Journey to the Wizarding World

Chapter 488 Reproductive Desire

Chapter 488 Reproductive Desire

After the Mandi tribe devoured one-tenth of the divine power of a carrier of the God of Calamity, Enzo returned to the Dalyan tribe with the Raven of Calamity.

Before leaving, Enzo deliberately dug up the broken god-given stone tablet of the Mandi tribe, intending to collect it as an experiment.

Due to the ravages of the evil king Nainir, the entire Mandi tribe has been brutally exterminated, and even the women in the entire tribe have been slaughtered.

Therefore, when Enzo took away the god-given stone tablet here, the Mandi tribe was completely extinct, and it ceased to exist in the Solu Plain.

Dalyan tribe.

When we returned from the Mandi tribe, it was already evening, and the sky was pitch black. Coupled with the black mist filling the plain, the surroundings seemed even more deadly.


In the same place, Enzo frowned slightly. He was standing outside the Dalyan tribe, and before he entered the tribe, he heard a low sob.

In the sky, a shadow crow flew into the tribe.

Through layers of fog, using the vision of the shadowed crow, Enzo saw a few disheveled female war ghosts curled up in the Dalyan tribe, in a building similar to a beast pen, covering their mouths and letting out deep sobs. Voice.

In the corner, another female war ghost was pressed to the ground with her naked body, trembling and being violated. On top of her lay a male figure.

That is an evil ghost clan!

Enzo's eyes flashed, and a strange expression appeared on his face, but he did not rush to stop the behavior of the male evil spirit, but observed silently.

In the animal pen, the scene was extremely strange.

The skin of the whole body is rotten, like a corpse-like evil spirit, lying on the body of a petite female war ghost, as if venting some repressed emotions.

After a while, the power of the black mist poured into the body of the female war ghost as if liquefied.

Immediately afterwards, the evil ghost slowly got up after venting, with a hint of satisfaction showing on his ferocious face, and slowly walked out of the animal pen.

"Why is that?"

Outside the Dalyan tribe, Enzo had a bewildered expression on his face. Before he left the Dalyan tribe, he had sent all the [-] evil ghosts to the wilderness to move freely.

However, now, an evil ghost tribe has returned to the Dalyan tribe on its own initiative, and has violated several Dalyan tribe women according to its own will.

This made Enzo unexpected.

At this time, several shadow crows hovering in the sky suddenly sent back a message that several evil ghosts appeared in the south of the wilderness and were returning towards the Dalyan tribe.

Enzo frowned slightly, with a thoughtful expression on his face.

Afterwards, he turned into a shadow and disappeared in place, but the shadow crow was still monitoring the Dalyan tribe and several evil ghost tribes.

On the desolate plain filled with black mist, a few evil ghosts marched towards the Dalyan tribe like walking corpses with flesh and blood. Their ferocious faces were stiff, but there was a luster of longing in their black eyes.

It seems that in the Dalyan tribe, there is something that the evil ghost tribe desires.

In a few moments, several evil spirits had returned to the Dalyan tribe.

In the empty square in the center of the tribe, hundreds of women from the Dalyan tribe gathered under the god-given stone tablet to pray and seek the blessing of the blood-killing god.

According to the tradition of the War Ghost Clan, only blood warriors or red-striped warriors can preside over the sacrifice of the blood-slaying god. It is an insult to the blood-slaying god if a woman who cannot control the extraordinary power presides over the sacrifice. .

But now, all the blood warriors of the Dalyan tribe have been annihilated and transformed into evil spirits. The women of the tribe have lost their support, and they can only seek a little spiritual comfort by praying to the blood-killing god.

"The great blood-slaying god!"

On the square, an elderly female war ghost knelt on the ground and prayed devoutly, muttering, "Please lower your divine power and bless the Dalyan tribe!"

"The minions of the evil mist god have taken away all the souls of the blood warriors of the Dalyan tribe, and we have nowhere to go..."

Not long ago, the Dalyan tribe was invaded by a giant pig evil beast. The blood warriors of the Dalyan tribe resisted with all their strength, but they were still unable to resist the giant pig evil beast. The entire tribe was also ruled by the black mist.

