Journey to the Wizarding World

Chapter 469 Returning to the Tribe

Chapter 469 Returning to the Tribe
At this moment, there was a sound of footsteps in the distance, and Drogo and the others in the camp immediately turned around and looked over.


Drogo was a little surprised, and said in surprise, "You're back? Didn't you meet the leader of those sharp-toothed wolves?"

"The wolf king has escaped." Enzo said softly.

"What?" Drogo was taken aback.

Not long ago, the wolves attacked the camp of the hunting team. Drogo and the others devoted all their energy to resisting the Jag-tooth wolf, while Enzo set off to the depths of the plain to deal with the Jag-tooth wolf king.

Because as long as the wolf king is killed, the wolves will naturally be self-defeating.

However, Drogo didn't have much confidence in this plan, because although Jag-toothed wolf is not famous for its strength, as a wolf king, it can at least reach the level comparable to a red-striped warrior. Enzo is just a newly promoted Blood Warrior, no matter what, it is impossible to kill the Wolf King.

"You defeated the Wolf King?" Drogo asked hastily.

"Probably." Enzo pondered for a moment, and said, "The leader of the Jag-toothed wolf is not strong, far below the level of a wolf king. I saw the right time to sneak attack and caused damage to it."

"After that, the wolf head ran away!"

Drogo was dumbfounded, and said in surprise, "It's that simple? Could it be that the wolf pack broke up because the alpha wolf ran away? But what happened to those Brar gray wolves?"

"Blar Gray Wolf?" Enzo pretended to be puzzled.

Drogo beckoned, and led Enzo to the center of the camp. A dozen blood warriors were gathering the corpses of the Brar gray wolves on the plain and preparing to light the torches below.

"Before, these Brar gray wolves and Jag-toothed wolves attacked our camp together." Drogo pointed forward and said in a deep voice, "But just now, all the Brar gray wolves died suddenly, and The corpses rot quickly, and they all look like this!"


The flames burned the body of the Brar gray wolf, and there was a burning sound, and the rotting stench wafted out, making the surrounding blood warriors frown.

three days later.

The sky in the distance was slightly white, and on the vast plain, the hunting team of the Tatar tribe was moving forward. Drogo walked in the forefront holding a bronze spear, and a few blood warriors behind them dragged a giant beast with a rope together.

"Finally back!"

The hunting team came to a high slope, and Drogo looked at the tribe in the distance, with a smile on his face, and he finally breathed a sigh of relief.

It was less than ten days before the end of the harvest season.

The harvest hunting of the Tatar tribe was finally over. In the three days since the camp was attacked by the sharp-toothed wolves, everything went very smoothly. Drogo led the blood warriors across the plains and returned to the tribe calmly.

"It's Brother Drogo and they're back!"

"Why did this year's harvest hunt take so long?"

"But it seems that their harvest is not bad!"

"Huh? What is that? My God! Could it be a mammoth with fire teeth?"

In the Tatar tribe located on the plain, on the towers on both sides of the entrance, the sentries opened the gate and welcomed the hunting team in. The left-behind members of the tribe appeared one after another, including Wendy and other women.

The hunting team was welcomed by the tribe like returning heroes.

"Ha! Firefang Mammoth!"

On the tower, a figure limped down, looking at the fire-fanged mammoth dragged into the tribe by the blood warriors, Karu grinned and said, "This is really a big guy! Tribute, don't need to worry anymore."

Drogo opened his arms and hugged Karoo with a smile.

"How's the Horde doing these days?" Drogo asked afterward.

"Everything is going well." Karu nodded, and said, "In the half a month since the hunting team left, the tribe has not encountered any intruders, except for a black bear beast approaching, and I shot it to death with a bow and arrow!"

"By the way, there is one more thing, little Batur has become a blood warrior!"

During the harvest hunting period, the major tribes on the plain, no matter how much they hate each other, are not allowed to attack each other and provoke wars. Therefore, the Tatar tribe is calm. Except for a black bear and desolate beast that accidentally broke into the tribe, only Batur's promotion to the blood warrior is worth mentioning. up.

"Little Batur has finally become a blood warrior?" Drogo said.

