Journey to the Wizarding World

Chapter 425 Battle with God

Chapter 425 Battle with God
"You made those potions that can dispel the power of the voodoo god?" Lucy Laisi looked at Enzo with a hint of surprise in her tone, and said, "It's really unexpected that human beings who were like ants back then are so short." Within a short period of time, he became a demigod!"

"50 years is not too short for a mortal." Enzo chuckled.

"Okay, stop talking nonsense."

Lucy Lace said coldly, "The purpose of making those potions is to attract my attention, right? Now tell me your purpose, mortal!"

"It's very simple, cooperate!"

Enzo didn't talk nonsense, and said in a deep voice: "As far as I know, the voodoo on the plain of Essos is released by the voodoo god. Since the voodoo god insists on being an enemy of the goddess, I don't think you will either." Let the other party do what they want?"

"You want to cooperate with me?" Lucy Laisi had a hint of teasing on her face.

"Not bad!" Enzo said frankly.

"Oh! You're so overreaching, mortal."

Lucille raised her head slightly, looked at Enzo, and said softly, "The power of the gods is beyond your imagination. If you want to cooperate with me to deal with the god of voodoo, you have no qualification at all."

Enzo didn't get angry either, his face remained calm.

"Whether you are qualified to cooperate with you, the goddess will soon understand." After a long while, Enzo said quietly: "The voodoo in the Kingdom of the Night has completely spread. If it is not controlled in time, I am afraid that the entire Essos Plain will be destroyed." They will all be reduced to a deserted place!"

Lucy Laisi's eyes turned cold, and her face became gloomy.

As Enzo said, the most serious problem for Evernight is the voodoo spreading on the plain of Essos. This force is constantly weakening Evernight's strength and making her weaker and weaker.

If everything can't be stopped in time, then what awaits Lucy Lace will only be a worse situation.

"Do you have a solution to voodoo?" Lucy Lais asked in a deep voice.

"Of course, the holy water in Lighthouse Town has cured at least [-] voodoo-infected people!" Enzo smiled, and continued, "The so-called voodoo is only transformed by the power of the voodoo god. For the goddess, It is not difficult to resolve, the only scary thing is its proliferation."

"And the potion I developed, as long as the infected person uses it, will be immune to voodoo within half a year without any side effects!"

Lucy Laisi's eyes lit up, and she seemed a little surprised.

The voodoo spread on the Essos Plain has a strong ability to infect only mortals. If there are only a few infected people, the Goddess of the Night can sway them with divine power at will, and they can be cured.

The real horror of voodoo, however, is its contagious nature.

When an infected person appears in a city or a village, it spreads through water and air, and the voodoo will soon spread, increasing the number of infected people, eventually leading to the fall of a city.

Although the goddess of the night is powerful, it is not useless.

She couldn't cure every infected person, and she didn't have the means to curb the spread of voodoo, so she felt a headache, and she was helpless against the voodoo in the kingdom.

"Since your potion can cure voodoo, I can give you a chance!"

After a while, Lucy Lais spoke again, and said in a deep voice, "The mortals in the kingdom of night must be at least 5 million. If you can make enough potions for everyone, I can give you the qualification to work for me." .”

"Sorry, Luna."

Hearing Lucy Lace's words, Enzo had a slight smile on his face, shook his head and said, "I can make enough potions for all the infected people in the Kingdom of Night, but it's not because of the opportunity you gave me!"

As he spoke, Enzo's face turned cold.

"What I'm talking about is cooperation between you and me, not me serving you unilaterally. The era of gods has long ended, and the world is now dominated by wizards. I believe you should be very clear about this!"

"Are you challenging my authority? Mortal!"

Lucy Lace's face was cold, without a trace of emotion in her tone, she said, "Maybe I should teach you, as a mortal, what attitude you should maintain towards gods."

As soon as the voice fell, the sky suddenly darkened.

As if a black veil enveloped the world, the surrounding area became completely dark, and all the light was swallowed up. Lucy Lace stood in the air, her black jewel-like eyes bursting with a deep luster.

"Kneel down, mortal!" Lucy Lais said coldly.

