Journey to the Wizarding World

Chapter 440 Opening of the Temple

Chapter 440 Opening of the Temple

On the throne to which the main hall was headed, the Evernight Goddess looked calm.

"Since you refuse to become a god, then I won't force it." Lucy Lais pondered for a moment, and said, "However, the Temple of Slaughter will open soon, and the gods of the Lost Continent will fight for it. If you don't want to give up, the only one The choice is still to cooperate with me!"

"It was an honor to work with Ms."

Enzo didn't refuse, and said with a smile, "I can use the power of killing the gods to let the three goddesses enter the temple, but in exchange, if I get into trouble, I can also ask the three goddesses to help me!"

"Okay, no problem." Lucilles said readily.

Enzo nodded slightly, a smile appeared on his face, but at this moment, he suddenly felt something, turned around abruptly, and looked towards the direction of Dila Canyon, a gleam of surprise flashed in his eyes.

"How is this power possible?"

On the edge of the Essos Plain, in the direction of the Dila Canyon, there was a violent tremor like an earthquake, and it spread like a wave, and the entire Lost Continent was affected, and the gods cast their eyes one after another.

"The Temple of Slaughter. Opened!"

On the throne, a flash of shock flashed in Lucy Lais' eyes. Originally, according to her inference, the Temple of Slaughter would not open for at least a month, but now it was brought forward for unknown reasons.

"Seize the opportunity!"

Without hesitation, Enzo's avatar turned into a phantom crow, while the main body, which had long been hidden near Dila Canyon, headed towards the direction of the earthquake.

"Let's go too!"

Inside the palace, Lucy Lais also stood up, spoke to the giant spider god and the weeping goddess on the left and right, and then turned into a stream of light and flew towards the direction of Dila Canyon.

Qiluo, the god of giant spiders, followed closely behind.

The weeping goddess Helaya looked hesitant, but at the next moment, a threat from Lucilles suddenly came in her mind. She gritted her teeth and could only bite the bullet and follow.

Meanwhile, Dila Canyon.

In the depths of the canyon surrounded by mountains on three sides, Ge Weng, who appeared in the image of an old man in green robes, was standing on the spot, holding the ancient tree scepter tightly in his hand, looking forward indifferently, and a smell of blood was coming.

Not far away, there were piles of corpses.

Under the dozens of corpses, a strange array was painted with blood, emitting a strange light, and spreading energy enough to shake the entire canyon, so that the ground trembled slightly.

"Is this enough?" Ge Weng asked in a deep voice.

"According to the records in that book, it is indeed the case." On the side, the black-skinned drow elf said respectfully, "As long as the lives and blood of the twelve sons of slaughter are used, combined with the energy blood array, the slaughter can be made The temple is now alive and opened in advance!"

Ge Weng was expressionless, looking at the blood formation in front of him.

Under the eerie light, the corpses of the sons of slaughter quickly rotted, and then fused together like candles, gradually forming a pool of disgusting flesh and blood, wriggling like life.

"Success!" The drow elf's eyes lit up.

As early as a few months ago, the God of Green Trees came to Dila Canyon. The news that the Slaughter Temple was about to open attracted all the sons of Slaughter to come here, and all the weak and weak ones were caught by Ge Weng.

With the lives and blood of the twelve sons of slaughter, the God of the Green Tree used a method in an ancient book to create a blood-killing magic circle.

This blood array can make the temple appear in the world and open it in advance.

In the center of the canyon, the corpses of more than a dozen Sons of Slaughter had completely fused into flesh and blood, twisted and wriggled, and hideous and weird tentacles, centered on the blood array, continued to spread towards the surroundings.

A trace of fear flashed in the drow's eyes, and he couldn't help but take a few steps back.

But Ge Weng didn't care, his eyes were still fixed on the blood formation, while the tentacles of the flesh and blood stretched out, the blood formation under him also began to expand, more and more land was swallowed up, and the body of flesh and blood became bigger and bigger.

Gradually, the pool of flesh and blood formed a huge monster.

It didn't show signs of life at all, but it devoured the surrounding environment endlessly. No matter whether it was rock or sand, any tentacles of flesh and blood that came into contact with it would be integrated into itself.

"Very good, that's it!" Ge Weng's green eyes flickered slightly.

Brush brush!
At this time, a sudden change occurred in the sky, and powerful auras gathered towards the center of Dila Canyon.

"Is it going to be early?"

