Chapter 467 Quint
The gray wolf of Brar, who was killed by the shadow, emitted a strange aura from the hair on the surface of its body.

"This breath?" Enzo's eyes flashed.

He beckoned, and the breath floating in the air immediately turned into a wisp of black mist and drifted over, bound by the magic power, condensed into a mass of black energy.

And the body of the Blair Gray Wolf, which lost the energy of the black mist, quickly decayed, and a stench was faintly exuded from the gray hair, like a rotting corpse that had been dead for a long time.

Enzo raised his head and looked into the darkness.

In the area on the edge of the camp, the Brar gray wolves had already attacked. A bunch of Brar gray wolves rushed into the camp, and Drogo pierced their bodies with spears, but they still seemed fearless.

"Damn it, what happened to these wild beasts?"

Drogo gritted his teeth, and his face was a bit ugly. Although the Brar gray wolf has a ferocious personality, it is not afraid of death. Several gray wolves were pinned to the ground with long hairs, but they could not dispel their idea of ​​attacking the camp.

Enzo looked thoughtful.

Looking at the energy of the black mist floating in his palm, the luster in his eyes flickered, and the thoughts in his heart were constantly changing. According to the breath from this energy, Enzo had some inferences.

"An evil beast infected by the breath of the god of disaster?"

Enzo muttered to himself, the energy extracted from the Brar gray wolf made him feel very familiar. According to the chip comparison, it seemed to be very similar to the breath of the god of disaster.

Therefore, it can be inferred that these Brar gray wolves seem to be influenced by the god of disaster!

Meanwhile, the fighting continued.

The appearance of the Braar gray wolves put the Tatar tribe at a disadvantage. Drogo looked hesitant. The camp had already been breached. The blood warriors outside who were dragged away by the sharp-toothed wolves also wailed loudly. Make a decision.

"Taka, Adair!"

In the end, Drogo gritted his teeth and said loudly, "You two bring some people to rescue the dragged away clansmen, and the rest of you will join me to expel these Brar gray wolves."

"Yes! Brother Drogo!"

Following Drogo's order, the two Tatar blood warriors rushed out of the camp with a few tribesmen, preparing to fight the Jag-toothed wolf according to the screams of the tribesmen being dragged away.

However, this happened to fall into the plan of the sharp-toothed wolf.

The few blood warriors had just rushed out of the camp, and before they had gone far, there was a howl of wolves in the darkness, and sharp-toothed wolves rushed out from under the night, pushing the few blood warriors to the ground.

"What a stupid plan"

Enzo couldn't help but shook his head, a trace of helplessness appeared on his face, the War Ghost Clan is famous for its force, even Drogo, as the leader, is not good at commanding, facing the situation in front of him, he made a wrong decision.

The sharp-toothed wolves chose to attack at night, which was obviously planned for a long time.

At this time, although the camp was rushed into by the Blair gray wolf, it did not fall. Relying on the defense of the camp to eliminate the number of wolves is the best battle plan. The bloody warrior will only fall into the trap of the sharp-toothed wolf.

"Leader Drogo."

Seeing that the situation was at a disadvantage, Enzo sighed in his heart and said, "Since the Jag-toothed wolf and the Brar gray wolf can cooperate, then there must be a wolf king born in these two groups."

"As long as we kill the wolf king, we will naturally defeat the wolves!"

"Yes!" Drogo's eyes lit up.

Afterwards, Enzo pointed his finger at a dark plain in the distance, and said in a deep voice, "The wolves attacked from that direction just now, and the Jagtooth Wolf King is probably there."

"That's right!"

Drogo nodded, took a deep breath, and said, "Everyone, help me delay for a while, I'll get rid of that wolf king."

With that, Drogo picked up his bronze spear and was ready to go.

Enzo hurriedly called him to stop, and said helplessly, "The camp has been breached by the Blair gray wolf. If there is no leader Drogo in charge, how can we resist the wolves and get rid of the wolf king's beheading action? Let's change someone."

Drogo, the powerful red-striped warrior, is completely a simple-minded creature.

He actually thought of relying entirely on his own force to rush to the plain to kill the wolf king. Not to mention the strength of the wolf king, the sharp-toothed wolves guarding him were enough to hold Drogo back.

What's more, it's still dark at this time.

If the wolf king insisted on avoiding the battle, Drogo couldn't lock his position at all, let alone behead him. Once he rushed out of the camp, he would only lose his way in the dark, and even fall into the siege of wolves.

