Chapter 453 Crisis
On the other side, Qi Luo also turned into a giant spider.

She opened her ferocious mouthparts, spraying out a huge net that stretched across the sky, immediately restraining several golden puppets, and at the same time released the magical power of fantasy, rainbow-like colors appeared around, and bubbles appeared in the air.

"Sleep deeply in the dream." The giant spider spoke out.

The nature of dream power is somewhat similar to hypnosis. It can make living beings fall into a deep sleep and sink in the dreams made by Qi Luo, but this ability can't play a big role in the golden puppets.

The puppets assimilated by gold have lost their ability to think.

As such, they are resistant to visions and are indifferent to the bewitching power of the Weeping Goddess.

"Damn it!" Helaya's face was ugly.

The Weeping Goddess is good at manipulating people's hearts, but if the enemy is not a living being, her ability will naturally be greatly reduced. Seeing that the golden puppets around her have already been killed, she can only raise her arms.

A long red whip appeared in the palm of her hand, and Helaya flicked it violently, knocking a golden puppet into the air. This long whip is not a divine weapon, but after countless years of nurturing by the Weeping Goddess, it can reach the level of a semi-sacred weapon .

In the world of the Kingdom of God, shocks are constantly coming!

The golden mountain god Ferallo fought against five world gods at the same time with his own strength, but he still did not fall to the lower peak. As a follower of the killing god, this piece of the divine world also belongs to his home field.

"Be assimilated by the power of gold!"

In the same place, Ferralo raised his arms high, and endless golden light radiated from his body, illuminating the entire world of the kingdom of God. Wherever the golden light went, everything turned into gold.

"Not good!" In the shadows, Enzo's expression changed.

The assimilation power of the Golden Mountain God turned the entire Kingdom of God into gold, even Enzo, who was hiding in the shadows, was no exception. He quickly jumped out of the shadows and condensed the magic power around his body to resist.

"We must find a way to deal with the Golden Mountain God!"

In the same place, Enzo stared at Ferralo, the God of the Golden Mountain. At this time, he was infinitely close to the god of the gods. The existence of a fifth-order life form was the most powerful life form Enzo had seen so far.

The assimilation power of the Golden Mountain God has already threatened the entire world of the Kingdom of God.

If he can't be defeated, then everyone's end will be assimilated to gold, even a few gods are not immune, the god of evil eyes who has completely turned into gold in midair is the best example.

Suddenly, a buzzing sound resounded in the Kingdom of God, and in mid-air, a huge golden eye shot out a ray of light, piercing into the giant tree transformed by Ge Weng like a sharp sword, causing a huge hole to appear in his thick trunk .

There was a sound of shaking from the ground, and Ge Weng, the god of green trees, let out an angry roar after being injured, and then his lower body rose from the ground, countless roots turned into bipedal forms, and vines spread out of the crown of the tree above his head.

"Come down!" Ge Weng roared angrily.

He swung the vines spreading above his head, turned into a huge long whip, directly entangled the evil-eyed god floating in mid-air, pulled it down suddenly, and smashed it hard on the voice of the earth.

At this time, the god of evil eyes has been assimilated by gold!
Although he still retains his soul, he is controlled by the Golden Mountain God. If Ge Weng and others cannot defeat Ferallo, then the God of Evil Eye will completely become the puppet of the Golden Mountain God.

"Hmph!" Ferralo snorted coldly, a trace of ice-coldness appeared in his eyes.

The next moment, he raised his arm slightly, and a ten-meter-tall golden cyclops emerged from the ground that turned into gold, attacking the green tree god Ge Weng like the oldest warrior.

Seeing the golden giants rushing towards him, Ge Weng's thick vines turned into long whips on the tree crown above Ge Weng's head and swung, knocking one golden giant into the air with one blow, and at the same time piercing the vines into the body of the other golden giant, sucking it like crazy.

However, in the next second, a trace of pain appeared on Ge Weng's face.

After using the vines to absorb the energy in the golden giant's body, golden spots appeared on his huge body, as if he had also been assimilated, and his movements gradually became slower and slower.

Seeing this scene, Ge Weng quickly swung the vines and sent the golden giant flying.

The next moment, several other golden giants rushed up, hugging the tree god's trunk like a death squad, and then under the will of the golden mountain god, they exploded at the same time, turning into golden waves.