In a hidden corner, Lyles, the God of Shadow, appeared, looking at the canyon that was gradually being swallowed by flesh and blood, with a trace of solemnity on his face.

Above his head, Frederica has turned into a giant black snake.

In another area, Jorah is hiding behind a rock.

"In the end what happened?"

Feeling the changes in Dila Canyon, Jorah's face was serious, and he murmured, "Someone used a special method to cause the Temple of Slaughter to be opened in advance? If this is the case, it will disrupt many plans."

Above Dila Canyon.

Illusory crows hovered in the sky, gradually converging into a red-robed figure. Enzo looked at the strange flesh and blood below and the canyon that was gradually being swallowed up, and couldn't help but feel his scalp tingling.

The scene in front of me looked a little shocking.

A pool of incomparably huge flesh and blood continuously devoured the entire canyon, turning this place into a toad-like stomach sac, and all the eyes could see were wriggling flesh and blood, exuding a disgusting smell.

The surrounding sky suddenly darkened, and a crack in the void appeared, and the three goddesses, including Lucy Lais, walked out from it and stood shoulder to shoulder with Enzo.

"What's going on, what happened?" Qi Luo asked.

Enzo didn't answer, but with a thought in his mind, Hirsch the Raven of Slaughter was summoned. When he saw the strange scene in the canyon, a trace of anger appeared on his immature face.

"Damn it, who broke the rules?" Hirsch frowned.

"What's the situation?" Enzo asked.

"According to the original trajectory, the Temple of Slaughter should be opened in a month." Hirsch frowned, and said, "But now, someone has used some evil secrets to advance the opening time of the Temple of Slaughter."

"That is to say, we don't have time to prepare?"

Enzo also frowned slightly. The opening of the Temple of Slaughter disrupted the plans of many people. There was still some preparation time, but now it seems that it has become a luxury. Once the Temple of Slaughter is opened, those who want to compete must enter it.

Otherwise, the opportunity will be completely lost!
"Then what should we do now?" On the side, Helaya hesitated. The opening of the Temple of Slaughter must be a symbol of danger. If you enter it rashly without preparation, the degree of danger will inevitably increase.

Lucy Lais remained silent, looking at the canyon below.

In a moment, the infinitely expanding and multiplying flesh and blood had swallowed the entire Dila Canyon, and some undigested small beasts were struggling and screaming desperately in the twisted and twisted flesh wall.

The next moment, the flesh and blood suddenly began to evaporate!
A trace of red blood mist drifted towards the sky, Lucy Lais frowned slightly, and waved her hands to create a layer of divine power shield to isolate several people and avoid the damage of the blood mist.

Amidst the blood mist, a gate of flesh and blood appeared.

The closest one was Ge Weng, the God of Green Trees. When he saw the Gate of Flesh and Flesh, his green eyes lit up, and he walked over without hesitation. Dark green divine power burst out, trying to enter it.

However, the door of flesh and blood is closed and has not been opened to Ge Weng!

"Let me try it, master!"

At this time, the drow stepped forward quickly, the killing mark on his face flickering, and he threw a bit of strength into the door of flesh and blood, as if playing the role of a key, and the door of flesh and blood slowly opened a gap.

"Okay!" Ge Weng, the God of Green Trees, rushed into it immediately.

This time he was not rejected and entered the Gate of Flesh smoothly, and as the drow elves with the mark of killing followed closely behind, the cracks on the Gate of Flesh also slowly healed.

"It seems that you must rely on the mark of killing to enter it."

Enzo's eyes flickered slightly, seeing the gate of flesh and blood clearly, he immediately summoned the wings of shadow, and flew towards the gate of flesh and blood together with the three goddesses.

At the same time, powerful auras also appeared.

"God of shadows, Lyles!"

"Mara, the god of hunting!"

"God of Chaos Lorkaki!"

Many gods showed up on their own initiative, appearing around the Gate of Flesh. Helaya looked around and immediately recognized most of the auras. Feeling so many strong men vying for the Temple of Slaughter, her scalp went numb.

"God, what the hell am I doing?"

Helaya wanted to cry, but she wailed in her heart, "I'm obviously just a weak god who doesn't even master the divine weapon. Isn't it good to stay in the kingdom and enjoy yourself? Why do you want to participate in this kind of dispute!"

"The Goddess of the Night, Lucille Lace!"

Not far away, a gray monster that looked like an ape looked at Lucy Lais and said with a sly smile, "I didn't expect you to come, and you brought that trash Helaya with you, which really surprised me."