The original Batur was the most promising young man of the Tatar tribe to become a blood warrior, so Drogo placed high hopes on him. Until the last time the tribe was attacked by wolves, Batur pretended to be asleep to escape the battle and was attacked by the entire tribe. spurned.

However, when the hunting team left the tribe and hunted for a good harvest, Batur worked hard and finally became a blood warrior!

In the distance, Enzo raised his brows with surprise on his face.

Batur was planted with the nightmare imprint, and he had to endure nightmare harassment all the time, yet he could still become a blood warrior. This is not an easy thing, but it is not too strange.

After all, Batur was once the most promising young man in the tribe. After being punished by the wolves, he became a blood warrior after working hard, which is a logical thing.

"Yes, Drogo!"

At this time, Karu asked again, "Why did you take so long to hunt this year's harvest? Did anything happen?"

Hearing Karoo's question, Drogo's expression darkened.

"Oh! It's hard to describe." He shook his head, and then told Karoo what happened during the harvest hunting.

"Damn Mandy!"

After learning about everything that happened during the harvest hunting, Karu's face was extremely angry, and he slammed his crutches on the ground, growling, "They dare to challenge us. It seems that the lessons learned 20 years ago have been learned. Those Mandys were forgotten."

"I suggest that when this year's black mist season ends and the recovery season begins, the Tatar tribe will declare war on the Mandi tribe, and let those hateful Mandi people pay the price of death and blood!"

"The matter with the Mandi tribe can only wait for the end of the black mist season."

Drogo nodded slightly, and said in a deep voice, "The most important thing now is to prepare for the season of black mist. When the mist and the power of the god of disaster sweep the land again, we must rely on the blessing of the blood-slaughter god to get through it safely. "

"I understand." Karoo also agreed.

The black mist season is a disaster that must be taken seriously for all the war ghost tribes. Even if the hatred between the Mandi tribe and the Tatar tribe rekindles, it is impossible for the two sides to choose to fight during the black mist season.

"Get ready and start this year's harvest celebration!" Then Drogo said again.

"Harvest celebration? Now?" Karu was taken aback.

According to the tradition of the War Ghost Tribe, every year when the harvest season ends and before the black mist season comes, a harvest celebration will be held. Through the celebration, they will offer sacrifices to the Blood Slaughter God, in order to please the gods and gain more protection.

This year's Tatar tribe is no exception.

Recalling the strange events that happened that night three days ago, Drogo made up his mind more and more. This year's harvest celebration must be held grandly, so that the **** of blood can feel the respect of the Tatar tribe.

"Well, it is indeed time to hold a harvest celebration."

Karu sighed slightly. According to the tradition of previous years, after the harvest hunting is over, the hunting team will rest for a few days before the tribe holds a harvest celebration. However, this year's harvest hunting took too much time, and it is not enough time for the black mist season to come. In ten days, the Tatar tribe must also hold a harvest celebration as soon as possible.

Afterwards, Karoo beckoned to the hunting team.

The blood warriors carrying their prey followed in his footsteps and stored the prey obtained from the harvest and hunting in the tribe's warehouse. Only the largest fire-tusk mammoth was placed in a separate area.

The Firefang Mammoth is a tribute to the Gaosu tribe, so please pay attention.

"Okay, everyone put in a lot of effort for this year's harvest hunting, let's go back and rest now." Drogo turned around and said to the blood warriors, "The black mist season is coming, and in the next ten days, Let's all keep up our spirits and wait to have fun at the Harvest Ceremony!"

As soon as Drogo's voice fell, the blood warriors burst into cheers.

For the Warghost Tribe, the Harvest Ceremony not only means offering sacrifices to the Blood Slaughter God, but also the only carnival of the year. During this period, the males will release their stress as much as possible, and even the females can enjoy some fun.

"Harvest celebration?" On the spot, Enzo's eyes flickered.

After traveling through the War Ghost World for three months, Enzo already had a certain understanding of this world. He knew very well that the so-called Harvest Ceremony was a means for the War Ghost tribe to sacrifice to the blood-slaying god, and it was also similar to a carnival.

Afterwards, the blood warriors of the hunting team disbanded on the spot.