"Then what should we do?" Drogo was a little anxious.

More and more Blar gray wolves have rushed into the camp, and the surrounding Tatar blood warriors are fighting bloody battles, but they are still at a disadvantage. Now the hunting team urgently needs to kill the wolf king to reverse the situation.

"Let me go."

Enzo sighed and said, "I am smaller in size, and I am more flexible in the dark. Besides, I proposed the plan, and it is only suitable for me to execute it."

"You?" Drogo was taken aback.

Enzo didn't speak anymore, and regardless of whether Drogo agreed or not, he turned around and was about to leave the camp to kill the Jagtooth King. With his current strength, killing a Jagtooth King was a piece of cake.

If he wasn't afraid of exposing his strength and causing unnecessary trouble, Enzo could kill all the wolves by himself, and it would take up to ten minutes.

"and many more!"

Seeing that Enzo had rushed out of the camp, Drogo hurriedly shouted, "Fitch, Enoch, you two also go, assist Enzo to kill the wolf king, and finish the battle quickly, don't be held back by the wolves."

After all, the two blood warriors rushed out.

Enzo felt a little funny in his heart. The two blood warriors, who were not even first-order life forms, were useless to him. As soon as they rushed out of the camp, the three of them were targeted by the wolves.

Under the night, Enzo launched the shadow stealth technique.

Two sharp-toothed wolves pounced on the ground, Enzo successfully avoided the attack, but the other two blood warriors were not so lucky, surrounded by several sharp-toothed wolves, unable to move forward.

Enzo turned around and took a look, then shook his head slightly.

Afterwards, he turned into a shadow in the dark night, and appeared on the distant plain in a short while, and came out directly from the ground, which immediately frightened the Jagtooth wolf king, and the surrounding Jagtooth wolf guards also felt as if they were facing a formidable enemy.

The sharp-toothed wolf king stood on both legs, looking ahead like a human.

"Inferior species?" It uttered words and asked doubtfully.

"A wild beast that can talk?" Enzo frowned, feeling a little surprised. Although he knew that the sharp-toothed wolf was extremely intelligent, he didn't expect that the other party had the ability to speak, although the syllables he spit out were a bit weird.

"kill him!"

The sharp-toothed wolf king flashed his vertical eyes, waved his front paws, and directly ordered his sharp-toothed wolf guards to kill Enzo.

Surrounded by sharp-toothed wolves.

"Shadow Thorn."

In the same place, Enzo was expressionless, and spit out a few syllables lightly. After being promoted to a third-level wizard, his control over magic power has reached the level of commanding his arms, and he can release witchcraft with just a thought.

On the ground, shadows shot up one by one!

Brush brush!
The shadow thrust instantly pierced through the bodies of the surrounding sharp-toothed wolves, tearing them apart from the middle, and a large amount of blood spilled on the ground. The scene looked extremely terrifying, but Enzo looked indifferent.

The sharp-toothed wolf king was taken aback.

Seemingly amazed by Enzo's strength and that strange method, the Jagtoothed Wolf King quickly took a few steps back while letting out a sharp wolf howl.

In the darkness, three giant beasts appeared.

Enzo frowned slightly, and found that the giant beasts coming out of the darkness were three huge gray wolf kings of Brar. They seemed to be controlled by special forces, and their steps were stiff and weird.

"Tear up this scum for me!" the Jagtooth Wolf King screamed.

The three Blar Gray Wolf Kings immediately pounced on them. Compared to those weak Jag-toothed wolves before, the individual strength of the Blar Gray Wolf King was almost equal to that of the Scarlet-striped Warrior, so each of them had almost one level of life. degree of body.

However, in Enzo's eyes, this kind of strength still seemed vulnerable.

The shadow turned into a long whip with the thickness of an arm, and swung it like a vine, directly knocking one of the charging Blar Gray Wolf King into the air, and at the same time stabbed fiercely, piercing the other two Blar Gray Wolf Kings.

"How is this possible?" The Sharp Toothed Wolf King couldn't help screaming.

It could no longer maintain its calm, and let out howling wolves again and again, summoning the pack of wolves that attacked the camp, and all of them returned to their side, trying their best to deal with the strangely capable inferior species in front of them.

"Shadow Realm!"

However, Enzo didn't give it a chance. After sneering, he activated the Shadow Realm. The shadow under his feet quickly spread, swallowing the ever-retreating Jagtooth Wolf King into the Shadow Realm.