Ge Weng, the God of Green Trees, let out a scream, and the center of his huge body was suddenly blasted out of the deep pit, and liquid gold rushed up like venom, as hard to entangle as a maggot attached to the bone.

"Goodbye, Geon!" In the distance, Ferralo had a sneer on his face.

He released the divine power of gold again, and on the surrounding land, the gold turned into huge waves and roared away, as if he could swallow the giant tree in the next moment and completely assimilate it into a golden body.

"Dark Night Divine Power!"

But at this moment, Lucy Laisi made a sudden move, and the divine power of the night directly attacked the Golden Mountain God, and a gloomy light descended from the sky, piercing Ferralo like a sharp knife, forcing him to take half a step back.

Ge Weng saw the right moment and immediately released the divine power of nature.

The green light turned into a sea of ​​plants, dispelling the surrounding golden waves. At the same time, Ge Weng in the form of a giant tree also disappeared in place, turning into an old man in green robes who walked away from the battlefield, with an extremely ugly expression on his face.

Ferralo, who has three divine fires and has reached the fifth level, is much stronger than imagined.

In the short confrontation just now, he had severely injured the God of Green Tree, and at the same time, the golden puppet controlled by him also entangled the God of Black Snake and others, leaving only Lucile, the Goddess of the Night, to contend with him.

"Give up resistance, Lucilles!"

In the same place, Ferralo said indifferently, "You, like my lord, are servants of His Highness the Lord of Darkness. Now surrender to the power of my lord, and I will forgive your offense."

Without saying a word, Lucy Lais responded directly to Ferallo with divine power.

On the pitch-black sky, countless dim lights pierced down like sharp swords, and the world of the Kingdom of God, which was assimilated by gold, suddenly became riddled with holes, and even the earth fell into a night-like nothingness.

"What's the point?" Firalo shook his head slightly.

Then, he released the golden divine power again, and the golden color suddenly engulfed the night, and the world of the kingdom of God was completely turned into gold again. Ferallo looked around and finally locked on the weeping goddess Helaya.

"It's really troublesome to fight five world gods at the same time."

Firalo thought for a moment, nodded and said, "In this case, let's get rid of the weakest existence first!"

After all, the gold on the earth turned into liquid.

"Lucy Rice, save me!!"

Helaya screamed, seeing the golden liquid around her rushing towards her crazily, she no longer dared to keep her strength, and immediately transformed into her main body, and a huge slender red-striped snake appeared on the spot.

On the ground, cracks appeared, and the golden liquid poured into the sky like a fountain, and then turned into rain and fell, dripping on the red snake, as if it had the ability to corrode.

On the spot, Helaya was shrouded in the golden rain, and immediately screamed in pain, turning into the huge body of a red snake, rolling back and forth on the ground, with an extremely ferocious posture.

"Helaya!" Lucilles' pupils shrank.

The good sister was hurt, causing endless anger to surge from the bottom of her heart, as if the black light that subverted the world burst out instantly, turning into a net of black light, covering the top of the red snake's head.

But at this time, there were two more screams.

The golden liquid in the depths of the earth kept pouring into the sky, and then turned into golden rain and fell on the entire world of the Kingdom of God. Not only the Goddess of Weeping, but also the God of the Black Snake and the God of the Giant Spider were also affected.

The golden rain is mixed with Ferralo's divine power!

Therefore, after being shrouded in this rain, no matter whether it is the God of the Black Snake or the God of the Giant Spider, metal spots appeared on their bodies, which were continuously assimilated by gold. The divine power of Lucilles could not protect everyone at all.

"Damn it!" Lucilles gritted her teeth.

A serious expression appeared on her face. Ever since she awoke from the night labyrinth, Ferallo, the God of the Golden Mountain, was already the strongest enemy she had encountered. It made her feel so oppressed.

"Ge Weng, join hands with me!" Lucilles said in a deep voice.

In the area not far away, Ge Weng, who was wearing a green robe, also felt the strength of the Golden Mountain God. He nodded solemnly, and the scepter in his hand suddenly stopped, releasing the power of nature without reservation.

The dark green power of nature merges with the divine power of the night!

The two forces seemed to symbolize life and silence, turning into a beam of green and black intertwined light, bursting out with power far surpassing that of the god of the world, and charged towards the golden mountain god Ferallo.

"Golden Kingdom!"