"The Harvest Ceremony of the War Ghost Clan is the most important festival of the year. During this period, all tribes will offer sacrifices to the God of Blood Slaughter, and the God of Blood Slaughter, as the guardian, will also bestow divine power on the war ghosts. ghost clan."

On the spot, Enzo stroked his chin.

"The extraordinary power of the War Ghost Clan all comes from the God of Blood Slaughter, so divine power is undoubtedly the best way to strengthen the power of Qi and blood for blood warriors. It is rumored that after some large tribes hold harvest celebrations, they even get I have obtained the divine power enough to make the blood warrior directly become the red-striped warrior!"

"God of Blood Slaughter" Enzo muttered to himself.

Afterwards, he turned around and returned to his own stone house, and with a thought, he cast his vision on the scattered shadow crows around the Tatar tribe, using their vision to look down on the earth.

The endless plains are calm and calm.

But under this calm, it seems like a storm is coming. The harvest season is coming to an end, and the power of the disaster god is about to sweep the earth. Even the desolate beasts on the plain are panicked and don't know where to hide.

Black mist season, the most dangerous time of the year!
"The God of Calamity and the God of Blood Slaughter are both indigenous gods born in this world, just like the Akira Tree and Calamity Beast in the forest world, symbolizing both positive and negative sides." Enzo's face appeared Thinking, murmured: "In a confrontation between the two in ancient times, after being unable to do anything to each other, they shifted the battlefield to control the world."

"Currently, the God of Blood Slaughter has the upper hand."

"However, the God of Calamity still has the ability to regain control of the earth during the season of black mist. At the same time, he seems to have an even weirder ability to project his own power into the wizarding world and confuse human believers to spread faith."

Even though more than fifty years have passed, Enzo still hasn't forgotten.

In the world of wizards, it was precisely because of the plague in the human kingdom that Enzo discovered the coordinates of the god of disaster and the strange plane of the war ghost world, although Enzo had already smashed the mirror and interrupted the disaster. The connection between the God of God and the wizarding world, but there is no guarantee that the other party has other means.

"In the battle of ancient times, the God of Calamity was defeated by the God of Blood Slaughter!"

"Thus, the God of Blood Slaughter became the ruler of the world and supported the War Ghost Clan as the ruler, but the God of Calamity did not fail completely, but hibernated to continue his strength."

"I just don't know how the God of Calamity has recovered after so long." Enzo thought to himself.

At this moment, Enzo's heart suddenly moved.

Through the dozens of shadow crows flying over the Solu Plain, Enzo kept an eye on the movement of the plain. In the field of vision of one of the shadow crows, he came to the border of the wild forest.

"Plumo Tribe" Enzo muttered to himself.

In the vision of the shadow crow, a small tribe appeared, located on the border of the wild forest, with only a few dozen houses, which looked a bit dilapidated, with less than [-] members in the tribe.

That's the Plumo Tribe.

During this year's harvest hunting period, the Plumo tribe colluded with the Mandi tribe to lure the Tatar tribe's hunting team to the wild forest hunting ground, intending to resolve decades of hatred in one fell swoop, but ultimately failed.

The Pramo tribe thus became the enemy of the Tatar tribe.

According to Drogo and Karoo's plan, when the recovery season comes next year, it is not certain whether they will go to war with the Mandi tribe, but the Plumo tribe must be eradicated as a warning to the Mandi tribe.

After all, the Plummo tribe is very weak, and the number of blood warriors in the tribe does not exceed thirty. At the same time, there are no red-striped warriors in charge. Drogo can wipe out this tribe from the Solu Plain by himself.

"It seems that Drogo's plan is going to fail."

Enzo's eyes flickered slightly, and he looked at the Plumo tribe below through the vision of the shadow crow.

At this time, there was chaos in the Pramo tribe.

Unlike the carnival after the harvest hunting of the Tatar tribe, the harvest hunting of the Pulamo tribe had also ended, but before the harvest hunting could be held, they were attacked horribly.

"Who will save us!"

"Quick! Send a message to the Mandi tribe!"


"The great blood-slaying god, please save your people!"

Howls and screams rang out in the Pulamo tribe. A figure wrapped in black mist was floating in mid-air. The rotten flesh and blood tongues around him seemed to be like tentacles. Piercing, greedily sucking the power of blood in their bodies.

(End of this chapter)

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