"who are you?"

Surrounded by a world of shadows, the Jagtooth Wolf King couldn't help but feel fear in his heart, a gleam of light flashed in his vertical pupils, and he asked with a low growl.

Enzo was expressionless, staring at the Jagtooth Wolf King.

In the Shadow Realm, shadow tentacles appeared one after another, attacking the Jagtooth Wolf King from all directions, restraining it in a moment, and firmly trapped it in place, unable to move at all.


The sharp-toothed wolf king roared, the vertical pupils shone with strange luster, the limbs covered with black hair began to swell, and the huge wolf head twisted for a while, turning into a man's image.

"Get out of here!"

The man transformed by the Jag-toothed wolf king looks extremely ugly, his face is full of rotten marks, and there are spots on the skin where the hair has faded. The whole person looks like a rotting corpse.

The man was restrained by the tentacles of the shadow. After struggling to break free and failed, he opened his mouth and spit out a black liquid, shooting towards the shadow on his arm, trying to use the corrosive power of the venom to escape.

However, shadow tentacles are not entities.

It is only formed by the condensed energy, and its nature is between illusion and substance. After the venom was sprayed on it, it failed to corrode it. Instead, it made a squeaky sound, but a large piece of flesh and blood fell from the man's arm.


The man screamed in pain, but he stopped soon, as if he had gotten used to it, and looked at Enzo with constantly changing eyes.

"Can you switch between wild beasts and humans?"

On the spot, Enzo stroked his chin and thought, "What is this? Transfiguration or a druid?"

"No, probably not at all."

Afterwards, Enzo shook his head, and said in a deep voice, "The reason why you can master this ability should not come from yourself, but from an external force, so you have obtained the ability to transform."

"who are you?"

After hearing Enzo's words, the man's voice became trembling, and a piece of rotten flesh even fell off his ugly face, looking very disgusting.

"you do not need to know."

Enzo shook his head, raised his hand casually, and in the surrounding shadow field, a shadow immediately turned into a spike, piercing through the man's shoulder, causing him to let out a painful scream.

"Now, what do I ask, what do you answer."

Enzo stared at the man in pain, and said in a deep voice, "If you dare to hide or lie, I will make you suffer ten times more pain than now."

"First question, who are you?"

Feeling the shadow thorns spinning on his shoulders, the rotten man showed a painful expression again, and said with difficulty, "I am Quint of the Gaosuo tribe."

"Gaosuo tribe?" Enzo frowned slightly, and said, "Then why did you appear here?"

Quint expressed pain, and said in a trembling voice, "I was expelled from the tribe a year ago, and I have been hiding in the wild forest until recently, and I have not returned to the plains until recently."

"Expelled by the tribe?" Enzo frowned and asked, "Why? Did you make any mistakes?"

In the world of war ghosts, male status is very high.

Therefore, in most cases, males will not be expelled if they make any mistakes. After all, every male may become a blood warrior, a powerful force in the tribe.

"Wrong? Oh, of course!"

A wry smile appeared on the rotten man's face, and he said helplessly, "For us, being born is a mistake."

Enzo's eyes flashed.

"That's right, I'm an inferior species just like you."

Kunt lowered his head and said in a low voice, "Because of my status as an inferior species, I was expelled by the tribe during the black mist season and came to the plain to fend for myself. Although I survived by luck, I also became this inhuman appearance."

"Bad breed?"

Enzo muttered to himself, and then asked, "As far as I know, according to the tradition of the Gaosuo tribe, once an inferior species is born in the tribe, wouldn't it be thrown to death immediately? How can you survive until now? "

"I wasn't born a bad breed."

Kunt shook his head and explained, "When I was just born, I was just like other war ghosts, but my development was deformed in my childhood. I should have been executed by the tribe, but my mother castrated me in time, so Left in the tribe as slaves."

"Until the black mist season a year ago!"

"My body has changed, and I have the ability to control sharp-toothed wolves inexplicably, and a voice often echoes in my ears. The tribe believes that I have been reduced to the minion of the god of disaster, so I will be expelled."

"Evil?" Enzo's eyes flashed.

"That's right, it's the Evil One!"

There was a trace of ferocity on Quint's face, and he gritted his teeth and said: "The people of the Gaosuo tribe think that I am the minion of the god of disaster just because I can control the sharp-toothed wolf. It is still the most dangerous place to drive me out of the tribe to fend for myself." The black mist season."

(End of this chapter)

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