Firalo's tone was deep, and the earth trembled. A castle-like palace slowly appeared, blocking the front of the Golden Mountain God. The gate of the golden castle opened, as if the power that devoured everything came out.

The attack jointly released by the Goddess of the Night and the God of the Green Tree was instantly swallowed by the Golden Castle. Immediately afterwards, the Golden Castle continued to expand and turned into a huge city in a short while, as if it was about to break through the world.

"Enter my golden kingdom!"

Firalo's deep voice came, and said quietly: "This kingdom is my artifact. It can cover everything and turn everything into gold. Even gods can't resist it!"

Artifact, Kingdom of Gold!
This is the power that symbolizes the authority of the Golden Mountain God. In ancient times, Ferralo built the palace for the God of Slaughter. In the eyes of the loyal Ferralo, only the Golden Palace can be worthy of the status of the God of Slaughter.

There was a whirl between heaven and earth!
In a blink of an eye, Lucy Lais and Geon were both shrouded in the golden kingdom and forced to enter Ferralo's artifact. Enzo, who was hiding in the distance, suddenly took a deep breath.

The five gods of the world joined forces to fight against the golden mountain god Ferallo.

This level of battle is beyond Enzo's ability to intervene. At this moment, thoughts flicker in his mind, and he looks forward at the same time.

On the distant battlefield, the battle is still going on.

The golden rain kept falling, dripping on the god of the black snake, the god of giant spiders, and the goddess of weeping. Their strength was much lower than that of the god of green trees and the goddess of the night, so they were even more unable to resist Ferralo's divine power.

More and more gold covered their bodies.

The irresistible golden divine power continued to devour the three gods. Even the most powerful black snake god among them became slower and slower. He had already given up attacking the golden mountain god and focused on fighting the golden rain.

In the frontmost area, the Golden Mountain God sat cross-legged.

He was manipulating the power of the artifact, trying to assimilate Ge Weng and Lucilles, so he couldn't devote his energy to dealing with the Black Snake God and others, which prevented them from being completely swallowed by the golden rain.

"Quickly think of a way!"

Helaya, who turned into a red snake, screamed. At this time, she was extremely difficult to move, her slender tail completely turned into gold, and metal spots appeared on the top of her head. She was assimilated into a serious existence among the three gods.

No wonder Helaya was so embarrassed.

Ferallo's body is a golden mountain, and his will is as firm as a mountain. Helaya's charismatic power has no effect at all, so in this battle of gods, he can only resist passively.

"It can't go on like this!"

Hearing Helaya's call for help, the giant spider god said loudly, "With our strength, we can't defeat Ferallo. We must find a way to get out of here. Let's break through the world of God together."

"God of the Black Snake."

Seeing that the situation is becoming more and more unfavorable, Qi Luo knows very well that Ferralo, who is already comparable to the god of the gods, cannot be dealt with by a few people, so he can only choose to leave the world of the kingdom of God first.

She considered joining hands with the God of the Black Snake first to find a way to break through the world of the Kingdom of God.

However, at this moment.

The Black Snake God, who was fighting against the golden rain, suddenly let out a roar, then twisted his head, and shot a flame at Helaya.

"Damn! Are you crazy?!" Helaya screamed.

The red snake quickly twisted its body, trying to dodge the flame attack, but failed. It could only curl up its body and use its gold-assimilated tail to resist the attack of the black snake god.

Stab la la!
The black flame hit Helaya's tail, and there was a burning sound, which made her scream in pain and tremble violently.

"God of the Black Snake. Out of control?"

Qi Luo, the giant spider god, noticed Frederica's anomaly, and immediately gasped.

The God of Black Snake, who was out of control, attacked the surroundings frantically, venting his power frantically at Qiluo and Helaya, which made the two goddesses dodge, and even accelerated the speed of assimilation by gold.

"I can't go on like this!"

In the corner, Enzo's face was gloomy, and his heart was unprecedentedly dignified. The oppressive force brought by the golden mountain god Ferralo was too terrifying. If he couldn't be dealt with, then his fate would inevitably become a golden puppet.

"In this case, we can only fight!" Enzo gritted his teeth.

At this time, the Golden Mountain God was sitting cross-legged on the spot, devoting all his energy to manipulating the artifact. His own defense mechanism seemed to be at its weakest state, which was undoubtedly an opportunity for Enzo.

(End of this chapter)

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