission, then prepare to accept the battle of gods!"

Lucy Lace's face was cold and her attitude was extremely firm.

Having an affair with the voodoo god didn't frighten her, it was just troublesome. Although the other party was not as powerful as herself, she was hiding in the dark like a poisonous snake that might appear at any time.

"Well, if you need help, you can always let me know."

Helaya shrugged her shoulders and said with a charming smile, "My kingdom welcomes you at any time, dear goddess Lucilles."

Lucilles frowned and seemed a little displeased, but she didn't say anything.

Afterwards, the Weeping Goddess turned into a red snake and disappeared in place, while Lucilles got up from the throne and came outside the palace.

"Is something going to happen, Lucilles?"

At this time, not far away, on the empty square, a giant spider like a hill walked over with eight thick spider legs.

Demigod creature, dream weaver!
Arriving beside Lucy Lais, a phantom-like mist appeared around Dreamweaver, and then, he transformed into a middle-aged woman.

"Nothing, just a few hours."

Lucilles shook her head, looked at the woman transformed by the dream weaver, with a gentle look on her face, and said, "How is your recovery?"

"It's much better."

The dream weaver spoke softly, and sighed, "However, I'm afraid it will take at least a hundred years to fully recover."

"One hundred years..." Lucilles frowned.

Before heading to the Lost Continent, when Lucy Lais just woke up from the Kingdom of God, she spread her faith in the Northern Continent and tried to establish a kingdom, but finally attracted the attention of the Parliament.

Under the siege of the three wizards of all souls, Lucy Lais was injured and escaped, and Dreamweaver was also seriously injured in that battle. Even the Evernight Goddess Church, which was finally established with great difficulty, was completely eradicated.

(End of this chapter)

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