The powerful oppressive force from the gods rushed over, and the chip in his brain alarmed frantically. Enzo felt that the blood in his whole body seemed to be still, and even breathing became extremely difficult.

"Is this the true power of the Evernight Goddess?"

Enzo muttered to himself, with a trace of solemnity on his face. The oppressive power brought by the Goddess of the Night was at least three times stronger than that of the God of Voodoo, as if it was a terrifying monster in ancient times.

"It seems that we can only fight!"

The oppressive force originating from the ancient gods struck, but Enzo showed no fear expression on his face. Instead, there was a gleam of eagerness in his eyes, which made him take a deep breath.

"The Emerald Crow!" Enzo called softly.

The state of the Evernight Goddess at this moment is already the most powerful enemy Enzo has ever faced. To fight against it, he must put all his trump cards into play. With a soft call, a green light flashed in midair.

The power of green nature condensed into the shape of the emerald crow. When Sani felt the power of the goddess of the night, Sani shook her wings for the first time, swayed green seeds one by one, and fell on the ground, forming a sea of ​​plants.

"What an amazing power, is she an enemy?"

Green light emerged from Sani's body, transforming into the form of a little human girl, looking at the Goddess of the Night, her eyes were full of vigilance.

"Another demigod creature?"

The goddess of the night spoke indifferently, and the divine power released from her body turned into infinite darkness and devoured towards Enzo. The green ocean summoned by the emerald crow tried to resist, but it could only delay the time.

"The Raven of Thousand Changes!" Immediately afterwards, Enzo called out again.

A majestic roar came, and under Enzo's feet, a stalwart body that seemed to be made of silver ice slowly spread its wings. On the huge head, the root tip of the ice stood upside down, and a pair of azure blue eyes shone coldly. .

Swain, ice dragon form!
Tinos crow, who was the first to follow Enzo, already had the ability to transform into an ice dragon after eating the ice dragon's heart. Although it was only at the second level and the duration was short, it was better than nothing for the current situation.

Tinos crow is good at changing ability, and Swain is a special species in the group, so Enzo named it [Crow of Thousand Changes].

"Whoa, why did you call me out?"

After transforming into an ice dragon form, Swain still looked timid when facing the Goddess of the Night. He couldn't help but want to back away, and said in a trembling voice, "If you want to fight, just let that green ugly bird go. I can't help you much."

"The Raven of Slaughter!" Then, Enzo called out again.

After Sani the Emerald Crow and Swain the Crow of Changes were all summoned, Enzo knew very well that he was still unable to fight against the Evernight Goddess, so he could only call the last hole card, Hirsch the Crow of Slaughter!
"Are you calling me? Servant!"

Following Enzo's call, a faint light erupted on his chest, and the Slaughtering Crow, who was in a deep sleep, felt the oppression of the Evernight Goddess's power at this moment, and finally ushered in awakening.

The gloomy light gathered in midair, and finally formed the form of Hirsch!
At this time, He Xi stood in the air like a little boy, but his immature face had a majestic expression, his eyes were cold and dull, as if he was indifferent to everything in the world, and a terrifying power emanated from his body.

"This power. The God of Slaughter!"

The goddess of the night, who was originally indifferent, felt a hint of surprise in her eyes after feeling the murderous aura from Hexi, and the endless dark power emanating from her body suddenly became stagnant.

"Sure enough, I haven't broken through to the fourth-order life body!"

Looking at the killing crow in mid-air, Enzo's pupils shrank. After devouring the killing mark of the Underlight City, Hirsch's power increased sharply. At this time, he had reached the level of a demigod, but he was still far away from the fourth-order life body. There is a line between them.

Regarding this situation, Enzo felt mixed feelings.

The good news is that as long as the Slaughtering Crow does not break through the fourth level, it is still within the control range. The worry is that although it has not broken through the fourth level, it has obviously reached the frequency limit, and it is like a ticking time bomb at this time.

"No, not the God of Slaughter."

At this time, the Goddess of the Night also saw Hexi's reality, frowned slightly and said, "It turns out that it is just a creature formed by fusion with a special energy after the death of the God of Slaughter, with a trace of residual divinity."

"It's really rare that a trace of divinity can grow into a demigod."