Lucy Lais frowned slightly, and a murderous intent flashed in her eyes.

Mara, the god of hunting, was an annoying guy even in ancient times. It was a small regret in Lucy Lais's heart that she didn't kill him before the other party became a god.

"The Temple of Slaughter is about to open, I don't want to waste time with you."

Beside the Gate of Flesh and Flesh, a coquettish voice suddenly sounded, and amidst the colorful lights, a graceful and naked woman appeared, accompanied by two handsome young men.

Goddess of Pleasure, Staci!

One of the Three Gorgeous Gods who is as famous as the Weeping Goddess, known for his debauchery and corruption. Legend has it that he has had relationships with all male gods, and has more than [-] ministers under his skirt, including many species.

After Staci appeared, she went straight to the Gate of Flesh.

The two handsome young men beside her seemed to be the sons of killing. As the mark of killing flashed on their chests, two forces threw themselves into the gate of flesh and blood. The same scene as before appeared, and the gate of flesh and blood cracked a gap.

Staci immediately entered it.

The next moment, the gods in the canyon were not talking nonsense, and rushed towards the gate of flesh and blood. Before the crack was closed, Mara, the god of hunting, barely squeezed into it.

Brush brush!
The gods who can appear in Dila Canyon seem to have been prepared, knowing that the mark of killing is the key to entering the temple, so they all control the power of killing divinity, and use their own methods to enter the temple.

"Wizard, it's up to you!" Qi Luo said.

Enzo nodded slightly, and conveyed his thoughts to the Raven of Slaughter. Hirsch immediately flew towards the door of flesh and blood. A trace of strength turned into a key, and the door of flesh and blood was successfully opened, allowing the three goddesses to enter it.

Immediately afterwards, Enzo was ready to follow.

"The lowly mortals will also get involved in the Temple of Slaughter?"

At this time, a cold voice suddenly sounded, hoarsely said: "I advise you not to dream!"

Enzo's heart throbbed, and the defensive measures were activated instantly.

Threads of shadow struck like steel needles, but Enzo blocked them all, and the blood-colored robe exuded a strange light.

Not far away, Lyles slowly appeared.

"Last time on the plains of Essos, you messed up the plan, and now it's time to count it out." Lyles looked coldly.

"God of shadows, Lyles!" Enzo's face turned cold.

Meeting Lyles in the Dila Canyon was not unexpected. Enzo knew very well that the other party, as a god, would definitely compete for the Temple of Slaughter, but he did not expect that the other party would hide in the dark and deliberately attack him.

"The Temple of Slaughter has been opened, are you sure you want to trouble me now?"

Enzo fixed his eyes and warned that the Gate of Flesh and Flesh was right in front of him. At this time, it is the right thing to fight for the Temple of Slaughter. It is not wise for Lyles to take action against him now from the perspective of profit.

"There is no hurry to kill the temple."

Lyles shook his head and said quietly: "What's more, even if I want to compete with the gods for the temple, I must at least restore my strength to the best. Do you really think that I don't know that the shadow is in your hands?" inside?"

Enzo narrowed his eyes, feeling a little dazed.

Only then did he understand why Lyles wanted to attack him. It turned out that he planned to take back his artifact shadow camouflage before competing for the Slaughter Temple, so as to increase his strength to the best level.

"Hmph! I'm too lazy to waste time with you."

Enzo snorted coldly, but he didn't intend to fight Lyles. At this time, the Temple of Slaughter has been opened, and the most important thing is to seize the opportunity.

With a thought, he rushed towards the door of flesh and blood.

"Want to go? It's not that easy!"

Lyles growled and said, "Frederica, do it!"

As soon as the words fell, a huge shadow enveloped the sky, and it rushed towards Enzo with a bloody mouth, and Enzo quickly turned into a shadow and disappeared.

"This breath. Old Snake!?"

Enzo appeared in another area, felt the familiar aura from the black python in front of him, and blurted out immediately.

The black giant python that attacked him was none other than the old snake who came on the same boat as him.

However, I don't know what happened. At this time, the old snake had already ignited the fire, became a god, and reached a certain deal with Lyles, secretly launching an attack on himself.

Seeing that Enzo recognized her, Frederica didn't hesitate at all. She opened her mouth and sprayed out a black flame with destructive divine power, turning everything into ashes wherever it went.

(End of this chapter)

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