Just when the Dalyan tribe was about to fall, an evil man wearing a strange costume suddenly appeared in the tribe. While killing the giant pig evil beast, he also transformed all the blood warriors of the Dalyan tribe into evil minions!

As for the women of the Dalyan tribe, they were lucky enough to survive, but this did not mean that they were safe.

For the women of a war ghost tribe, losing the protection of the male means losing everything. Unless they can join another tribe, the only ending is death.

During the few days of the experiment in the Dalyan tribe, Enzo ignored the women in the tribe. Because of the black mist season, they did not dare to set foot outside the tribe, so they could only pray silently.

The sound of low footsteps came slowly, and in the square, the women of the Dalyan tribe trembled all over, gathering together like a flock of quails.

"Come on! They're here!"

A female war ghost trembled all over, and her face became extremely pale, muttering, "The evil minions are back..."

Not long after, several evil spirits came out.

They were all converted from the blood warriors of the Dalyan tribe, so they had tall bodies, but the skin all over their bodies was festered and entwined with traces of black mist.

A few evil spirits stood in the square, looking at the Dalyan woman in front of them, their pure black eyes flashed with a luster of extreme desire, they roared almost at the same time, and rushed over like wild beasts.

Then, there was a scream.

The women of the Dalyan tribe fled around in great fear, but they had nowhere to escape, and their clothes were torn apart by several evil ghosts.

Immediately afterwards, several evil ghosts released their desires to their heart's content...

In the corner, a shadow slowly emerged.

"what is this?"

On the spot, Enzo frowned, with a thoughtful expression on his face, and said to himself, "One of the basic needs of the living race is the desire to reproduce. Could it be that after absorbing the power of the black mist, the evil ghosts also began to This desire was born?"

"If this is the case, does it mean that the evil ghosts already have the ability to reproduce biologically and can reproduce themselves through female creatures?"

Enzo stroked his chin, his eyes shining brightly.

"However, although the essence of the Evil Ghost Clan is transformed from the War Ghost Clan, after absorbing the power of the black mist, strictly speaking, the Evil Ghost Clan and the War Ghost Clan no longer belong to the same kind of creatures. Will there be reproductive isolation?"

The wizard civilization fought in the multiverse, discovered a new native world, and completed the plane expedition. If it wants to spend the least energy to rule the world, the most common way is to use witchcraft to find a race from the native world, transform and support it. Become the spokesperson of wizard civilization.

In this way, the world can be ruled better. After all, although the wizard civilization is powerful, there are not many wizards. It is impossible to rule all the affiliated worlds if you rely entirely on wizards.

Knowing this, Enzo thought of a way to create the Evil Ghost Clan, intending to control the Evil Ghost Clan as the basis for him to rule the War Ghost World.

However, it is by no means easy to create a new race.

Strictly speaking, the evil ghost clan is just a transformed race of the war ghost clan, just like vampires can transform humans. The original evil ghost clan was transformed by the war ghost clan absorbing the black mist.

Therefore, it is still unknown whether the evil ghost race, as a heterogeneous species, can meet the basic conditions of a race.

But now, Enzo saw hope!
The evil ghost race, which was originally just like a puppet creature, now has the foundation of a biological race, that is, a strong sense of reproduction. Although it is not yet certain whether the seeds they release can grow into a big tree, it is at least a good idea. beginning.

"However, this matter is not absolutely a good thing!" In the same place, En Zuo thought to himself, "The Evil Ghost Race has a reproductive consciousness, but this consciousness is too strong, and even suppressed my orders to them. Obviously, it is a Bad sign!"

Enzo's eyes flickered, and he had a plan in mind.

At this time, in the square.

Next to the broken god-given stone tablet of the Dalyan tribe, several evil spirits released their desires, and completed a life reproduction process in the fear of the Dalyan women.


An evil ghost climbed up from the ground, looked at the curled up woman, felt that the power of the black mist released by him had been injected into the carrier, and a ferocious smile appeared on his face.

After being transformed into the evil spirits by the power of the black mist, he has long lost his memory of being a blood warrior of the Dalyan tribe, and all actions in his subconscious mind follow the orders of the [gods] who created them.