"Very good, mortal, you really gave me a lot of surprises. I haven't seen you for only 50 years, but you can grow to this level! Well, I decided to forgive your previous offense and give you the qualification to become my voter!"

In mid-air, Lucy Laisi was talking, with a glint in her eyes.

The divine power originating from the night seemed to swallow the entire world, and a terrifying giant spider phantom appeared in the sky, opening its ferocious mouthparts, and a whirlpool-like attraction emerged.

The next moment, Enzo was in a trance.

Immediately afterwards, he appeared in another space, the surroundings were pitch black, and there was no light to be seen, as if in a dark world. In front of him was the Evernight Goddess standing on a giant spider.

"Surrender to me, mortal!" came the voice of the Evernight Goddess.

The endless darkness shrunk again, and the sky and the earth seemed to turn into black holes. No power could know what to do in this world, and all the rules were subverted. Enzo forced himself to calm down and summoned the magic power in his heart, but there was no response.

"The force of nature will give birth to all things!"

At this time, Sani's soft whispers suddenly came from the ear, a green light swayed down the world swallowed by endless darkness, and then turned into a green sea of ​​various plants.

Enzo was in the green ocean, and only then did he feel a bit of life.

"We have to get out of here."

After the Emerald Crow conjured up a green ocean, his voice seemed to weaken, and he said softly, "This is her domain. Here, it is impossible for us to defeat her."

"I see."

Enzo nodded, and continued, "Go ahead, Hirsch, I don't think you want to be controlled by another god."


Hirsch snorted coldly, and muttered, "For the sake of serving me, I will help you a little, servant."

After all, Hirsch opened her arms.

A scarlet color appeared in his eyes, and the killing power was like a sharp sword, stirring up in the dark world. In an instant, the whole world trembled, and a crack gradually appeared in the depths of the endless darkness.

"I'm here to help too!"

Seeing that Hirsch and Sani shot one after another, curled up at Enzo's feet, Swain in ice dragon form also raised his head, and a gust of cold air shot out from his huge head.

The cold current swept across the world of the night, but the attack of the second-order life body seemed to have no meaning to the goddess of the night. The giant spider at her feet opened its mouth and spit out a huge web.

The huge silver-white net struck towards Enzo. Wherever it went, the trees transformed by the force of nature withered. When Enzo was about to be enveloped, Hirsch waved an arm in vain, slashing across like a sharp knife.

In an instant, the giant white web split into two, and countless spider threads scattered everywhere, turning into small white spiders crawling.

"In that woman's domain, she is invincible."

Hirsch frowned and said that as he devoured more killing power, he mastered more and more ancient memories, and he knew exactly what a god's domain really represented.

Enzo nodded slightly, and he was very clear in his heart.

The goddess of the night pulled herself into the domain, and the invisible rules were like an insurmountable mountain. If Enzo couldn't jump out of the cage, his strength would only become weaker and weaker, and he would eventually become a mortal.

"The domain of the Goddess of the Night can be cracked with the power of the night!"

Enzo took a deep breath, raised an arm, and a black long sword appeared in his palm, and the power of the same source as the Evernight Goddess emanated, causing the pupils of Lucy Lais not far away to shrink immediately.

"The Sword of the Night? Sure enough, it's in your hands!"

Lucy Laisi's eyes became colder, and she said in a deep voice, "Since you woke me up from the Kingdom of God, I allow you to keep this artifact temporarily, but now, it's time to return it to its original owner."

After all, the Goddess of the Night calls upon the power of the Night Sword.

However, before that, Enzo had already taken a step ahead, swiping the black long sword and slashing fiercely at the front. The deep and gloomy power of night actually tore apart the endless night world and caused the surrounding scenes to collapse.

The sound of the world collapsing followed, and the Goddess of the Night's expression changed, as if she hadn't expected Enzo to be able to use the power of this artifact, and she frowned slightly after being backlashed by the power of night.

The next moment, the surrounding plains were restored.

Enzo looked around, his face slightly pale. Using the power of the artifact Night Sword, he finally broke through the domain of the Evernight Goddess and returned to the plain of Essos.

(End of this chapter)

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