Journey to the Wizarding World

Chapter 43 Magic Magnetic Field

Chapter 43 Magic Magnetic Field
At the same time, the two brothers Angel and Andrew on the opposite side were also getting ready.

However, after arousing their fighting spirit, the two great knights did not rush to make a move. Instead, they stared at Enzo's movements and glanced at the red-robed old man next to him from the corner of their eyes, as if they were waiting for something.

"Mandalam." The red-robed old man's face was gloomy, and he suddenly spit out an obscure syllable.

With the sound of hoarse and low syllables, as if a stone was thrown into the calm lake, a circle of lavender ripples suddenly spread in the forest. Immediately afterwards, the dark stone pillars that had stood around the forest before shone with purple light.

"Alert! Alert! The chip detects the presence of unknown energy around. The intensity continues to grow. The magic power in the host body fluctuates unstable. Please stay away from this area as soon as possible."

The urgent alarm sounded in his mind, Enzo's expression changed, his chest suddenly felt a little dull, and a slight tingling pain appeared in his mind.

"It's now, do it!" The red-robed old man's face was pale, and he shouted.

The two brothers Angel and Andrew looked at each other, and at the same time, they exerted force and quickly attacked Enzo. The giant sword and battle ax struck left and right, and two rays of light burst out from the heavy and violent fighting spirit, almost cutting off his retreat.

"Shadow stealth!" Without thinking, Enzo immediately used witchcraft.

However, this time, after the witchcraft was activated, as soon as Enzo's body entered the shadow state, he immediately felt a burst of magic in his body. He was forced to release the shadow state in just a few seconds, and hurriedly flashed pale to the side of a tree trunk. .

"How could this be?" Enzo's face was ugly, and his chest heaved violently.

"The chip detects the surrounding environment and finds that the unknown energy intensity continues to grow, forming a disturbing magnetic field. The magic power in the host body is currently in a state of disorder. If witchcraft is used forcibly, it will have unknown consequences."

The cold voice in his mind made Enzo's face even uglier.

"Is this what you guys used to deal with me?" Forced himself to calm down, Enzo stared at the two big knights opposite, and ordered in a deep voice in his heart, ": Chip, can you analyze the conditions for the formation of the magnetic interference magnetic field and the destruction of the magnetic field?" Way?"

"The magic interference magnetic field area is composed of seven stone pillar nodes, and the living body with magic power is used as the guiding source. If you need to destroy the magic interference magnetic field, you can use the following two methods."

"1: Kill the magic magnetic field guide source."

"2: Destroy one of the seven nodes."

"So that's how it is." After getting the analysis report of the chip, Enzo's eyes flickered, and he thought slightly in his heart, "There are two ways to break the magic interference magnetic field, one is to kill the old man in red robe who is the source of the magic power, The other is to destroy the node where the magic power interferes with the magnetic field, which is one of the seven stone pillars."

"With my current state, it is almost impossible to kill the red-robed old man through the blockade of two great knights."

"Then, we can only choose the second way!"

Enzo's thoughts changed. While watching Brother Andrew's movements, he looked around without a trace. The nearest black stone pillar was 300 meters away. As long as it was destroyed, the magnetic field that interfered with the magic power would be broken.

"How? Does it feel weird?"

On the opposite side, Angel grinned ferociously, but his feet suddenly exerted force, his whole body bounced like a cannonball, and he swung the tomahawk in his hand and threw it directly in Enzo's direction.

"Jump back and dodge." The chip gave a prompt.

Enzo immediately jumped back, avoiding the attack of the battle axe. Now he is within the range of the magic interference magnetic field, and the magic power in his body is extremely disordered. If he fails to use shadow stealth, he may be killed instantly.

"Lightning Arc Slash!" On the other side, Andrew also shot again.

Lightning flashed on the blade of the giant sword, and Andrew's figure was as stable as Mount Tai. With a flick of his wrist, he swung a lightning slash. The speed was as fast as a thunderbolt. When the chip gave a prompt, he had already attacked Enzo.

"What a fast speed!" Enzo's face changed slightly, he gritted his teeth and rolled backwards.

As Lei Guangzhan passed by his side, Enzuo only felt a burning pain in his shoulder, and when he looked out of the corner of his eye, he saw that there was blood red there, although it was only a skin trauma, it made Enzuo's heart skip a beat.

"With my knight-level physique, even with a chip warning, I can't deal with two big knights."

"We must quickly break the magic interference magnetic field!"

Enzo's eyes were serious, he gritted his teeth and endured the stabbing pain in his head, mobilized the magic power in his body with all his strength, and constructed complete runes one after another, and a cloud of black mist gradually rose from his palm to condense into shape.

"Be careful, you two, he is going to use witchcraft!" Not far away, the pupils of the old man in red shrank.

Andrew's expression was slightly stern, and he looked at Enzo cautiously, but Angel's expression changed a few times, and he suddenly exerted force on his feet, as if he wanted to take this opportunity to deal with Enzo in one fell swoop.

"Shadow Spear!" However, before Angel approached, a black spear had condensed in Enzo's hand. His arms stretched, his muscles bulged slightly, and he threw the Shadow Spear with all his might in the next moment.

Like a black light lasing out!

The speed of the Shadow Spear was as fast as lightning, but the accuracy seemed to be unsatisfactory. Angier, who was rushing towards him, turned sideways and dodged it. Then he bent his knees and jumped into the air, raising the battle ax in his hand to Enzo's head. Then he chopped down hard.

"Die to me!" Angel grinned grimly, as if splitting a mountain.

The tomahawk went down, but it only hit a cloud of shadows. Angel's expression suddenly became stiff, as if remembering something, a strong palpitation surged in his heart, and the hairs all over his body stood on end.

Not far away, the Shadow Spear flashed sideways by Angel attacked a stone pillar at an extremely fast speed, crushing it in an instant, breaking the magnetic field that interfered with the magic power!

"Third brother, be careful!" Next to him, Andrew let out an urgent roar.

brush!Cut off suddenly with a sharp knife.

A figure like a ghost hunter appeared, and before Angel could react, he swung his knife away, and the sharp blade directly cut his neck, causing warm blood to spurt out.

"Ugh!!" Angel's legs softened, and he knelt down on the ground.

His pupils trembled slightly, and he desperately covered his neck with his palms, but blood kept gushing out from between his fingers.

"It feels better to have recovered the magic power!" Enzo glanced at the dying Angel, and the corners of Enzo's lips rose, feeling a little emotional.

The Shadow Spear just now was not intended to deal with Angel, but to smash the stone pillar as the node of the magnetic field. Although it was 300 meters away, the power of the Shadow Spear could still break the stone pillar.

(End of this chapter)

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