Yes, in the eyes of the evil ghosts, Sophie, the Raven of Disaster, is a god and the creator of the entire evil ghosts, and it is actually true.

In the endless multiverse, the creation of life has always been the authority of the gods. Before the rise of the wizard civilization, even if it was as powerful as the abyss world, it never broke this rule.

In the eyes of all races and creatures in the world, only the gods can create life. The evil ghosts regard the Calamity Crow as their god, and they are extremely revered in their hearts.

Originally, they unconditionally obeyed all the orders of the Calamity Crow, but the desire to reproduce subconsciously overwhelmed their meager rationality.

Therefore, these evil ghosts, against Enzo's order to let them leave the Dalyan tribe and wander in the wilderness, returned here and followed the guidance of desire to complete a reproduction process.

Suddenly, the few evil ghosts who released their desires felt panic in their hearts.

The wonderful reproduction process brought them great joy, but after everything was over, emptiness and fear surged in their hearts, and disobeying the [God's] order made them feel uneasy.

And right now.

On the ground of the square, a shadow slowly emerged, turning into a human figure in a red robe, with a purple crow squatting on his shoulder.

Suddenly, the surrounding fell into silence.

Several evil ghosts who had just released their desires froze in place at the same time, kneeling on the ground and trembling as if they were under invisible oppression.

"Who told you to come back?"

In the same place, Enzuo remained expressionless, glanced at the evil ghosts, and said coldly, "Are you so courageous? How dare you disobey my orders!"

Several evil ghosts trembled suddenly.

"...Please forgive us, great master." After a long while, an evil ghost raised his head reluctantly, and tremblingly said: "Your humble servant, unable to suppress your own desires, has disobeyed the master's order, please give Our one chance..."

Enzo's eyes flashed, and he raised a finger.

The invisible flame burned up and swallowed the begging evil ghosts in an instant. The rotten body, under the burning of the flames, made a strange sound, accompanied by the evil ghosts' mournful wailing.

Around, several other evil spirits were even more frightened.

The evil ghost clan transformed from the black mist, in a sense, has already endured a death, and the process of transforming from a war ghost to an evil ghost belongs to the experience of death.

The power of the black mist ended the lives of the war ghosts, but it gave new life to the evil ghosts!

Therefore, the evil ghosts' fear of death is actually not very strong. However, this does not mean that they have no fear.

On the contrary, with the birth of the desire to reproduce, the evil ghosts have more emotions, including the desire for survival.

Perhaps, this is a difficult thing to understand.

The evil ghosts are not afraid of death, but long for the chance of survival. The two are paradoxical, but this is the true way of thinking of the evil ghosts.

"Master please forgive me..."

Seeing a fellow of the same kind being robbed of the chance of survival by the flames, the few remaining evil ghosts trembled even more, begging in fear.

Enzo had no expression on his face, but he didn't continue to do anything.

It is actually a good thing for Enzo to have the desire to reproduce for the evil ghosts. However, it is true that they violated his orders, so they must be punished.

"This is not an example!" Enzo said lightly.

Killing one evil ghost clan can already give other evil spirits a warning, and Enzo does not intend to kill all the evil ghosts.

Then, he waved.

Relieved, several evil spirits got up and left the square one after another. According to Enzo's order, they went to the Solu Plain to wander and grow.

Immediately afterwards, Enzo turned around.

Looking at the square, under the broken god-given stone tablet, the Dalyan woman who was violated by evil spirits was curling up and sobbing softly. When she saw Enzo's gaze, she trembled even more.

"Chip, scan!"

Enzo ignored the fear of the Dalyan woman, a faint gleam flashed in his eyes, and then turned on the scanning function of the chip.

In the bodies of several Dalyan women, Enzo saw a special power of black mist, attached like a gangrene, just like the way humans reproduce, quietly gestating life.

"It actually... succeeded?"

Enzo's eyes flashed, and a surprised expression appeared on his face. The women who were violated by the evil ghosts left a trace of the power of black mist in their bodies, just like a seed absorbing the nutrients of the mother's body and growing continuously.

(End of this chapter)

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